L2 6 Facet and Ear

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State the general ideas and integrate them on how you understand the foundations of personality.

- complete organization of physical characteristics, habitual patterns, and reaction inclinations

that influence a person's social efficacy. It is influenced by how other people react to him as a
stimulus as well as how he reacts to them.

Relate the educational implications of the lesson to you as a lifelong learner and as a future professional

- to implement comprehensive initiatives geared toward the idea of lifelong learning through:
extra youth and child education. the continuing education of adults. providing educational and
training activities.

Reflect on how you will actualize the learnings in foundations of personality as a student, a
son/daughter, and as a member of the community.

- It fosters self-assurance, boosts self-worth, and has a good influence on one's communication
abilities and worldview. Students should strive to become confident and outgoing people
because this will improve their learning. By making an effort to cultivate their persona, everyone
has attributes that set them apart.

Explanation: How would you define personality in your own words?

- Individual variances in common ways of thinking, feeling, and acting are referred to as
personalities. Understanding individual variances in certain personality traits, such as
friendliness or irritability, is one major emphasis of the study of personality.

Interpretation: As to what object can you compare a healthy personality, defend your answer.

- I compare a healthy personality to a battery because it have a signs of positive and negative, the
most telling signs of a healthy personality were high levels of openness to feelings, pleasant
emotions, and straightforwardness, together with low levels of neuroticism.

Application: How will you show that you have a true FCPCian personality?

- Being a true FCPCian, I believe that the most personality we are possessing is being loyal and
honest all the time

Perspective: Why do some people give importance to the physical aspect of personality?

- Everyone aspires to look their best. Your personality as a whole is influenced by your physical
appearance. Those who had the good fortune to be born attractive or attractive have an
advantage over others in their public interactions. In order to look beautiful, people around the
world spend millions of dollars.

Empathy: How can you help another person who seems to have a shy or withdrawn personality?

- Continue to reassure them that everything is fine. The majority of shyness cases result from a
lack of respect for the subject's personality. Advise your friend with compassion about the few
things you think should be corrected while convincing them that they are "great," "fun to be
with," and "extremely gorgeous."

Self-Knowledge: What are the strengths and weaknesses of your personality? What do you have to
develop in your personality to have a growth mindset?

- The ability of personality traits to cut both ways is one of the fascinating things about people.
Depending on the circumstance or whether the character is unable to handle it, what might be a
strength could also appear as a weakness.

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