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1 What is aquatic sport?


Any sport that is played in the water is referred to as aquatics.

Facilities here refer to any swimming-related buildings that cannot be relocated from one location to
another, such as those used for scuba diving, water polo, canoeing, sailing, and fishing boat regatta. the
pool, excluding portable pools. Activities that are done in the water to improve physical and mental
fitness are referred to as aquatic fitness. Typically, aquatic exercises are carried out vertically in shallow
or deep water.

2 List four types of aquatic sport?


 Sailing
 White Water Rafting
 Skim Boarding

3 What are the safety measures in aquatic sport?  


Safe Swimming

 Get a sports physical before starting any new sport.

 Always warm up and stretch before swimming.

 Take time off from training if they feel shoulder, neck, or other pain. ...

 Wear water-resistant sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater for outdoor practices and meets.

 Check that the pool is deep enough before diving.

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