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NAME: Haseel Ahrned Routt: EEA foo3 ASSIGNMENT #: OS Course: Industrial Electronics SUBMITTED To: Sw Tshag,. Scanned with CamScanner O Question # OL: Pilfownt binds of electrical driver usecl industrial and doresbe Applicakions 7 > Electvical Drives: , Motin central i, repuicek in large number of Industrial and domestic applicabins Uke frarspor texkion Systems, welling mills ,paper machines, texble ‘mills , machine tools, fans, Purips ;robob , washing machine, etc. Systems ermplagecl for mobi control cre called Drives, and may employ ang of prime movers Such a diese ov petwl engines ga. OF Steam turbines and elecbic mmoles fo supplpies mechanical energy far mabion centrol.. Drives employing elechie mats Are Known gy Electwcel dvites An electrical dnie can be defined as an Elec homechanitar deuce for comerbng electrical energy rato Mechanicah energy te iretpowt molton fo aifferent machines and mechanisms fr Variads keends of process Cobol: > Classifeabin of Gece Dries: According to Mode. of operation Continuo duty dies — Short Time duly. drives > Intermittent duky drives Accouling do Means of Control Manual Sorat Autkomab’e ~ Butomalic According 40 Number of waclrines > Individiree drive > Guup drive > Mulkicmotor drive . Scanned with CamScanner Meeting to Dynamics and Tansterks = Unconbolled bangient Period SGobnlled Avansient pered. crdng He Melneds of Speed Cento. — Reversible amd -non_reversible wrcontvelled constant Speed > Revewible and ven-reversivle ste? Speed cenbvol Variable position embol- > Reversible and mon-veversible Simo Speed emia, Question # Od: Aavantages of electrical dvues ts “Thay have flexible Coto chavactenistis , The Steely Stake and dynamic chavacterst?s of electric dwves cay be Shaped fo Slahisfy He lot Yepatioments 2- Drives can be provided with amkomabic fudt detectin Systems Progyamnable Logie conhaltew and Computers Can be employed bo automatically conbol the drive operations M a desied Sy rome. 3. They are available in wide vanpe of toque > speed and Power 4. They are adaptable 4 almost an open Landitions Such as Explosive and vadioachie emviisnments. SIE Can porate In al te four fur qpedrants fr speed Scanned with CamScanner @ -brque plane. 6. They can be Started instantly and Can lnmediately be ful leaded . ? Conbol gear veg uivement for Speed canbol , starting and braking » vowel Simple. and erry fo operate. Question # 03: Geneve. Block Diagram of om elecric Due. ¥ crap Camnnand) A modem vaviable Speed elected vive System hay the Fallowing Component! > Ehectid machines amd loads > forer Modulaby > Surees > Cobol Unit > Somsiag_ vate. Scanned with CamScanner Electrical Machines: oO => DC Machines: Grunt series, Compound Separately encited DC wutars and suilched reluclane machines AC Machines: Inductin, wound relo4, synchvanaw, PM sdnchrenerd yeluctance iachines > Special Machines : Brush less DC meters Skepper motos, cuitched veluctone moles are used. , > Powev Medulabys: > Funckions : . ) Madulates Flow of power from the Source © the motor in a such aq rime? tal mado is imparted speed —brque chavacterist{es requived by tle Lad. Y Diving hawsiont operation, such as Stamang braking and Speed “verersah pit restwicks Counce And mot euwentS with in Permissible Limits. @ Tk converts electyical energy of the Souxe fr the form of suitable bo Ue mdsv. @) Selects the mode of operation of the woo Cie) Mebving and Braking. > Electrical Sources. Lev power dries ave generally fed from Single phase sources. Rest of te dnves is Powered from a 3 phoe Soume. Low amd medivmn Power omokovs ave fed fem a Yoov supply for higher rabbhgs j motors vay be vated BBV, be EV amd IY Some cane powered fom e. ak Ly bBKY am ome Oe ‘Satter. Scanned with CamScanner 2 Semsing Unit: (6) > Speed Snsing (Fiom Mote) > Toque Sensis > fositin Sensing > Carnenk Sensg and volkage Sonsiey frm Lines ov fram moter Cerminals- from Load Toque Sensing > Temperate Sersing — Control Unit: Centol unit. for & pases medalater are proved in te conbol unit. Te matches the molar andl power UMmverter to mect the Load regu iternen’s Question at O4: Characteristics of Different types of Loads: One of the essential ve guilements in the Sechin of & Pavbulay pe of roto for Ariaing a machine 13 the smnatohing Of speed —tryte chavactenibcs of fle gion drive mit oma ther of the amet. Thevepe the knowledge of hsw the Load forge varies with speed of fue dviven machine 15 necessard . Different ypes of Loads exhibit alifferent Speed forgue charactenstes . Hawever,, most of He industrial toads Can be clasyfed into the fllouip categories: > Constant brgue ype tad > Togse prpobinat 10 Speed CGenerater Tipe load) DP Toque Propolrinal to Square of {ta speed (lem type. (end) D Foye rmersely prpotitnal t0 Speed CConslent pover Wf trad) Scanned with CamScanner Constant Tague characlensbis : @ Most of the working mmacliines that have mechanical my tare of worle Uke Shaping cattring Wirding oF Shearig sreguive constant forgue tvenective of Speed. Similawitg Cran) dang Ma hoisting and Coneyos handing constant Weagi of matewal por unit time aloo exhibit tas ype of chevactenshis sell oT TeK Torque Terguie Prpotinel to Speed: Separately exated de geremtrs comected t a eengtant vesistance oad 7 edly current brake have Speed torgue chavactenstics gren by Tek Speed Ie Torque Scanned with CamScanner Torque propolioa! to Sguave of the Speed : @ Another b4pe of load met in pracie B Me ove in which Load frgue is prpobioral I the sguare of fhe Speed . C4 Fans relowy pumps, compressers ond Ship propellers Te kw Tovgne logue Inversely propotionak fo Speed: Certain types of Lathes, bowing Machines, ming ynachines, steel qnill cater amd elecbre frachin Load exhibit hyperbotic Speed toque charactenstis.. Scanned with CamScanner Questin at oS: | Four Quadvant cperation m ekchial dries. For Csideratin of smulliquadkant of dhives; it is usefel & estabuish suitable Corvenbiny aboat Ua signs of fogue and ti » A moby operates ih wo rnodes — Motoving and braking . ty motoring iE converts electrical energy tle mechanical Merge y which supports ib notion Tn braking it berks 43 A donerator converting mechanical energy Hale electrical nergy and thus opposes the robin Motor can proude motores and braking evens fr bots firward and Yowese duachins. Figure shows Wa dogue and speed co-ordinates fr bel forward and reverse motions, Power developed by A molar gion by te prduct of Speed and torque . Cer motoring gporatios Power developed B Posibve and fw braking perabo» pow daieleped 5 negative % Scanned with CamScanner In quadrant I, developed power ts positive, hence machine O Works ay a molor supptgin tnechanicol energy . Operation om guadvanl I) therefre called forward moby. In Quadrant Ti , Power developed is negative Hence, machine Werks under braking oppesing he ymotion . Therefore operabin ™ Quadrant IT B Known as [orwsed braking « Sin ila UY Operation in Quedrant Ill anel |V can be identified aS Yeverfe ono toning and rene braking bine Speed n these quadrants 1» negate, Scanned with CamScanner

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