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LECTURE 10: CLONING generate force into the bacterial

● As the bacterium divides,
recombinant plasmid is also
DEFINITION Process of producing virtually
replicated & transmitted to the
identical genetic copies of
biological entities progeny bacteria

METHODS Artificial
● Extrachromosomal DNA found in
IN Process of creating genetically
MOLECULAR identical copies of genes, DNA bacteria
BIOLOGY fragments, cells, or organisms ● Can be used as a cloning vector

Natural Cloning
● Asexual reproduction in prokaryotes
and some plants
● Identical twins in mammals

Identical twins
● Produced when a fertilized egg
splits into two or more embryos
● Contain nearly identical DNA
Reproductive Cloning / Organismal Cloning
Clone ● Creating a new multicellular
● Organism replicated through cloning organism
● Contains the same genetic makeup ● Genetically identical to the source
as the original copy of the differentiated cell
● Done in mammals via nuclear
1. Molecular Cloning Nuclear transplantation
2. Reproductive Cloning ● Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
3. Therapeutic Cloning ● Differentiated cells are obtained
from a donor and cultured in a lab
Molecular Cloning / DNA Cloning ○ Often mammary cells
● DNA fragments are joined to ● Unfertilized eggs are then obtained
plasmids from another donor
● Recombinant plasmid is taken out ● Nucleus from the unfertilized egg is
of a bacterium via heat/electricity to removed and replaced with the
nucleus of the differentiated cell
● Newly-replaced egg is grown in a ○ The affected genes have to
culture medium and induced to be reprogrammed during the
undergo cleavage early stages of development
● Early embryo is implanted in a
surrogate mother and allowed to Therapeutic Cloning
develop ● Creating a cloned embryo for the
production of embryonic stem cells
with the same DNA as the donor cell
○ Also utilizes SCNT
● Can be used in experiments for
creating tissues to replace other
○ Understanding diseases and
exploring new forms of
● Risk of rejection by the host
organism is reduced
Dolly the Sheep ○ Subject’s own genetic
● First cloned animal material is used
● Exhibited possible issues with ○ Cells from another individual
Reproductive Cloning due to the are more likely to be
emergence of genetic defects recognized as foreign
● CC the Cat, ZZ and HH the Monkeys ○ Immune system is prompted
to attack “foreign” cells
Cloned animals (transgenic) ● Often utilized in agriculture through
● Do not always act, behave, or look plant tissue culture and
the same as each other micropropagation
● Many experience genetic defects
○ Acetylation of histones

Epigenetic changes
● Methylation of DNA must be
reversed in the nucleus of the donor
animal so that genes may be
expressed/repressed appropriately
in the early stages of development
● Many genes are turned off in a
normal differentiated cell
Therapeutic Cloning in Plants
● Plant tissues are removed from the
intact plant in sterile condition
● Tissues are cultured in a neutral
● Single cells suspended in the
medium divide
● Plantlet is cultured on agar medium
then planted in soil

➔ Therapeutic Cloning for plants is a

costly technique
➔ Effective in propagating sterile
plants, plants with small population
sizes, or when seeds cannot be

Assisted Reproductive Technology

● Includes the in vitro handling of
human gametes or embryos for the
purpose of establishing pregnancy
● Used to treat fertility problems for
the purpose of gestational
surrogacy Insemination
● Involves surgically removing eggs, ● Motile sperm are placed together
combining them with sperm in a lab, with oocytes then incubated
and returning them to the body or overnight
donating them to another woman
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) ● A single sperm is injected through a
● Ovaries are stimulated with small glass tube into the cytoplasm
hormone therapy to produce eggs of a mature egg cell
● Eggs and sperm are combined ● Done in instances of low sperm
○ Insemination count or weak sperm
○ Intracytoplasmic sperm
injection Laparoscopic oocyte retrieval
● After fertilization, the embryo is ● Transabdominal ultrasound-guided
cultured and transferred into the procedure
uterus ● Performed when ovaries are
○ One or more embryos can be inaccessible through the
transferred transvaginal route
● After hormonal treatment, eggs are
retrieved via transvaginal Assisted hatching
ultrasound aspiration ● Micromanipulation procedure
● A hole is made in the zona pellucida
prior to embryo transfer
● Helps the fertilized egg hatch out
and attach to uterine wall

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

● Screening for inherited diseases
● 1-2 cells are removed from the ● Draw water out of the cell via
embryo then tested for specific osmosis
genetic diseases ● Cross into the plasma membrane to
● May be performed prior to embryo replace lost water
Ultrasound-guided embryo transfer SUBSTANCES
● The fertilized egg is transplanted ● Ethylene glycol
into the womb with the assistance ● Glycerol
of ultrasound imaging ● Propylene glycol

Cryopreservation Rapid freezing / Vitrification

● Freezing of remaining embryos for ● Gametes or embryos are exposed to
future transfer high concentrations of
● Can be frozen at the pronuclear cryoprotectants to allow for the
stage (single cell) rapid dehydration of cells
○ Or any stage after that ● Eggs are loaded into straws which
○ Until blastocyst stage (5-7 facilitate ultra rapid cooling
days after fertilization) ● Straws containing eggs are plunged
● Also done for individual sperm and into liquid nitrogen at -196º C
egg cells
Embryo thawing
Slow freezing ● Frozen embryos are thawed prior to
● Embryos are cooled at 3º C per transfer into the womb
minute until temperature passes ● When thawed, water is allowed back
below -30º C into cells and the cryoprotectant is
● Necessitate a Cryopreservation area drawn out
○ Liquid nitrogen supply tank ● Performed slowly and in small steps
○ Backup embryo freezer to prevent cells from fracturing and
○ Main embryo freezer dying in the process
○ Storage tanks for frozen
embryos and sperm

● Used to lower the freezing point of
the cryopreservation area
● Help prevent intracellular ice
LECTURE 12: REPRODUCTIVE ● A state of complete physical,
HEALTH & SEXUALLY mental, and social well-being in all
matters relating to the reproductive
system & its functions and
Sexual health (WHO)
○ Satisfying & safe sex life
● A state of physical, mental, and
○ Capability to reproduce
social well-being in relation to
○ Freedom to decide if, when,
and how often to reproduce
● Requires a positive and respectful
○ Right of all to be informed &
approach to sexuality & sexual
have access to safe,
effective, affordable, and
● Ensures all of the possibility of
acceptable methods of
having pleasurable & safe sexual
family planning
experiences free of coercion,
discrimination, and violence
➔ Sexual health and reproductive
● Necessitates the respect,
health undoubtedly overlap
protection, and fulfillment of the
➔ Both aim to support physiological
sexual rights of all persons
➔ Both seek to reduce the adverse
Sexual health (American SH Association)
outcomes of sexual activity and
● Ability to embrace and enjoy one’s
sexuality throughout their own life
● Involves more than sexual behavior
● Recognizing and respecting the
● Deliberate prevention of pregnancy
rights shared by all
● Having access to information,
education, and care
● Surgically cutting off and tying the
● Making an effort to prevent
vas deferens
unintended pregnancies, STDs, and
● Prevents sperm from entering the
to seek care & treatment when
● Permanent method of contraception
● Being able to experience pleasure,
● Not easily reversible
satisfaction, and intimacy when
Hormonal contraception
● Being able to communicate about
● Birth control pills, injection, patch,
sexual health with others included
vaginal ring
partners & healthcare providers

Reproductive health (WHO)

● Synthetic estrogen and progestin ● Necessitates will power and proper
are released to block ovulation and timing
the development of follicles ● Often unsuccessful

Abstinence Tubal ligation

● Most effective method for ● Surgically sealing off a section of
preventing pregnancy each fallopian tube to prevent egg
● Not applicable to sexually active from traveling to the uterus
Temporary abstinence ● Substances that kill or immobilize
● Natural family planning sperm before entering the uterus
● Depends on the framing of sex when ● Applied or inserted vaginally prior to
conception is most likely intercourse to prevent pregnancy
● Egg can survive in the oviduct for ● Can be used on its own or combined
24-48 hours with another contraceptive method
● Sperm can survive for 5 days in the
uterus Diaphragm
● A couple practicing this should not ● Silicone cap with flexible ring
engage in sex for several days ● Worn inside the vagina, covering the
before and after ovulation cervix

Male condom Cervical cap

● Globally most widely used ● Similar to diaphragm but smaller
contraceptive ○ Both tools block sperm from
getting to the egg
Female condom ● Worn over the cervix
● Latex pouch
● Flexible rubber ring on each end Intrauterine device (IUD)
● One holds in the vagina, one stays ● Often made of plastic or copper
on the outside ● Inserted into the uterus to prevent
● More expensive, but allows women pregnancy
to take more active and ● Releases copper
independent responsibility for ○ Via a copper coil
preventing pregnancy ○ Alters the chemistry of the
○ In case partner is not willing cervical mucus
○ Makes it more difficult for
Coitus interruptus sperm to survive
● Withdrawal
○ Prevents fertilized eggs from ○ During childbirth if mother is
implanting in the uterine wall already infected
● Protects against pregnancy for 5-10 ● Caused by bacteria, viruses, or
years parasites

Emergency contraceptive pills (ECP) Chlamydia

● May be used after intercourse ● Caused by chlamydia trachomatis
● Disrupt or delay ovulation and ● Often asymptomatic
fertilization ● Can be easily treated with
○ Can also prevent the antibiotics
implantation of the embryo ● Women with chlamydia have an
into the uterine wall inflamed cervix but no other
Morning-after pills (Plan B) ○ Sometimes, vaginal
● Can prevent pregnancy if taken discharge
within 5 days ● In men, inflamed urethra, white
● Abortifacient discharge with or without burning
sensation during urination
➔ There is no single best
contraceptive method Gonorrhea
➔ Different methods suit different ● Gonococcal infection
needs and preferences ● Caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae
➔ Religious groups tend to support ● Can affect the eyes, mouth, and
only natural contraceptive methods throat
(abstinence, natural family ○ Also vagina, cervix, uterus,
planning) fallopian tube, urethra, and
STIs ● Men - burning when peeing, penile
● May be asymptomatic discharge
● Venereal diseases ○ Pus-like discharge could be
STDs ● In women, asymptomatic half the
● Commonly spread through sexual time but some have vaginal
intercourse discharge and pelvic pain
● Can also be spread from non-sexual ● Antibiotic medicine will stop
contact infection, but will not repair any
○ Contaminated blood permanent damage done by the
○ Breastfeeding disease
○ Antibiotic resistance has ○ Acquired immunodeficiency
become a problem syndrome
○ Successful treatment is ● Infects immune cells
becoming more difficult ○ cd4+t, helper t-cells,
macrophages, dendritic cells
Syphilis ● Within body fluids, HIV is present as
● Caused by treponema pallidum both free virus particles & viruses
● Primary within infected immune cells
○ Firm, painless skin ● Spread by contact or transfer of
ulceration blood, semen, and vaginal fluids
● Second ● Can also be transmitted from an
○ Diffused rashes on the palms infected mother to infant during
and soles pregnancy, childbirth, or
● Latent breastfeeding
○ Little to no symptoms ● Human body cannot rid itself of the
● Tertiary virus
○ Gammas (mass of dead, ○ No effective cure
swollen fiber-like tissues, ● When infected with HIV, it becomes
often in the liver) a lifetime diagnosis
○ Neurological, cardiac ● Originated from a type of
symptoms chimpanzee in central africa
● Can be cured with antibiotics ○ Simian immunodeficiency
○ Treatment may not undo any virus
permanent damage done by ○ Maybe passed to humans
the infection when they were hunted for
meat & came in contact with
Genital herpes infected blood
● Caused by the herpes simplex virus ○ May have jumped from
(HSV-1, HSV-2) chimps to humans as far
● Most are unaware that they have back as late 1800s
been infected ○ Over the decades, HIV
● May never suffer an outbreak slowly spread throughout
● Blisters like cold sores Africa then other parts of the
● No cure, but antivirals can shorten world
outbreaks ● The development of AIDS is not
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ● If left untreated, only then can HIV
● Causative agent of AIDS advance into AIDS
○ Marked by the progressive
failure of the immune AIDS
system ● Most severe
● Badly damaged immune system
Zoonosis ● Vulnerable to infection and
● Diseases passed on from animals to infection-related cancers
humans ○ Opportunistic infections
● Diagnosed when cd4 cell count
STAGES OF HIV drops below 200/mm3 of blood
1. Acute Infection ○ Or develop opportunistic
2. Chronic Infection / Clinical Latency infection
3. AIDS ● High viral load, highly infectious
● Without treatment, most survive for
Acute Infection around 3 years
● Primary HIV infection
● Acute retroviral syndrome Azidothymidine (AZT)
● Occurs 2-4 weeks after initial ● First approved treatment for HIV in
infection 1987
● Large amount of HIV in blood ● Antiretroviral therapy
● Highly contagious ○ Consists of taking various
● Flu-like symptoms HIV medications (HIV
○ Some may not feel sick right treatment regimen) daily
away, if at all ● Prevents HIV from making copies of
● If with flu like symptoms and may itself
have been exposed to HIV, should ● Reduces viral load/amount of HIV in
seek medical care & ask for a test to the body
diagnose acute infection ● With less HIV in body, the immune
● Only antigen antibody/nucleic acid system can recover and produce
tests can diagnose more cd4 cells
○ Even with some in it, the
Chronic Infection immune system can mount
● Asymptomatic HIV infection an attack on infections and
● Still active but reproduces at very certain HIV-related
low levels infections
● May have no symptoms or not get
sick Genital warts
● Without taking medication, may last ● Caused by some types (6, 11) of
a decade or longer human papillomavirus (HPV)
● Can still transmit ● Direct skin to skin contact spreading
● Often asymptomatic in the early
● Can be treated with the application
of creams, cryotherapy, or surgery
● After treatments, can be resolved in
6 months
○ Sometimes on its own

● Caused by trichomonas vaginalis, a
protozoan parasite
● 70% of women and men do not
have symptoms when infected
● Pain, burning, or itching
● Women may have yellow-green
frothy discharge
● Can be cured with a single dose of
prescription antibiotic medication

● Fungal infection due to the yeast
● Gential itching and burning
○ Sometimes with white,
cottage cheese-like vaginal
● Antifungal medication for 3-7 days
usually clears this

➔ Saliva & feces may carry covid

Vertical transmission
● Mother to child transmission during

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