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Mapel : English

1) Bogor Botanical Garden

Bogor Botanical Garden is a large botanical garden (plants) located in Bogor City, West Java. It is
87 hectares wide and has about 15,000 types of tree and plant collections. Bogor Botanical
Gardens are often used as tourist attractions, that's why this place is crowded with visitors,
especially on Saturday and Sunday. The area is wide enough to make visitors feel tired. If you are
tired, you can rest on the seats provided. You can also enjoy the drinks or food that you bring
from home. While resting, you can enjoy a beautiful pond decorated with lotus flowers or a
beautiful fountain.
2) Prambanan temple
Prambanan Temple is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. This temple was built in
the 10th century and is dedicated to Shiva. There are 8 large temples and 8 small temples in the
main courtyard. There are also 222 smaller temples in the lower courtyard. Inside the large
temples there are statues. There are statues of Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu; they are the three
supreme Gods of Hinduism. There are also other statues, one of the most popular is the Roro
Jonggrang statue.

3) National Monument (Monas)

Monas or the National Monument is located in the center of Jakarta. It is a tourist spot and an
attractive educational center for residents of Jakarta and its surroundings. It was built in August
1959, designed by Indonesian architects namely Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno.
Monas is 132 meters high and is built in the shape of a phallus yoni. At the top there is a cup,
and above it is a bronze flame 17 meters high and 6 meters in diameter and weighs 14.5 tons.
This flame is coated by gold of 45 kg weight. To reach the top court, visitors can use the elevator
for about 3 minutes. Visitors can see the skyscrapers in the city of Jakarta from the top court of
Monas. At the bottom, there is the lower court of the Monas with an area of 45 × 45 m, then
there is the National Monument Park, besides that there is also a museum, namely the National

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