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Đề thi Phần trắc nghiệm có 8 trang

Mã đề thi: 245
Read the four texts below. There are ten questions about the texts. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the
answer sheet to indicate which text tells you the answer to each of the questions from 1 to 10. The same
text may be used more than twice.
With their magnificent architecture and The north of Guatemala, known as El Petén, is
sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and an area of lush lowland jungle whose depths
mathematics, the Maya boasted one of the great conceal countless Mayan ruins, half-buried and
cultures of the ancient world. Although they had not entwined by tree-roots and lianas. The most
discovered the wheel and were without metal tools, impressive and famous of these lost cities is
the Maya constructed massive pyramids, temples and Tikal; a stunning collection of mighty temples at
monuments of hewn stone. During its Classic period the heart of a vast national park, which was once
(250–950 A.D.), Maya civilisation reached a zenith, home to between 10,000 and 100,000 Mayans
with a probable population of 13 million. Then, (though the rain forest makes it difficult to
between about 750 and 950 A.D. their society determine the real physical extent of the city). It is
imploded. The Maya abandoned densely populated not only fascinating for its historic remains but is
urban centres, leaving their edifices to fall into ruin. also a haven for wildlife. There is little to beat the
The demise of Maya civilisation has been one of the experience of approaching temples towering
great anthropological mysteries of modern times. above you as they rise from the forest floor
What happened? In recent years, evidence has through the tree canopy. Five main temples make
mounted that unusual shifts in atmospheric patterns up Tikal, which the fit and brave can climb for
took place near the end of the Classic Maya period, magnificent views, as well as thousands more
lending credence to the notion that climate, and structures still hidden under mounds of earth,
specifically drought, played a hand in the decline of awaiting discovery.
this ancient civilisation.
The modern Maya live in southeastern Mexico, Jom works about 12 to 14 hours a day, and
Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. then brings his material to different suppliers
Altogether, their homelands cover an area of and customers. Meeting his wife opened my
approximately 125,000 square miles (323,750 square mind to other cultures. She had walked to the
kilometers) with a varied terrain that encompasses both small market and surprised me with some
northern lowlands and southern highlands. Volcanic bottled water and crackers that they couldn’t
mountains dominate the highlands. The fertile soil of afford. I wondered why Jom wasn’t wearing
the traditional Mayan homeland of the highland valleys any real Mayan clothes. He said that other
supports the largest segment of the Maya population. people were jealous of successful Mayans
While many Maya have settled in cities—particularly doing their craft. It left me concerned about
Merida and Cancún—and adopted an urban lifestyle, their valuable culture, and how it would hold
most remain rural dwellers. up in the future.
Estimates of the Maya population range upward We drove through Quetzaltenango, seeing
from 4 million. The true figure is probably between 8 many new buildings mixed with old markets. I
and 10 million, including about half of Guatemala's saw Mayans selling their wares along with
total population of 10 million. Among the larger common vendors, and it was a fascinating
individual groups are about 750,000 Quiché (K'iche') in sight. I hope that the new generation of
the midwestern highlands of Guatemala; 445,000 or Guatemalans and their government will help
more Cakchiquel in several Guatemalan departments preserve the Mayan race and their culture
(provinces); and over 500,000 Mam in southwestern because we can’t afford to lose more chapters
Guatemala and southeastern Chiapas. in the history of our planet.
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In which text does the writer
1: describe the Maya engineering achievements?
2: contrast the old and the new?
3: refer to buildings that are still to be seen by modern man?
4: refer to the adaptability of Mayans to change?
5: speculate about Mayan history?

Which text is saying the following?

6: The disappearance of a culture is always a possibility.
7: Physical geographical conditions make it impossible to be any more precise.
8: The majority of Mayans depend on agriculture.
9: It has always been in the Mayans’ nature to be hospitable.
10: Lack of water may be to blame.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the questions from 11 to 15.

Imagine that your teacher has asked you to prepare a speech about the effect of social network sites on
teenagers. You find the following article and decide to base your speech on it. Read the article carefully
and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 16 to 25.
Social Networking
More good than evil?
It is a commonly held belief that today’s teens are in trouble. They spend hours communicating via
social network sites instead of socializing in person and send countless text messages that are in a
virtually unrecognizable language. In a study analyzing today’s youth in the digital world, renowned
scientist, Susan Greenfield, laments: “We are raising a generation of children who are shallow, thrill-
seeking and in danger of detaching themselves from reality.” In spite of such pessimistic beliefs, recent
research seems to indicate that social network sites may not be as detrimental as some may think.
A crucial point is that we need to maintain a broader perspective. New technologies have always
provoked generational panic, which usually has more to do with adult fears than any real harm they may
do. In the 1930s, parents worried that radio was taking over the lives of their children. In the 60s, the
great danger was the television and then in the 80s, the Sony Walkman was claimed to be turning teens
into mindless zombies.
In fact, social scientists who study young people have found that technology and the digital world can
essentially benefit today's youth. It seems that if teens use a lot of social media, it has no negative effect
on their engaging in face-to-face contact. Actually, the evidence suggests that the most avid texters are
also the kids most likely to spend time with friends in person. One form of socializing doesn’t replace the
other. It augments it. Then, as the young get older and are given more freedom, they often ease up on
social networking. Early on, the web is their own personal space, but by their late teens, it is replaced as
they acquire greater independence.
But isn’t all this short-form writing eroding language skills? Studies of first-year college papers from
1917 is show that this is not the case. The rates of grammar and vocabulary errors by these freshmen in
their compositions were the same as in the ones written by their modern counterparts. There is one
essential difference, however. Student essays have blossomed in size and complexity. They are now six
times longer and offer arguments supported by a wealth of evidence. Why? Because computers have
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vastly increased the ability of students to gather research, consider different points of view and write more
If truth be told, the online world also offers kids remarkable opportunities to become literate and
creative because young people can now publish ideas not just to their circle of friends, but to the whole
world. And it turns out that when they write for strangers, it makes them work harder, push themselves
further, and create powerful new communicative forms.
16: What is meant by the phrase virtually unrecognizable in the first paragraph?
A. Teenagers are very creative when they communicate with one another.
B. The language used in text messages has been greatly altered.
C. Teenagers use foreign languages when they speak or write.
D. Teenagers enjoy taking on a different identity when they communicate.
17: Why is Susan Greenfield quoted in the first paragraph?
A. She strongly contradicts what society believes.
B. She believes more information is needed to draw conclusions.
C. Her research supports that teens are negatively affected by today’s technology.
D. She has teenage children who use computers.
18: According to Susan Greenfield, what may be a consequence of teens using technology?
A. They may become overly cynical about their lives.
B. They may not grow up into mature adults.
C. They may not be connected to what is happening around them.
D. They may not find pleasure in exciting activities.
19: Why does the author use examples from past decades?
A. to argue that new inventions always seem suspicious
B. to show that teenagers will never obey their parents
C. to present a trend that is getting more dangerous
D. to prove that technology has always been harmful
20: The author implies that a teen who uses a cell phone frequently is _____
A. highly introverted B. a poor student C. less athletic D. more sociable
21: The word augments in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to______
A. explains B. adds to C. decreases D. substitutes for
22: What happens when teenagers get older?
A. They don’t need personal space anymore.
B. Their studies become more important to them than their social lives.
C. The digital world becomes increasingly important to them.
D. They do not participate in social networks as much.
23: What does the word counterparts in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A. compositions B. first-year college students
C. language skills D. grammar and vocabulary errors
24: How does a modern college freshman’s paper compare to one from 1917?
A. It has the same amount of content. B. It is based on more information.
C. It has almost no linguistic errors. D. It has a less complicated writing style.
25: What is the author’s view of social networks?
A. Their access must be strictly controlled by parents.
B. They are detrimental to young people’s relationships.
C. They play a positive role in young people’s lives.
D. They have evolved faster than most people realize.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
from 26 to 45.
26: James will do anything to please Vicky. She’s got him eating out of _____.
A. the driver’s seat B. her hand C. the grapevine D. cloud nine

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27: Even though Carol didn’t study very hard, it is still _____ that she will pass the test.
A. obtainable B. liable C. considerable D. conceivable
28: The winners of the lottery will be _____ at the end of the party.
A. qualified B. distributed C. announced D. transferred
29: ______experiments on animals should be banned.
A. Charging B. Conducting C. Carrying D. Making
30: What is the _____ behind the company’s change in strategy?
A. propriety B. impetus C. reflection D. incarnation
31: The rescue teams are still searching the _____ for any survivors.
A. damage B. decree C. rubble D. plaudit
32: If you _____ the potatoes and cut them up, I’ll make the French fries.
A. dice B. peel C. scratch D. mash
33: The journalist was _____ with protest letters after the publication of his controversial article.
A. infested B. smothered C. immersed D. inundated
34: My doctor _____ me that I would recover from the operation quickly.
A. insured B. confirmed C. reassured D. ensured
35: The invitation arrived _____; three days after the seminar was held.
A. perpetually B. genially C. belatedly D. awkwardly
36: Being a teacher _____ a good deal of patience, understanding and hard work.
A. requests B. speculates C. requires D. depends
37: Her distraught parents finally managed to _____ doing business with the swindler.
A. talk her out of B. see her off C. turn her out of D. put her into
38: Government incentives now help homeowners _____ renewable energy devices in their houses.
A. contain B. install C. implement D. establish
39: Scientists are trying to break new _____ in the fight against diabetes.
A. ground B. fields C. soil D. earth
40: The director is looking to utilize a progressive team of people who are _____ to new ideas.
A. resistant B. receptive C. tolerant D. appreciative
41: Damien commutes for over an hour every day as he lives on the _____ of the city.
A. outskirts B. suburbs C. center D. frontier
42: Teachers should try to _____ a good example for their students.
A. give B. offer C. make D. set
43: The prisoner was _____ from prison after serving his sentence.
A. suspended B. ejected C. expelled D. released
44: Our company did very well this year and our annual _____ went up by nearly $150,000.
A. expenses B. accounts C. turnover D. absenteeism
45: Our annual sales convention _____ in a week.
A. commences B. persists C. foregoes D. designates

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the questions from 46 to 50.
46: A. concentrate B. embroider C. determine D. astonish
47: A. parabolic B. habitable C. advantageous D. independent
48: A. versatile B. manual C. punctual D. exotic
49: A. spectacular B. elevated C. illiterate D. alternative
50: A. contestant B. exporter C. compartment D. artisan

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the questions from 51 to 60.
51: The aquatic weed called “giant salvinia,” which grows far more rapidly than do plants native to the
lakes it infests, threaten many freshwater ecosystems.
52: In his lecture on improving the health of children, Dr. Hermandez expressed the opinion that kids
should spend less time in his or her room and more time outdoors.
53: The bright orange and black wings of the monarch butterfly warns predators that the insect is toxic
if eaten.
54: Ancient documents wrote on vellum, a form of fine parchment made of animal hides, must be
stored under carefully controlled conditions because changes in humidity can be damaging.
55: One of the most visible symbols of increased European unity is the Chunnel, a 31-mile tunnel
beneath the English Channel that takes six years to complete.
56: If it is confirmed experimentally, the theories of Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum will be among
the greatest advances in physics of the past few decades.
57: Maxine Hong Kingston’s surprisingly unconventional book The Woman Warrior blends Chinese
myth with American reality, fiction with fact, and memory with imagination of creating a fascinating tale.
58: Interest to revive the ancient Olympic Games as an international event grew when the ruins of the
ancient city of Olympia were uncovered by German archaeologists in the mid-nineteenth century.
59: The accelerating pace of both science and technology have forced many people to consider
questions that formerly were the special domain of philosophers.
60: Most fashion designers agree that diligence, creativity, and a keen understanding of popular tastes
are a requirement for sustained success in their profession.

Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D which is closest in meaning to the first sentence of each of the
questions from 61 to 65.
61: You can borrow my car as long as you put some petrol in.
A. Provided there’s some petrol left, I will lend you my car.
B. I can’t lend you my car because you used up all the petrol.
C. I will lend you my car even though you have not put any petrol in.
D. I will not lend you my car unless you put some petrol in.

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62: I wish Sam and I didn’t argue all the time.
A. I shouldn’t have argued with Sam. B. Sam should stop arguing with me.
C. Sam and I should try to stop arguing. D. Sam and I do not argue very often.
63: We had hardly finished when the waiter started clearing the table.
A. The waiter cleared the table immediately after we had finished eating.
B. The waiter started clearing the table while we were eating.
C. Although we had finished eating, the waiter didn’t clear the table.
D. We couldn’t finish our food because the waiter kept clearing the table.
64: My friends saw me off at the station.
A. I said goodbye to my friends and got off the train.
B. I met my friends at the station then we got on the train.
C. My friends came to the station with me to say goodbye.
D. I didn’t see my friends at the station because they were late.
65: Unlike Angie, Kate knows how to swim.
A. Neither Kate nor Angie knows how to swim. B. Both Kate and Angie know how to swim.
C. Kate does not swim as well as Angie. D. Only Kate knows how to swim.

Read the following passage about Gough Island and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 66 to 75.
Gough Island is the perfect place for sea birds to (66)_____ their young. It is one of the most remote
places in the South Atlantic and its ecosystem is ideal for the 22 bird species that breed on the island. But
it is not (67)_____ unspoilt. In the mid-19th century when whalers came ashore, a few tiny house mice
scurried off their ships and (68)_____ Gough Island their home.
The absence of predators that once enabled sea birds to (69)_____ on the island has also (70)_____ the
mouse population to soar to nearly two million. To make matters worse, the mice have evolved quickly,
growing to three times their usual (71)_____ and developing a taste for bird chicks. The giant mice gnaw
through the nests and attack the helpless chicks, (72)_____ parents are unable to fight them off as they
have (73)_____ experience with predators.
If left unchecked, the mice are (74)_____ to bring several of these rare bird species to extinction.
Therefore, the island’s authorities have set (75)_____ $100,000 in an attempt to rid the island of the mice.
66: A. breed B. grow C. attend D. raise
67: A. enough B. only C. hardly D. completely
68: A. gave B. made C. found D. had
69: A. thrive B. boost C. inhabit D. establish
70: A. let B. seen C. allowed D. demanded
71: A. size B. amount C. area D. predator
72: A. whose B. provided C. their D. but
73: A. few B. no C. any D. this
74: A. bound B. probable C. suitable D. capable
75: A. down B. aside C. up D. apart

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
from 76 to 90.
76: My son didn’t graduate from high school, which is why he’s having difficulty _____ a good job.
A. to finding B. the finding C. to find D. finding
77: Please don’t stand up until the bus _____ to a complete stop.
A. will come B. is coming C. comes D. will have come
78: I don’t know much about Italy because I _____ there before.
A. never have been to B. have never gone to C. have never been D. never have gone
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79: Some of _____ to be moved into the garage.
A. these old furniture have B. this old furniture have
C. this old furniture has D. these old furnitures have
80: Excuse me, when _____?
A. closes the bank B. has the bank closed C. does the bank close D. the bank closes
81: Oh, no! _____ something wrong with this lock again!
A. There seems to be B. It seems C. There seems there is D. It seems to be
82: My grandfather _____ in 1950.
A. is born B. borne C. was born D. had been born
83: _____ to my advice, you’ll improve your grades.
A. If you listen B. If you listened C. You should listen D. If you had listened
84: Both my brother _____ going on vacation to Florida this year.
A. nor I are B. and I are C. or me are D. and I am
85: We arrived on time _____ the heavy traffic.
A. in spite B. however C. despite D. although
86: I prefer exercising in the park _____ working out in the gym.
A. than B. to C. from D. rather than
87: Excuse me, but _____ does this suitcase belong to?
A. whose B. where C. whom D. who
88: Those jeans are lovely, but _____ too much for a pair of jeans?
A. isn’t 300 dollars B. aren’t 300 dollars C. isn’t 300 dollar D. aren’t 300 dollar
89: My first impression of my new classmate was _____ proven wrong.
A. since B. later C. still D. after
90: It is _____ day that we can go for a walk in the forest.
A. so nice a B. a such nice C. such nice D. so nice

Read the following passage about nutrition and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 91 to 100.
What Westerners eat is a topic that should not be taken (91)_____. Studies on obesity in Europe and
the United States have found that the rate of obesity among adults has (92)_____ than doubled since
1980. Furthermore, the obesity rate among children, (93)_____ those as young as 3, has also risen
This obesity ‘epidemic’, however, has also been accompanied by an increased focus on healthy eating
and lifestyle choices. Nutrition education has been making (94)_____ way into the public domain.
Articles in magazines and newspapers, commercials on television and discussions in school classrooms
are (95)_____ of the ways that government authorities and health educators are increasing (96)_____
among the general public.
But this fight to educate the public about healthy lifestyle choices can get (97)_____ in the wealth of
unhealthy products we encounter every day. Not only are we surrounded by unhealthy foods, but we are
also bombarded with unhealthy messages about food. We may not (98)_____ close attention to billboards
showing happy models drinking creamy coffees, or commercials (99)_____ which sports fans are
watching a game while eating a bucket of deep-fried chicken, (100)_____ they certainly do have an
impact on what we believe we should be eating.
91: A. equally B. evenly C. lightly D. calmly
92: A. further B. other C. rather D. more
93: A. of B. as C. with D. even
94: A. by B. its C. the D. this
95: A. any B. one C. aware D. some

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96: A. awareness B. beliefs C. health D. development
97: A. taken B. lost C. beaten D. interested
98: A. take B. show C. pay D. have
99: A. in B. to C. with D. through
100: A. which B. but C. and D. so
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