Chapter 1 Exercise

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Phan Công Minh 2053229

Exercise 1:
To: A prospective supervisor

From: Phan Cong Minh

Date: September 7th, 2022

RE: personal introduction

I write this memo to introduce myself. Through this memo, I would like to present some
information about my background.


Currently, I am an Industrial Management undergraduate at Ho Chi Minh University of

Technology. After considering many majors in many universities and colleges, I have decided to
enroll in my current field since I find working in the business field very enthusiastic but also
challenging. Finding out what I am specializing in before graduating is my biggest goal.


During my first year as a HCMUT student, I used to take part in organizing many major
university events, activities and even got the chance to be a part of the OISP Youth Union
(OYU). Moving forward my junior year, I have applied to be a Teachers’ Aid at VUS and will
continue to devote the best of my capabilites.


As I have mentioned above, I had the opportunity to join the OYU family as a freshman so I was
given many chances to take part in a lot of events, including community services. One of which
was the Volutary Spring. The event lasted for roughly 1-2 months, the most impressive activities
was the Tet celebration for the special needed children and the elders of the traditional
Vietnamese Artistry of which everyone was involved to bring a peaceful and homey Tet.


I have struggled to write above average during 12 years of my education due to my lack of
vocabulary and inability to express emotions and thoughts through words. However, I find
myself better at writing social discourse and have been practicing to write reports and case
studies analysis at the beginning of my university years. As for writing e-communications, I have
implemented the simpliest and common words to not make my essays hard to understand and
making the audience, which are mostly my teachers and friends, have easier times to know
what my final goal was.
Phan Công Minh 2053229

Exercise 2
VALORANT Homepage (in Vietnam)

a. Who is the audience?

Mainly male teenagers and young adults – especially gamers

b. Why was the material written?

To introduce a free-to-play First-person-shooter (FPS) game – VALORANT

c. What is the message?

VALORANT – a turn-based 5v5 FPS with the combination of strategic gameplay and having
characters as the core of the game, making them the pioneer of this genre.

d. Are the style and tone appropriate for the audience, the purpose, and the message? Explain.

In my opinion, the style and tone fits perfectly to the customer

- The style: the choice of “cyberpunk”, colorful performance and the fast-paced cinematics
makes it very appealing to the teenagers and young adults – which are the key customer of
Riot Games.
- The tone: as for the tone, they make use of male teenagers’ favorite colors: red and black,
to be the main tone of the homepage, attracting the attention at first glance with a bright
red at the center of the page
e. Discuss the use of any visuals and color in the document. For instance, how does color (or the
lack of it) affect an audience’s response to the message?
Phan Công Minh 2053229

At the moment, they have turned to Episode 5 of Act II, bringing up gold as the main color scheme, such
common but never out of fashion, combining with a black background makes the gold and the
characters really pop out. Moreover, by having a big heading “Chúng tôi là VALORANT” implies a strong
sense of tone for visitors, and the use of red for all of the push button for them to know the exact
location to click.

Exercise 3:


This advertisement is to promote Google Ads’ – the ad management software from Google. They use
Google’s well-known font: Product Sans to keep it traditional, along with the image of a look-a-like
woman manager tackling her work through a tablet.

By putting up only one heading at the middle of the ad: Google Ads, it has effective grabbed the
attention of the viewers to the name of the products without any clutters or unnecessary graphics.
Moreover, with the image of the female manager doing her work on a tablet, at a warehouse implies
that working with Google Ads isn’t too difficult or complex, and the work can be done at any time and
place that you want. This simple yet meaningful background image is perfectly suited for the
entrepreneurs, whose work is always full and need to use time logically
Phan Công Minh 2053229

Exercise 4
v. mobile app

Description 1:

Notion is a collaboration platform with modified markdown support that integrates kanban boards,
tasks, wikis and databases. It is an all-in-one workspace for notetaking, knowledge and data
management, and project and task management. It is a file management tool offering a unified
workspace, allowing users to comment on ongoing projects, participate in discussions, and receive
feedback. It can be accessed by cross-platform apps and by most web browsers.

Description 2:

Notion is a platform where you can store, edit, create any productive templates. This includes kanban
boards, tasks, database, etc.. basically mean it is of every use. With this platform, you can get creative
and apply in not just studying, but also data and task management or something more basic like
reminder to pay the bills monthly. The interesting thing about this app is that you can create a basic to
sophisticated system for management and can even invite collegues to help build a unified system,
making process manageming a lot easier; also It can be used cross-platform so you can rush your
collegues on the bus

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