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Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2317 Filed 09/30/2008 Page 1 of 11

1 GREGORY P. STONE (#78329)

355 South Grand Avenue, 35th Floor
3 Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560
Telephone: (213) 683-9100
4 Facsimile: (213) 687-3702
6 BURTON A. GROSS (#166285)
7 MIRIAM KIM (#238230)
8 560 Mission Street, 27th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105-2907
9 Telephone: (415) 512-4000
Facsimile: (415) 512-4077
10 E-mail:;;
Attorneys for Plaintiff RAMBUS INC.

16 RAMBUS INC., CASE NO.: C 05-00334 RMW

20 Defendants. Trial Date: September 22, 2008
Courtroom: 6
21 Judge: Hon. Ronald M. Whyte
22 RAMBUS INC., CASE NO.: C 05-02298 RMW
23 Plaintiff,
24 vs.
et al.,

CASE NOS. 05-00334 RMW; 05-02298 RMW
Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2317 Filed 09/30/2008 Page 2 of 11

1 Rambus hereby gives notice that it is lodging, concurrently herewith, a transcript of the
2 video clips of the testimony of Charles Donohoe played in Court on September 29, 2008.
3 The video clips were taken from the following deposition transcripts:
4 Deposition of Charles Donohoe, taken on February 6, 2001, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
5 Deposition of Charles Donohoe, taken on May 14, 2008, attached hereto as Exhibit B.
6 This Notice is being filed with the Court and will be appended to the official trial
7 transcripts and, pursuant to the parties’ agreement, will become part of the official trial transcript.

9 DATED: September 30, 2008 MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP



12 By: /s/ Carolyn Hoecker Luedtke

Carolyn Hoecker Luedtke
Attorneys for Plaintiff RAMBUS INC.














CASE NOS. 05-00334 RMW; 05-02298 RMW
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Exhibit A
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Video Testimony of Charles Donohoe (2/6/01 Deposition)

Played 9/29/2008

8:22 Q. Could you please state your full name

9: 1 for the record?
9: 2 A. My name is Charles Richard Donohoe.
9: 3 Q. Who do you work for, Mr. Donohoe?
9: 4 A. I work for Samsung Electronics Co.,
9: 5 Limited, a company of South Korea.

11:15 Q. Mr. Donohoe, you are aware that you have

11:16 been designated by Samsung Electronics Company,
11:17 Limited, and Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., to give
11:18 testimony on their behalf today?
11:19 A. Yes, I am.

37: 1 Q. Did Rambus ever propose or suggest that

37: 2 Samsung not support the DDR technology?
37: 3 A. They felt that the RDRAM technology
37: 4 was -- their Rambus technology was better than that
37: 5 and, of course, what they did here is they skewed the
37: 6 royalty demand for DDR, such that we would not move
37: 7 into that area.
37: 8 Their objective was to promote and
37: 9 develop their technology to the exclusion of the DDR
37:10 technology or future generations of technology. They
37:11 refused to license us on future generations of
37:12 technology other than the DDR.

85:21 First of all, do you have Exhibit 7 in

85:22 front of you, sir?
86: 1 A. I do, yeah.

86:14 Q. So ultimately there was a substantial

86:15 amount of negotiation between Samsung and Rambus with
86:16 regard to this license agreement; would that be fair?
86:17 A. Yes. We had maybe three or four
86:18 meetings after the initial presentation.

87: 1 Q. Let me ask what your involvement was in

87: 2 those negotiations.
87: 3 A. I was perhaps lead negotiator in the
87: 4 negotiation. I was asked by the head of the
87: 5 semiconductor business to take part in the

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87: 6 negotiation.
87: 7 Our direct interface in the negotiation
87: 8 was J. Shim, who is head of our patent department in
87: 9 Kiheung. I'm in the corporate office in Seoul,
87:10 Korea, that's where my office is, so sometimes I get
87:11 involved in patent license negotiations, and
87:12 sometimes I don't, but this one here the president of
87:13 the company asked me to be involved.
87:14 Q. And did Mr. Shim have the day-to-day
87:15 responsibility for conducting the negotiations with
87:16 Rambus?
87:17 A. Yeah. He had -- he communicated with
87:18 Mr. Steinberg on a day-to-day basis, that's correct.
87:19 Q. And were there meetings between Mr. Shim
87:20 and representatives of Rambus that you weren't
87:21 present at?
87:22 A. Yes. There was one in August, that I'm
88: 1 aware of. The meetings in September and October, I
88: 2 was at.
88: 3 Q. But there was at least one meeting then
88: 4 that you were not present at?
88: 5 A. That's right. Of course, I was not at
88: 6 the very beginning meeting, the introductory meeting.
88: 7 Q. The meeting with Mr. Tate that you
88: 8 described earlier?
88: 9 A. With president Lee. It was after that
88:10 that Mr. Lee asked me to become involved.
88:11 Q. Were there also telephone discussions as
88:12 part of these negotiations?
88:13 A. Probably, yes. Yes.
88:14 Q. Did you participate in those telephone
88:15 negotiations?
88:16 A. I think I only had one telephone
88:17 conversation with Neil Steinberg, yes.
88:18 Q. Were there other telephone negotiations
88:19 between Mr. Shim and representatives of Rambus that
88:20 you did not personally participate in?
88:21 A. That's correct, but they were at my
88:22 direction, basically, yes.
89: 1 Q. And in addition were there letters and
89: 2 drafts exchanged between the parties?
89: 3 A. Yes.
89: 4 Q. And did you receive copies of all the
89: 5 letters and drafts that were received between the
89: 6 parties?
89: 7 A. I was supposed to, yes.

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89: 8 Q. So if Mr. Shim was keeping you updated,

89: 9 as he was supposed to, you would have received
89:10 copies; correct?
89:11 A. Yes.

99:16 Q. Was there any provision other than the

99:17 royalty rates, which were stated by Rambus to be
99:18 nonnegotiable?
99:19 A. Yes. I believe that we wanted an
99:20 overall peace agreement with Rambus. A license
99:21 agreement is really only an agreement not to sue, and
99:22 so in the term of the agreement we wanted to have a
100: Page 100
100: 1 complete peace accord with Rambus, and so we wanted
100: 2 all products covered by that agreement.
100: 3 And Rambus wanted only certain
100: 4 specifically identifiable products to be covered by
100: 5 the agreement, and that if we changed the products
100: 6 down the road then they would not be under the
100: 7 agreement.
100: 8 So that was one that Rambus would not
100: 9 budge on.

Total Length - 00:05:06

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Exhibit B
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Video Testimony of Charles Donohoe (5/14/2008 Deposition)

Played 9/29/2008

8:13 Q Would you state your name for the record.

8:14 A It's Charles Richard Donohoe.

9:15 Q Did you employ litigation counsel to assist

9:16 you in following the Rambus litigation in August of
9:17 2000?
9:18 A Yes. At some point it would have been
9:19 maybe the latter part of August we retained counsel
9:20 for that purpose, yes.
9:21 Q Who did you retain?
9:22 A David Healey at Weil, Gotshal & Manges, and
9:23 Clifford Chance in Germany.

63:15 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) Mr. Donohoe, you were the

63:16 lead negotiator for Samsung on the 2000 Rambus
63:17 license agreement, right?
63:18 A Yes.
63:19 Q Did anybody else from Samsung participate
63:20 with you in those negotiations?
63:21 A Sure.
63:22 Q Who would that be?
63:23 A Jay Shim and Mr. Gwangho Kim.

74:24 Q Going back to your recollection of the

74:25 September 21st, 2000 licensing meeting, do you
75: 1 recall what Samsung's position was with respect to
75: 2 whether the license agreement should cover DDR2 or
75: 3 other future generations of products after DDR
75: 4 SDRAM?

75: 7 THE WITNESS: My recollection was is that

75: 8 there was discussion over future DRAM generations,
75: 9 and that Rambus did not want to cover future DRAM
75:10 generations, this current DRAM generations. But now
75:11 I haven't read that part of this.
75:12 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) I'm just asking about
75:13 your -- you can put that exhibit aside. I'm asking
75:14 about your recollection as you have it now.
75:15 A That's my recollection, yes.
75:16 Q Your recollection as you sit here now of
75:17 this September licensing meeting at Rambus's offices
75:18 was that Rambus told you they didn't want the

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75:19 license to cover future DRAM generations, right?

75:20 A That's right.
75:21 Q What was Samsung's position?
75:22 A Well, we wanted it to cover future
75:23 generations -- generally the approach that Samsung
75:24 likes to take with its licensing is that we have a
75:25 complete piece accord for the term of the agreement.
76: 1 And at the end of the term, of course, then
76: 2 negotiate a renewal agreement. But we don't want to
76: 3 have a continuing series of negotiations as new
76: 4 products come on the market.
76: 5 And so in any event, the Rambus approach
76: 6 was different from that. And so we weren't used to
76: 7 that. This is actually the first time I think that
76: 8 we ever had a, a negotiation framed in this fashion,
76: 9 and that was part of the negotiation.

81:15 Have you seen this document before?

81:16 A Yes.
81:17 Q Does it appear to be a term sheet proposal
81:18 sent by Jay Shim to Neil Steinberg on October 6th,
81:19 2000?
81:20 A It is.
81:21 Q Did you see this document on or around that
81:22 time?
81:23 A Yes.
81:24 Q Did you see drafts of this document before
81:25 it was sent to Mr. Steinberg?
82: 1 A Yes.
82: 2 Q You would have reviewed it before it was
82: 3 sent by Mr. Shim?
82: 4 A Exactly, yes.
82: 5 Q He would not have sent it without your
82: 6 permission?
82: 7 A That's correct.

96: 3 Q In or around October 16th, 2000, did you

96: 4 see the suggested edits and comments provided by
96: 5 Mr. Steinberg in Exhibit 9083?
96: 6 A I might have. There was a time period just
96: 7 before the agreement was finalized when I didn't see
96: 8 some of the changes. And so I don't know whether
96: 9 this is one of those where I didn't see it or not.
96:10 Q There was a time period where Mr. Shim
96:11 handled the changes without your consultation?
96:12 A Yes, apparently.

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Case 5:05-cv-00334-RMW Document 2317 Filed 09/30/2008 Page 10 of 11

97:21 Q Now you said that at some time period

97:22 something in the signed executed license agreement
97:23 some language changed that you had not seen prior to
97:24 its execution. What language in the license
97:25 agreement changed that you didn't see until after it
98: 1 had been signed?

98:12 THE WITNESS: Let me just take a look here

98:13 at the agreement.
98:14 I don't see in this agreement the
98:15 provisions for adjusting the royalty based on the
98:16 outcome of the litigations. Is that in here?
98:17 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) I can direct your
98:18 attention to section 3.8 is the most favored license
98:19 clause if that's where you think it would reside.
98:20 A Okay. Now --

98:24 THE WITNESS: Okay. My recollection was,

98:25 and I can't pinpoint it now, but that 3.8 and --
99: 1 section 3.8 and 3.9 which I had drafted were
99: 2 different than what's in the agreement. But I don't
99: 3 recall now what the difference was. That's all.
99: 4 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) Did you send any of the
99: 5 drafts you prepared to Rambus?
99: 6 A No. I mean -- what I prepared was given to
99: 7 Mr. Shim and then to communicate to Rambus. So I
99: 8 assume that he gave it to Rambus.
99: 9 Q But you don't believe that what you drafted
99:10 that didn't make it into the final agreement was
99:11 ever communicated to Rambus?

99:14 THE WITNESS: Oh, I believe it was

99:15 communicated to Rambus. It was just maybe changed.
99:16 I don't know. It's a black hole to me. I sent this
99:17 to Mr. Shim and it seems -- I can't even remember
99:18 what the differences were. But at the time I
99:19 remember there were differences when I read the
99:20 final agreement, so I don't know what the process
99:21 was for making the change.
99:22 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) What's missing from
99:23 section 3.8 and?
99:24 A I just told you I don't know, I don't know.
99:25 I don't know if it's missing or changed.

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100:17 Q So if you look at the term sheet that's

100:18 Exhibit 9080, paragraph 8, the most favored nations
100:19 clause communicated therein, it talks in the first
100:20 instance in No. 1 about the lowest possible royalty
100:21 rates, and the second instance it talks about lower
100:22 royalty terms.
100:23 Do you know whether those provisions for
100:24 lower royalty terms were included in the draft that
100:25 you initially gave to Mr. Shim?
101: 1 A Yes.

101: 4 THE WITNESS: Yes, they are in there, yeah.

101: 5 I mean it seems to me that what I had said, what I
101: 6 drafted for Mr. Shim was -- is in this final
101: 7 agreement. But my recollection at the time was
101: 8 there was some difference. I don't recall what it
101: 9 is.

133: 1 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) Do you recall at any

133: 2 point after this meeting any discussion about
133: 3 Samsung proposing any automatic renewal provision
133: 4 for the license agreement?
133: 5 A I don't recall that. I think that Samsung
133: 6 would not have -- Samsung would not have wanted an
133: 7 exact extension of the agreement. I think they
133: 8 would have wanted to have been able to renegotiate
133: 9 the economic terms of the agreement. So I don't
133:10 think they asked for an out and out extension of the
133:11 agreement.

242:19 Q (BY MS. LUEDTKE) Did you, in your

242:20 licensing work for Samsung, ever use a reverse
242:21 engineering study purchased from an outside company?
242:22 A Yes.
242:23 Q You use it to look for prior art or
242:24 determine whether there was infringement, anything
242:25 else?

243: 8 THE WITNESS: Nothing else.

Total Length - 00:10:08

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