Chapter 3 Excercises

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Chapter 3 Exercises

Binomial distribution B(n,p)

1. In a consignment there are 800 products of class 1 and 200 products of class 2. 5 products are randomly
selected by the method of return. Let X be the number of products of type 1 obtained.
a) What distribution does X obey? Write the general probability expression for the distribution.
b) Find E(X) and V(X)
c) Find the average number of class 1 products removed and calculate the probability of that happening
2. Sow 10,000 seeds with the probability that each seed will germinate is 0.85. Let X be the number of
germinated seeds.
a) What distribution does X obey?
b) Find E(X) and V(X)
3. The probability that each passenger will delay the train is 0.02. Find the most likely number of late
passengers out of 855 passengers.
4. A warehouse specializes in supplying goods for 12 stores. The probability that each store places an
order for that stock during the day is 0.3. Find the most likely number of orders for a given day and the
probability associated with it.
5. The target is divided into 2 rounds, the probability of hitting the inner ring is 0.7 and hitting the outer
ring is 0.3. Find the probability that if you shoot 3 bullets, you will get at least 29 points, knowing that
if you hit the inner circle, you will get 10 points, and if you hit the outer circle, you will get 9 points.
6. One study found that 70% of civil servants believe that taking two days a week off work will improve
work performance. If you randomly select 15 civil servants in a ministry to interview, what is the
probability that at least 10 people agree with the above statement?
Poisson distribution P(t)
7. A truck transports 1000 bottles of wine to the warehouse. The probability that each bottle breaks during
shipping is 0.004. Find the probability that after shipping 5 bottles of wine are broken.
8. The number of customers entering a department store in an hour is a random variable following
Poisson's law with a density (average number of customers) of 8 customers per hour. Find the
probability that in a given hour more than 4 guests enter.
9. At the airport, there is a 6-seater bus every 15 minutes serving passengers to the city center. Assume
that the number of passengers waiting for a car follows a Poisson distribution with an average density
of 8 people per hour. Find the probability that:
a) There are no passengers waiting to ride.
b) The bus will be crowded.
c) One more passenger bus will be added if the probability that more than one person has to wait
for the next bus is greater than 0.1. So, will there be more passenger cars?
Normal Distribution
10. Find the probability that a normally distributed random variable takes the value:
a) In the range (-2,33; 2.33)
b) In the range (-2; 1)
c) Greater than 3.02
d) Less than 2.5
11. In the floating exchange rate system, the fluctuation of the floating exchange rate, the fluctuation of
the exchange rate is affected by many factors and can be considered as a well-balanced random variable.
Suppose at some stage the exchange rate of USD to VND has a mean of VND15000 and standard
deviation of VND500. Find the probability that in a certain date:
a) Exchange rate will be higher than 16000 VND
b) Exchange rate will be less than 14500 VND
c) In the range of 14500 VND to 16500 VND
12. Conduct 1000 independent tests. P(A)=0.75 in each trial. Find the probability that the difference
between the frequency and the probability does not exceed 0.02.
13. Conducted a 900-part quality check. The probability of being detailed to the standard is 0.9. Find with
probability 0.9544 what range does the number of qualified parts lie around the average number of
qualified parts?
General exercises of chapter 3
14. The lifetime of a product is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of 11 years and a
standard deviation of 2 years.
a) If the warranty period is 10 years, what percentage of the product must be warranted?
b) If the percentage of products subject to warranty is 10%, how long must the warranty period
be? The product warranty period is 3 years.
15. If a product is sold, the store makes a profit of 150,000 VND, but if the product is damaged during the
warranty period, the store has to pay a cost of 500,000 thousand VND for the warranty. Assume that
the product life is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of 4.2 years and a standard
deviation of 1.8 years.
a) Find the amount of profit the store expects to make on the sale of each product.

b) If you want the profit for each product sold to be 50,000 VND, you must specify how much the
warranty period is.
16. The Board of Directors of the enterprise has 7 members and all issues are resolved by majority. The
chairman wants to approve a business proposal he has drafted, assuming the ability of each member of
the board to be for or against.
a) Find the probability that the business proposal is approved.
b) Suppose in the Board of Directors, besides the Chairman, there are 2 other members who are
Party members, forming a cell and the branch meeting preparatory meeting to approve the
project also according to the majority principle. After that, at the general meeting, all party
members must follow the decision of the preparatory meeting. What is the probability that the
project will be approved at that time?
c) What conclusions can be drawn about the principle of democratic centralism?
17. A person considers buying stocks of company A and company B operating in two independent fields.
Knowing the stock returns of two companies are normally distributed random variables with the
following characteristic parameters:

Expected value(%) Standard Deviation (%)

Company A 11 4

Company B 10,4 2,6

a) So if that person wants to achieve a minimum interest rate of 10%, which company should he
b) If that person wants to limit his risk by buying stock of both companies, what ratio should he
buy to minimize interest rate risk?

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