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Teaching Dates and Time March13-March 17, 2023 Quarter 3rd Quarter
Pasteur: 1:00-1:40 Edison: 3:20-4:00
Newton: 1:40-2:20 Archimedes: 4:00-4:40
Aristotle: 2:20-3:00 Galilie: 4:40-5:20

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards Draft pattern for household linens
B. Performance Standards Sew creative and marketable household linens as means to augment family income
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Assess the finished products as to the quality (using rubrics)
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Sewing of household linens


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
Peralta,Gloria A., Arsenue, Ruth A. et al; (2016) Life Skills Peralta,Gloria A., Arsenue, Ruth A. et al; Peralta,Gloria A., Arsenue, Ruth A. et al; Peralta,Gloria A., Arsenue, Ruth A. et al; Peralta,Gloria A., Arsenue, Ruth A. et
through TLE;Vibal Group, Inc.;pp 108-111 (2016)Life Skills through TLE;Vibal Group, (2016)Life Skills through TLE;Vibal Group, (2016)Life Skills through TLE;Vibal Group, al; (2016)Life Skills through TLE;Vibal
Inc.;p 112 Inc.;p 112 Inc.;p 112-114 Group, Inc.;p 114
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new Sewing a linen can be enjoyable and easy to make if it is Recap of what was discussed the day before Ask: Yesterday, we learn about drafting a Performance Task #3
lesson done with the heart. A happy experience in sewing may lead and segue to the next lesson. 1.What are the main use of a pattern? pattern for two-toned pillowcase and how to
to the enhancement of one’s sewing skills. 2. What is the use of a patern paper? sew it.
Last week, we discussed the Parts of the 3. What is a commercial Pattern?
Project Plan

Ask: What are the different parts of the project


I. Name of the Project

II. Objectives
III. Materials and toolds

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
IV. Drawing/ sketch of the raw
materials and the finished
V. Procedure
VI. Evaluation

Draft pattern for household Show a video about “Patters With the help of your
linens in drafting and cutting fabric seatmates, draft a pattern for
In this lesson, learners should be able to sew household for household linens”
linens using appropriate tools and materials and applying the Ask: a household linens such as
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson basic principles of sewing. Sewing is a worthwhile hobby but 1.Do you have an idea on drafting patterns for
it can also be a means of livelihood or a way to augment the
pillow, pillow case, table
household linens?
family income. runner, table cloth, etc.
2.Why do we need to draft a pattern for
household linens?

After knowing how to draft a

Quiz # 3 -Patterns are made so that pattern, are you now
the same style can be prepared in making one?
duplicated when needed
and multiple pieces can be
made. You don't have to
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson start from scratch each.
- Patterns are made so
that the same style can be
duplicated when needed
and multiple pieces can be
made. You don't have to
start from scratch each.
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 A pattern paper is usually Execute your project
used in Making Patterns Answer these questions in a following the procedure in
Commercial pattern one half sheet of paper. your project plan and use
-A pattern paper is usually 1. what are the steps to your drafted pattern. Make
used in drafting for a more follow when making a pattern sure you have all the
complicated project like for your intended household materials you need before
sewing a blouse, a pair of linen? starting the project. Set a
pants, or a dress. But for a 2. What is the difference timetable for completion.
simple project like a between a commercial or Use this scorecard to
placemat, a table runner, or a standardized pattern and a evaluate your project once

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
dish cloth, a newspaper or a drafted or own style pattern? it is finished.
manila paper will serve the 3. Do we need to observe
purpose. A commercial safety rules when making
pattern is a standardized your patterns? Why?
pattern, ready-made and can
be bought. If the pattern does
not suit the figure, then it is
altered. In copying a standard
pattern, look for the marks,
linens, dots, and notches
which will give you an idea
where to alter, how to place
the pattern on the fabric,
where to cut, where to match
pieces together and where to
sew. Dots are made for
matching seams and other
contstruction details. Seam
lines are idicated by broken
lines. Notches are V-shaped
symbols along the cutting
linies which aid in joining
pattern pieces.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#2

F. Developing mastery Show an example of drafting a pattern for Interview a sewer in your
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
Making Patterns two-toned pillowcase and how to sew it.
Commercial patterns or neighborhood and ask what
standard patterns are type of cloth is best to use in
different from drafted or style making household linens.
patterns. Here are steps in
making patterns:

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1. Draw a sketch of the
product you want to make.
2. Scale the design of the
productt on the pattern paper
with the correct size and
3. Cut the pattern pieces
according to the actual size
and shape of the linen.
4. For mass production, the
pattern pieces which are
named templates can be
5. Take note of the design of
the cloth before laying the
pattern flat on the table.
Consider also the lengthwise
grain of the fabric which is
the grain lines.
6. When laid on the pattern
paper, trace with a tracing
chalk or a pencil, just so you
get the actual shape and size
of the product you like to
make. Use pins to prevent the
cloth from moving while
7. Measure and mark the
needed allowance by means
of a gauge for ease in
measuring and marking. Cut
the fabric on the lines for

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in A safety precuation that Drafting a pattern for sewing two-
daily living toned standard pillowcase will not only
you must remember is that develop the skills of the students in
when you are working on careful planning for a project, but also
help them become quality conscious in
your product, focus on any project they intend to engage
what you’re doing and use themselves in.
the tools you are using
correctly and with
confidence. Keep them
after use in a safe place.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson Making patterns for The primary use of the Pattern is to create Write the insights that you
a great sample of the project that you are
household linens is much going to create. It can also be used multiple will get when you know
easier. Household linens times if you need to make lots of household how to make your own
linens for your project.
include the fabric that we use pattern and sew your own
in the bedroom, bathroom or linens.
in the dining areas which
require few measurements.
I. Evaluating learning Use this scorecard to
evaluate your project once
it is finished.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe formative assessment
B. No.oflearnerswho requireadditionalactivities forremediation.
C. Didtheremediallessons work? No.oflearnerswho
havecaughtupwiththe lesson.
D. No.oflearnerswho continuetorequire remediation
E. Whichofmyteaching strategiesworkedwell?Why didthesework?
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI encounterwhichmy principalorsupervisorcan
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?



Teacher I

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