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Applications, Advantages and

Array Data Structure

Disadvantages of Array
What is Array?

Difficulty Level : Basic ● Last Updated : 21 Feb, 2023

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Introduction to Arrays – Data

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Applications, Advantages and

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Disadvantages of Array Array is a linear data structure that is a collection of similar data t ypes. Arrays are stored

in contiguous memor y locations. It is a static data structure with a fixed size. It combines

Subarrays, Subsequences, and

data of similar t ypes.
Subsets in Array

Basic operations in Array

Easy problems on Array

Intermediate problems on Array ARR AY

Applications of Array Data Struc ture :

Hard problems on Array

Below are some applications of arrays.

Storing and accessing data: Arrays are used to store and retrieve data in a specific

order. For example, an array can be used to store the scores of a group of student s, or

the temperatures recorded by a weather station.

Sor ting : Arrays can be used to sor t data in ascending or descending order. Sor ting

algorithms such as bubble sor t, merge sor t, and quick sor t rely heavily on arrays.

Searching: Arrays can be searched for specific element s using algorithms such as

linear search and binar y search.

Matrices: Arrays are used to represent matrices in mathematical computations such as

matrix multiplication, linear algebra, and image processing.

Stacks and queues : Arrays are used as the underlying data structure for implementing

stack s and queues, which are commonly used in algorithms and data structures.

Graphs: Arrays can be used to represent graphs in computer science. Each element in

the array represent s a node in the graph, and the relationships between the nodes

are represented by the values stored in the array.

Dynamic programming: Dynamic programming algorithms of ten use arrays to store

intermediate result s of subproblems in order to solve a larger problem.

Real-Time Applications of Array:

Below are some real-time applications of arrays.

Signal Processing : Arrays are used in signal processing to represent a set of samples

that are collected over time. This can be used in applications such as speech

recognition, image processing, and radar systems.

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Multimedia Applications : Arrays are used in multimedia applications such as video
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and audio processing, where they are used to store the pixel or audio samples. For
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example, an array can be used to store the RGB values of an image.
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Data Mining : Arrays are used in data mining applications to represent large dataset s.
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This allows for ef ficient data access and processing, which is impor tant in real-time


Robotic s: Arrays are used in robotic s to represent the position and orientation of

object s in 3D space. This can be used in applications such as motion planning and

object recognition.

Real-time Monitoring and Control Systems : Arrays are used in real-time monitoring

and control systems to store sensor data and control signals. This allows for real-time

processing and decision-making, which is impor tant in applications such as industrial

automation and aerospace systems.

Financial Analysis : Arrays are used in financial analysis to store historical stock prices

and other financial data. This allows for ef ficient data access and analysis, which is

impor tant in real-time trading systems.

Scientific Computing : Arrays are used in scientific computing to represent numerical

data, such as measurement s from experiment s and simulations. This allows for

ef ficient data processing and visualization, which is impor tant in real-time scientific

analysis and experimentation.

Applications of Array in C/C++:

Arrays are used to implement vectors, and list s in C++ STL.

Arrays are used as the base of all sor ting algorithms.

Arrays are used to implement other DS like a stack, queue, etc.

Used for implementing matrices. 

Data structures like trees also sometimes use the array implementation since arrays

are easier to handle than pointers. For example, a segment tree uses array


Binar y search trees and balanced binar y trees are used in data structures such as a

heap, map, and set, which can be built using arrays.

Graphs are also implemented as arrays in the form of an adjacency matrix.

Applications of Array in Java:

Storing collec tions of data: Arrays are of ten used to store collections of data of the

same t ype. For example, an array of integers can be used to store a set of numerical


Implementing matrices and tables: Arrays can be used to implement matrices and

tables. For example, a two-dimensional array can be used to store a matrix of

numerical values.

Sor ting and searching : Arrays are of ten used for sor ting and searching data. For

example, the Arrays class in Java provides methods like sor t() and binar ySearch() to

sor t and search element s in an array.

Implementing data struc tures : Arrays are used as the underlying data structure for

several other data structures like stack s, queues, and heaps. For example, an array-

based implementation of a stack can be used to store element s in the stack.

Image processing : Arrays are commonly used to store the pixel values of an image.

For example, a two-dimensional array can be used to store the RGB values of an


Applications of Array in C#:

Implementing dynamic programming algorithms : Dynamic programming algorithms

of ten use arrays to store intermediate result s. For example, in the famous Fibonacci

series algorithm, an array is used to store the values of Fibonacci series.

Database programming : Arrays can be used to store the result s of database queries.

For example, an array can be used to store the result s of a SELECT quer y.

Parallel programming: Arrays are used in parallel programming to distribute

workloads among multiple threads. For example, an array can be divided into multiple

par t s, and each par t can be processed by a dif ferent thread.

Advantages of array data struc ture :

Efficient access to elements : Arrays provide direct and ef ficient access to any

element in the collection. Accessing an element in an array is an O(1) operation,

meaning that the time required to access an element is constant and does not depend

on the size of the array.

Fast data retrieval: Arrays allow for fast data retrieval because the data is stored in

contiguous memor y locations. This means that the data can be accessed quickly and

ef ficiently without the need for complex data structures or algorithms.

Memor y efficiency: Arrays are a memor y-ef ficient way of storing data. Because the

element s of an array are stored in contiguous memor y locations, the size of the array is

known at compile time. This means that memor y can be allocated for the entire array

in one block, reducing memor y fragmentation.

Versatilit y: Arrays can be used to store a wide range of data t ypes, including integers,

floating-point numbers, characters, and even complex data structures such as object s

and pointers.

Easy to implement : Arrays are easy to implement and understand, making them an

ideal choice for beginners learning computer programming.

Compatibilit y with hardware : The array data structure is compatible with most

hardware architectures, making it a versatile tool for programming in a wide range of

environment s.

Disadvantages of array data struc ture :

Fixed size : Arrays have a fixed size that is determined at the time of creation. This

means that if the size of the array needs to be increased, a new array must be created

and the data must be copied from the old array to the new array, which can be time-

consuming and memor y-intensive.

Memor y allocation issues : Allocating a large array can be problematic, par ticularly in

systems with limited memor y. If the size of the array is too large, the system may run

out of memor y, which can cause the program to crash.

Inser tion and deletion issues: Inser ting or deleting an element from an array can be

inef ficient and time-consuming because all the element s af ter the inser tion or

deletion point must be shif ted to accommodate the change.

Wasted space : If an array is not fully populated, there can be wasted space in the

memor y allocated for the array. This can be a concern if memor y is limited.

Limited data t ype suppor t : Arrays have limited suppor t for complex data t ypes such

as object s and structures, as the element s of an array must all be of the same data

t ype.

L ack of flexibilit y: The fixed size and limited suppor t for complex data t ypes can

make arrays inflexible compared to other data structures such as linked list s and


Advantages of Struc ture over Array:

The structure can store dif ferent t ypes of data whereas an array can only store similar

data t ypes.

Structure does not have limited size like an array.

Structure element s may or may not be stored in contiguous locations but array

element s are stored in contiguous locations.

In structures, object instantiation is possible whereas in arrays object s are not


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Introduction to Arrays - Data

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