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Nama :Rahman hidayatulloh

Nim :2214313450048

Prodi :D3 teknologi laboratorium medis

Tugas Resume Bahasa Inggris

A ‘tag-question’ or ‘question tag’ is not a true question.
A tag question is used at the end of a Statement Sentence to get the confirmation from the
listener, or just to express one’s doubt.
A question sentence, on the contrary, is used to get the answer.

A tag question is a question added at the end of a sentence. Speakers use it to make sure their
information is correct.

What is a tag question?

 A tag question is a sentence with a question phrase connected at the end.

 Example:
 It’s windy today, isn’t it?


 You are my student. Statement Sentence positive

 You are not my student. Statement negative
 Are you my student? Question (interrogative)
 You are my student, aren’t you? Tag-question
 Whose books are these? – a true question
 These are your books, aren’t they?
-Tag-question – Positive
 These are not your books, are they?
- Tag-question – Negative

 There are three simple points we should follow when we use a Tag-question:

 Point 1
 A comma is used between the main sentence and the ‘tag’ part, e.g.
 This is your book isn’t it?

 Point 2:
Even if the subject of the main sentence is a noun – proper noun or common noun –
subject of the ‘tag’ part is always a corresponding PERSONAL PRONOUN. e.g.

Mary isn’t your sister, is she?

Point 2 (continued)
 John has gone home, hasn’t ?
‘John’ – proper noun – male – singular
pronoun – male – singular – subjective case

 Ted and Jerry got their books, didn’t ?

‘Ted and Jerry’ – Proper nouns – male – plural
Personal Pronoun – male – plural

 Point 3
 The verb in the ‘tag’ part depends on the verb in the
main sentence:

 If the verb in the main sentence is in Present Tense, the verb in the ‘tag’ part will be
in Present Tense; and the verb in the main sentence is in Past Tense, the verb in the
‘tag’ part will be in Past, and so on.

 If the verb in the main sentence is in Positive form, the verb in the ‘tag’ part will be
in Negative form.

Point 3 (continued)
 She is your sister, she?
“is” – main verb – Simple Present Tense –POSITIVE
– Simple present tense – NEGATIVE

Point 3 (continued)
 She is your sister, she?
“is” – main verb – Simple Present Tense –POSITIVE
isn’t– Simple present tense – NEGATIVE
 Kate goes to school, she?
‘goes’ – Simple present – POSITIVE
‘does not go’ – Simple present – NEGATIVE doesn’t

 Point 4
The negative form of the verb in the ‘tag’ part is always
does not = doesn’t; has not = hasn’t; will not = won’t

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