Python Internals PDF

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Written test 1

Section 1 rememberns

1. Define tokens ?
A ] write a note on different types of tokens ?
B] list the difference between input () and raw input() ?
2. A] List the rules for an identifiers ?
B] write the syntax for if – elif – else Construct

Section 2 learning

3. A] write a python programming to find if a student has obtained Past class , second class , first class , fail
based on the percentage using if – elif – else Construct ?

B] rewrite the following code by correcting the errors.

Program :- a=input(“enter a number”)

b=Int{input (enter another number)}

If a>=b;

Print (“first number is greater”)


Print (“second number is greater” )


4. A] read the name , age and salary of a person and display it with a appropriate message?
B] convert the following while loop into for loop using range () , and write the output ?
Program :- check = 4
While (check <= 8):
Print (check * 10)
Check += 2
Section 3 application
5. Salara as drawn a triangle but does not know it’s type she as measurement of all size and his wondering
to know weather or is an equivalent , isosceles , scalene triangle . Write a program for the same in python
to find the type of triangle using if – elif – else .

Hint :- #equivalent triangle = all sides are equal

# isosceles = two sides are equal

# scalene = all sides are equal

Section 4 analysis

Write the output for the following

6. A] program :- y= 2

for b in range (3,15,4):



B] program :- x =10


while x>y

x =x-4




7. A] Program :- i=0
While I<5
if i==3:

B] program:- a=9
While i<5
if (4=5) && (9<=10):
Print (“hello”)
print (“bye”)
if =2
Print (“quit”)
Written test 2

Section 1 remembernce

1. Define and write examples for each of the following

A] tuple , set
B] list , dictionary
Section 2 understanding

2. A] Correct and rewrite the following python code

➢ word =input(input a word to reverse)
for char in range (len (word),-3,-1)
Print (char [word] , end=” “)

➢ For the given tuple find the maximum and minimum element by using max () and min() function .

➢ Correct and rewrite the following python code:-

Setx = set (“green”, “blue”)

Sety = set(“blue”,” yellow”)

Print(“orginal set elements:. “)



Print (intersection of 2 side sets: “ )

Setz=setx | set y


B] correct and rewrite the following python code
➢ list1 = [physics , chemistry , 2000,2001]
delete [list(1)]

➢ Display an integer list using for loop.

➢ Using remove () method remove 2 elements from the list by writing a python code

Section 3 application

3. A] write a python program by using insert () , extend() , pop() , index() , and index() method on a list.


B] write a python program on dictionary datatype using update() , pop () , pop item() , len() , and
clear() methods.
Section 4 analysis

4. A] Write the output for the following python code

➢ Print (“{ } and{ } birth are best friends “. Format(“apple”,” banana”))
Print (“{1} and{0 } are best players “. Format(“Sachin”,” Virat”))
Print (“{ } ,{ } , { } “. Format(a=”grapes” , b=”apple”, c=” banana”))

➢ String_one=” sun”
String_two=” moon”
If string_one ==string_two:
Print(“born strings are equal”)
elif string_one < string_two:
print(“first string is greater than second string”)
Print(“first string is less than second string”)

➢ List1=[10,40,30,40,10,10,10,40,50
List2=[“cat”,” bat ” , ” mat” , ” cat” , ”pet ”]
Print(“count of cat is = “, list2 .count(‘cat’))
Print(“count of 10 is = “, list1 .count(‘10’))
List1. Sort()
Print (list1)
List3=list1. Copy()
Print(“List3: “ ,+List3)

B]Write the output for the following python code

➢ String=” computer science and engineering department”

list=string. Split()

➢ List1=[2,3.,7,5,10,17,12,4,1,13]
For i in list:
If i%2==0:
List4[0] , List[1] =List[1] , List[0]

➢ Dictionary={‘A’:'computer’,’B’:'for ’,'C’:'science’}
Print(dictionary. Keys())
Print(dictionary. Items ())
salary = {“raj”:5000 , “ram”:60000,”vijay”:70000}
Print(sum (list1)
Written test 3

Section 1 remembernce

1. List any 3 Built-in function along with an examples and write a code for the same in a program.
2. List all function used in files and write a program using file functions
Section 2 understanding
3. A]Write a note on generator function and also write a code using the same.
B] List the common exceptions used while handling errors

4. A] write an example for the following :-

•lambda function.
• recession function
B] list the different types of function argument and explain any 2 along with example.
Section 3 application

5. Write a program in python by applying suitable constructs using modular approach.

• Fibonacci series
• factorial of a number
For the above program use the package concepts and write code for the same.
Section 4 analysis

6. Analysis the given code and write the output for the same .

Program:- 1 def test (n):

return n*n

def getsquare (n):

for i in range (n):

yield test (i)

sq=getsquare (10)

For i in sq:


Program:- 2. Import math

def print _till_zero(n):

If (n==0):





Program :-3 tables=[lambda x=x:x*10 for x in range (1:11)]

for table in tables :

print (table())


Program :- 4. def check(n):

x =int(n)%2

if x==0:

Print(“the number is even “)

else :

Print(“the number is odd”)

number =input(“enter a number”)


Program:-5 import math

def compute (count):



for I in range (count):

x = int(input(“enter an integer : “))



return avg

Program :-6 import math

def compute (number):

if ((number%5==0 ) and(number%7==0)):

print (number ,” is a mirror multiple of both 5 and 7”)

else :

Print (number,” is not a multiple of both 5 and 7”)

number=int (input (“enter an integer: “))

Skill test 1

Write any two questions

1. Write a python program using comparison , relational , Boolean , bitwise and string operators .
2. A] Write a python Program using if – elif - else Construct.
B] write a python program using for loop Construct.

3. A] write a python program using tuple and use built-in function.

B] write a python program using list and use built-in function
4. A] write a python Program using set and use built-in function
B] write a python program using dictionary and use built-in function.

➢ Algorithm for each program.

➢ Write and explain type of Construct used in the program.
➢ Write the program and execute it.
➢ Find errors and debug
➢ 1-7 activities to be submitted
Skill test 2

Write any two questions

1. A] write a python program using lambda function

B] write a python Program using generator function
2. A] write a modular program in python
B] write a package program in python

3. Write a python program using try – except – else – finally Construct for catching exceptions
4. A] write a python program using numpy for solving basic arithmetic in arrays.
B] write a python program using pandas using series.

➢ Algorithm for each program.

➢ Write and explain type of Construct used in the program.
➢ Write the program and execute it.
➢ Find errors and debug.
➢ 6-13 activities to be submitted.

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