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some of my wishes……

today,a beautiful morning of November.when I open my eyes,the sunlight was peeping through
my little fairy tale window.I was enjoying the smoothy morning,suddenly i felt a strange thing,i
felt as if i have a pair of wings.I lought out loud and i was thinking that i was dreaming.suddenly i
realised that,no,i'm still not dreaming.I've transformed into a bird really. I could not beleived my
eyes.I found tow beautiful wings with colourful feathers.First I tried to sit on bed from lying.Then
I tried to fly.wowww,really i am flying.I flew the whole room with a lot of joy.after a little fly,i sat on
my window from where i dreamt a lot of dream at the past days,every night.I'm feeling
that,now,the time has come to fullfill my dream.
without any delay,i start my first i'll go to the houses of my favourites and i'll sing for
them and they will wake up,it was my childhood dream.I've reached to all my heros one by one
and they've woke up hearing my song,they were amazed at my appearance,and one of my my
dream has been fullfilled.then i start for my school and soon reach there,there was teacher in
my classroom,i fly through the window and fly the whole class, the students were so exited and
the teacher aslo smiled.then i fly for one of my favourite places,my grand pa's house,i couldn't
go there for a long time,and finally reached there as a bird and my dream became true once
after a while i started for a special palce,an Orphanage,where i found a lil beautiful girl many
years ago,but she didn't talk to i'll go there as a bird,i'll sing and the lil girl will surely
talk to i wish,i fly and soon reach there.the girl was not lil anymore,but was sitting beside
the window same as before.i fly forward her and sit beside her.she is smiling to see me.i fly and
sit on her shoulder and started singing.the girl has become soo happy to hear me and she has
also started singing.i almost stared to cry at a huge emotion,so I fly from her and fly and fly….
after a whole amaging day i am so happy and of course so emotional. many of my dreams has
been fullfilled today,and now i want to fullfil my another wish.tonight is full moon,and now i'm
sitting on a high brunch of a tree in fornt of my window.i always wanted to enjoy a moonlit night
form the place and tonight i get the chance.looking at the moon,i was wishing to Allah, i wanna
be free always as a bird and also woshing that my life will be always such a fairy tale and i'm my

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