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Make a reflection/insight about how the special education evolve since the year of implementation

was launch and how the government promote and embrace special education in our days.

Special education was evolved in the 1880’s in India meanwhile in the Philippines it started in 1908
where the school of deaf was established and marked the official government recognition of obligations
towards the education of the handicapped children. The class had a number of skilled teachers, and
everyone's insights were important. The course's major goal was to study and learn about how to
establish an inclusive classroom for all students, especially exceptional learners. Every child should be
cherished and treasured.
The government embraces special education by providing access to educational programs for students
with disabilities (SWD) in all public schools now. They are entitled to a free appropriate public education
that provides them with a meaningful educational benefit. Today, many SWD are educated in inclusive
settings with access to the regular education curriculum.

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