Introduction To Information and Communication Technologies

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What is Empowerment

Lara Kim Remolacio
Research Paper
Obama and the power of social media and technology

“A major success for Obamas’ victory” was how Obama’s campaigned

used in social media and technology as an integral part of its strategy to
raise money and more importantly, to develop a groundswell of
empowered volunteers who felt they could make a difference.” The
European Business Review, “Obama and the power of social media and
technology”, 2010,p.1
Empowerment Technology: A definition
• refers to the process of giving yourself , or other people , the capacity
to achieve specific end-goal.
• Is a strategy that aims to give individuals the tools and resources
necessary to take initiative , as well as gather and analyze information
or situations , thus making informed decisions to solve problems and
improve service or performance
Empowerment Technology: A definition

Empowerment Technology refers to computer technology that we

use almost everyday , which enables us to do task that , in the past
requires professional help.
How does technology empower each individual? Other than the target
outcome what other results are achieved through the use of
Information Literacy
In 2000, the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher
education enumerated the competencies for information literacy.

• Determine the nature and extent of information needed

• Accesses the needed information effectively and efficiently
• Uses information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
• Understand many of the economic, legal and social issues
surrounding the use of information, and accesses and uses
information ethically and legally
• Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporate
selected information into his or her knowledge base value system.
Technology literate
In 2002, the International ICT Literacy Panel defined
technology literacy as the “ ability to use digital
technology, communication tools, and/or networks to
define an information need, access, manage, integrate
and evaluate information, create new information or
knowledge and be able to communicate the
information to others.
Introduction to Information and
Communication Technologies
Ask yourself?
How many times have you checked your phone this morning?

How many status updates have you posted in Facebook ,

Instagram or twitter today?

Did you use the internet for an hour after you woke up this

Do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account?

Information and Communication Technologies
Deals with the use of different communication
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet.
To locate , save ,send, and edit information. Empowering
ICT is important for its innovative
uses impacts our daily lives. It has affected our ways of
communicating, made our
lives more convenient, and assisted countries towards
their modernization plans.
Thus, there is a need to create a foundation of
understanding in the world of ICT.
ICT in the Philippines
• Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia”.
• According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society
by the International Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8
cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012.
• In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and
Industries, NSO, in 2010, ICT shares 19.3% of the total employment
population here in the Philippines.
• Time Magazines” The Selfiest Cities around the World” of 2013
places two cities from the Philippines in the Top 1 and Top 10 spots.
• When the internet was fully commercialized in 1995, it has
tremendously impacted culture and commerce, including the rise of
near instant communication by email, instant messaging, telephony
(Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP), two-way interactive video calls,
and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums,blogs, social
networking, and online shopping sites.
• Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks
that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate
between networks and devices.
The World Wide Web
• The World Wide Web is an information system on the Internet that
allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext
links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one
document to another. It was invented by Tim-Berners Lee.
• The World Wide Web browser software, such as Microsoft’s Internet
Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google
Chrome, let users navigate from one web page to another via the
hyperlinks embedded in the documents.
Types of Web Pages
• The World Wide Web is an information system on the Internet that
allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext
links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one
document to another. It was invented by Tim-Berners Lee.
• The World Wide Web browser software, such as Microsoft’s Internet
Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google
Chrome, let users navigate from one web page to another via the
hyperlinks embedded in the documents.
Web 1.0 Static Webpages
•It is the first stage of the World Wide Web
•Static also known as flat page or stationary
page, in a sense that the page is “as is” and
cannot be manipulated by the user. The content
is also the same for all users.
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages
• Web 2.0 is a term coined by Darcy Dinucci on January
1999. In her article titled, “ Fragmented Future”, she
The web we know now, which loads into a browser
window is essentially static screenfuls, is only embryo of
the Web to come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are
beginning to appear, and we are just starting to see
how that embryo might develop.
Web 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages
• Web 2.0 is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web
pages where the user is able to see a website differently
than others.
• Allows users to interact with the page instead of just reading
the page , the user may be able to comment or create a user
• Also allows users to use web browsers instead of just using
their operating system. Browser can now be used for their
user interface application software ( or web applications),
and even file storage.
Features of Web 2.0
1. Folksonomy- allows the users to categorize and classify/ arrange
information using freely chosen keywords (e.g). Popular social
networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. use tags
that start wit the pound sign (#). This is also referred to as

2. Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to

user’s input. An example would be a website that shows local
content. In the case of networking sites, when logged on, your
account is used to modify what you see in their website.
Features of Web 2.0
3. User Participation – the owner of the website is not the only one
who is able to put content. Others are able to place a content of their
own by means of comments, reviews, and evolution. Some websites
allows readers to comment on an article, participate in a poll, or review
a specific product (e.g and any other online stores.

4. Long Tail- services that offered on demand rather than on a one-

time purchase. In certain cases, time-based pricing is better than file
size-based pricing or vice versa. This is synonymous to subscribing to a
data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent in the
Internet, or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth
you used.
ICT, Me, and My Community
To fully understand the importance of ICT , let us first look at our community .Look for a small business
around your community.
Conduct a short interview of the business owner using the following guide.
Company/Establishment name:_______________
Nature of Business:__________________________

Guide Questions:
1. What are the different ways for customers and/or suppliers to contact you?
2. How often do you use a phone or cellular phone for business? Estimate only.
3. Does your establishment have internet connection? If yes, what is the purpose? If no, would you
consider having in the future? Why or Why not?
4. Does your business have a website? If yes, how does it help the company? If no, would you consider
having one in the future? Why or why not?
5. ( If applicable) Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you already have it , does
it help boost sales?
Features of Web 2.0
5. Software as a service- users will subscribe to a software only when
needed rather than purchasing them.This is a cheaper option if you do
not always need to use the software. E.g Google docs
Software as a service allows you to “rent” a software for a minimal

6. Mass Participation- diverse information sharing through universal

web access. Since most users can use the Internet, Webb 2.0’s content
based on people from various cultures.
Web 3.0 and the Sematic Web
• Semantic Web is a movement led by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C).
• The W3C standard encourages web developers to include semantic
content in their web pages.
• The term was coined by the inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim
Berners-Lee. He noted that semantic web is a component for Web 3.0
• The semantic web provides a common framework that allows data to
be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community
Web 3.0 and the Sematic Web
Web 3.0 is yet to be fully realized because of several problems:
1. Compatibility. HTML files and current web browsers could not support
Web 3.o.
2. Security. The user’s security is also in question since the machine is
saving his or her preferences.
3. Vastness. The www already contains billions of webpages.
4. Vagueness. Certain words are imprecise. The words “ old” and “small”
would depend on the user.
5. Logic. Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a
computer to be able to predict what the user is referring to at a given
Web 1.0/2.0/3.0 Summary
Crawl Walk Run

Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0

Read-Only Read-Write Portable & Personal

Company Focus Community Focus Individual Focus

Home Pages Blog/Wikis Lifestreams/Waves

Owning content Sharing content Consolidating Content

Web forms Web applications Smart Applications

Directories Tagging User Behavior

Page Views Cost per Click User Engagement

Skill Exploration
Look for 10 websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What
makes each website static or dynamic? Use the table below.
Website Url Static Dynamic Reason
Trends in ICT
1. Convergence
Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancements to
work on similar goal or task.
Convergence is using several technologies to accomplish a task conveniently.
2. Social Media
Social Media is a website, application, or online channel that enables web
users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated
According to Nielsen, a global information and measurement company,
Internet users spends more time in social media sites than in any other type of
6 types of Social Media
a. Social Networks- These are sites that allow you to connect with
other people with the same interest or background. Once a user
creates his or her account , he or she can set up a profile, add
people, creates groups, and share content.
e.g Facebook, Google +
b. Bookmarking sites- These are sites that allow you to store and
manage links to various websites and resources. Most of these sites
allow you to create a tag that allows you and others to easily search or
share them.
e.g StumbleUpon and Pinterest
6 types of Social Media
c. Social News. These are the sites that allow users to post their own
news items or links to other news sources. The users can also comment
on the post and comments may be also be ranked. They are also
capable of voting on these news articles of the website. Those wo get
the most amount of votes are shown most prominently.
e.g reddit and Digg
d. Media Sharing – these are the sites that allow you to upload and
share content like images , music, and video. Most of these sites have
additional social features like liking , commenting and using users
e.g Flicker, Youtube , and Instagram
6 types of Social Media
e. Microblogging . These are the sites that focus on short updates from
the user . Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these
e.g twitter and plurk
f. Blogs and Forums. These websites allow the users to post their
content. Other users are able to comment on the said topic. There are
several free blogging platforms like Blogger, Wordpress, and Tumblr.
On the other hand , forums are typically part of a certain website or
web service.
Trends in ICT
3. Mobile Technologies
The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise
over the years. This is largely because of the devices’ capability to do
task that were originally found in the personal computers.
Mobile devices operating system:
a. iOS –used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad
b. Android- an open source operating system developed by Google.
Being open source means several mobile phone companies use this
for free.
c. Blackberry Os- used in Blackberry devices.
Trends in ICT
d. Windows Phone OS- a closed source and proprietary
operating system developed by Microsoft.
e. Symbian – the original smartphones OS; used by Nokia
f. WebOS- originally used for smartphones; now used for
smart TVs.
g. Windows Mobile- developed by Microsoft for smartphones
and pocket PCs.
Trends in ICT
4. Assistive Media
is a non profit service designed to help people
who have visual and reading impairments. A database
of audio recordings is used to read to the user.
Exploration 1.2 Identifying the Correct Web
Platform for Social Change
1. Identify a problem in your community (e.g., littering, garbage
disposal , blocked drainages etc.).
2. Imagine that you are going to create a website to persuade to both
community leaders and members to solve this problem.
3. Fill out the form below. You may refer to the sample provided after
the form.
Community Problem:______________________
Campaign Name:__________________________
Type of Social Media Used :_________________
Web site Used:________________________
What will be the content of your social media site?
Why did you choose that type of social media?
Why did you choose that website?

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