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A-412 (R-17)

Institute for Excellence in Higher Education (IEHE), Bhopal

B.A. (HONOURS): PART-II Semester: IV
TITLE: Money, Banking and Public Finance

Maximum Marks: 150

Module 1: Basic Concepts
Money – Meaning, functions and classification; Systems of Note Issue, Demonization.

Module 2: Value of Money and Inflation

Quantity Theory of Money – Cash Transaction and Cash Balance Approaches; Milton
Friedman’s Approach to Quantity Theory of Money.

Module 3: Commercial Banking

Meaning and types; functions of commercial banks; Process of Credit Creation-purpose and
limitations; liabilities and assets of banks; Evolution of commercial banking in India after
independence; a critical appraisal of the progress of commercial banking after nationalization;
Recent reforms in banking sector in India.

Module 4: Central Banking

Functions of a Central Bank; Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Credit Control- Bank Rate
Policy, Open Market Operations, Variable Reserve Ratio and Selective Methods; Roles and
functions of the Reserve Bank of India; objectives and limitations of Monetary Policy with
special reference to India.

Module 5: Nature and Scope of Public Finance

Meaning and scope of Public Finance; Distinction between private and public finance; Public
goods vs. Private goods; The Principle of Maximum Social Advantage.

Module 6: Public Expenditure

Meaning, Classification and Principles of Public Expenditure; Causes and effects of public
expenditure; Causes of growth of public expenditure in India.

Module 7: Taxation
Sources of public revenue; Taxation – Meaning, Canons and classification of taxes; Goods &
Service Tax (GST) Impact and incidence of taxes; Taxable Capacity; Effects of taxation;
Characteristics of a good tax system.

Module 8: Public Debt and Financial Administration

Sources of public borrowing; Effects of public debt; Methods of debt redemption; Growth of
India’s public debt; Budget – Kinds of budget.

Approved for the session 2020-21 Page 1 of 1

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