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welcome to this subject
entitled Human
Reproduction. For you to
OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
cultivate the sense of interest in this subject, you need extra effort to read and relate the terms to your
field of specialization. This subject will help you understand better the development of the person which
is very relevant in dealing with them in your future profession. Also it could motivate you to be an agent
of change in teaching the importance of reproductive health.
There will be rules and regulations for the passing of the requirements and you are encouraged
to feel free to communicate with me as we go along with this class. We will be in agreement which
social media platforms you can join best according to the affordability and accessibility.
Thank you and I hope for a better learning for this new type of modality in delivering the
learning process.


Subject Code: Gen. Ed 11
Subject Title: Human Reproduction
No. of Hours/Meeting: 3 Hours
Total No. of Hours: 54
Subject Description: The course focuses on the biological aspects of human reproduction and
different factors that affect it which includes the perspectives of human ecology; environmental,
socioeconomic, and cultural aspects. Furthermore, it covers with the functioning of the human
reproductive system, process of fertilization, fetal development and birth as well as the human
development. It also includes reproductive health and sexually transmitted disease which encompasses
the different perspectives.
Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Define and demonstrate the importance of human reproduction.
2. Articulate the relevant factors that influence the concept of human reproduction which includes
the perspectives of human ecology; environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects.
3. Analyze how human reproduction are related with different cultural beliefs in order to deeply reflect and
express the acceptable and unacceptable practices.
1. Participate willingly for any discussion.
2. Imbibe the importance of human reproduction in the promoting health and wellness.
3. Critique the different cultural beliefs and human ecology related to human reproduction.
1. Illustrate how the concept of human reproduction and development can apply to their everyday life
2. Perform creatively the role of different human developmental stages such as psychosexual, cognitive and
3. Carefully examine shared beliefs and practices in dealing with the different stages across the human life

Course Outline
Module 1: Concept of human reproduction and human ecology perspectives
Module 2: Anatomy of male reproductive system
Module 3: Anatomy of female reproductive system
Module 4: Chromosomes, genes, DNA, Cell Division
Module 5: Menstrual Cycle
Module 6: Gamete and Fertilization
Module 7: Conception, Pregnancy to Birth
Module 8: Facilitating Reproduction
Module 9: Periods of development
Module10: Stages of Development:
a.) Psychosexual b.) Cognitive and c.) Psychosocial development
Module11: Promoting Reproductive and Sexual Health
As Module12: Responsible Parenthood and Planned Parenthood
Module 13: Natural and Artificial Family Planning
Module 14: Sexually Transmitted Diseases


OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
*Alora, Rosario and Josephine Lumitao.(2018) HUMAN REPRODUCTION. Quezon City: C & E Publishing
*Ciccarelli, Saundra and J Noland White (2013). 2nd ed. PSYCHOLOGY: An Exploration. Boston: Pearson
Education Inc.
Fitzpatrick, E. et al. 11th ed. Maternity Nursing
Marieb, Elaine N. and Suzanne M. Keller. (2017) Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. London:
Pearson, Co.
Marlow, Dorothy R. 3rd ed. Pediatric Nursing
Maternal-neonatal nursing made incredibly easy. (2015) Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
Maternity and women’s health care. 11th ed. Mc Graw-Hill, 2016
Pillitteri, Adele (2010) Maternal and Child Health Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Sinnott, E. et. al 5th ed. Principles of Genetics
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

LAP- 01

A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner a. Define human reproduction, Essay Filling up the
demonstrate human ecology. questions of the
understanding on the b. Discuss the human ecology activities
importance of the perspectives such as Answers of the
reproductive system environmental, socioeconomic guide questions
and human ecology and cultural factors.
c. Demonstrate ability to relate
the different factors involved in
human ecology and human

B. Introductory Activity
Discuss on your own idea the concept of human ecology and human reproduction
C. Analysis
What is the relationship between human ecology and human reproduction?
Human Reproduction is the biological process by which a man and a woman create their children
from human fertilization, typically involving sexual intercourse. Human reproduction is essential for
the continuance of the human species. Humans reproduce sexually by the uniting of the female and
male sex cells. Reproductive systems of the male and female are different and they are structured
to function together to achieve internal fertilization. Reproduction is a good example of how
different humans are from all other living things. Humans are the only ones who can choose not to
reproduce, for whatever reason. Reproductive system is an essential function of all living
organisms. It has an important role in ensuring the survival of the species. It means that all living
organisms must reproduce so that their species does not become extinct in future. Reproductive
organ is any internal and external organ involved in the process of reproduction. Examples of
Human Reproductive Organ: Female Reproductive Organ and Male Reproductive Organ.
Human ecology is a Man’s collective interaction with his environment. In social science, it is the
study of the ways in which the social structure adapts to the quality of natural resources and to the
existence of other human groups such as culture, environment, socioeconomic aspects. Human
ecology is a branch of sociology dealing especially with the spatial and temporal interrelationships
between human and their economic, social and political organization. Factors involved in human

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
ecology and human reproduction (based on studies) are environment, socio-economic and cultural.
Environmental factors like nutrition, temperature and photoperiod can act directly on the
reproductive axis. Two environmental factors act routinely as seasonal inhibitors in some human
populations. 1.) Ovulation is regulated seasonally according to variation in food availability: a.)
Inadequate food intake or the increased energy expenditure can delay menarche, suppress the
frequency of ovulation, and prolong lactational amenorrhea b.) Seen in tropical subsistence
societies where food availability often varies greatly owing to seasonal variation in rainfall. 2.)
Seasonally high temperatures suppress spermatogenesis. It is quite possible that high temperatures
suppress ovulation. Socioeconomic: Education, income, and age at marriage are negatively
associated with a woman's number of children and increase her chances of childlessness. Cultural:
the belief that more children represent increased potential for wealth and income for the family;
and early traditional marriage girls are considered ready to get married and have children after the
first menstruation.


Based on studies give one each example on how environmental, socioeconomic and cultural factors
involved in human ecology are related to human reproduction

LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting

LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

LAP -02
A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner a. Identify the parts of the male Illustration of the Research of the guide
prepares to reproductive system. parts of the male questions
discuss the reproductive
different parts and b. Discuss the functions of the system
functions of the different parts of the male
male reproductive reproductive system.
c. Give the importance of each
part of the male reproductive

B. Introductory Activity
Illustrate and label the parts of the male reproductive system.
C. Analysis
From the illustration what have you learned.
Parts of the Male Reproductive System include: External Organs: scrotum and penis. Scrotum is
an exterior pouch underneath the penis containing the testicles. It consists of translucent elastic skin,
and of muscle fibers and membranes covering the testicles, epididymis and spermatic cord.
Temperature of the scrotum is lower than that of the internal body to permit testicular production of
sperm cells. Testicles or testes or gonads are two male sex glands which hang outside the body in a sac
of skin called the scrotum. It descends within the body to the scrotum at birth. 2 functions: a.) they
produce the male reproductive cells which is the sperm (gametes) and b.) they produce male sex
hormone. There are 3 parts of the male sperm (gametes) which includes: Head that contains the genetic
information from the male and has coating that contains enzyme which allows it to penetrate the
outside of the female egg; Midpiece that serves as an energy source and tail or flagellum that provides
locomotion. The sperm swim up into the uterus in 72 hours.
The sperm collects secretion from the prostate gland, bulbourethral (Cowper’s glands), and
seminal vesicles. Spermatogenesis is the maturation of sperm about 74 days and 3 months’ duration
before sperms are ejaculated. There are about 2-5 ml of semen which are deposited in the vagina that
contains 40-300 million sperms during sexual intercourse. And if not ejaculated it will degenerate &

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
reabsorbed into the body. There are functions of testosterone or male sex hormone. It evokes growth of
the sex organs to their adult size; responsible for stronger and heavier bones and muscles; it enlarges
the vocal cords in the larynx; it promotes the growth of body and facial hair and; it has an effect on
emotional and mental development, catalyzing adult interest in sex. There are conditions in the male
reproductive system namely; Mumps cause the testicles to swell painfully and may destroy their
function permanently or complication called orchitis. Cryptorchidism- undescended testes. The ductus
deferens (also called the vas deferens
With length - 30 cm (11.8 inches) is a thick, muscular tube bundled together inside the scrotum with
connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves conducting the mature sperms from the epididymis to the
urethra. The seminal vesicles serve as storage spaces for sperm cells until ejaculation is induced by
sexual activity. It secretes a viscous fluid constituting a major component of semen and facilitating the
passage of sperm cell to the urethra. Seminal fluids help the sperm swim toward the egg and keep the
sperm nourished during the traveling process. It has clotting properties that make the semen sticky so
the semen clings inside the vagina for enough time for the sperm to travel to the egg.
Semen contains fluid from seminal vesicles; epididymis; prostate gland; vas deferens. Cowper’s
glands are located at the base of the penis, beneath the prostate and slightly behind the urethra. It
produces about a teaspoon of a mucous like fluid (pre-ejaculate) when the male is sexually aroused. Pre-
ejaculate fluid is viscous, clear, and salty liquid that lubricates and neutralizes any residual acidity in the
urethra so that better environment for the sperm to travel in is provided. The urethra is a narrow
fibromuscular tube inside the male organ. approximately 8 inches and it carries urine or semen from the
bladder and ejaculatory ducts to the exterior of the body through the penis. Meatus is the opening of
the urethra at the tip of the penis. The penis if it an erect one for an adult man may be about 5.7inches
in length (average). It is flaccid and spongy if it is in normal state. Under sexual excitement it becomes
engorged with blood and assumes a rigid, greatly enlarged position (erection). The job of the penis is to
pass urine out of the man's body and to pass semen into the female organ during mating. Glans is head
of the penis.


Why do you think the male reproductive system is important in human reproduction?
Why do think the scrotum is outside the body?

LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting

LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

LAP- 03

A. Topic Outline

Objectives Activities Assignment
The learner a. Identify the parts of the female Illustration of Research on the
demonstrates reproductive system. the parts of answers of the
full the female objectives
understanding b. Discuss the functions of the different reproductive
on the relevance parts of the female reproductive system
of discussing the system.
different parts
of the female c. Give the importance of each part of
reproductive the female reproductive system
Illustrate and label the parts of the female reproductive system.
From the illustration what have you learned.

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
There are two groups of female organs of reproduction: External female reproductive organs or
the vulva (Latin word covering) and Internal organs of reproduction which consists of vagina, uterus,
cervix, fallopian tubes and the ovaries. The parts of the external female reproductive organs: Mons
veneris or pubis is a firm, cushion- like formation over the symphysis pubis and covered with crinkly hair.
Labia majora are two prominent longitudinal folds of adipose tissue covered with skin which extend
downward and backward from the mon veneris and disappear in forming the anterior border of the
perineal body. Labia majora are covered with hair on their outer surfaces after the age of puberty but
are smooth and moist on their surfaces. Labia minora are two thin folds of reddish tissue covered
entirely with thin membrane and situated between the labia majora. It provides protection over the
vaginal opening and help with the cleansing of the vagina, to eliminate internal cleansing or douching.
Fourchet is located at the bottom of the labia minora, a thin fold of skin forming the anterior edge of the
perineum. Clitoris is a small, highly erectile tissue, nerves, and blood vessels and covered with a thin
epidermis. Sensitive by direct touch and sexual organ like the penis. Clitoris consists of glans, a rounded
area or head and shaft a longer part which is covered by the tissue of the labia minora which makes a
hood, or prepuce, to protect it.
Prepuce is a foreskin or a similar fold of skin investing the clitoris. Vestibule is the almond-
shaped area which is enclosed by the labia minora and extends from the clitoris to the fourchet.
It is perforated by 4 openings: urethra, vaginal opening, ducts of Bartholin’s glands and skene’s glands.
Bartholin’s glands are located near the vaginal orifice and secrete a mucous substance which lubricates
the vagina during sexual intercourse, facilitating the insertion of the penis while the Skene’s glands
which open just below the clitoris and secrete alkaline substances which neutralize small amount of
urine remaining in the vestibule during sexual intercourse. It reduces the acidity of the vagina. Hymen
marks the division between the internal and the external organs. Gradually becomes perforated during
adolescence if masturbation occurs and disappears altogether in adult women after repeated sexual
intercourse. Perineum is between the external genitals and the anus and consists of muscles and fascia
of the urogenital diaphragm.
The parts of the internal organs of the female reproductive organs : VAGINA is a muscular
dilatable passage lined with mucous membrane situated between the bladder and the rectum. It is
lubricated by secretions of Bartholin’s glands. Mucous levels increase during sexual arousal and
decrease with aging. Normal vagina in adult has an acidic pH and colonized by bacterial flora which is the
lactobacilli that provides defense against infection. Prepubescent women and menopausal women lacks
the bacterial flora. The length is 3-5 inches and can expand in length and width to allow for the insertion
of the penis and as a birth canal. The 3 important functions: It represents the excretory duct of the
uterus through which the menstrual flow escape; It is the female organ of copulation (engage in sexual
intercourse); It forms part of the birth canal during labor. Uterus (latin word-womb) a hollow pear-
shaped thick-walled, muscular organ. It is located between the bladder and the rectum in the pelvic
area. Weight of those not born a child is 60 grams and length is 5.5 to 8cm. There are two important
functions: It is the organ of menstruation and during pregnancy it receives the fertilized ovum and
retains and nourishes it until it expels the products of conception at the time of labor. Main purpose: to
house and protect a fetus prior to birth. The 3 layers: endometrium, inner lining where bleeding at
menstruation comes from this lining; myometrium a middle muscular layer. It helps push a baby into the
birth canal during delivery; perimetrium is the outer layer.
Cervix is a small hollow fibrous tube-like structure situated at the bottom of the uterus and
attach the vagina and made up of cartilage with 1inch in diameter, 1.5 inches tall. The functions: A
protective passage which shields the uterus especially during pregnancy; At delivery it distends to
permit expulsion of the infant; Produces a mucus that aids in carrying the sperm from the vagina to the
uterus. Cervical mucus thickens when no ovulation or menstruation. Cervical opening is a diameter of a
pencil and has: Internal os which is the the upper opening from the cavity of the uterine body into the
cervical canal and External os, the lower opening which is the opening into the vagina. Ovaries are
ductless glands, firm and smooth and about small almond-shaped organs situated in the upper part of
the pelvic cavity, one on either side of the uterus. They are the sex glands of the female. Functions:1.
Produce female reproductive cells or ova which contain 300,000 to 500,000 primary oocytes or
immature eggs and do not produce any more during lifetime. About 400 of these eggs mature. An egg-
is 75,000 times larger than an individual sperm cell; 2. Provide internal secretions or hormones. The
ovarian cycle is a series of events that occur in the ovaries during and after the maturation of the
oocytes for fertilization. Woman’s reproductive period from menarche or onset of menstruation (9-14
years old) to menopause or the cessation of menstruation (48-52 years old) undergoes the ovarian cycle
regularly. Follicles are compartment of ovary, and each contains immature ovum. Ovulation is the
process of releasing the mature egg or ovum from the Graafian follicle of the ovary.

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
It occurs every 28 days. Produces only 1 egg at a time or produces 2 or more eggs that result in multiple
birth. Hormones involved in ovarian cycle are: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-stimulates maturation
of primary oocytes within the Graafian follicle (meiotic division) to increase the #of lining cells to form
outer covering that produce estrogen. Luteinizing hormone (LH) that causes Graafian follicle to rupture
during ovulation releasing the mature egg (secondary oocyte) and transform the remnants of the
ruptured follicle into a corpus luteum. Corpus luteum produce progesterone which prepares the lining of
the uterus primed with estrogen, for implantation of the fertilized egg.
Fallopian tubes (oviducts, egg tubes) are two trumpet-shaped, thin, flexible, muscular tubes
lying close to each of the two ovaries and leading to the uterus and lined with mucous membrane
containing ciliated epithelium and provide peristaltic action. The size is 4-5 inches long and diameter is
0.2 to .6 inch. Functions: 1. To transport the ovum liberated each month by one of the ovaries into the
uterus by peristaltic action; 2. Fertilization is taken place. Fimbria is a fingerlike branches at the end of
the tube sweeping over the ovaries, and catching and channeling the released egg from the ovary into
the ampulla (hand-like portion). Isthmus connects the ampulla to the fundus of the uterus. Conception
occurs approximately 24 hours after the egg is released from the ovary.
Breasts or mammary glands and made up of glandular tissue and fat. Divided into 15 or 20 lobes
and separated from each other by fibrous and fatty walls. Each lobe is subdivided into many lobules with
numerous acini cells. Acini cells where secretion of milk begins. There are 3 portions of the external
surface of the breasts: 1. White, smooth and soft area of skin from circumference of the gland to the
areola; 2. Areola that surrounds the nipple and delicate; 3. Nipple is composed of sensitive, erectile
tissue and have openings of the milk ducts. 3 to 20- milk duct openings. Breast produces milk. The color:
for blondes- pinkish hue; brunettes-darker rose. Surface: roughened by small fine lumps (glands of
Montgomery. During pregnancy the areola becomes darker 3. Nipple is composed of sensitive, erectile
tissue and have openings of the milk ducts. 3 to 20- milk duct openings. Breast produces milk. Prolactin a
hormone which caused the 1st secretion from the breast called colostrum. Colostrum is a thicker yellow
substance that provides easily digestible nutrition and the mother’s immunities. After 3 days of delivery-
milk is secreted.

1. Why do you think the female reproductive system is important in human reproduction?
2. Is having large clitoris means more intense sexual arousal? Support your answer
3. Why hymen is a sign of virginity?
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

LAP- 04
A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner a. Describe the chromosome Essay and picture Research on the
prepares in the numbers and the 2 kinds of illustration guide questions
discussion of the molecules of Chromosomes
role of the human b. Enumerate the functions of
cell in reproduction genes and proteins
c. Discuss the 3 main functions of
cell division & 2 types of cell.
Discuss mutations and the effects.
Discuss the stages and steps in meiosis and mitosis
In your own understanding what have you learned from it.
Chromosome is a structure that occurs within cells and that contains the cell's genetic material
and a compactly folded complex of DNA and proteins containing many genes. Heinrich Wilhelm
Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (1836–1921)- German anatomist suggested the term Chromosome in
1888 to describe certain structures that form during the process of cell division (reproduction). Genome
is complete set of genetic information found in each cell of an organism.

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
Each species has a different number of chromosomes in their nuclei. The 46 human
chromosomes are arranged in 23 pairs. X and Y chromosomes- is one pair of the 23 that constitute the
sex chromosomes. Males have both an XY chromosome, and females have XX chromosomes.
It is a male child if a father passes on a Y chromosome. XY and if female child if he passes on an X
chromosome. XX. There are two kinds of molecules of Chromosomes: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
strands and proteins. The proteins help to compact DNA so that it can fit inside its cell. Level of
Compaction: First Level- "beads on a string, “- the "beads" are condensed to form fibers
2nd level- fibers fold into loops, loops combine with nuclear scaffold proteins to form rosettes
3rd level - rosettes condense to form coils. Finally, a chromatid with ten or more coils is formed.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) a molecules of genetic material in the nucleus of cells that contains
information for an organism's development. James Watson (1928–) – American biologist and English
chemist Francis Crick (1916–) discovered the chemical structure of a class of compounds known as
deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) in 1953. It has 8.5 centimeters (3.3 inches) length of a single molecule of
DNA within a chromosome. To fit within a chromosome, the DNA molecule has to be twisted and folded
into a very complex shape. It has three billion nucleotides.
Nucleotide is the building blocks of nucleic acids. Genes are subunits found in a molecule of DNA which
is a very long, coiled structure. Another way to represent a DNA molecule, then, is as follows:  -[-G-D-N-
E-Y-D-A-B-W-Q-X-C-R-K-S-] where each different letter stands for a different gene. Gregor Mendel
(1822–1884) Austrian monk and biologist - developed the basic ideas of heredity. He assumed that
genetic traits were somehow transmitted from parents to offspring in some kind of tiny "package" which
was later given the name "gene." The function of the gene is to tell cells how to manufacture all the
different chemical compounds (proteins) they need to make in order to function properly. Proteins
function as structural materials in which cells can be made. Every cell has certain specific functions to
perform. Examples: Bone cell is to make more bone. Pancreas cell make insulin, which aids in the
manufacture of glucose (blood sugar).
Cell division is the basis of life itself. When cells divide,2 daughter cells are produced from one
mother cell. Each new cell has exactly the same genetic material (DNA) as the cell that produced it. The
main function is the reproduction of an entire unicellular organism. The cell is actually split in two by
cytokinesis which is a process in which the cellular membrane is pinched in the middle like a balloon
squeezed in the center. Recombination is a natural process of exchange of fragments of DNA strands
between paired chromosomes, which happens occasionally during cell division. There are two types of
Cell Division: Meiosis and Mitosis. Meiosis is a type of cell division in humans which occurs only in male
testes and female ovary tissue together with fertilization, it is the process that is characteristic of sexual
reproduction. There are
two purposes: it keeps the number of chromosomes from doubling each generation and it provides
genetic diversity in offspring. 2 stages in meiosis: meiosis I and meiosis II. There are five steps in meiosis
I. Interphase I, Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I and Cytokinesis.
Mitosis is the process of cell division that occurs in all somatic cells. It is the process of cellular division
that produces identical daughter cells from one mother cell and the process by which the animal grows
and repairs its tissues. 5 steps in mitosis: Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase,
Anaphase, Telophase. Cytokinesis then divides the rest of the cell, and two identical cells result.
Mutations refers to any sudden change or alterations in DNA that creates a change in an
organism's appearance, behavior, or health. It can result in the formation of new characteristics that are
can be inherited. It is the response from environmental factors: drugs, high-energy radiation exposure to
pesticides, asbestos, some food additives, Germinal mutations - are those that occur in the egg or sperm
cells and therefore can be passed on to the organism's offspring. Mutation and certain hereditary
diseases: Examples: Huntington disease- a condition that strikes people in their 40’s and 50’s and slowly
disables their nervous systems. It produces shaking, depression, irritability, apathy, and is usually fatal.
Mutations also can be errors in all or part of a chromosome: Examples: extra chromosome (3) in the 21st
pair of chromosome result is Down syndrome which have a unique physical appearance and are
developmentally disabled. if chromosomes 9 and 22 exchange materials or translocation- leukemia.
Mutations and Congenital disorders- birth defects, may be the result of several different factors,
mutation being one of the most significant. Example: Albinism is an inherited defect in melanin
metabolism (melanin is responsible for the coloring of skin), with an absence of pigment from the hair,
skin, and eyes. The hair of an albino tends to be whitish blond, the skin an extremely pale white, and the
eyes pinkish. Many mutations are caused by mutagen like chemical or physical factors that increase the
rate of mutation. Examples: Cosmic rays from space, some naturally occurring viruses considered
mutagenic, since they can insert themselves into host DNA. Hydrogen and atomic bombs= are man-

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
made, and they emit harmful radiation, which is a mutagen. Recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol
also can be mutagens in the bodies of pregnant women.

1. Submit one picture of one disease caused by mutation and describe it only.
2. Give 3 beliefs on causes of any congenital anomalies
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner able to a. Define menstruation, Interview Research on the
comprehend the endometrium, menarche, Essay guide questions
physiology of menopause, dysmenorrhea,
menstruation and amenorrhea
the phases of b. What is the role of
menstrual cycle menstruation in childbearing?
c. Discuss the phases of menstrual
d. Enumerate the functions of the
FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone,
e. Give the discomforts of
What is your idea of menstruation?
Interview 5 women on their experiences during menstruation and give a summary from Woman
Menstruation or 28-day Menstrual cycle or endometrial cycle is the periodic discharge of blood,
mucus, and epithelial cells from the uterus. It is the abrupt termination of a process designed to prepare
board and lodging for fertilized ovum. Sexual maturity in the female begins when ovulation and
menstruation occur. Childbearing age is 12 to 45 years old and menarche is 8-15 years old. Menopause
is 45 to 55 years old for woman and andropause is 50 to 60 years old for man. The regular interval of
menstruation is 28 days and 3-8 days is the duration of menstruation with less than 80 ml as normal
blood loss during menstruation. Endometrium alterations: Endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus.
After menstrual period this membrane is very thin about 20th of an inch in depth. Each day becomes
thicker with blood, and glands secretes more a rich nutritive substance called uterine milk. A week
before the onset of next period it became very thick, soft and succulent with blood and secretions
(Proliferative phase).
If fertilization occurs, it embeds in this luxuriant lining and the purpose of this changes: To provide a
suitable bed for the fertilized ovum may rest and grow. If no fertilization the changes is unnecessary
through a mechanism which is NOT CLEAR. The swollen endometrium disintegrates and the blood and
secretions with egg with them escape into the uterine cavity to cervix to vagina.
Menstrual cycle is regulated through: Pituitary, Ovaries, Uterus. Phases of menstrual cycle: A.)
Proliferative Phase or follicular or estrogenic phase (5th to 14th days of menstrual cycle). There is
development of Graafian follicle which is supported by the: secretions of luteinizing hormone, follicle-
stimulating hormone and estrogen. Follicles are compartment of ovary, and each contains immature
ovum and manufacture increasing amount of follicular fluid. Fluid contains estrogen which is responsible
for the thickening of endometrium. When egg is ready, a surge of LH and FSH signal the ovary to release
the egg (ovulation) & GF rupture. B.) Secretory Phase or progestational, luteal, or premenstrual phase
(14th to 28th days.). Empty follicle or corpus luteum secretes progesterone which supplements the
action of estrogen on the endometrium. Progesterone increases the blood supply of the endometrium
and becomes vascular and succulent which provides the bed for the fertilized ovum (progesterone

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
means gestation). C.) Menstrual Phase (1st to 5th days). The corpus luteum at 25th day, cessation of
activity which means withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone responsible for building the
endometrium which degenerates and becomes menstruation. Role of the pituitary gland: Anterior lobe
or the master clock secretes 2 hormones that produce ovarian alterations at regular monthly intervals.
FSH-active from the 5th to 15th days of the cycle while LH active during the luteal phase. Luteotrophin
initiate and maintain the secretion of progesterone from the corpus luteum. Posterior Lobe produces
oxytocin. Other functions of Estrogen: Development of the secondary sex characteristics which are not
directly concerned with the process of reproduction. Progesterone: Preserves the life of the embryo
during the first 2 to 3 months of pregnancy and relax the uterine muscle.
Normal menstruation should not be accompanied by pain. If with pain there is problem in
position of uterus, tumors, narrow cervix. There should only discomforts like: feeling of discomfort and
weight in the pelvis, fatigue and headache, backache and unstable emotional reaction. Not normal are
great irregularity, profuse flow, marked pain. Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a set of complaints
immediately before menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is a painful menstruation while amenorrhea is
absence of the menses. Causes of amenorrhea are pregnancy which is common, emotional
disturbances- fear, worry, or fatigue, disease like anemia, tuberculosis and change in climate.
Give 5 cultural beliefs from different countries including the Philippines about menstruation.
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

LAP- 06

A. Topic Outline
Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment
The learner understands the a. Describe the process of Essay Research on the
process of ovulation and ovulation and fertilization Reaction Paper guide questions
fertilization b. Discuss the functions of 2
different layers of external
envelope of cells or ovum
c. Identify the functions of
amnion, chorion, placenta and
umbilical cord
What is your concept of fertilization and ovulation?
Why is fertilization important in human reproduction?
Gamete is a mature male or female reproductive cell that contains 23 chromosomes. Ovulation
is the process in which the egg or ovum is released from the Graafian follicle of the ovary from the surge
of LH and FSH. Ova size is about ¼ the size of the period of sentence and viable approximately 24 hours
after ovulation. A 36 hour-period where ovum stays at the FT which is only the time a woman is really
fertile and can be fertilized or impregnated by the male germ cell within this period. Ovulation occurs
between the 10th and the 16th days or 9th and the 18th of the cycle. And 7-10 days after the cessation
of menstruation is the most fertile time. Last 10 days of a 28-day cycle, ovulation rarely occurs. Estrogen
levels surge cause cervix to secrete more mucus known as egg white cervical mucus (EWCM). EWCM-a
clear, stretchy, slippery and less acidic that occurs during ovulation; so the sperms will be able to
penetrate and survive the fluid. 72 hours is the viability of sperms and 24 hours’ sperm maximum
fertilizing capacity
Fertilization is the process of union of ovum and spermatozoon at the outer third of the
fallopian tube. It starts when millions of sperms are ejaculated into the vagina during intercourse
Spermatozoa of 2-5 ml of semen is deposited in the vagina that contains 40-300 million sperms during
sexual intercourse will fly at the ovum and only one penetrates. 7 hours is the average time for the
sperm and egg to meet and fertilization occurs at 15 minutes- 3 days. Penetration of 1 sperm into an egg
can cause a change in the surface of the egg which prevents entrance of other spermatozoa. About 24
hours after penetration, nuclear contents of the sperm and egg merge in a process called fertilization.
Union of ovum and spermatozoon: There is a change in the nuclei which result in cell division,

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
multiplication, or development of new being. 3 days is the journey of the ovum down the fallopian tube
and 4 days spends at the uterine cavity. It takes 7 days between ovulation and implantation. Changes in
internal structure of the fertilized ovum:
The cells in the center of the mulberry mass secretes fluid which pushes the remaining cells to the
periphery of the sphere. There are 2 different layers of external envelope of cells namely: a.) inner layer
and after some 260 days will develop into a baby b.) Outer layer- feeding layer or cells which secure food
for the embryo. Work of Outer layer of cells: Able to digest or liquefy the tissues with which it
comes in contact by means of enzymes. It burrows into the uterine lining and eat out a nest for the
ovum. Ovum deeply sunk in the lining epithelium of the uterus. Chorionic villi have blood vessels that
connect with the fetus a means by which oxygen and nourishment are received from the mother.
AMNION or bag of waters is a fluid-filled space lined with a smooth, slippery, glistening
membrane. At full term this amnion contains from 500 to 1,00cc of water. Functions of the amniotic
fluid: Keeps the fetus at an even temperature; Cushions it against possible injury; Medium where fetus
can move and float easily. CHORION is the outermost of the fetal membranes which covers, nourishes,
and protects the developing ovum. Later it becomes the fetal part of the placenta. PLACENTA- (Latin
word meaning cake) is a fleshy, disc-shaped organ, smooth and glistening and covered by amnion
formed from both mother and fetal tissue that connects the fetus to the uterine wall. 1 week after
fertilization placenta is formed. Produces human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone. Pregnancy
test will detect HCG. 1 week after fertilization the placenta is formed till 3 months’ full development.
Placenta has 8 inches in diameter and 1 inch in thickness late in pregnancy and 500 Gm is the weight at
term. Purposes of placenta: Serves as the passageway of nutrients, waste materials, and chemicals
between the mother and the fetus and secretes hormones to support the pregnancy and to prepare the
breasts for breastfeeding. Umbilical cord connects the placenta and the fetus. The length of cord is 20
inches and it contains: 2 arteries and 1 large vein and twisted but protected from pressure by Wharton’s
jelly Wharton’s jelly -transparent, bluish-white gelatinous substance.
Choose any video clip to see the process of human fertilization. From the video you have seen please
make your own reaction.
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction


A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner a. Describe the growth of the Video clip Research on the
recognizes the ovum, embryo, and fetus during reaction guide questions
importance of pregnancy Documentary
describing the b. Identify 3 groups of signs of statements’ Answers all the
growth of embryo to pregnancy: opinion activities
fetus 1. Presumptive signs
2. Probable signs
3. Positive signs
c. Discuss the attitudes of the
mother toward pregnancy, labor,
and newborn.
Make a research on a documentary statement of myths and fallacies of pregnancy including the
cultural beliefs and submit it.
What is your own idea about the documentary statement?
Conception is the union of sperm and ovum, resulting in the development of a new life. Other
terms: fertilization, impregnation or fecundation. 3 days after ejaculation, the sperm cells live.
Conception takes place in the fallopian tube and may occur within an hour of intercourse. Pregnancy
is the condition of a woman who is going to have a baby or babies. PRENATAL PERIOD is from

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
conception to birth (9months). Germinal stage is the first two weeks after fertilization. 8-14 days
after fertilization the embryo imbeds itself in the lining of the uterus where it remains until birth.
Approximately 24 hours, the union of sperm and egg cells will be called a zygote. Embryonic stage is
the period from 2 to 8 weeks after fertilization, during which the major organs and structures of the
organism develop and fetal period is the time from about 8 weeks until birth. During pregnancy it is
best to avoid teratogens to prevent abnormality or birth defect of the fetus. Teratogen is any agent
that causes an abnormality following fetal exposure during pregnancy. Below are the common

Monozygotic twins are identical twins formed when one zygote splits into two separate masses of
cells, each of which develops into a separate embryo. Dizygotic twins often called fraternal twins,
occurring when two eggs each get fertilized by two different sperm, resulting in two zygotes in the
uterus at the same time. 3 groups of signs of pregnancy: 1.) Presumptive signs
2.) Probable signs and 3.) Positive signs of pregnancy such as a.) Fetal heart sounds heard, b.) Fetal
movements felt by the examiner, c.) X-ray outline of the fetal skeleton. Presumptive signs include:
menstrual suppression, morning sickness, frequency of urination, fullness and pain of the breasts, dark
blue discoloration of the vaginal mucous membrane, pigmentation of the skin and abdominal striae,
fatigue and quickening which is an active movement of the fetus as 1st perceived by the mother, felt
toward the end of the 5th month. if 3-4 days no movement, consult physicians. Probable signs include:
positive pregnancy tests, enlargement of the abdomen, fetal outline- by abdominal palpation, changes
in the uterus- size, shape, consistency changes in the cervix, Braxton Hicks contraction- uterine
contraction at intervals of from 5 to 10 minutes, painless. The uterine muscles contract & relax will
enlarge to accommodate the growing fetus.
PICA in pregnancy from Latin word for magpie- a bird known for eating almost anything.
Pica is having an intense craving for and eating nonfood items such as soil, clay, laundry starch, ice,
ashes, plaster, paint chips, and coffee grounds. Causes: not known but could be a combination of
biochemical, psychological, and cultural factors may be considered. Or iron-deficiency anemia
associated with a craving for ice. Health problems: lead poisoning or bowel blockage and duration:
1month only. Minor discomforts in pregnancy include: Frequent urination- caused by the pressure of the
growing uterus against the bladder and will subside at the 2nd or the 3rd month when the uterus
expands upward; Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting which appear at the end of the 4th or 6th
week until 12th week; Heartburn –acid regurgitation, belching, and nausea; Flatulence so avoid gas
forming foods; Constipation which is caused by the pressure of the uterus; Diarrhea needs to report at
once; Backache since posture changes to compensate for the weight of the growing uterus; Difficulty of
breathing which is due to pressure on the diaphragm by the enlarged uterus. Advise to sleep in semi-
sitting position; Varicose veins due to pressure in the pelvis due to enlarged uterus which press the veins
and interferes the return of blood; Hemorrhoids which is aggravated by constipation. Need to elevate
buttocks; Cramps which is a painful spasmodic muscular contraction in the legs. This is due to pressure

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
of the enlarged uterus on the nerves supplying the lower extremities so advise to straighten the leg;
Swelling of the legs and advise elevate the legs, rest frequently; Vaginal discharge is normal if
moderately profuse discharge.
Attitudes of mother toward her pregnancy: Fear of the delivery and of the fate of the child;
Rejection of the child to be delivered. Attitude of the mother toward Labor: Fear; Has faith in the
protective magic of her amulet; Ambivalence that is to want and not to want a child at the same time.
Attitude of the mother toward the newborn: Perfectionism; Overprotection; Open Hostility and Neglect-
no fondling and cuddling. Breast milk is best for the first 6 months of life and gold standard for infant
feeding. RA No. 7600- known as the Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992 that requires all private
and government health institutions to adopt rooming-in and breastfeeding practices. Postpartum blues
occur between the 1st and the 14th days following the delivery. An emotional conflict which cannot be
solved by defense mechanisms. Postpartum Blues the mother will experience: sleeplessness, irritability,
anxiety, excessive sadness or excitement, talkativeness, suspiciousness, tense agitation
Watch a video on the miracle of life. Make a reaction and not a summary on what you have seen.
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction


A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner a. Define infertility, assisted Interview Survey results
demonstrates reproductive technologies, in-vitro Video clip Answers of the
awareness in fertilization, fertility preservation. reaction learning objectives
discussing the b. Discuss the causes of infertility
different methods in to both males and females.
facilitating c. Enumerate the remedies to
reproduction infertility
d. Discuss the risks and success of
e. Enumerate the detriments of
f. Describe the 4 basic steps in the
In-Vitro fertilization
Interview five couples and ask their knowledge about in-vitro fertilization. Write the answers for each 5
Based from the activity B what is your conclusion.
80-85% of normal couples will conceive after 1 year of frequent intercourse. However, for those
who did not conceive may have problem with infertility which is the inability to conceive a child after
one year of unprotected intercourse and is often permanent. The Causes of infertility of female:
unovulatory disorders; blocked fallopian tubes; aging. while for male infertility causes include: poor or
absent sperm; inability to ejaculate normally (impotence). Most modifiable risk factors for infertility:
diet, lifestyle habits, STDS, drugs, exposure to environmental contaminants and less common causes:
genetic malformations of the reproductive tract and endocrine disorders. The remedies to infertility:
proper timing and counseling to couples; correction of lifestyle habits; treatment of health disorders;
modern assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs); adoption of a child.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is a fertility treatment that uses drugs to stimulate
ovulation or involves handling of the egg, sperm, or both to achieve conception/fertilization in ways
other than sexual intercourse. However, there are also Risks of ART such as multiple births; premature
deliveries; adverse effects of hormones; stress; anxiety of couples. But there are also successes of ART:
depends on the cause of infertility; drugs administered; ART techniques; age of patient; source of eggs.
The main detriments to ART includes: religious reasons; catholic church which do not recommending

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
ART; Protestant and Anglican churches do not allow IVF with gamete donation and surrogacy. Cost is
300k in Phil. There are other forms of art: Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and Zygote
intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT).
In-vitro Fertilization is a method of artificial reproduction in which fertilization occurs in the
laboratory and implantation of the fertilized egg proceeds in the uterus. It is the best known method of
ART and involves a 3 weeks- one full cycle of IVF. The excess embryos maybe cryopreserved (frozen).
Fertility preservation is the saving or protecting an individual’s reproductive tissues or cells for
procreation purposes in which sperm can be frozen and use later dates while the eggs or embryo can be
frozen for future use. The BASIC STEPS IN THE IVF PROCESS: Ovarian stimulation; Egg retrieval;
Fertilization and embryo culture; Embryo transfer.
1. Ovarian Stimulation- fertility drugs used to stimulate multiple eggs to grow in the ovaries about 8-14
2. Egg retrieval – is done before ovulation occurs usually 34 to 36 hours after the HCG injection. Eggs
are aspirated from the follicles through a suction in less than 30 minutes through vagina or laparoscopy
3. Fertilization and embryo culture (2-6 days)- the retrieved eggs are examined in the laboratory for
maturity and quality. Mature eggs are fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The next day, the
eggs are evaluated for signs of fertilization and further growth and development.
4. Embryo Transfer-physician and embryologist inform the couple to discuss the options on the number
of embryos for transfer
Watch the video “In Vitro Fertilization” by Nucleus Medical Media. Explain the different stages of IVF
and differentiate the process from natural conception
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

LAP- 09
A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner appraises a. Define development, human Observation Comparison of the
the nature of periods development Interview observation
of development b. Enumerate the 2 kinds of
developmental change
c. Identify the 3 domains of
d. Describe the 8 periods of

Observe 1 person from any periods of development. Write your observation.
Compare your observation from the factual information gathered in your research from books or other
Development is the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues
through the human life span. Human Development is the scientific study of how people change and stay
the same over time. Development traditional approach emphasizes extensive change from birth to
adolescence, little to no change in adulthood, and decline in old age. Development life span approach
emphasizes developmental change throughout childhood and adulthood. Two kinds of developmental
change: Quantitative Change which is a change in number or amount, such as growth in height, weight,
number of words spoken, etc. Qualitative Change is a change in kind, structure, or organization, such as
the change from an embryo to a baby. The domains of development include: Physical Domain: Growth
of body and brain, including patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills, and health. Cognitive
Domain: Pattern of change in mental abilities, such as learning, attention, memory, language, thinking,
reasoning, and creativity. Psychosocial Domain: changes in relationships with other people, changes in
emotions and changes in personality.

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
Periods of development include: Prenatal period: conception to birth (9 months) which covers
from Germinal Stage in which male sperm and female ovum/egg unites that is approximately 24 hours,
the union will be called a zygote. The zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus. Embryonic Stage lasts
until 8th week of conception. The embryo is most vulnerable to damage and defect. There is
development of webbed fingers, toes, a “tail bone,” eyes, ears, a nose, a mouth, a heart and circulatory
system and a spinal cord. The embryo is only 1 ½ inches long at eight weeks. Fetal Stage begins after the
8th week and the embryo is now called a fetus. Nervous and respiratory system are now fully
developed, thus allowing for most, but not all, prematurely born babies to survive. Mothers should
avoid exposure to German measles, x-rays, STI’s, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Newborn and Infancy (birth-2 years old) and neonates have built-in reflexes, automatic
behaviors that are necessary for survival. Early Childhood (2-7 years old) and can be divided in toddler-
1-3 years old and preschool age- 3-5 years old. They can care for oneself, conduct self-play and had peer
relationships and play become more evident. The child begins to develop his or her own identity and
learns about the opposite sex. Middle or Late Childhood (7-11 years old) from 6 – 12 years of age, the
time of elementary school years and growth slows. Respiratory illness is generally common, but health is
generally better than at any other time in the lifespan. This period self-concept becomes more complex,
affecting self-esteem and peers assume central importance. The children develop an intuition about
appropriate sexual behavior and express preference for the same sex over the opposite sex.
Adolescence ((11-20 years old)- physical growth and other changes are rapid, reproductive maturity
occurs, immature thinking persists in some attitudes and behaviors. The search for identity, including
sexual identity, becomes central and relationship with parents is generally good. Young Adulthood (20s-
40s)- physical condition peaks, and then declines slowly, lifestyle choices influence health, decisions are
made about intimate relationships and personal lifestyles and most people marry, and most become
parents. Middle Adulthood (40s-60s)- women experience menopause, creativity output may decline but
improve in quality, sense of identity continues to develop, double responsibility of caring for children
and parents may cause stress. Late Adulthood (60 onwards)- most people are healthy and active,
although health and physical abilities decline somewhat slowing of processing time affects aspects of
functioning, retirement is common, and search for meaning in life assumes central importance. Late
Adulthood is subdivided into three: a.) young old = 65-75 years’ old, b.) old old = 75-85 years’ old and c.)
oldest old = 85- onwards.
Why is there a need to study Human Development?

LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting

LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction


A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner recognizes a. Show the ability to present Reflection paper Answer the
the different stages of different stages of development learning
human development b. Manifest ability to describe objectives
based on psychosexual, Freud’s stages psychosexual
cognitive, and development
psychosocial c. Describe Jean Piaget’s stages of
cognitive development
d. Discuss the Erik Erikson’s
psychosocial development
Read all the stages of developments from the three (3) authors. Submit a summary from each in all their

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
Based from your research/readings cite at least 3 similarities and differences.
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development:
Psychosexual stages are the five stages of personality development proposed by Freud and tied
to the sexual development of the child. Fixation is a disorder in which the person does not fully resolve
the conflict in a particular psychosexual stage, resulting in personality traits and behavior associated
with that earlier stage. Oral Stage (birth to 12-18 months), Focus of Pleasure: Oral activities (such as
feeding, and making noises with mouth), Focus of Conflicts: Weaning. When fixated, difficulties may
affect: • Ability to form interpersonal attachments • Tendency to use oral forms of aggression, such as
sarcasm • May manifests behaviors like talking too much, overeating, smoking, and etc. • Optimism or
pessimism. Anal Stage (12-18 months to 3 years old), Focus of Pleasure: Bowel and bladder control,
Focus of Conflicts: Toilet training. When fixated, difficulties may affect: • Sense of competence and
control • Stubbornness or willingness to go along with others • Neatness or messiness • Punctuality or
Phallic Stage (3 to 6 years old) Focus of Pleasure: Genitals Focus of Conflicts: Sexual Awareness When
fixated, difficulties may affect: • Identification with the same sex parent • May manifest extreme fear,
aggression and other difficulties in dealing with authority figures of the same sex • Uncertainty of one’s
gender identity 4. Latency Stage (6 years to puberty) Focus of Pleasure: Social Skills, Intellectual skills;
Dormant period in terms of psychosexual development. Focus of Conflicts: School, play, same sex
friendships When fixated, difficulties may affect: • Ability to get along with others. Genital Stage
(Puberty to death) Focus of Pleasure: Sexual behavior Focus of Conflicts: Sexual relationship with
partner When fixated, difficulties may affect: • Immature love or indiscriminate hate • Uncontrollable
working or inability to work.
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development:
Sensorimotor stage (Birth to 2 years old) Children explore the world using their senses and ability to
move. They develop object permanence and the understanding that concepts and mental images
represent objects, people, and events.
Preoperational stage (2 to 7 years old) Young children can mentally represent and refer to objects and
events with words or pictures and they can pretend. However, they can’t conserve, logically reason, or
simultaneously consider many characteristics of an object.
Concrete Operations stage (7 to 12 years old) Children at this stage are able to conserve, reverse their
thinking, and classify objects in terms of their many characteristics. They can also think logically and
understand analogies but only about concrete events.
Formal Operations stage (12 years old to adulthood) People at this stage can use abstract reasoning
about hypothetical events or situations, adulthood think about logical possibilities, use abstract
analogies, and systematically examine and test hypotheses. Not everyone can eventually reason in all
these ways
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development:
Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust Stage= Infant (birth-1-year-old) ● Babies learn to trust or mistrust others
based on whether or not their needs – such as food and comfort – are met. 2: Autonomy vs. Shame
=Toddler (1-3 years old) ● Toddlers realize that they can direct their own behavior. Stage 3: Initiative vs.
Guilt = Preschool Age (3-5 years old) ● Preschoolers are challenged to control their own behavior, such
as exuberance when they are in a restaurant. Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority= Elementary School Age (5-
12 years old) ● School-aged children are faced with learning new social and academic skills. Stage 5:
Identity vs. Role Confusion= Adolescence (13-early 20s) ● Adolescents are faced with deciding who or
what they want to be in terms of occupation, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior patterns. Stage 6: Intimacy
vs. Isolation= Early Adulthood (20s and 30s) ● The task in facing those in early adulthood is to be able to
share who they are with another person in a close committed relationship. Stage 7: Generativity vs.
Stagnation = Middle Adulthood (40s and 50s) ● The challenge is to be creative, productive, and
nurturing of the next generation. Stage 8: Ego Integrity vs. Despair = Late Adulthood (60s and beyond) ●
The issue is whether a person will reach wisdom, spiritual tranquility, a sense of wholeness, and
acceptance of his or her life.
In your own idea give the relevance of studying the different stages of development of human person in
your profession as a teacher.
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner shows ability a. Define physical, mental, Program design Research of the
in understanding the psychological, social, sexual and on promoting guided questions
ways to promote spiritual health reproductive and
reproductive and sexual b. Discuss the ways to promote sexual health
health physical health, mental health,
psychological health, social
health, sexual and spiritual health
c. List down activities in your life
to achieve reproductive and
sexual health

What is your concept of reproductive health and sexual health?
Based from your readings, evaluate yourself if you practice good reproductive and sexual health.
Good sexual and reproductive health= is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-
being in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Genetics is
about 1/3 of the causes of poor health. Reproductive system is part of the whole body and if it got sick
the whole body is affected. How to promote physical health? 1.) Regularly eating balanced nutritious
meals. Continue to eat healthy food during menstruation and pregnancy (vegetables and fruits).
Improper diet can lead to malnutrition. Undernutrition refers to the consumption of less nutrients than
required or the excretion of essential nutrients faster than they are replaced. Causes of undernutrition:
Excessive dieting, diarrhea, severe illness, substance abuse, and poverty. Over nutrition is the
consumption of more nutrients than required. Causes: Overeating, lack of exercise, and hormonal
disorders. 2.) Getting enough rest and sleep. The number of hours for sleep for childhood to young
adulthood is 8 hours while 6 hours sleep for older person. Sleep should provide rest: Relax before going
to bed. Causes of not sleeping well: Overstimulation from doing energetic work, drinking coffee,
excessive anxiety.
3.) Engage in physical fitness activities. Exercise 30 minutes a day before 10am and after 4pm
and continue usual activities during menstruation. 4.) Stay clean which means wash your face 2x a day,
brush your teeth after meals and floss them. Wash perineum from front to back after urination and
Normal vaginal secretions is odorless, clear and watery, scanty and no complaints. 5.) Maintain positive
health seeking-behaviors and avoid risky behaviors. Avoid smoking and stay away from smokers (third
hand smoke which are found in indoor surfaces), consume wine and beer in low levels, limit coffee and
tea to 3 cups /day. Make sexual activity a responsible choice to be done at the proper time with the
right person and for the proper reason. Avoiding Risky Behaviors such as avoid intimacy until married to
prevent unwanted and teenage pregnancy. Do not be easily swayed by peer pressure, media, and
advertisement to have sex and follow safety rules to prevent abuse and injury.
Mental and psychological health includes the following: exercise your brain which mean avoid
idleness; keep on learning; think out of the box which means stay open-minded, try new options; be
realistic and evaluate immoral acts; recognize what you can and cannot change; develop self-
confidence; set goals; be enthusiastic about life where in you focus on the positive and love of God;
avoid negative thoughts, stress, and worry and understand yourself that is recognize your values and
use them to make responsible decisions.
Social and spiritual health includes: keep open channels of communication to significant persons
you can trust; always do good by helping others; resist peer pressure which means don’t be influenced
to involve in drugs, premarital sex or seek risky behavior, instead involve in sports, choose good cause
and join and lastly; stay connected to your God.

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
Design a wellness program for yourself to promote reproductive and sexual health using the following
Name of Program:
Actions with time frame.

AP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting

LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

A. Topic Outline

Learning Objectives Activities Assignment
The learner a. Differentiate planned Interview Research the guided
recognizes the parenthood from responsible Reaction paper questions
concept of parenthood
responsible b. Describe Republic Act No.
parenthood 10354
and c. Discuss extensively the guiding
reproductive principles in the implementation
health of RPRH law
d. Discuss the Key areas of the law
to address the sustainable
development goals for 2030
Interview two neighboring families on their practices of responsible parenthood and planned
parenthood. Write the content of the interview.
Compare the two families in their implementation of responsible parenthood and planned
The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012(Republic Act No. 10354) on
Dec. 21, 2012. An act providing for a national policy on responsible parenthood and reproductive
health. A legislation that guarantees and enables measures for the sexual and reproductive rights
of women, men, young people, and families through comprehensive and accessible reproductive
healthcare services including family planning. In 2015 started the full implementation of the RPRH
Responsible Parenthood is a privilege and obligation exercised by married couples to
deliberately and generously decide to raise a large family and involves the issue of when and how
many children to have. Planned Parenthood is maintaining fertility until the person can choose the
right time for assuming the responsibilities of parenthood. Reasons for Planned Parenthood
includes: Danger to the mother’s or child’s health and life; Eugenic hereditary defects; Socio-
economic difficulties.
Reproductive Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters
relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. The guiding principles of the
law are: Guaranteed right to free and informed decisions; Respect for protection and fulfillment of
reproductive health and rights; Primacy given to effective and quality reproductive healthcare
services; Provision of quality healthcare services and supplies; Promotion and provision of
information and access to all FP methods; Provision of funding support ; Promotion of programs
and resources for couples to have the number of children; Giving priority to the poor; Respect for
individual preferences; Active participation of non-government institutions ; Care for post-abortive,
pregnancy, labor, and delivery complications; Determination of the ideal size of family; No
population targets; Central elements of gender equality and women empowerment; Use of the
resources of the country provided the life of the unborn is protected; Development of multifaceted
processes; Addressing the needs of people throughout the their life cycle; There are Key areas of
the Law (DOH) which includes the following: Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health And Nutrition;
Family Planning; Adolescent sexuality and reproductive health; STD; Gender-based violence.

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
Issues related to Reproduction: Poverty and Population. Poverty is a complex condition in the
population lacks the ability and resources to address its basic needs. Increasing population is the
cause of poverty and delayed socio-economic development. Philippine Population Management
Program is a health program directed towards mothers and children. The goal is to provide
universal access to family planning information and services. There are activities led by the DOH:
Free family planning services and contraceptive supplies to DOH outlets; Trained paramedics
providing clinical FP services like IUD insertion; Mandatory premarital and counselling session for
couples before marriage; Working with institutions for anti-natal policy formulation and
depopulation program design.
In your own opinion what is the importance of these two concepts to you as an individual and as a
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner a. Define family planning Essay Research on the
understands the two b. Discuss the benefits and guide question
main general methods purposes of family planning
of family planning c. Describe the family planning
program in the Phil
d. Enumerate the guiding
principles of family planning
e. Identify the different natural
and artificial methods of
Review the different methods of both natural and artificial family planning and write what you think are
the most effective.
Based from the activity in Letter B give your reasons why they are the most effective.
Family Planning (FP) - refers to the plan of a couple when to have children and the use of birth
control and other techniques to implement such plans. Proper birth spacing is having children 3 to 5
years apart, which is best for the health of the mother, her child, and the family. General Purposes of
Family Planning: is to make sure that any couple who has the desire to have a child has the resources
that are needed in order to complete this goal. The benefits include for the Mother: A.) Enables her to
regain her health after delivery (in case the mother is not yet 18years old until she reaches the right age
of at least 18 years old). Healthier for both the mother and the child to wait at least 2 years after the
previous birth but not more than 5 years. After a miscarriage or abortion, it is healthier to wait at least 6
months. B.) Gives enough time and opportunity to love and provide attention to her husband and
children. For the benefits of the Children Healthy mothers produce healthy children and will get all the
attention, security, love, and care they deserve. And for the benefits of the Father, it lightens the burden
and responsibility in supporting his family; enables him to give his children their basic needs (food,
shelter, education, and better future).; gives him time for his family and own personal advancement.
Family planning program in the Philippines is a national mandated priority public health program
to attain the country's national health development. It is a health intervention program and an
important tool for the improvement of the health and welfare of mothers, children and other members
of the family. The guiding principles of family planning program includes: A.) Responsible Parenthood
which means that each family has the right and duty to determine the desired number of children they
might have and when they might have them. It is responsible parenting which is the proper upbringing

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
and education of children so that they grow up to be upright, productive and civic-minded citizens. A.)
Respect for Life. The 1987 Constitution states that the government protects the sanctity of life. Abortion
is NOT a FP method. C.) Birth Spacing refers to interval between pregnancies (which is ideally 3 years).
D.) Informed Choice. The couples and individuals are fully informed on the different modern family
planning methods.
Reasons for not using modern contraceptive methods: Limited choice of methods; Limited
access to contraception, particularly among young people, poorer segments of populations, or
unmarried people; Fear or experience of side-effects; Cultural or religious opposition; Poor quality of
available services; Users and providers bias; Gender-based barriers.
Natural family planning is the method that uses the body’s natural physiological changes and symptoms
to identify the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. It is also called fertility-based
awareness methods. These are the methods of natural family planning: Lactational amenorrhea method
(LAM), Standard Days Method or SDM, Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method, Two Day Method,
Sympto-thermal Method, Calendar method or rhythm method, Withdrawal (coitus interruptus).
Artificial family planning methods are methods that use devices. Oral contraceptives - composed
of a synthetic progestin that inhibits egg growth and release in the ovaries and thereby prevents
fertilization. Purposes of combinations of estrogen and progestin prevents ovulation (the release of eggs
from the ovaries); change the lining of the uterus to prevent pregnancy from developing; change the
mucus at the cervix to prevent sperm from entering. The following artificial methods of family planning
are: Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or “the pill”, Implants, Progestogen only injectable (Depo-
Provera), Intrauterine device (IUD): copper containing, Male condoms, Male sterilization (vasectomy),
Female sterilization (tubal ligation).
In your own opinion do you agree in promoting the idea of two children per family simply decrease
population. Why and how? Give your role as a teacher in advocating family planning methods to address
the issue in reproduction.
LAP Code: Gen Ed 11 No. of Hours: 3 hrs./meeting
LAP Subject Title: Human Reproduction

A. Topic Outline

Content Standard Learning Objectives Activities Assignment

The learner Discuss the causes, transmission Statistical Research all the guide
exemplifies ways on and signs and symptoms of the analysis of data questions
managing and following sexually transmitted Sample lesson
preventing sexually diseases
transmitted disease

Research the latest statistical data from DOH National or from Region 10 or in your local health center
on line the prevalence of STD. Write the data.
Why do you think that certain STD is the highest among the STDs?
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD) is acquired through sexual contact where the organisms that
caused STD are passed on from person to person in blood, semen, and vaginal or any other bodily fluids.
STD are transmitted non-sexually like: Mother to infant during pregnancy; Blood transfusion; People
sharing needles for injection. Risk Factors for contracting STDs: Adolescence for the do not understand
how to protect themselves; High-risk social and sexual behavior like smoking, unprotected sex, multiple
partners; History of STD; Compromised immune system.
PUBIC LICE OR CRABS STD are tiny, parasitic insects that feed on blood. They spread easily and
affect the human genitals, causing itching and red spots. The causes are: Close body contact with

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
another person is needed for lice to be passed on. They cannot jump, fly, or swim, but they crawl from
one hair to another. Here are some common ways of passing on lice: any type of sexual activity; non-
sexual bodily contact, such as hugging or kissing, but this is less common sharing towels, bedding, and
other personal items. Condoms do not protect against a pubic lice infestation. It is the proximity of body
hair that enables them to move. Symptoms include the presence of lice is 5 days to 3 weeks after the
first contact; Itching and skin irritation are the main signs of an infestation. Itching will occur in the pubic
region, not when the insect bites but because the bite will trigger an allergic reaction to the louse saliva
and feces. The itching is usually worse at night. Red spots and skin lesions will appear, usually as small
red bumps or spots. Blue spots on the skin may be visible on the thighs or lower abdomen. Louse
droppings may appear as dark brown or black powder on the skin or in underwear.
GENITAL WARTS or Venereal warts are consisting of papillomas with fibrous tissue overgrowth
from the dermis and thickened epithelial coverings. Uncommon before puberty and after menopause
and the cause is human papillomavirus (HPV). Transmission are: sexual contact and grow rapidly in the
presence of heavy perspiration and poor hygiene. The signs and symptoms includes; painless,
malodorous and can develop after 1-6 months and on moist surfaces. It appears in male at the urethral
meatus while female at the vulva, vaginal and cervical walls. GONORRHEA (GC, Clap, Drip) is an infection
of the genitourinary tract (urethra and cervix), occasionally the rectum, pharynx and eyes. If untreated it
will spread through the blood to the joints, tendons, meninges, and endocardium and for female chronic
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Causative agent: Bacteria (Neisseria gonorrheae). The transmission is
direct contact between the infectious mucous membrane like genitals, anus, mouth and to the eyes. It
has an incubation: 2-10 days or 3 or more days. The signs and symptoms include for males: burning
urination and pus discharges from urethra and for females: vaginal discharge.
SYPHILIS (Sy, bad Blood, the pox) is a chronic infectious disease which begins in the mucous
membranes and quickly becomes systemic, spreading to lymph nodes and bloodstream. The causative
agent is Treponema pallidum and can be passed by direct contact with infectious sore. The incubation is
from 10 days to 3 months and average of 21 days. The signs and symptoms include in primary stage it is
painless chancre (sore) at site of entry of germs, swollen glands. In secondary stage it appears 1 week to
6 months after appearance of chancre, and may include rash, patchy hair loss, sore throat, and swollen
glands. Latent stage may continue 5-20+ years with no symptoms and no longer infectious to other
people. And late syphilis varies from no symptoms to indication of damage to body organs like brain,
heart and liver.
CHLAMYDIAL INFECTIONS is caused by chlamydia trachomatis, passed during sexual contact;
infants become infected during vaginal delivery. Highly contagious. The incubation: 2-3 weeks usually no
symptoms for female. The signs and symptoms: Females: slight vaginal discharge, itching and burning of
vagina, painful intercourse, abdominal pain, fever in later stages. For males: discharge from penis,
burning and itching of urethral opening, burning sensation during urination. HERPES SIMPLEX 1 AND 2 is
a viral infection affects the skin and mucous membranes and produces cold sores and fever blisters.
There are 2 types: Herpes Type 1- affects the oral mucous membranes and transmitted by oral and
respiratory secretions. Herpes Type 2- affects the genital area and transmitted by sexual contact or
orogenital sex. The causes are Herpes virus hominis (HVH). The signs and symptoms: painful, fluid –filled
vesicles that ulcerate and heal in 1-3 weeks, fever, dysuria.
HEPATITIS B is a disease of the liver which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa, toxic
chemicals, drugs and alcohol. It is most serious due to severe complications like massive liver damage
and hepatocarcinoma. It is transmission through blood, sexual contact (secretions). The signs and
symptoms are loss of appetite, easy fatigability/malaise, joint and muscle pain (like flu), low grade fever,
nausea and vomiting, right-sided abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowish skin and sclera) and dark-colored
SYNDROME(AIDS) Is the progressive failure of the immune system. The causative agent is Retrovirus-
Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus 3 (HTLV-3). The mode of transmission includes sexual contact, blood
transfusion, contaminated syringes, needles, nipper, razor blades and direct contact of open wound.
Incubation Period- varies from several months (3-6) to many years (8-10) and the signs and symptoms
are: a.) physical: loss of appetite, weight loss, fever of unknown origin, malaise, persistent diarrhea,

OPOL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Learning Activity Package
tuberculosis, pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma (skin cancer) and b.) mental is forgetfulness. The prevention
includes: maintain monogamous relationship, avoid promiscuous sexual contact, proper screening of
blood donors, avoid oral, anal contact and swallowing of semen, and use of condoms and other
protective device.
TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS is caused by protozoan and passed by direct sexual contact. It is
transmitted via contact with wet objects such as towels, washcloths, and douching equipment. The
Incubation: 4 to 20 days average of 7 days. The signs and symptoms for females: white or greenish-
yellow odorous discharge, vaginal itching, soreness, painful urination while for males: slight itching of
penis, painful urination, clear discharge from penis. CHANCROID (soft Chancre) is painful genital ulcers
and inguinal adenitis, affects more males than females. It is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi- a gram
negative streptobacillus transmitted through sexual contact. Poor hygiene predisposed males especially
those who are uncircumcised to this disease. The incubation Period is from 3-5 days and the signs and
symptoms include: Small papule at the groin or inner thigh that ulcerate; Painful; Malodorous; Bleed
and produce pus. For male it appears on the penis and for female it appears on the vulva, vagina, or
Make a sample lesson to raise the awareness of your pupils to help eliminate sexually transmitted

Course Requirements
1. Students are expected to be prepared for every class. Being prepared means reading the
assigned text and accomplishing any assignments given.
2. Students are expected to take quizzes on this subject.
3. Students are given an allotted number of absences per semester which is evident with the
submission of output on time. Once there will be a consecutive three (3) non-submission
of output, students are automatically DROPPED.
4. Students must take all scheduled examinations. No special examinations will be given
except for Term Examinations provided with a Valid Reason.
5. Failure to submit assignments, term papers and other projects on or before the
deadline/due date will be given a failure mark.
6. Students are required to pass the subject according to their respective Department

Grading System
Midterm Final Term Final Grade
Quizzes 30% Quizzes 30% Midterm grade + Final grade
Performance Task 40% Performance Task 40% 2
Term Exam. 30% Term Exam. 30%
Total 100% Total 100%
Important Reminders
Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating means copying the same output with other students.
Any student who committed any form of academic dishonesty shall be given “failed marked and
a disciplinary action provided in the OCC Student’s Handbook and subject to the Department
Common Courtesies:
1. Avoid using the Group Chat for any unimportant posts.
2. Observe good manners and right conduct as an OCC student especially in communicating
and interacting with your teacher online
Instructor’s Contact Details
Name of Instructor/ Professor: DR. ANNIE P. JACALAN
Email Address: anniejacalan1953@yahoo.com


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