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This pub licat ion cont ains the s t udent Rolf Rave , Dietmar Grot z ebach ,
work produced during the Firs t Summer Velker Theis sen , Johannes Uhl ,
Academy for Archite ct ure in Berlin . Jan Bas s enge from Berlin .
The Summer Academy t o ok place during
the month of June and July 19 7 7 in the The lecture series was open t o the
Kuens t le rhaus Bethanien in Berlin­ general pub lic and s erve d as a p lat­
Kreuzber g . It was s pons ored by the form for the exchange of i deas
Depar tment of Architectur e , Cornell b e tween the s tudent s , the ar chitects
Univers ity , Ith ac a , NY; the Senator from di f ferent count ries and the
for Hous ing and Urban Development , pub lic in Berlin . The result o f STUDENTS :
Berlin; the America House in Berlin; the work was shown in an exhib i t ion
the Department of S tate in Washingt on; in the Kuens t lerhaus Bethanien and
the International Des i gn Center in will b e dis cuss ed with repres enta­ Anne Baranowski
Berlin; the_Klingb eil Groupe in Berlin tives of the medias and the pub li c Gae Buckley
and the Kuens t lerhaus Bethanien . o n December 7th in the International Rus t om Cowasj ee
Des i gn Cente r in Berlin . Betsy Chapman
The themes o f the Summer Academy were Gianne Conard
"The City in the City" and "The Urban The Berlin S ummer Academy 1 9 7 7 was S co t t Davis
Villa . " The work was conduct ed in a the fir s t one in a s er ie s o f progr ams Henry Ferretti
des ign s tudio arrangement and a sem­ to fo llow . The tentat ive theme for Joel Friedman
inar c ours e . Twenty-five s tudents the Summer Academy 19 7 8 will b e : Russ Gerard
f rom Co rnell University Depar t ment o f Art and Architec ture in the Pub li c Charlie Grace
Architec ture participated in the Space . D avid Griffin
des ign s tudio . Ellen Gold s t ein
Maria Kaltsas
Res pons ib le for the s t udio were Linda Lanton
O . M . Ungers , Hans Kollhoff and Nancy Lavine
Arthur Ovaska with the participation Margar ita Mend o za
o f Senatsb audirektor M . C . M . Muel ler Laurie Marvald
and Juergen Sawade . The Chie f Lawrence Ng
ConservaU.onis t of Berlin , H . Engel , Nancy Peacock
and the Free Planning Groupe Berlin Ricardo Pedraza
acted as special c onsultants . Ann Pendleton
Ar thur Pinkham
The s eminar s equence cons isted o f Donna Sef tel
a s eries o f 2 4 lectures in whi ch Mike Wisniewski
American , European and Berlin arch­ Rob Wo odstock
itects part icip ated . The Ameri can
architects lectur ed in the America
Hous e , the Europeans in the Inter­
national Des ign Center , and the
Berlin Archi tect s in the Kuen s t ler­
haus B ethanien .

The fol lowing architects were involved

in the seminar and lecture progr am :
Ken Frampton , B ob Stern, Raimond Ab raham ,
Ri chard Me ie r , Charles Moore , Peter
Eis enman , Phi lip Johns on , O . M . Unger s ,
from the United S ta tes; Rem Koolhaas ,
Aldo Rossi , Vit torio Grego t t i , Alis on
and Peter Smithson , Hans Hollein ,
Robert Kr ier , Carlo Aymonino , Mas s imo
Scolar� James S tirling from European
countries; and Jurgen S awade , Georg
Heinrichs , Jos e f P. Kleihues , Werner
Duettmann , Bernd Jansen , Jan and

Hans Kal lhoff

Arthur Ovaska
Gianne Conard CONTENTS
David Gri ffin
Gae Buckley

LAYOUT : O . M . Ungers
The Urb an Vill a :
Hans Kallhoff A Pro to type f o r Inner C i ty Residences
Arthur Ovaska
Gianne C onard
H . F . Kallho f f
David Griffin
The Urb an Villa :
Gae Buckley
A Mult i -fami ly Housing Type
Rob Woods t o ck
Peter Riemann (Historical Survey)

A . A . Ovaska
TYP ING : The Urban Villa :
On the Design Pro ce s s
Margarita M�ndoz a
Debb ie 1,J'enz el

PHOTOGRAPHY : Synap t ical Charts

Analysis of His toric Villas

Rus tom Cowasj ee

Analysis of Berlin Vill as

Villas as Found
S tudio Pre s s for Architecture
L . Ungers Cologne /Germany Conceptual Al ternatives

Final Villa Des igns

Site App li cation
The S cr eener
Willseyville, NY
Printed in the U . S . 1 9 7 7 3. B IBLIOGRAPHY


S tudio Pres s for Architec ture

L . Ungers
The Urb an Villa : A Prototype f or Inner
City Res idences

F IRST : Criteria C oncerning the Exi s t­ fami ly house ownership increased in the THIRD : C�itieria Conce rning the Housing
ing Problems of Hab i t at ion las t several years , not the least Type of the Urban Villa as a
in Inner Cities b ecause of the rise in s ocial wealth . New Form o f Urb an Residence
The t rend continues despite the many
For several years , the populat ion in Allensbach shows that b i g c i ties are inc onveniences inherent in one-family The h ousing type of the urban villa
mos t of the large cities in indus tr ial­ losing the ir attraction as residential hous e owner ship : the high cost o f should be promo t ed more than is cur­
ized countries has been decreasing . p lace s . S eventy-four percent of the cons truct ion , t h e length o f commuting r ently the case and for obvious reas ons :
This alarming fact is particularly Ge rman population would pre fer to live t ime , and the lack o f adequate s e rvice
obvious in countries like Germany and in the c ountry rather than the ci·y . fac ilities . Simultaneous ly as the 3. 1 The Empirical Fact s
the U . S . The consequence s of this Apparently , the reasons fo r the aban­ demand for one-family h ouse s expands ,
s te ad ily increasing exodus of city donment of the c i ty are als o the result valuab le re creat ional land on the The remodeling o f his t o rical urban
dwe llers int o the urb an f ringe areas , of changes in life s ty le ; b oth the car peripheries o f the cities is being villas to current needs has , in mos t
the suburb s , and the countrys ide lead and televi s ion helped to cre ate this des troyed by the proliferat ion o f case s , proven that thi s housing type
to the s low decay of the cent ral city trend . The time has passed when the lit t le b oxes , s o- called bungalows , is wel l- suited for res i denti al as we l l
dis tricts . S ince 1970 New York City move to the countrys ide als o meant a thereby prevent ing any pub lic us e . a s c ommercial u s e and that i t can b e
has lost more than 650 , 000 inhabi t ants . retreat f ro m so cie ty . Be caus e o f the ad apted f airly e asily t o the individual
In s ome p lace s , like Bro oklyn , more improvement in c ommuni cati ons , the The real mot ivation depends , however , needs o f the inhab itant s. As we know
than 7 0 % of the population ab andoned physical as well as the intelle ctual les s on ec onomi c and s ocial considera­ from many examp les , the hi s t ori c urb an

j,_ndependence and a free expression o f

the city , leaving deserted residential distance h as b een sub s tantially reduced . tions b ut rather on th�de s ire for vi lla areas in mos t cities remain o f

the personality:· . qti:tfe simply' on the

areas b ehind . The New York City Plan­ h1gh- physical quality though in mos t
ning Office is now considering turning The city i s now compet ing , part icular ly c as e s the s o cial s tructure has c om­
the se areas into urb an farm land . as far as the environmental q ualities inc reasing des ire for sel f-determina­ p letely change d . Today mos t of the
Such extreme example s aside , one can are concerned , with life in the country . tion and the imp rovement o f the q uality s o- called Grunde rze itvillen are
also obs erve a general t rend of ab an­ The future of the city there fore of l ife . An o rdinary apartment can o c cup ied by 3 or 4 , s omet imes even
donment in some of the larger German depends entirely on the s o lution o f the s carcely satis fy this most unde rs t and­ more families . Now the s ocial mixture
cities such as Cologne , Frankfurt , A!c,�2.E�}!.lY b etween city and count ry .
ab le des ire b ecause it forces limi ta­ is much more diverse in such areas
Muni ch and Berlin. (This occur s , how­ -rr· the city is going t o survive as a tions ont o the dweller and h is activit ies than it us ed to be and exceedingly
ever , mostly in cities with a high social , p o litical , economi c , and not and res t rict s his pers onal developmen t . more s o than it is in newly built areas .
percentage o f foreign worker s . ) the leas t , as a cultural entity , the It is there fore not s urpris ing that the The commercial mixture o f the forme r
s urvival is only possib le if living cons truction of apartments recently vi lla areas is als o more complex than
The movement of the inhab i t ants into and environmental condi t ions can b e decre ased compared with the cons t ructi on in new deve lopments . In the hist oric
the periphery also pulls produc t ion out provided i n the city s imi lar t o those of one- family houses . villa areas one c an s t ill f ind the

the studio''o:t the_ pers onal o f fice

of the cities and with it the main o f a more natural environment . To small s tore , the individual workshop ,
s ource of tax inc ome . As production improve the urb an habi tat , des tructive One mi gh t ask then , is there a housing
moves out , the number of j ob s decreases traf f i c planning mus t cease and cur­ type b e tween the two extreme s , combining right next to the apar tment . The
and unemp loyment increases . As a result , rent mas s h ousing pat terns change . the advantages of the two types and at same is t rue for the mixture o f apart­
the city has less tax income but finds the s ame t ime eliminat ing the dis advan­ ment types wh ich a re mult i- f old and
itself b urdened with higher s o c ia l costs . tages ? Ideally , it would be a housin g are reflect ive o f the personal needs ,
This leads to the decay of soc ial ins t i­ S ECOND : C riteria C oncerning the type with s uf ficient quali t ies t o als o economic possib i lities and individual
tutions of s chools , hospitals , pub lic Exis t in g Prob lem of Housing des ires o f the inhab i t ants .
imp rove the urb an environment . A
transpo rtation and other services hous ing type with 6 t o 8 individually
because of the lack of pub lic funds . Usually , hous ing des ign is reduced �o des igned apartments not unlike the The s ocial dive rsity o f the villas is
This is a maj or re ason for those who two res idential types : the one- family housing types o f the historic urban als o re flected in the archite ctur al
can afford it t o leave the c i ty , and house , detached or row-house type , villa could eas i l ty mee t these qualifi­ language . The bui ldings are not only

,.�cij:_yJg_§ .e1nd aJIIb i tions , b ut they als o

the cycle resumes . In s ome case s , par­ and the apartment , o ff ered only as an cations . the result o f various archit.e.ctural
t icularly in American citie s , the impers onal rentab le uni t , as any con­
vicious cycle accelerates fas t er and s umer item . More and more the ap ar t­ ·repres ent a typological vocabu lary o f
f as te r uPtil the city goes b ankrup t ment is considered se cond-b e at t o the .formal- - richness . Hardly any other
and can only b e s aved from t o t al econ­ one-family h ouse , which only a limited re s idential area h as a s imilar quality
omic and phys ical b reakdown by s t ate group o f pe ople can af ford . o f urb an elegance and generos ity
and federal interference . Recent prl ls show that 20 % of the people
living in c it ie s would prefer a one­
The res ult of a recent poll in Germany family house to an apartment . For
by the Ins t itut fur Demoskopie in various reas ons the t rend t oward one-
b ecause of the relati onship b e tween 3. 4 Economi c Considerations
private and the pub lic ameni t ie s . less risk in smaller proj ects than in are more suita b le for use in his torical
Such qualities occur even with s uch The urb an villa type is we ll-suited large scale cons t ructions . With such areas where they can be integrated re la­
h igh densi ty as 150 t o 200 people per for private inve s t ors because it o f fe rs proj ects the technologi cal was t e could tively easily . In most cases , the con­
hectacre which is equivalent t o the affiliated groups a chance t o f orm be s ub s t antially reduced and the qual­ s t ruct ion of large s cale housing b lo cks
average density in new multi-s t o ry hous ing co-operat ives . Further , it ities o f materials improve d . I t wou ld requires urban renewal with all its
o f fers the po ssib il ity for non-corpor­ stimulate cos t s aving cons t ruct ion and well-known s ocial , po lit i cal , e conomic
develo pment .
ative inves tment t o b ranches o f b usi­ at the s ame t ime favo r the c omp etit ion and physical consequences . Those reper­
ness that o rdinarily do not deal With in the housing market . cuss ions can be avo ided by vil la type
3.2 Desi gn Aspect
housing . For the small l andowners , it hous ing b e cause it is more o f a comple­
The hous ing type of the urban villa is a chance for a manageab le size finan­ ment ary than a replacing urban element .
contains 6 to 10 (maximum) apartments , 3. 7
cial inve s tment , thus b re aking the Social Aspects
each one different . The maximum num­ monopolization o f the hous ing and land
market by large corporations . The hous ing type o f the urban villa is 3. 9 Political As pects
ber o f f lo ors s hould b e limi t ed t o
In a villa o f that size much more responsive t o the needs o f
four or les s .
it would b e pos sib le t o plan apartment the use r and the personaliz ation o f l i fe Seen from a political point of view ,
unit s o f dif ferent size and arrange­ 3.5 Socio-Economi c and S tructural s ty le than any o ther type , even the one­ the promotion o f smaller h ousing types
ments and als o with varying re lat i ons Aspe cts family hous e , at leas t as far as the also favors a wide dis tribution o f home
to the outdoor sp ace . The apartments s o cial context and the realizat ion o f ownership and at the s ame t ime improves
on the ground f loor could be extended From the s o cio-economic point of view , special needs such as the cons t ruction the independence and s el f -determination
into private gardens , while the apar t ­ the promot- i on o f the cons truction o f of a swimming p oo l , a s auna o r o ther o f the owner . It rep resents a shif t
ments o n the sec ond f loor could have smaller h ousing units would b e particu­ common facilit ies which are more eas i ly from the dependent tenant t o the indepen­
terraces and loggias ; the ones on the larly suppo rt ive t o the small and accomplished communally than privately . dent home owner who can make his own
upper f loors could have acce s s to ro o f medium s i z e cons truction b usines s . It is also much e asier to organize a de cis i ons ab out his pe'r s onal environment .
Be caus e o f the growth o f large s cale pers onal hab itat on the relatively small A more p luralis tic marke t can develop
gardens. Each h ousing unit should
differ in architectural s tyle s , cons t ruction, particularly in housing , s cale o f an apar tment s ince for most f rom the mainly state- cont rolled one
exposing a wide richness o f form and the small cont ractors were almost people an entire house is t oo much o f from which private initiat ive has been
mate rials . comp le tely pushe d o ut by the big c om­ an economi c involvement and pers onal pushed out , as s t atis tics show . In
panies . This phenomenon lead t o a responsib ility . One als o has to cons i­ such a market private needs and parti­
loss of entrepreneurial capabilitie s , der the product ive re s t raints b rought c ipat ion have a much s t ronger influence
lack o f ini t iative , the b ureaucrati­ about by the indus t ri aliz at ion o f mass than now . No t only is the inf luence o f
3. 3 Funct i onal Aspects
z ation o f the cons t ructi on s e ctor and hous ing . These can only be overcome new ideas and innovations c omp le tely
Varying apartment sizes and p lans as ide , the loss o f quality o f workmanship t o by the elimination o f those cons traints lacking wi th the big c orporations , b ut
it would be pos s ib le to integrate pri­ name only a few . I f this trend in the themse lves , i . e . by the re turn to mor e also the individualiz ation and democra­
vate commercial and pub lic us e into b uilding t rade coul d be b rought to a pers onal product ion methods better geared tizat ion o f the housing marke t .
the building . Preferably this should halt , the promot ion o f the cons t ruction toward specific c ondit ions including
include small o f fices and special of smaller housing units would s eem t o conventional cons truction proce s s es and
commerical facilit ies such as private b e the righ t s tep t o take . do- it-yours elf work . FOURTH : S ummary
schools , kinder gartens , studios , e t c .
as well as branches o f public admini­ In conclus i on , one might s ay that the
3.6 Technologi cal Aspe cts 3. 8 Urb an Des i gn Aspects hous ing type o f the urb an vi lla, con­
s trative and service ins titut i ons .
Each vi lla would then carry funct ions taining a small numbe r o f individualJ..y
The t es ting o f new low-energy b uilding As an urb an des i gn element , vi lla type designed "apartments with addi tional
in addition to the s t rictly res iden­
tial ones and thus enrich the context and operat ing me th ods would seem a housing has great po t ential , ful filling l}Qn,res-idential uses , a broad s pect rum
as well as contributing to the urb an suitab le t es t ing gro und f or medium not only the requirements fo r a highly o f architectura l vocab ulary and with
s iz e h ous ing types , especi ally in the pers onalized and pluralis tic urb an a planned � re en open space , o f f ers
fab ri c . S ome villa units could even
b e p lanned as mono- funct ional facilities area of s o lar energy for heating . envi ronment but also p rovides for the so cia l , functional , e c onomi c , physic al ,
Other ener gy s aving metho ds in new appropriate s ocial dens ity and the and no t the lea s t , political features
such as private clinics , rooming houses ,
b uilding material s , s pecial house and urb an infras tructure . Villa type hous es that cannot be met by any o ther housing
small hotels or office build ings .
p lan f orms could b e tested with much
The Urb an Villa� A Mul ti-Family
Housing Type

type . That is the reason why this type The urban villa has the potential , as of peas ants i n Rome forced the major­
should be more s trongly s upported through Profes s or Ungers p ointed out , to be ity of the population to live in
federal hous ing pro grams . a r ealis tic solution for many of our speculative multi-s tory hous ing , the
present urban prob lems . Architect s , insulae (1) . As a vertical �xtrusion
Focusing on the prob lem of the city , being more involved in remodeling , of the Roman villa , the j\ftSula devel­
on the que s t ion o f the private vs . the subdividing and redesigning o ld ops into the palazz o-type housing of
pub lic hous ing market , the urb an vil la house s recently recognized tho s e 14th C entury Venice : 5 -s tory apart­
is obviously an answer to a series o f qual ities as expressed in the 19 th ment b locks with 4 or mor e units per
prob lems that have to b e res o lved Century vill a , which modern housing s tory , organized around a central
especially in the c ity of Be rlin . failed t o p rovide , such as indivi­ courtyard or a li ghtwell ( 2) . This
dual char acter and " s ense of p lace . " housing-palaz z o can be seen as a
The problem of the reduction o f the prototpye for inner-city housing in
urban dens ity and at the s ame time Unlike the rural precedent , as sociated the second half of the 19 th Century
the improvement of the quality o f with the present es cape from urb an in maj o r European cities ( 3) . By
the envir onment t o prevent further pr oblems , the urb an multi-family villa adding s everal courtyards , the housing
outward movement . can b e seen as an instrument for b lock develops into its extreme man­
urbanizat ion and reintegrat ion o f i festation , the "Mie t skaserne . " In
The prob lem o f the improvement o f l ivin g , working and recreation as eliminating the courtyard , the 19 th
the urb an quality i n the sense o f a s eparated in the A then ' s Charter . Century urban vi lla , and as a p o s t
diverse and enriched life s tyle . WW I I ve rsion , Ot t o S enn ' s villa f or
In the d iscuss ion of the villa- ideo l­ the Interb au in Berlin are created
The prob lem o f creating a p luralis ­ ogy , the qualities of the multi-f amily ( 3-6) .
tic urb an environment with mutually vers ions of the urban villa have
unres o lved contradictions as oppos ed generaly b een overlooked . Now , s ince Another trausf ormation appears in
to a uni fied one-dimens i onal urb an there is a critical dis tance to b o th 14 th Century Venice : the central
sys tem . the "Neues Bauen" and the p o s t WW I I c ourtyard is stretched to b ec ome a
housing b oom, to introduce , o r b etter , semi-pub lic road perpendicular t o
The prob lem o f the close connec­ rees tab lish this housing type might the main s tre e t , keeping the main
tion b e tween the built and the be more suc ces sful . fac�de oriented towards the latter .
natural environment and there fore From here it is a small s tep to
the relation b etween culture and In this context , a historical survey divorce the p arts o f the bui ldin g ,
nature . �cff the urban villa and··the pala-zz.o .. . e s tablishing Lond on "Mews " - type
as multi-family housing types intends rowhous es ( 7-9) .
The prob lem o f the pers onaliz ation to show that besides the urban villa/
o f architecture and likewise the palaz z o as dwelling type o f the ruling Finally , there is a line o f develop­
improvement of the adap t at ion o f the c las s e s (Herrschafts Arcllitektur) ment leading to the working c las s
needs , wishes of the us e r . sub j ect to the greates t attention by housing s chemes o f the late 19 th
the his torians , there has always b een C entury , dwarf ed villas , developed
The prob lem o f the demand t o build the villa/palaz z o as mul ti- f amily by gradual elimination o f the c ourt­
smaller hous ing uni ts to s upport hous ing for the masses . Als o , this yard , turning the rear into a vege­
a smal l s cale economy and to parti­ s urvey has to be seen as a general t able garden , and adding two , three
cipate with private inve s t ors on framework f o r b oth the analysis and and four of these units to a larger
the hous ing market and shift it the de sign , done during the Berlin one (10-16) . These schemes were
from a s tate--controlled market to Summer A cademy 19 7 7 . usually laid out on a gridiron pat­
the private sector again . tern , while s ome o f the more pres ti­
The urb an villa o r the palazzo as gious examples ( like A gnetap ark ,
multi-family housing exis ts s ince the De lft) c opied romantic lands cape
O . M. Ungers appearance of the housing que s t ion designs ( 1 7-18) .
which already shaped the cities o f
antiquity . The urb anizat ion o f mass e s
1. Recons truction o f a Roman Ins ul a 4. Wellcourt , Edinb urgh




. /
! I

2. Casa D ' Af fito , Milano , 1880 5. P alazzina Rea , Roma , Mario Rido l f i
19 34

3. Cas a D ' Af f i to , Venice , 16 th Century 6. Ap artmen t Hous e , Hansaviertel

O t to S enn. 19S7

7. P a1azzetto , Venice , 12 th Century

A lf4di.,Gi!;kc-t!ltell1lll!laler.
B Pa.s.ll:a!:$_.�1!DDllllllm.sft.D.

8. Case in Campo S . , Marin a , Venice 11 . Modei Cot tages , London , 1851

15 th Cen tury

9. Cas e ad App ar tamenti , Venice

House in the Gartens tadt Falkenberg
16th Century
Bruno Tau t , 19 1 3
Fig. 370. Fig. 371.

Keller- und Erdgefchofs. Obergefchoffe.

I. Yierhaufergruppe. l)t.oo w. Gr.

z, 3. Dreihaufergruppen.

4, 5. Zweihiiufergruppen. Arch.: Lethorel.

li!sou w. Gr.

Franziilifche Wohnhausanlage 319).

13 . M aison S imple de S o ciete le Foyer

16. Franzos i s che Wohnh ausanlage , Le thorel Arch .
1 89 7-190 0

18 . Arbeiters iedlung S tahlh ausen ,

Bo chum

Ledoux created a s er ies of villas , teen families would live together in
based on Palladian pre cedents , con­ the peace of the woods , each with a
ceived o f as multi-family housing as complete apar tment . •all they would

part of the city o f Chaux , which need would b e there . The head s o f
unlike earlier working c lass hous ing the families would govern by t rus t ,
s chemes ( the Fuggerei in Augsb ur g , loving affect ation , and good example ,
for examp le) , cons idered the worker rather than wi th moral s choo ling ,
as an impor t ant and active factor in propagating les s ons of wisdom • . •

society . In addit ion to these des i gns surrounded only by virtue , they would
of h ous es for " two cab inet makers , " know nothing of evil . " 2
"two merchants , " " two artis ts , " o r
"four fami lies" f o r the city o f Chaux Ledoux ' s impact on English architec­
( 19 - 24 , 29) , Ledoux had the oppor tani ty ture des erves to b e ment ione d . The
to realize some of his housing des igns . Ros ten Es tate particular ly inf luenced
The two maj o r proj ects b e ing the John Nash ' s Regent ' s P ark des i gn in
Saiseval hous es and the Ros ten Es tate , London which was t o include luxurious
the first o f which was arranged in private residence s , b arracks and three
groups of five , raised on a p latform markets . John Wood the younger , in
t o create vaulted halls for carriages his b o ok "A S eries of Plans f or Cottages ,
( 25) . This project might be s een as Hab itiat ions o f the Lab ourer , Adapted
a p re cedent for the "Brunnadern" as Well t o T own as t o the C ountry , "
housing es tate by Atelier 5 ( 85) . proposed c o t t ages t o b e b uilt in pairs ,
Due to the pres sur e of increas ing c ontaining from one to four r o oms ,
housing demand in Paris the free­ varied in layout and e levation and
s tanding S ai seval villas are trans­ terr aced in a manner which gives them
formed into a row of attached houses the appea�ance of a s ingle unit . As
in the Has ten-development which c on­ a c ontinuation of John Wood ' s designs
s i s t s o f fifteen attached vil las , one and s tr ongly influenced by F rench
of them o ccupied by the owner ( 2 7 -28) . archi tec ture , Joseph Gandy pub lished
Bas ed on the fai lure o f the revolu­ two books in 1805 , "De s i gns for Cottages"
tion to carry out the progres s ive plans and "The Rural Architect , " int ending
for se cular b ui ldings , " the development to improve the living conditi ons of the
o f the Ro sten Es t ate of 1792 b ecame the "labouring poor" ( 31- 3 3) .
pro t otype o f cap it alis t land develop­
21. House wi th Roo f Terr aces
ment . . . ( including) a hous e of f our 22. Cyli ndri c Crown ing
s tories , sub divided into what at the
present time are c alled ' mai s onet tes , '
the ground floor and the firs t , the
se cond f loor , and third resp ectively
forming a comp lete residential unit
with separate kitchens . " l The houses
are o rganiz ed ar ound an English garden
with a river and a pond , playgrounds
for children and a s chool.

Ledoux ' s emphasis on s ocial conditions

can b e shown mo st clear ly in his "Hous e
of Communal Life" 1 7 7 3- 39 , planned as
part of the city o f Chaux ( 30) . "Six-

23 . Hous e o f Two Merchants

House o f Four Belvederes
Marquis de S ai s eval ' s Hous es , Paris ,

30 . House o f Commun al Life , Ledoux , 1 7 7 3 -79

27. M . Ros ten ' s Houses , Paris , Ledoux , 1 7 8 7 -9 2
Even though a certain part o f the villas , which sometimes remained
urban p opulat ion from the Medieval unoccupied for years , favoring the
Perio d to the 18th Century lived in cons t ruction o f apartment-villas.
rented hous ing , the dwelling f o rm Large s cale apartment-palaces , com­
was predominantly de termi��d by the monly used in the inner city , were
us e of the owner. 'cons truction o f introduced in the west end. In the

\ ported by the Pruss ian King Friedrich II used even to fill in the gaps in
i thre e and four story hous es w a s sup- lat e eigh ties apartment villas were

\ for representational reas ons. But only the mos t luxurious villa dis tricts
\ af ter the t remendous population increase (40 -46).
\ in the middle of the 19 th Century , the
prob lem of the multi-s tory apartment In Ber lin, the populat ion inc rease
3 1. h ous e s appeared; for now the issue around 1840 to a density of 39
C o t tages of the Winds,Gandy , 1805
was no longer the oc cas ional leasing p ers ons per s it e indicates extreme
o f rooms in a private house , b ut rather overcrowding , while the fi gure o f
the c ons t ruct ion of multi- fami ly houses. 5 7 p ers ons i n 18 71 already s ignals
The average o ccupancy o f a res idential the extensive use of a new b uilding
s it e in med ieval cities was 7-8 per­ typ e , the "Miet skase rne." 5 Under
s ons and increased to 15-17 pers ons these circums t ances a strong entre­
in 18th Century Berlin. This increase preneurial activity developed a
was accomp lished by addition o f b a ck­ series o f villa-sub urb s at di fferent
yard and garden buil dings , exc lus ively locations in the city , t ending to
rented hous ing types. c onnect Berlin with Po tsdam ( 4 7-52).
An early example , les s amibitious
The rapid ext ens ions of the cities than mos t of those f ollowin g , was
eventually led to a gradual urb ani­ the Kiel gan-Dis t rict at the
zat ion o f the traditional villa dis­ Kurfurs tenstrass e near the Nol len­
tricts . Promoted by speculat ive dorfp lat z (5 3). It cons is ted o f a
buildin g , s treet and s quare as urb an dens ely b uilt-up area with s emi­
elements b egan to dominate the des i gn detached and s ingle houses , s tandi�g
o f hous e s in villa d istrict s , which in small gardens. The "Kolonien" /
no longer were frees tanding in their - as tho s e sub urb s were c alled -
spacious garden , dis tant from the Wes t end , li cht enfelde , Wi lmersdorf
32. Co t tages wi th Four Rooms street and s e lf- contained. Friedenau and Grunewals were rapid ly
John Woo d , 1806 deve loped to c ontain , in addition t o
The well-do cumented Westend in s ingle- family villas , a large num-
Frankfurt Main exemp li fies this kind b er o f multi-s t ory , mult i- fami ly
of development4 (34 -39). A round the villas and palazz os wh ich were
middle o f the century semi-detached adapted to the prevailent " country­
villas , then f rees t anding multi­ h ouse" character . Overexploi t at ion
family houses with villa chara c ter , of'the s i tes for s pe culat ive reasons
and f inally s emi-detached multi- fam­ provoked Muthes ius ' crit icism o f
ily palazzos cons t ructed by s pecu­ the "vil.lenkolonie Grunewald , "
lative builders , appear after 1870. des cribing the Berlin "apartment­
The Bourgeois ie , rather than b ui lding villa" as a carmoufl aged Mietskaserne.6
their vi llas , purch ased them from
cons t ruct ion firms wh ich built who le
s t reet b lo cks in private enterprise.
This led to prob lems in se lling the

3 3. Doub l e C o t tage , Lugar , 180 5

39 . Delkeskamp :
41 . Mende ls ohns trass e 6 8 / 70 , 1890 B ockenh eimer Lands trass e 2 2 1886 47 . Maass ens tras s e 2 8 , Berlin , 1879 4 8. Weinbergsweg 12 , Berlin , 1874

43 . Epp s teiners trasse 5 8 , 1 8 75 49. Wilhe lms tras s e J3 , Berlin , 1 89 3 50 . Kur furs tens trasse 1 36 , 1884-86

45 . Niedena u 35 , Frank furt /M. , 1 86 0 51 . kurffir s t endamm 6 , 1883-84 5 2. Konigra t zers tras s e 132 ,
46 .
While i n the Nineteenth Century
philanthropists or large firms man­
a ged housing , now c oope rative hous­
ing s o cieties , including workers ,
took over the leadership . A new
form o f the apartment hous e , owned by
a tenant's cooperative , was s ub s ti­
tuted for the private apartment hous e ,
de rived from the o ld conceptions o f
single house ownership . Ab ove all ,
the large "Beanten-Wohnun gsverein"
- . . . . . . - . . and its architect Paul Meb es , contin­
11 ark , II 57. Landhaus grup p e "Zehlendorf
53 . Kielgan-Vierte l , Berlin , 1870 ued the search for a new apartment 56 . L andhaus grup pe Amal 1enp

7 P aul Meb e s , 1909-10
type ( 5 6 -59) . In this c ontext , i t Otto March , 1896 -9
i s o f interes t t o note that even
b e fore 1 8 70 a very similar d eve lop­
ment , composed of groups of two or
three hous e s , surrounded by gardens ,
was built on the eas t side o f the
Landgrafens t ras se (54-55) .

Finally , a compilation o f Berlin

multi- fami ly vi llas built after the
turn of the c entury illus trat e the
wide range o f types b etween the
extremes of a "sub divided s ub urban
vi lla" and the "urb an p alaz z o "
(60- 71) .

5 4. Landgra f ens tras s e , Berlin , 1869

55 . P lan of House in the L andgra fens tras s e

5 8. Landhausgruppe "Dahlem II , " 5 9. Vopeli us p f ad 3 , Ludwig Otte , 1905 60. Bogotastrasse 15, Home for the Aged
Eri ch Kohn , 190 4 -0 6 Hermann Muthesius, 1904�04

f .. , .


Kirchwe g 3 3 , C onvent "Mi t telh o f , "

Hermann Muthes ius , 1914 -15

62 . Wangenhe ims trass e

int o 6

Hermann Muthesius ;- 1908-09

64 . Rheinbab enallee 46 , 48 , three­
f amily hous e , Gros s mann , 1 9 2 3 67. Reichensteiner Weg, Einkuchenhaus

65 . Fontanes trass e 14
B runo Taut und Hof fmann , �!l
68. Irmgardstrasse, Berlin 25� 2 7 , 2 9
�6-family house, 19 25
72 . Multi-fami ly Villas in the C i te
69 . Denks tras s e 5 , S chrode r , 1909 Indus trielle , Tony Garnier , 1898

Col! Of lA MAISO:-.

73 . Te rrac ed Villa Blo ck at the

70 . Ferdinands tras se 2 2 , Herold , 19 01 Riviera, Adol f Loos , 19 23

74. B locks of Dw el lings on the

71. B adenallee 1, 1 9 1 1-12 "Cellular " Sys tem, L e Co rb us ier , 192 9
Erstar Stoek
1 luftreum der Halle. 7 Zimmer
2 Galer-ie 8 Oamenzimmt
3 GemildegaJ.rie s we
4 to Bad
In Berlin , by May 1927 , 120 , 00 0
5 11 Toilette
Terras:se 12 Terresse
people were looking f o r a dwe l ling .
Mar tin Wagner e s t imat ed the obj ective

0 �
demand f or 1929 to be approximately
200 , 00 0 dwelling units . Under this
pr es s ure , the living condition of
the mas ses b ecame a central concern .
"While in previous t imes the living
U E'dgeochoss
s ty le o f the upper c las ses f o rmed
ToikJtta tO
the guide line for the house of the
PfOrtner 11
KUche 12 Abstellraum petty b o urgeois , now the "Exi s ten t z
6 arage 13 Garage

minimum" (minimal housing) s t andards

were us ed as des i gn cri teria . " 7
�eeing the s o ciety as the real com­
pnssioner of the architect , the
/ optimal unit and layout of housing
b ecame the ultimate goals for the
architec t . The "minimal s t andard"
was s een as the ess ent ial minimum o f
space , ligh t , air and heatin g , that
man needs without b eing handicapped
by the shelt e r , es t ab lishing a "modus
vivendi" ins tead o f a "modus non
moriendi . " 8 Due t o these impover­
ATEUE.R ished requirements , the lib e rat ion
whi ch was expected from rationaliza­
t ion turned into its oppos ite .

D�mm� m �· I
.... �"" .. . . tll'f
Otto Hae s ler ' s " It alian Garden"
development in Ce l le , 19 24 , repre­
s ents a turning point in the evolu­
f. tion o f housing of the twent ies . A
76 . Doub le Villa in the Weis s enho f las t re ference to s ingle , villa-like
-Siedlun g , Le C o rb us ie r , 19 2 7 b uildings before changing t o
"Zeilenb au" ( 79) . Rather than con­
necting individual dis t inguishab le
units with each o ther , the " Gross f orm''
b ec omes dominating with the s ingle
elements expre s s ed only secondar i ly
in its s ubdivis ion .

In cont ras t t o Mies Van der Roh e ,

who did not a t t empt t o e l iminate the
b orders between multi- family hous e
and vill a , Le Corb us i er b uilt two
villas in the Weissenh o f- S iedlung ,
consisting or�e1ements derived from
the Pes sac hous ing development ( 76 - 7 7) .
For C orbus ier , the villa as a multi-
. family h ous ing type was always a prob-

P e s s ac-hous in g , Le C o rb us ie r , 1 9 2 5

i lem of central concern. In addition

. to several two-fumil.¥��Mus�?, includ­

ing Maison La Roche, the Weissenhof
double villa and Pessac , he developed

which-;;:;;·rc;�;=�(fesigns �we're based.

the cellular ''honeycomb" principle on

such as schemes for Bordeaux and the

�a-called "Freehold-Maisonette" -
� locks with apartment "villas 11 as
1the constituent units. Thus , the
'term "villa , " frequently used by
79. Siedlung "Italienischer Garten , " Celle , Otto Haesler , 1924 Corbusier for housing schemes, under­
goes a transformation of meaning from
82. Mehrfamilienhauser im Doldertal ,
Tony Garnier's villas of the city­
Zurich , Alfred Roth , 1936
industrielle, which still follow the
traditional multi-family villa type ,
to Adolf Laos' group of villas at the
Riviera to Corbusier's apartment-villa
superblock (72 -75 ).

The multi-family villa tradition,

largely being neglected in the twenties
because of preoccupation with indus­
trialization and minimal standard
housing , with a few exceptions (7 8-81 ,
93) , was continued in 1936 with Alfred
Roth's houses in the Doldertal near
Zurich (82). Concerned with the
problem of the fre��tc=.mding apartment
-house with. :urban character , he

oJ the one:cd'a� ly house to. tliemuTti-

attemped -�Q.._J:rl:l.J:lf3f�x. th�;Ladvantages

story apq.r:tmemt.• dwelling. This �-xample

80. Modell Einer "Stadt ohne Hofe , " Gebruder Luckhardt und Anker
seems to lead directly to' the few out­
standing developments built after the
war: Otto...Senn}..s" ..v:i11a, in the
_l!.en�:laii�:;:tel and the Flamatt-H��ses"·
by Atelier 5 , developed further in

the "Brunnadern" Estate by the same

sists of 4 houses with 2 8 dwellings

architects (83-85). This scheme con­

of various sizes , 14 of which are two­
��:l:&!"Y_Il@if:l()J:l�t;l�l'l· rtwas ::fntencied
to create "individually formed

• • •

apartments with one-family house char­

acter in a strongly moulded 3-dimen­

ID siunal building mass , in which due to

the interrelationships between build­

[E) lEB
m I I
Bl �-�
ings and space between them, the vary­

ing external spaces allow the overall
fEE ffi

81. Atelierhouses , Andre Lurcat


concept to be realized a s a unified

whole. All building entrances , the
basement garage, communal indoor swim­
ming pool, hobby room and play areas
are accessible from the pedestrian
?xis, which, running through the center
of the site, takes the form for its
;major part of a deck beneath the build­
;ings. Most of the apartments can
/be reached not only by elevator or
I external spiral stair� but als·o from
lindividual accesses." � The sequence
Doldertal-Flamatt-Brunnadern over­
83. Wohnhaus im Hansaviertel, Berlin , 85 . Wohnanlage " Brunnadern , " Berne ,
Otto Senn , 19 5 7 comes the characteristics of the Atelier 5 , 1 9 7 4
uNeues Bauen" and " International Style , "
creating individual units of different
size , thus becoming important prece­
dents for the Summer School villa

211d floor piall

84. Flamatt Housing, Berne ,

Atelier 5 , 1 9 5 7
Comparing dif fe rent c ount ries , it
s eems that in England , which rarely
participate d in the twenties '
housing dis cussion , the urb an dwelling
always played a minor r ole in cont r as t
t o the country-hous e . The normal
urban dwelling in England is the row
hous e . A s Muthesi us put it : "No one
here has any doub t s that the urban
dwelling can only b e makeshift ,
which neces sarily c an be only a s ub ­
s titut e for the ideal o f the free­
s tanding c ount ry hous e . " lO
87-9 2 . Concorso per un Lo t t o di Vi l lini 93. S un tophomes , Frank Lloyd Wri gh t ,
O s tia Lido , Mario Rido lfi , 19 3 2 In Italy , which developed an indepen­ 1939
dent modern tradition in architecture ,
a gro up of architects around Terragni
was developing s ome o f the most impre s ­
sive multi- family villas , especi ally
a who l e s e ries des igned for the Ostia
Competition in 1 9 31 ( 8 7- 9 2) .

The development in F rance was predom­

inant ly repres ented by Le Corbusier ,
as the U . S . were by Frank Lloyd Wright
( 9 3) . Yet in the U . S . , the achieve­
ments of s pe culative building des erve
our attention in this context . S o- called
" s uburb an apartment h ous es" became very
popular around the turn o f the century
(94-9 9 ) . Uti lizing various traditional
American s tyles , mos t o f them adap t ed
feat ures o f s ub urban one- f amily hous e s
t o avoid attention : "An apartment
house set among private dwellings -
e s pecially o f the better type - i f it
i s to b e s uc ce s s ful , mus t harmonize
with i ts s urroundings • • . and i f it
is t o be a perfect s uc cess architec­
turally it will present no features
that shall give evidence o f its.
character as an apartment house . " ll

A s li gh t ly dif fe rent version , which

c ould serve as a mode l for today , are
the " co operative apartments " ( 1 9 1 1) :
s to ckho lders ere ct their own building ;
each owner is ab le t o plan the size
and arrangement of the rooms in his
own apartment ; the management o f the
building is generally under the con­
t ro l o f the hous e commit tee .

Hans F . Kallho f f
97. The Hereford Apartment ,
94. The Cambridge, Chicago , Myron Hun t , 1902
Myron Hunt , 1903

98. The Burdsdal Apartments,

95. "A Practical Four Flat Buidlin g , " Edgar Ovet Blake, 1 9 1 0
Glenn L . Saxton , 1 9 1 7

99 . "Interesting Type of Three-family

9 6. Miller-Apartments , Chicago ,
House." Frank A. Car enter 1 9 10

1. Rosenau , Helen, The I deal 1. Recons truction o f a Roman Ins ula ; Moholy-Nagy
City, Boston , 1959 , P . 9 0 2. Casa D'Af fito , Milano , 1 880 ; C ame s as ca
2. Lemagny , J . C . , Vis i onary 3. Cas a D�Af fi to,- Venice , 1 6 th Century ; Trincanato
Architects , Hous ton , 196 8 , 4. Wellcourt , Edinb urgh ; Weissbach /Mackowsky
P . 120 5. P alazzin a Rea , Roma , Mario Rido l fi , 19 34 ; Controspazio
3. S chinz , Alfre d , Das m ehr� Ap artment Hous e , Hans aviertel Berlin , O t to S enn , 195 7 ; Berlin
geschoss ige S e ge Mie�shaus und S eine Bauten , IV B
von 1896-1945 , in : Berlin 7. P alazze tto , Venice , 12 th Century ; Trincanato
und S eine Bauten IV B , 8. Cas e in. CampoS . , Marin a , Ven i ce , 1 5 th Century , Trincanato
Berlin , 19 74 9. Case ad App ar tamenti , Venice , 1 6 th Century ; Trincanato
4. Merten , K . /Mohr , C . , Das 10 . Case Popolari , Milano , Faz zini , 1 8 7 9 ; Cames as ca
Frank furter Wes tend , Munchen , 11. Model Cot tages , London , Henry Roberts , 1 851 ; Tarn
19 7 4 12 . House in the G artens tadt Falkenb e r g , Berlin , Bruno Taut , 19 1 3 ;
5. S ch inz , O p : Cit . Berlin und S eine Bauten , IV B
6. Heg emann , Werne r , Das s tei­ 13 . Mais on S imp le de S o cie te le Foyer , Ville neuvois , M. P aul S imon ,
nerne Berlin , Berlin , 19 30 , 189 7-190 0 ; Lucas
p. 2 7 3
14 . Groupe de Quatre Maisons , Marseille , M . Charles D'Alb ert , 1888'
7. Rus e , Norbert , Neues Bauen , Lucas
Miinchen, 19 75 , P . 6 4 15 . Progetto De Cas a Populare , Roma , D . C arnbello tti , 1909 ; Accas to
(Trans lation) 16 . • Franz os i s che Wohnhausanlage , Lethorel Arch . ; Weissb ach
8. Ibid , P . 6 6 17. Agnetap ark , Delft ; Weissbach
9. S chwab , Gerhard , Dif fe renz ierte Arb e iters iedlung S tahlhausen , Bochum; Weis sb a ch
18 .
Wohnaneagen , Stuttgart ,. 19 75 , 19 . House o f Two Artis t s , Ledoux; Kaufmann
P . 21 House o f Two Cab inet Makers , Ledoux; Kaufmann
20 .
10 . Muthes ius , Hermann , Das Eng li s ch e 21. Hous e with Roo f Terraces , Ledoux; Kaufmann
Haus , Berlin , 1 9 10 , P . 140 House with the Cylindric Crown in g , Ledoux; Kaufmann
( Tr ans lat ion) House o f Two Merchants , Ledoux; Kaufmann
23 .
11 . Walden , Walter , " Private Hous e
24 . House o f Four Belvederes , Ledoux; Kaufmann
Apartments , in : The Apart­
25 . Marquis de S aiseval's Hous e s , Paris , Ledoux , 1 7 86 ; Lemegny
men t Hous e , Chicago , J an . 19 11
26. Three Houses , Bellanger , Dennis
12 . B ancrof t , F . S . , Co-oper ative
27. M . Ros ten's Houses , Pari s , Ledoux , 1 7 8 7-9 2 ; Lemagny
Apartment hous es , in : The
28 . M. Ros ten's Hous es , Ground Floor P lan
Apartment Hous e , Op . Cit .
29 . House fo r a Father and His Three S ons , Ledoux , 1 7 7 3-79 ; Lemagny
30 . House o f Communal Life , Ledoux , 1 7 7 3-79 ; Lemagny
31. C o t tages o f the Winds, London , Jos eph Gandy , 180 5 ; G andy
32 . Cottages with Four Rooms , London , John Woo d , 1806 ; Wood
33 . Doub le Cot tage , London , Rob ert Lugar , 180 5 ; Hitch co ck
34 . Frankfur t /M. , Plan von Ullrich , 1 8 39 ; Merten
35 . Frankfurt /M . , P lan von Fo t z -Eberle , 1 860 ; Mer ten
36 . Frankfurt/M . , Plan von C a . 1 8 7 3 ; Merten
37. Frankfur t /M . , P lan von C a . 1 8 8 7 ; Mer ten
38. Delkeskamp : Villa Gruneb urg , Frankfur t /M. , 1864 ; Merten
39 . Delkeskamp : Landhaus Matti , Frankfur t/M. , 1864 ; Merten
40 . Taunusp latz , Frankfurt/M. , 1 8 5 7 ; Merten
41 . Mende lsohns trasse 6 8/ 70 , Frankfurt /M. , 1890 ; Mer ten
42 . Bockenheimer Lands trass e 22 , Frank furt/M. , 1886 , Merten
43. Eppsteiners trasse 5 8 , Frankfurt/M. , 1 8 75 ; Mer ten
44 . S iesmayers trass e 5 4 , Frankfur t /M . , 1 8 7 0 ; Merten
45. B o ckenheimer Lands tras s e 28 , Frankfurt/M. , Merten
46 . Niedenau 35 , Frankfurt /M. , 1 86 0 ; Merten
47 . Maass ens tras s e 2 8 , Berlin , 1879 ; Wicke
48. Weinb er gswe g 12 , Berlin , 1 8 74 ; Wicke
49 . Wilhelms trasse 33 , Berlin , 1 89 3 ; Wicke 82 . Mehrf ami lienhaus er im Dolderta l , Zurich , Alfred Ro th , 1 9 36 ; S chwab
50 . Kur furs tens tras s e 1 3 6 , Ber lin , 1884-8 6 ; Wicke 83 . Wohnhaus im Hansavie rt e l , Berlin , O t to S enn , 195 7 ; B . U . S . B .
52 . KOni gra t zers tras s e 132 , Ber lin, 1 884 ; Wicke IV B , 5 59
53 . Kielgan�Viertel , Berlin , 1 8 70 ; Gro te 84 . Flama tt Hous ing , Berne , Atelier 5 , 19 5 7 ; GA
54. Landgra f ens tras s e , Berlin , 1 8 6 9 -72 ; B erlin und Seine Bauten ( 1 8 7 7) 85 . Wohnanla ge 11Brunnadern , 11 Berne , Atelier 5 , 1 9 7 4 ( ? ) ; S chwab ,
55 . P lan of House in the Landgrafens tras s e Differe nziere Wohnanlagen
56 . L andhaus gruppe 11Amalienp ark,1 1 Berlin , O t t o March , 189 6 -9 7 ; 86 . Apar tment House, Wuppertal , O . M. Ungers , 195 9 ; C as ab ella 305
Berlin und Seine B auten , IV B 365 8 7- 9 2. Concorso per un Lotto di Vi llini O s t i a Lido , Mario Ridolfi,
57. Landhaus gruppe "Zehlendorf I,11 B erlin, P aul Mebes, 1909-10 ; 19 32 ; Accas to
B.U . S . B . , IV B 2 70 93. S untophome s , Frank Lloyd Wrigh t , 19 39 ; Hitchco ck , Nature o f
58. Landh aus gruppe "Dahlem I I , " Berlin , Erich Kohn , 1904-0 6 ; Materials
B . U . S . B ., IV B 2 6 6 94 . The C amb ridge , Chicago , Myron Hun t , 19 0 3 ; The Architec tural Review
59 . Vope liusp f ad 3, Berlin , Ludwi g Otte, 1905 -0 6 ; B.U . S . B . IV B 2 6 8 95 . "A P ractical Four Flat Buidlin g , " Glenn L . S axton , 1 9 1 7 ; S axton
60. B o go tas tras s e 15, Berlin, Hermann Muthes ius , 190 4 -0 4 , 96. Miller-A partment s , Chicago , Pond & P ond , 1 9 0 3 ; The Architec tural
Home for the Age d ; B . U . S . B . IV C , 1 2 6 Review
61. Kirchwe g 3 3, Berlin , De r "Mi t telh o f , " Hermann Muthes ius , 1 91 4-15 , 97 . The Hereford Ap artment , Myron Hun t , 1902 ; The Architec tural Review
Conv ent ; B . U . S . B . IV C , 142 98. The Burdsdal Apartments , Edgar Ovet B lake , 1910 ; The Apar tment
62 . Wan genheims tras s e 47, Berlin , Fritz Pohlmann , 1904 , sub divided House
int o 6 apartments ; B . U . S . B . IV C , 7 3 99 . "Interes ting Type of Three-fami ly Hous e , " Frank A. Carpenter ,
63. Ander Rehwiese 1 3, Berlin , B runo S chmi t z , 1 9 1 2 , three-f amily 1910 ; The Apartment House
hous e ; B . U . S . B . IV C , 138
64 . Rheinb ab enal lee 46 , 48 , Berlin , Peter Gro s smann , 1 92 3 , three­
f amily hous e , B . U . S . B . IV C , 199
65 . Fontanes tras se 14 , Berlin , B runo Taut und Hoffmann , 19 1 1 ;
B . U . S . B . IV B , 311
66 . Akazienallee 1 4-16, Berlin , Augus t Ende ll , 1910-11 ;
B . U . S . B . IV B , 2 1 8
67. Reichens teiner We g , Einkuchenhaus , Berlin , Hermann Muthes ius ,
1908-09, B.U . S . B . IV B , 315
68. Irmgards tras s e , Berlin 25, 2 7, 29, 19 25, 1 6 -family hous e ;
B . U. S . B . IV B, 45 2
69 . Denks tras s e 5, Berlin , Paul S chrode r , 1909 , B . U . S . B . IV B, 309
70. Ferdinandstras s e 2 2, Berlin Herold , 19 01-0 2 ; B . U . S.B . IV B , 3 2 3
71 . Badenallee 1 , Berlin , 1 9 1 1-12 ; B . U . S . B . IV B , 2 2 5
72 . Multi-family Villas i n the Cite Indust rielle� Tony Garnier ,
189 8 ; Wiebensohn
73 . Terr ac ed Villa Blo ck at the Rivier a , Adolf Loos , 19 23 ;
Nunz /Kuns tler
74 . Blocks of Dwellings on the " Cellular" Sys tem, Le C o rb usier ,
19 2 9 ; City of Tomorro w
75 . Maison la Roche , Le Corbusier , 1923 ; Boes iger
76 . Doub le Villa in the Weissenhof-Siedlun g , Le Corbusie r , 19 2 7 ;
Boes iger
77 . Pes s ac-housin g , Le Corbus ie r , 1925 ; Boes i ger
78. Mei s te rhauser in Dessau, W. Gropius , 1 9 ; Ruse
79 . Siedlung " I talienischer Garten , " Celle , O t to Hae s l er , 1924; Gut

80 . Modell Einer " S tadt ohne Hofe , " Geb ruder Luckhardt und Anker ;
81 . Atelierhouses, Andre Lur cat ;
The Urban Vill a : On the Des ign Process .. DES IGN PARAMETERS ( RANPOM COLLECTION)

Perhaps the mo st predominant theme 'the f o llowing processes : do cumentat ion Generating Geometrical Literary/Sylli>ol Architectural Urban Natural
represented in the work done in the in a c omparat ive manner o f s c ale and Processes Organization References Metaphors Metaphors Metaphors

19 7 7 Sommerakademie in Berlin is the repres entation , analys is o f the exis t ing Quo tation Axial Cross Wall Bridge Tree
Repetition Symmetrical Face
co-exis tence of two pro ces s es of thought under lying themes , and c reative interpre­ Roo f Street Mountain
Fragmentation Radial Heaven Stair Arcade Cave
or the c oncurrence of thought in tation or re-interp re tation by the Collage Peripheral Pyramus & Thisbe Table Galleria Cloud
Addition Proportional Janus Tower Plaza Elephant
des ign and in analys is , and the creative individual o f thos e themes found to b e Superlmposit Linear Mo ther & Child Gate Village Island
int erpre t at ion which plays the maj o r characteris tic . In this s tage , then , Projection Random Love Fountain City Forest
Progression Polycentric Limo Pyramid Connector River
role i n these pro cesses . The two modes the p ro cess o f des i gn and creative Composition Additional Joe Monastery Edge Canyon
Illusion Sequential Beethoven Column Park Honeycoui>
o f though t , t raditionally $eparated in thinking is alre ady included in the
the s e modern times o f obj ect ivity and analys is , promoting an involvement as
quantitative analys is , have b een woven a des igner in looking at how o thers
t o gether in the basic premise that Site Construction &
have thought and then applying one ' s Topographical Typological Location (Urban) Economic and
Regulations Social
there is equal need fo the c reative own interpretation .
Square Flat Site Free Standing Waterfront Conventional Professional
imagination in analysis and in synthesis ; Irregular Sloped Site Attached Island Pre Fab Spec. Ethnic Group
that " finding" is as much a creative act l:li11 Top Site
This impo rtant process o f c reative inter­ Wide Enclosed Space Street of Villse Skeleton Conet. Ole
Narrow Site Introverted Block (Inside) Pilotie Small Families
e s "makin g , " and that the ult imate value pre t at ion was then us ed in a different 4 Side Exposure Green Site Above Grade Intersection Frame Workers
No Exposure Naked Site <kl Grade On Plaza Bearing Wall Migrants
lies in the interpretat ion in an imagin­ w ay , in hunting and recording the villas Heavy Traffic llooftop Site Side Access Inner City Steel Close Community
ative way , through conceptual o rdering . as found in Ber lin t oday . The interpre­ Parking Lot Built Over Site Access From Below In a Park Glass Individualistic

tive ques t ions of "What is a vi lla ? ' '

Side S t . Access Valley SUe High Bldge. Block of Cillas Cc:m.crete Spec. Interest Group
- ·
Ped. Access Overgrovn Site Low Bldgs . Ruined District Brick High Density

The task was one o f the inve s t i gation and "How can these villas be c lassi fied
and exploration of a prototype , "The and explained? " came into b eing in this 3. FUNCTlOIIAL IIEQ1Jll!EMENTS

Villa as an Urban Dwelling Form , " pho to gr aphic re cor d . Only by c oncep- Residential Recreational Cultural Couaercial Industrial Ins titutional
and its app lication to specific condi- tual o rdering and imaginat ive interpre-
Studio Apt . Stm Bath Terrace Kindergarten Architects Off . Workshop Local Office
tions . This research was carried o ut t at ion can the s e characteris tics o f 4 Br. Apt. Garden Dancing School Artists Studio Repair Shops S torefront Gov ' t
Elderly Apts . Loggia Music School Medical Prac t . Service Shops Advisory Offices
i n s everal di fferenct ment al di rections unity and divers ity within the s ame Student Beg. Roof Garden Arch . Academy Kiosk Light Indus try Information
at once , in an e f fort t o unders t and this " type" b e underst o od and communi c ated . COliiiiiUne Green House Day Care Center Laundry Research Lab . Dept. Offices
· Halfway House Sw:lllllllilig Pool Theater Specialty Shops Woodworking Org. Headqutrs .
phenomenon in a historical context as In this s tage "sear ching" and " finding" Monastery Sauna Gallery · lui> iss Manufacturing Prof . Groups

well as in an investi gation of its inher- c ome int o the des i gn pro ce s s , as well Sanatorium Fitness lloom Museum Cafe Storage Consulate
Guest House Playgrounds Library Garden Restaur . Printing Press Embassy
ent , if lat en � , attrib utes and the ut ili- as the appre ciat ion and unders t anding Brothel Pinball lloom Religious Center Macdonalds Blimp-Factoty Social Service

z at ion o f these at tributes to create of the accidental incident , and its

a new conceptual prot otype through a inc lus ion in the conceptual morpholo gy .
creative des i gn pro ces s o f discove ry This w as cons idered an essential part
and trans format ion . Thus , from the of the des i gn proces s - that we do not
b eginning s tages of his t o rical villa f ab ricate everythin g , but rath er that
types , the proce s s of creat ive interpre- we open our 1.dnds to interpretat ion and
tation was woven into the s tudy o f these clarification o f that whi ch is found . This synthe tic pro gramming consis ted o f b uilding type and the variety o f its
examples , s earching out unde rlying con­ t h e overlapping o f e lements in a applicat ion in the urb an condition ,
cepts rather than names and dates , and While these concepts and ideas about the three-sided matrix, the three categories which w as our intent t o demons tra te .
making des ign interpre tat ions rather u rb an vil la were b eing synthesized , the b e ing : des i gn concepts , funct ional Each s tudent produced s everal villa
than merely "observation and re cording " firs t actual des i gn s tage , the "creative requirements , and contextual condi tions . alterna t ives in a matt er of days , and
in an ob j e ctive manner . This creative leap , " t ook place . The s t udents were Thro ugh the s election o f e lements in from the completed catalo g , a s election
int erpretation is essential to a com­ asked to quickly produce a seri es o f these catego ries or through indivi­ was made for further deve lopment o f
plete unde rs tanding o f the characteris­ alternative villa des i gns , b as ed on dual input , a pro gram w as deve lope d for villas representing a morphology o f
tics of the concepts pres ent in each cer tain images or analo gi cal ideas e ach villa within which one could work , urban c onditions and phenomena . E ach
examp le . t rans lated into archite ctural terms , c reating differing villas based on com­ alternative is ac companied b y a visual
the only res t raints being those o f a pletely dif ferent programs , i deas , and image to further explain the des i gn
In the a nalysis o f historical villas , synthetic pro gram , in which the require­ conditions . This flexib le pro gram was concept .
then, and in the his t o ric vi lla examples ments for the b uilding were chosen or c onsidered essential to the mixed- use
in Berlin , e ach villa was s ub j ected t o created from a c er tain set of cons traints .
The emphas is in the development o f
each villa w a s on the det ai l deve lop­
ment o f the original concept , and the
realiz ation of functional requirements ,
the elab oration of the apartment types ,
and the c oncretion o f the o th er uses
of the b uildin g .

The s tudents worked i n co- operat ion

with one ano ther to produce twenty-
five diffe rent conceptual types o f
villas , s t aying c lose t o the original
concept and image , and providing a
repre s entative s ample in a villa typol­
o gy that could be endle s s . Thes e
villas were then applied i n a proto­
typical way t o - actual bui lding s i tes
in Berlin - showing the urb an des i gn
pot ential o f the urban villa when us ed
in a c re ative w ay , and als o important ly
demons t rating the dif ferent interpreta­
tions of urb an design and s ite potent i als
IC L C s
for the villas individually and c ollec­
t ively .

Arthur A . Ovaska

Plans of Analyzed His t oric Villas

Axonometrics o f Analyzed His t or ic Villas
Axonometrics of Analyzed Berlin Villas Plans o f Analyz ed Berlin V illas
Villas as Found Villas as Found

<�·· · ·



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Concep t s / Typology of Final Villa Des igns

Axonometrics o f Conceptual Alternatives


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Axonometrics of F inal Villas P lans of Final Villa Des igns

Covasj ee/Lanton Plans of S ite Applications
Axonometrics o f S ite Applications

Shadow Plans of S ite Applicat ions Figure/Ground of Site Applicat ions


Axonometrics of Analyzed Historic V illas P lans of Analyzed His toric Villas


Axonome tric Plan 1 : 1000

Ostium of the Casa del Fauno

.Sections Site Plan

PROJEC T : Hous e o f the Faun

CITY : Pompeii
TIME : II Century B . C .

The Hous e of the Faun , named af ter the s tatue o f a dancing faun in the imp lu­
vium , was one of the oldest Greek villas found in . Pompeii . It differ s from
mo s t of the other villas because it belonged to a weal thy family , contained
two atriums and two p eris tyles , and covered an ent ire b lo ck . The view to the
main p eris tyle was accentuated by shif t ing the surrounding columns o f f-center .

Source : Gu zman , Pompei

Relief Co lumns Walls Comp o s i t e " Ideal Passage" , Berlin Introver ted /Extrover t ed


Solid/Void Circula tion Hierarchy Relief Swiss Cheese

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P lan 1 : 500

PROJECT : V illa Madama
CITY : Rome
TIME : 1516
ARCHITECT : Raphael , Guilio Romano , Antonio da Sangallo

Begun by Raphael , the Villa Madama is an unf inished villa j us t out s ide o f
Rome . " There seems no doubt tha t the origirtal intention was to re-create
a class ical villa with an enormous circular cour tyard in the centre and with

p . 149 ) Because it was only half comp le ted , the internal courtyard and
a great gar den l ike an amphitheater t erraced into the hills ide . " (Ackerman

facades are now external .

Source : Belli Barsali , Ville di Roma

. Layers
Figure/Gro und

�· 0


Site Geometry Random Fragments

Axial Relationships
Axonome tric Plan 1 : 500

Elevation The V i lla in 1663 from Ar chivio d i

S ta to , Venice
PROJECT : Villa Barbaro
CITY : Maser
TUfE : 1557
ARCHITEC T : And rea Pa lladia

The Villa Barb aro is atyp ical because it s erved b o th as a gent leman ' s r e s i­
d ence and a s a working farm , ra ther than a s a villa suburbana . The l inear
p lan is a combina tion of galler ia and crucif orm with entry at the inters ec­
tion , and it . d emons trates the merg ing o f two d iver s e f unctions , f arming and
living , into one unifying form.

Sour c e : Kub elik, Palladia

Cir culation Spaces Galler ia a s Connector Arcade as C onnector

Layer ing Maj o r Spaces Split Villa Compo s it ion

Axonometric P lan 1 : 1000


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Site Plan Elevat ion Sec tion

PROJEC T : Palaz zo Del Municipio

CITY : Genova
TIME : 1565 - 7 2
ARCHITECT : Dominico and Giovanni Ponzello

The axial o rganization and central c our tyard of the Palaz zo Del Municip io ar e
characteris tic o f the Genova Pa la z zo Style , while the f lanking loggias create
a unique r apport with the s tr eet . The promenad e sequence f rom the s tr ee t to
a trium , cour tyard , and gr and s tair reveals the spat ial qualities created by
the level changes in the garden . These splits s imultaneously provide v isual
enr ichment and f unct ional clarity .

Sour c e : Po leg g i , Strada Nuova

Spat ial Sequence Prison, L . Comb e s V olumes

Cells Layer s Layers Quadruple

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Cour tyard s / S treet

S i te Plan

PROJECT : Villa Ro tonda

C ITY : Vicenza
TIME : 1566 - 70
ARCHITECT : Palladia

The mos t f amous of Palladia ' s villas , the Villa Ro tonda is located on a hill
outside Vicenza . I t i s named f o r the circular domed central snace which
was changed dur ing execution from the original drawings in Quattro Libr i .
The Villa Rotonda is famous no t only f o r i t s unique archi tecture but also
for i t s place a s a world-wide precendent f o r villa des ign . One o f the mo s t
well-known imi ta tions is Thomas Jefferson ' s house at Monticello .

Sourc e : Kub elik , Andrea Palladia

Maj or Geometr ies Tyche-Altar , Goeth e Machina Mund i Art

Propo r t ions Barriere des Trois Courbonnes , L edoux

Axonometri c Plans 1 : 500

Elevations Sections
PROJECT : Cas tello Di Ficaraz z i
C ITY : Palermo
TIME : 1 6 00 ' s

Per ched on a rocky o ut crop above Palermo , Cast ello Di Ficara z z i dominates the
road while remaining t o t ally r emoved from the adj acent town . The villa is com­
posed o f a uniform b lo ck divided vert ically and hor izontally by the long
dominant s t airway which creates a tri-p artite reading in both plan and eleva­
tion . A unique feature of the Cas tello is the lack of the tradit ional interior
cour tyard wh ich proved awkward b ecause of rock format ions and the extant ruins o f
a for tress built on the s ite in 500 A . D .

Sour ce : De S imone , Ville Palermi tane








Cir cula t ion Sequence Wrapped Stair Villa as Path

__ \8 88 --- - - ----- - - -

Vo lumes Ma j o r S p a c e s Pa v i l l i o ns V i l l a as Lanscape
• V I L L A · G A M B E R A I A · A T' · S E T T I G N A N O ·

Axonome tr ic Plan 1 : 500

m rn m rn m m m
v I L L A c A M B E R A I A
A T S • E T T G N A N 0

Elevat ion Sec tion

PROJECT : Villa Gamb er aia

C ITY : Settignano , Florence
TIME : 1610 ( ? )

The Villa Gamb eraia is one of f ew intac t I talian Renaissance villas . I t is

atypical in its linear site development which domina tes over the built f orm .
The f lanking ar c ades , heavy corners , and s imp le frontal symmetry reinforce
the layer ing o f the s i te to create a success ful integrat ion of building and
environment rather than the villa as an obj ect on the land scap e .

SOURCE : Laws on , Vil la Gamb eraia

Site P la n
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Ar ticulated Layers
Cir cul ati on

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S treet Elevation
Layer ing
Axonome t r i c Pl an 1 : 1000

Eleva t i o n
E l ev a t ion

PROJECT : Drawing
TIME : 1650 ' s

This proj ect for a house was done by Webb af ter working in Inigo Jones ' s tudio .
One in a s eries of axial s tud ies , it is an amplif icat i on o f an earlier design
for a " two s tory house with s ingle s to ry p avilions at the angles and the inter­
vening fronts arcaded . " (Harr is , p . 2 7 )

S ourc e : Harris , C atalogue of Drawings Collection o� RIBl�


Solid/Void Geometry
Rep e t ition
Interlocking Pieces

Cellular Breakdown Cir culat ion

Three Villas Blo cks

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Axonometr ic P lan 1 : 500

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Elevation Rear Elevation

PROJECT : Des ign for Goodwood

TIME : 1 7 24
ARCHITECT : Colin Campb ell

This Campb ell version of the villa idea was r ealized by James Paine a t
Wardour C a s t l e in 1 7 7 0 . This typ e o f villa was based upon t h e Palladian
proj ect for Count Tr issino at Meledo , a wonumental development of the
Ro tonda theme wi th two pav ilions and quadrant l inks . Th� b ody of the
house in b o th the Palladian original and in C ampb el l ' s vers ion had doub l e
f lanking bays on the principal fronts and this alone , apar t from the in­
creased s cale o f these designs , sets them b eyond the normal s cope of the
villa formula .

SOURCE : S tu t chburg , The Arcrritec ture o f Colin Campb ell


Geometry Maj or /Minor Spaces

Villa within Garden
Villa with S ervice Towers

S tructure Circulation
Cir culat ion Connector C irculation Spine
Plan 1 : 50 0

Elevation Site P lan

PROJEC T : S tr a t ford Hal l

C ITY : Virginia
TIME : 1725 - 30

Although S tr a t f ord Hal l make s over tur e s to the Nee -Pallad ian comp o s i t ion , the
s tark mas s and uncompromi s ing s imp l ic ity of the f a cade are unique in Engl ish
domestic ar chitec tur e . The build ing i s s eparated horizont ally b y the gr and
stair into private and pub lic spac e s , wi th the main l iving areas on the p iano
nob ile c ommanding a view of the Po tomac River . P r ominent f eatur e s inc lude
the unique over s i zed chimney clus t e r s and the H-configuration , a c ommon f o rm
borrowed f r om Eng l i sh ar chi tectur e .

Source : Mor r i s o n , Early American Ar chi t ec ture

Maj or Elements Geometry

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Flawls Circulat ion Repe tat ive V illas wi th Pub lic C ir culat ion
Axonome tric
Pl an
1 : 50 0

S ite Plan

PROJECT : Mt . Pleasant
C ITY : Philadelphia
TIME : 1761 - 2

S i t t ing on a. hill t op in Philadelphia ' s Fairmount Park , this Geor gian s tyle
mansion is a reminder o f the opulence o f the times . The siting and f enestra­
tion prefer over t iso lat i on to the pro spect o f extensive view , while the
grandeur of this residence is emphasi z ed by the placement and s i z ing of the
two f lanking dependenc ies . Mt . Pleasant is the only surviving example in
the Middle C o lonies o f this typ ically southern symme t r ical comp o s i t i on of
three unit s .

Source : Morrison , Early American Ar chi tecture


. i



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Ver tical Elements Ma s s ing

Inter locking Pieces V illas

C ir culation Maj or Spaces Four Villas

Axonometric Pla n . 1 : 1000

Section/Elevation Site Plan

PROJECT : Vil la Pa lagonia

CITY : Palermo
TIME : 1787
ARCHITECT : Tommaso D i Napoli , Agat ino Da idone

The Villa Palagonia b orrows heavily f r om the Neapolitan V illa . It is a

rec tangular s cheme which is b ent around the hinge o f the oval entry hal l .
This shif t creates mul tiple axial readings rather than the straight cruci­
form. The villa is no te wor thy f�r its s tair case , which is c ompre s s ed
within the cavity o f the f acade and bur s ts vigorous ly toward s the c our tyard .

(De S imone p , 1 1 3 )
It i s clea rly one o f the mos t f elicitous archi tectur al syntheses o f the
Sicilian Baroque .

Sour c e : De S imone , Ville Palermitane

Cir culation Maj o r Spaces Bent Grid C entral Space as Organizer

Ax i s / Symme try Hinge Half Villa

Axonometric Elevat ion

Ill 1111

Ill Ill

Ill II

M AISON DE C A -'I P A < ; :-.a: . \T E I' E H S I' E CT I Y E

P lan 1 : 500 Plan

PROJECT : Temple De Memo ire

C ITY : Chaux
TIME ; 1770 ' s

Ledoux ' s Temple de Memo ir e is a s o c ial ed ifice for the v il lage o f Chaux .
In this geometric compo s i t ion there is a s trange d evelo pment o f cir cula­
tion : the ar ticulation of the vertical system rernains a c on s tant datum for 1--l H

JJ tt
the horizontal s equences which di splay a unique exp r es s ion on every level .
Thes e var iant sys tems create a ver tical geometric tran s f ormation which con­
cludes with a s imple squar e .

Sour c e : Kaufmann , Thr ee Revolut ionary Archite cts

P lan Plan

I t
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Quar t er Villa

Towers on Pla t f o rm Ma s s ing Tab l e Geometric Var iation

Axonometric Plan

··. ·..
... ··...

Site Plan Section

PROJECT : Shel t er for the Rural Guards

TIME : 1 7 80 ' s

This proj ect is an extreme examp le of Ledoux ' s use o f pure geome try . The
sphere is p laced on a sunken s quar e with entry s tairs up to the s econd level .
The p lans , however , describ e a cylinder r a ther than the orb which Ledoux en­
vis ioned , wh ile the s tair s which r e s emb le f lying buttr e s ses are s e t too f ar
b elow the center o f gravity to provide adequate suppor t . The Guard House
contains s tab les and greenhouses on the g round f lo o r , b edro oms and kit chen on
the main f lo or , and s t o rage on the top f l o or .

Sour c e : Kaufmann , Thr ee Revolut ionary Ar chitects


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S truc tur e Mo lecules Free S tanding Orb

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Axonome tric P lan

S ec tion

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PROJEC T : Grang e Paree
CITY : Chaux • l I" lJI; 111: -:JIC.Iil: ��-�;- ..

TIME : 1783 (? )
ARCHITEC T : G laude-Nicolas Ledoux
' I
This unrealized des ign for Chaux is a communal hous e and barn . I t was p lanned ' '
_ ___j
[] [] II Ill
f or two f amilies , yet geometr ies and cir culat ion allow f o r interpr etation as ! !
: !

a four f amily resid ence . Farm activites ar e on the ground f lo o r with living '
on the upper two levels . �
I � �. I:
c �I

SOURC E : Kaufmann , Three Revo lutionary Ar chitects

Elevation Plan

h i h i

Geometry Obj ects on Platform

Space C i r culation C ourty ard Villa Castle Villa

Tab le Villa
Axonometric Plan 1 : 500

t- - -1 -i -1 -- 1 --

Elevation Section
PROJECT : Wohngebaude Am Rondellpla t z
CITY : Kar lsruhe
TIME : 1803
ARCHITEC T : Fr iedr ich Weinbr enner

This unr ealized proj ect was part of a new s cheme for the Rondellp la t z in
Kar lsuhe , Germany . It is a s ingle f amily ar i s to cratic r es idence which f ills
one tr iangulated edge of the plaza . The two towers r e f er t o the formal plaza
facade while r elating t o the p r iva t e cour tyard which r e s o lves the irr e�ular
geometry .

Sour c e : Valdena ir e , Fr iedr ich Weinbr enner

Site Plan
Kar lsruhe P lan with Villa Site S imilarity o f Palace with Fragments Geometry
and P alace

Ideal Man Maj or Elements Maj o r Element s Reinter p rete d

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Axonometric P lan

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Site P l an Section

PROJECT : Eight Co t t ages

TIME : 1805
ARCHITEC T : J . M . Gandy

Gandy ' s unrealized cottage architec ture reflects the inf luence o f Ledoux ' s
Ville de Chaux . As iso lated examples , the s e des igns appear s implistic and
contrived , but the to tal vo lume o f Gandy ' s work r ep r e s ents a new att itude
towards rural , working class architecture as well as an inter e s t in the b ar e
expression o f f o rms .

Source : Gandy , Des igns for Co t t ages and O ther Rura l Buildings
Axonome t r i c P l an 1 : 50 0

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Elevat ion S e c t ion

PROJECT : F ive Co t t ages

T IME : 1805
ARCHITEC T : J . M . Gandy

" . . . i t is s imp ly a mat t er of unusual subj e c t awar ene s s , enab l ing the ar t i s t to
draw f r e e ly upon the wor ld of the unconc ious - the wo r ld whi ch , f or mo s t of us
is r igorously supp r e s s ed excep t dur ing t he s l e ep . " (Summerson p . 38 )

Sour c e : Gandy , The Rural Archi t e c t

- - II

A�nomet r i c P lan
1 : 500

Villa Cronhardt (Kettenhofweg 29), :\ ufnfl der Fassade

E levat ion
\\ \\
S i t e P lan
PROJ ECT : Villa Cronhar d t

1870 ( ? )
CITY : Frankfur t

H . Burni t z ( ? )

The Villa Cr onh ardt r epeats the ob tus e angle o f the corner s i t e and r e s o lves
the irregular geometry through the curved entry p i e c e and hing ed c entral hall .
The thr ee s t ory frontal p i e c e emphas i s e s the imp c r t ance o f the corner whi l e
removing t h e p o t ential conf l i c t o f angles to t h e s ervi c e zone o f t h e villa .
The symmetrical d evelopment of the f acades creates the i l lus ion o f a skin .

SOURC E : Mer t en , Das Frankfur t er Wes t end

S p a t i al Geometry Villa Cronha t Rep e t i t ion

Individualis at ion of Space C ir culation

Two Houses
Rep e t i t ion

Def ormation of S quare Layer ing of Space Glas s Hous e Rep e t i t ion
Axonometr ic P lan 1 : 1000

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Elevation S i t e P l an

PROJECT : Nether lands Apar tment s

C ITY : Sher idan P ark , Ch icago
T IME : c . 1900
ARCHITEC T : J ohn D . Atchison

The Ne therland s , one of the f ew suburb an ap ar tment c omp l exes around the turn
o f the century , respects the cont ext o f an area comp o s ed p r imarily o f s ingle
f amily res idence s . The int egration is accomp l i shed by b r eaking down the pro­
g ram into smaller units and by develop ing a rich archi t e c tural treatment for
the f a c ad e s , creating the image of a small village .

SOURCE : Hunt , " Suburban Ap artment s " , Ar chi t e c tur al Review

F l o a t ing Roo f Parall e l Ma trix

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Add l t lv e E l ements
Fragmen ted V i l lage S quar e Ma trix
C ir culat ion

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Reinf orced Ma t r ix Villag e S quare

Axonome t r i c Plan
1 : 500

S ec t ion
P lan

PROJECT : C i t e Indus trielle

CITY : France
T IME : 1901 - 1920
ARCHITECT : Tony Garnier

As in many of the hous ing d e s igns f o r the " C i t e Indu s tr ielle , " the f orm of
this p ar ticular module appears t o h ave b een shaoed f r om c oncerns ab out l iving
environment s that p romoted adequat e health cond i t ions . Garnier ' s s o cial and
phil o soph i c al concern f or c r ea t ing a utopia b a s ed on an image o f urban
ar chi t e c tur e in a park s e t t ing i s not unlike Le Corbusier ' s in the "Ville
Rad i eus e . "

S our c e : Wieb enson, The C i t e Indu s t r ielle

S i t e Plan
Geomet ry Typewr i ter Obj e c t

C ir cula t ion
Wa l l and Towers

Unit D i s t r ibution Lab o u s s i er e ' s Ac tuali z a t ion

Free S t anding Villas
Axonome tric P lan


E l evation En try De tail

PROJ ECT : Second V i l la Wagner

CITY : Vi enna
T IME : 1912-13
ARC HI TEC'l' : 0 t to Wagner

The S e cond V i l la Wagner is a s imp ly l ayered s cheme of mod e s t s c ale . Th e

s ing l e l iving space is raised a full level above the s treet to create
p r ivacy and an image o f s e cur ity wh i ch i s carried to the s id e fa cades .
The hori zontal b and ing def ines func t ional zones which incorporate a n i ano
nob i l e par t i that is br oken by the ver t i c a l f enes trat ion . The �ornice
falls b e l ow the roof l ine to exp o s e the b a s i c b lo ck as the pr edomina t e
form .

SOURC E : Ger e t s egger , O t t o Wagner

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Layered Villa Ra t iona l /Or ganic Layer ing Maj or Spaces


D OD D U D O � O

Villa In L and s c ape S i t e C ontext S e c tion

Axonome t r i c P lans 1 : 500


PROJECT : House f or the Ar t i s t Saaleck

C I TY : Ko s en
ARCHITECT : Paul S chul t z e-Naumburg

A per f e c t cube is set ab ove the roman t i c land s cape of a ro cky edged r iver .
The s evere g eome try is exaggerated b y the ins er t ion of a smaller cub e cap­
ped by a c i r cular lantern into the pyramida l r o o f . Interlocking c ir culat ion
sys t ems add a level of compl exity to the o th erwi s e s imp l e r e c tangular s ub ­
d ivis ion which is mod i f ied by two p o che spaces - t h e "U" s tair and ellip s e
and the two s t ory b ay window .

c l ~

Square with E l ements C ir culat ion P ieces Cub e a s P eak o f Hill Maj o r Elements

Cube Cub e with E l ements Wrapp ed C i r culation A t t a ched Obj ec t s

Axonometric P lan 1 : 500

Elevat ion Plan

PROJECT : Villa Savoye

C I TY : Poissy
T IME : 1929-31
ARCHITEC T : L e C orbus ier

The V illa S avoye illus trates Le Corbusier ' s f ive p o ints o f architectur e
wh ereby p ilotis d i f f erentiate the s tructure f rom non- load b earing walls ;
the r o o f garden is derived from the logic o f concrete cons truction ; the
s tr ip windows indicate the func t ional independence o f the skeleton and
walls , wh ile the f r ee p lan and f ree f acade ar e logical outcomes o f the
D omino ideas . In combining the tr inity of p il o t is , cub e , and s culp tura l
roof , Le Corbusier ' s V illa S avoye r einterpr etes the villa a s a platonic
s olid hovering above the virgilian land s cap e .

SOURC E : Meier , Le C orbus ier : Villa Savoye • . .

e c tion

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Ground F lo or Proportions /Plan Multiplication

· Fir s t F loor Propor tions/ Elevation Villa Rotonda Inversion

Roo f Pr imary Systems

· Plan 1 : 500

·Elevation/Sectio n Site P lan

PROJEC T : Suntop Home s

C ITY : Ardmo r e , Pa .
TIME : 1939
ARCHITECT : Frank Lloyd Wr ight

The Suntop Homes wer e an outgrowth of Wright ' s Us onian Hous e des igns of the
1 9 30 ' s . The low co s t unit s wer e des igned t o maximize dens ity and enhance
privacy ; only one o f the four intended uni t s was built . Each unit is c om­
prised o f f our apar tment s which are connect ed by " a cro s s shaped b rick wall
somewhat like grouped unit s o f the S t . Mark ' s Tower proj ect o f 1 9 2 9 . "
(Hi tchcock, P . 9 8 ) Each apar tment is organized with the cellular spaces
to the b rick wall s , the r e s t o f the spaces overlapping and opening to the
out s ide .

Source : Hitchcock, In the Natur e o f Ma terials


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Pinwheel C ellu ar Organizat ion · sp iralling C ircul ation Split with Uniform Exterio r

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Maj o r Planes Tree Image Screw Stepped Spiralling Volumes

Axonometrics o f Analyzed B er l in Villas P lans o f Analyzed Ber lin Villas

Axonome tric P lan 1 : 500

Elevation Gilly sketch o f French C ountry

PROJECT : Villa Mo lter Houses
CITY : Berlin
TIME : 1798
ARCHITECT : Friedrich Gilly

The villa Mo lter has b een destr oyed , yet Gilly ' s design for the f r ont facade
and floor p lans are pres erved in an engraving by Wachsmann . Gilly b o rrowed
not only the idea of the f loor p l an with oval garden hall and f lanking r o oms ,
but also the exact f enestration of B ellanger ' s Ro coco Bagatelle Castle which
he reinterpreted in a class ical s tyle . The garden hall i s c on tained within a
cont inuous b and ing o f the attic s t o r ey s e t int o the end b ay p ilas t er s . Within
the symmetrical enclosure the cir culation is p laced asymmetr ically .

Source : Rietdor f , Gilly

Geomet ry Axes Cylinder as Core Cylin der as Circu latio n C onnec tion

Maj or Spaces C ir culation Enclosure S equence around Cylinde r Cylind er as Or ganizer

Axonometric P lan 1 : 500

Elevation Elevat ion

PROJECT : S chlo s s chen Tegel

CITY : Tegel
TIME : 1825
ARCHITECT : Karl Friedr ich S chinkel

Schinkel ' s renovations and additions to the hunting manor at Tegel r einter­
preted the given character of the small resid ence . He f el t that the f unc t iona l
quality of the exi s t ing s ingle tower prov ided r eason f or enhancing what was
there , rather than destroying its imagery . By adding three new t ower s , he
simultaneously lent meaning to the o ld and p r ov ided a synthes i s of the two
parts . The building was r ecentered about an axi s which opens into the spacious
gard ens .

sour ce : Pilt z , S chlo s ser und Gar t en


I I w
Original Building Schinkel ' s Add ition Original and Cros s O r iginal and Four Tower s

S tructure Deformation of S t ruc ture �our Towers with Cro s s �our Tower s wit� Bridge

Asymmetrical Functions
Axonometric P lan 1 ; 500

Elevat ion S i t e P lan

PROJECT : Landhaus Per s ius

C ITY : P o t s d am
T IME : 1836
ARCHITECT : Ludwig Per s ius

Persiu s , one of Schinke l ' s mo s t talented pup i l s , designed this villa in the
spirit of his teacher . The f orm o f the villa i s a pure cub e with a smaller
cube attached on the Nor th s id e , but r enovation in 1 8 5 3 greatly weakened the
initial concep t . P er s ius used an innova tive water system in this villa . " The
roof planes of the main build ing are sloped towards the middle like the
amp luvia o f the Romans with rainwater b eing collected in a copper res ervo i r
ins tead o f running int o a courtyar d . " (Kania , p . 1 0 4 ) T h i s drainage sys t em
allowed the ar chitec tural c oncept to b e s e en without uns ightly interrup t ion .

Sour c e : Kania , P o t sdam : S taat s-und Burgerbauten

D0 '----'

P o s it ive of the Plan Added Element

Three Bas i c Squares

Maj o r Element s Upside Down Exaggeration o f Elements

Comp o s it ion of Pieces
P lan 1 : 500

Elevation P lan
PROJEC T : Villa S te inthal
CITY : Charlo t t enburg
T IME : 1893 - 94
ARCHITECT : Max S t e inthal

V illa S t e inthal is an excellent example of the villa as an urban f o rm . The

f oyer is a double height space which is pulled f r om the enc lo s ing s id e win g s
to emphas i z e the entry hall and to d e f ine t he garden entry in t he rear . The
r ooms , which open into each o ther , are individually expr e s s ed by char a c t er
and s tyle . The f oyer is Go thic and Rena i s sanc e , the l iving r ooms ar e Nether­
land Renais sance and Ro coco , the mus i c room Baroque . Thi s villa , which
was d e s troyed af ter Wor ld War I I , was an outs tanding examp le of His t o r i c i sm
in Ber l in .

Sour c e : Ber l in und Seine Baut en , IV C 1 9 7 0

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Maj or Spaces Addit ive V 0 1 umes

C ir culation


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Axes Loggia At tached to Fragmented Plan

Axonometric P lan 1 : 500

Pl an

PROJECT : Wangenheims trasse 47

C ITY : Grunewald
TIME : 1 9 04
ARCHITEC T : Fritz Pohlmann

This Ar t Nouveau villa was d esigned a s a s ingle residence and sub s equently
subdivided into s ix ap ar tment s in 1 9 7 4 . The maj or func t ional breakdown f orms
individual quadrants suggesting a secondary r eading o f t ne mai or spaces p in­
wheeling about the central hall .

Source : Berlin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

1I �
Maj or Axes C ir culation Half Axes Axes

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Maj or Spaces
Secondary Geometry Block with Obj e c t s B lo ck with Extrus ion


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Func t ional S eparat ion Extrus ions

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Axonometric P lan 1 : 500

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Elevat ion S ect 1on

PROJECT : Bellestrasse 24
CITY : Charlo ttenburg
T IME : 1 9 04- 6
ARCHITECT : Bruno S chmi t z

Bruno S chmi t z ' s own house was des igned a s b o th a res idence and a s tudio .
This creates a ver tical tr i-p ar t f unct ional s eparation which is r ep eated
in the transver s e zoning of the building . The s eparation o f living and
working funct ions f r om the cir culat ion creates a shear in b o th the p lan

and f r ont f acade .

SOURC E : Berl in und s eine Bau t en , IV C 1 9 7 0

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Maj or Spaces S erved / S ervice

Split Villa �------�------------
Facade Villa , A


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Shear in P lan S erved/ Service C ir culation -

C ir culation Elements
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Plan s 1 : 500

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PROJECT : J.Uemeis ter S tras s e 23
C ITY : Zehlendorf
TIME : 1907 - 8
ARCHITECT : Paul Meb es

Fr om the s tr eet , thi s v illa appear s to b e a s imp le box p laced on a corner

s i t e . The s treet facades are symmetr ical and expr e s s a s ingl e volume , but
the s imp l ic ity of the vo lume breaks down toward the ins id e o f the s ite .
The r ear f acades r ef lect this d i s integration with a symme tr ical mas s ing and
f enes trat ion . By introducing the c ir culation b ay b e tween the surrounding
spaces the o r iginal r ectangular enclosure has b een br oken .

Sour c e : Berlin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0



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Irr egular Organi za t ion Tran s f orma t ion o f Bas i c Form Symme t r ical Amb i guity
Exter ior Symme tr ies

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C ir cu la t io n a s Organizer S tr e e t Or ientat ion L inear Organization

Inter ior Organization
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Axonome tric P lan 1 : 500

-- -- - ·--

Elevat ion P lan

PROJECT : Fontane s t rasse 1 7

C I TY : Grunewald
T IME : 1909
ARCHITECT : O t to Michaelson

The o r i g ina l d e s ign f o r th i s v il la 1va s a thr e e f amily r e s i_de'tce , hut i t wa s

not p ermi t t ed by the build ing autho r i t i es . The s i t e was sub s equen tly d iv i d ed
into thr ee l inear par c e l s , one of 1vhich wa s bui l t o n . This �illa f o llows the
o r ig inal f o rmat of f ormal l iving room to the s tr eet fron t and d een l inear
b ui ld ing p ene trating the s i t e . The p lan is d ev e loped by the s t agger in g o f two
p arallel zones a s expr e s s ed by the end bays and the shif t o f the c entral c ir �
cula tion c o r e .

Sourc e : Ber lin und S e ine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

Enc l o sure Maj or Spaces Thr e e Villas Change o f Axi s

.------ ·--

Extrus ions Rep e t i t io n Doub l e Villa/Nave

Roo f
Axonome tric
1 : 5 00

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Eleva t ion S i t e P lan
PROJECT : An d er Buche 2 1
CITY : Reini ckendorf
T IME : 1910 - 11
ARCH ITECT : He inr ich S traumer

Th is hous ing group is one of the f ew exampl e s of speculat ive villas d e s igned
by an archi t e c t . Even though the f our houses app ear to be des igned f or ind i­
v idua l c l i en t s , each has a marketable suburban p l an . Thes e villas f orm a
suc c e s s ful uni ty through s i t ing and d e tailing ; they are lo c a t ed on a h i 1 1
overlo oking a plaza , with the layout o f p ed e s trian c ir culat ion , r e taining
walls , and pla za elements creating a p ic tur esque image .

Source : Ber lin und S e ine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0


Geome try D iagona l Entry S equence o f Gar d en Transformat ion C ir cul a t ion a s C o l l ec tor

S truc tur e Maj or Spa c e s Axial Circulatio n D iagona l En try P avilion

C irculatio n Served / Service

1 : 500
Axonome tric
P l an



Elevat ion S ite P lan

Axonomet r i c Villa B
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En try Villa Land scape Entry Wa ll


C ir cula t ion Image Image

S truc ture
Axonome tric P lan 1 : 500

Elevation Site Plan

Villa C
Axonometric Plan 1 ; 5 00

Site Plan Elevation

PROJECT : Haus \t\fiegand

C ITY : Dahlem
TIME : 1 9 1 1 - 12
ARC HIT ECT : P e ter Beh rens

axi s and a mea nde r­

s an int ere s tin g dia logue b e tween a s tr ong
Th i s vil la p o s e sua ces s imi lar to
enc e . The s i te p lan pre sen t s a t ypo lo gy of gar den
ing s equ by the ent ry
o s sch en Teg el . The main axi s is emu has i zed
S chinke l ' s at S chl s erv ice zoa e .
the ent ran ce i tse lf f orm s par t of the L sha ped
p o r t ico , whi le r ef lec tin g p erhaps an
men ts are r edu ced to s imp le geo me tri c f orms ,
S ing le ele
Rev olu tion ary Arc hi tec tur e .
unc ons c iou s inf luen ce of Fr ench

Bau ten , IV C 1 9 7 0
Sour c e : Ber lin und Seine
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S ervice/ S erved Site Rever sal Completion o f Imp lied Symme try
· sequenc e

Building / Garden Typology So lid /Void Rever sal

S truc ture Maj o r Spaces

Entry /C ircula tion Axis

P lan 1 : 500

Elevation Elevation

PROJECT : Pacelliallee 18 , 20 Ecke im D o l

C I TY : Dahlem
TIME : 1911-12
ARCHITECT : Hermann Muthes ius

Influenced by the Eng lish C ountry House , Muthesius comb ines an axial sym­
me trical pavilion with an "L" shaped wing t o r e inf o r c e the d ispla ced entry
and to provide an enclosure for the s ide entrance and pergo la . In dif f er­
entiat ing the d i s tinct uni t s through the treatment o f the wal l and roof
p lane s , Mu thes ius es t ab l ishes the dominance of the maj o r spaces . As in
many o f Muthes ius ' des igns , this villa is cons ciou s ly imbued with contra­
dicti ons which add t o its inter es t .

SOURCE : Ber lin und s eine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

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Entry S equence Primary / S econdary Axes Trans f o rmat i on ( 1 )

L ------

Ha l l V i l l a
Pub l i e Spaces Symmetry/Asymme try Trans f ormation ( 2 )

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S ervice Spaces Vo lumes
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Axonometric P l an 1 : 500
---· -- ----·-·--------



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Elevation Site P lan
PROJECT : Schlickweg 6
C ITY : Niko lassee
TIME : 1912 � 13
ARCHITECT : Hermann Muthes ius

This is one of Muthesius ' mo s t compact and f o rmal villas . In this d e s ign
f o r a co rner s i t e l·fu the s ius f or c ed the ind ividual , self contained rooms
int o a symme trical encl osur e . It is a clear depar ture f r om his a symmetr ical ,
fr eely compo sed v i llas such as Pacell iallee 1 8 and Der Mi t t elhof . The intro­
du c t ion o f the Temp ieto mo tif o f the p o r t ico ties into the horizontal fen­
estration above and emphasizes the f r ontal symmetry .

Sour c e : Berlin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

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Inter ior Wal l s Basic Form Rever s ed Villa Loggia as Co llector

J \1aj or Fo rms Fragment s Cube a s Connec tor

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Maj or Spaces Geometry

Axonom e t r i c P lan 1 : 500

Site P l an Elevat ion

PROJECT : Haus S t ern

1913 ( ? )
CITY : Niko lassee
ARCHITECT : He rmann Mu thes ius

Haus S t ern is one of Muthe s ius ' mo r e regular i z ed v i l la d es i gns . By man­

ipulat ing the g ard ens to emphas i z e the inh erent d iagonal o f the s loped
corner s i t e , he imp o s ed an impl ied s ymme try on the house i t s e l f . Th e s t r u c ­
ture of this v i l l a f o l lows the s t r e e t l ines , with entry to the p r e f erred
edge ; one passes through a s erv ice zone and i s reor ient ed towar d s the
gard ens by the centrally ar ticulated bay window and ex tensive op ening s o f
the l iving areas .

SOURCE : Mu thes ius , Landhnus und Gar t en

Service / Served En t r ance Axes Eros i on to
w i th A t t ached Ob j e c t s

C ir cu la t ion Spatial o r gani z a t ion wi th r_nclo

r. sure C omp le t ion an d Reversal


- - ----- � 11""----_j

Maj o r Axes S truc ture

Axonome t r i c Plan 1 : 1000

Elev a t io n / Sec t ion

S i t e P lan 1 : 2500
PROJEC T : D er Mi t te lho f
C I TY : Niko la s s e e
TIME : 1914 - 1 5
ARCHITECT : Hermann Muthes ius

Der Mi t telhof is a loo s ely arranged d oubl e co ur tyard bui lding . It is tvn ical
o f Muthes ius ' f r e e comp o s i t ion which over lays an axial arrangement . The larger
courtyar d s erve s the entry and hou s ehold spaces , the smaller cour tyard s erves
the s l eep ing rooms ; the maj or l iv ing areas o p en to the o u t s id e . The or ganiza­
t ion i s s imilar t o that o f a mona s t ery with maj or spaces r ead ing a s u ie c e s
sup er impo s ed o n t o t h e b a s ic forms .

Sour c e : Berlin und S eine Bau t en , IV C 1 9 7 0

Maj or Spaces Circulation
Mona s t ery S o l id /Yo id

"----- J

Ove r l ap s S o lid / V o id
Interlo cking Volumes C l o i s t er
I- � J_ .t��

Axonometric P lan 1 : 5 00


Elevat ion
_ _ __ ]
___ ___


PROJECT : Kar o l inger Plat z 5

CITY : Char lo t t enburg
TIME : 1922
ARCHITECT : Er i ch Mend e l sohn

This two f ami ly v i l la is l o ca t ed on a s tr e e t inter s ec t ion . Mende lsohn envis ioned

four iden t ical v i l l as p l a c ed on each corner to create a p la z a def ined by the
s t epped wal l . Although the int ernal o r g an i z a t ion of the c entral s quare i s b roken
unevenly b e twe en the two r e s idenc e s , external emphasis is on the corner solu t ion
and the mirror image .

Sour c e : Berlin und S eine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

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Circulat ion Rela t ionshiu to S t reet V i llas Forming Cour tyard Inter se c t ion

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Geome try Tran s forma t ion o f Facade Facade Imi t a t ing Roo f L inear Rep e t i t ion

Axonome tric
·---l Plan 1 : 500

Eleva t ion S i te P l an

PROJEC T : Halms t r a s s e 1 3
CITY : Char l o t t enburg
TIME : 1922 - 2 3
ARCHITECT : Hans and Was s i l i Luckhar d t , Franz Ho f fman

This villa and i t s gard ens is one o f the f ew r ea l i z ed e xamp l e s o f eXP r e s s ionism
(Glas erne Ke t t e ) in Ber l in , hut r enova t ion in 1 9 2 9 d e s t r oyed many o f the exp r e­
s s ioni s t charac teris t i c s . The s truc tur e o f the villa f o l lows the s tr e e t l ines
and the p lan i s symmet r ical about the d iagonal axi s . The entry s equenc e , whi l e
incons i s t en t with t h e symme trical p l an , p r e s erve s t h e s p a t ia l qua l i t i e s o f the
l iving rooms and a s s e r t s the d ominant d i r e c t io na l i ty of the axis f rom the g ar ­
d en f acad e .

S our c e : Ber l in und S e ine B auten , IV C 1 9 7 0


C ir cu lat ion Ent r ance Axes But terfly Transpar ent V i l la

C entral Space
�._// Roo f P avilions
Servic e / Served Terra c e Villa

r -- -- -,
1 I

L ----

Asymme trical Entrance Geometry Inverted Geome try So l id /V o id Reversal




PROJECT : Oberhaard ter Weg 3 3 , 3 5 , 3 7

C ITY : Grunewald
TIME : 1922 - 23
ARCHITECT : Oskar Kaufmann

This highly o rnamental and sculp tural villa is the bes t examp le o f Ro ccoco­
Exp r e s s ionism in Ber lin . I t s undula t ing f r on t facade c amouf lages the r e c ta�
rt --

linear p l an and c r eates a large image f or the s treet , while the winged b ack
f acade and grand s tair or der the gardens whi ch s lope t oward s the lake . The
L I I ......

s i t ing and grandeur of this r e s id enc e , which has b een subdivided int o many
apar tment s , sugge s t s a cas tle rather than a v illa .

Sour c e : Ber lin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

Plan 1 : 500

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Geometry Floating Wall


- - - - - - _ ..

C i rculat ion Wall on Gr id Wa ll as Collec tor

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Entry/ S tair S equence

1 : 5 00
--- 1

PROJECT : Rhe inbab enallee 4 6

Elevation P lan
C ITY : Wilmer sdorf
T IME : 1923
ARCHITECT : P e t er Gro ssman

T his villa combines thr ee resid ences on a c orner s i t e . The amb iguous synthe s i s
o f two d ominant f orms �t h e circle and the r e ct angle � allows f o r �ul t ip le
read ings in b o th two and thre e dimensions . The central c ir cular element s may
be s een a s split by a triangulat ed r o o f p lane or as f lanked by two symmetrical
rectangular v olumes which fuse the adj a c en t dwellings in eleva tion .

Sour ce : Ber lin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

0 0

Elimina tion of t ower s S eparat ion of Units Circulation a s C onnec t ox Snlit Villa

Geometry Maj o r Spaces C ourtyard V il la Ar ticulated C irculation

Axonometric Villa A P lan 1 : 500

� II



Elevation P lan
PROJECT : Wohnhaus gruppe Am Rup enhorn 2 4 25
C ITY : Charlo t t enburg
T IME : 1928
ARCHITECT : Hans und Was s il i Luckhar d t , Alfons Anker

Thes e c ompanion s teel villas at Rupenhorn 24-25 are a manif e s t ation o f the
b o ld developments in architecture and life s tyles dur ing the 1 9 30 ' s . The
ground f lo o r l iving r o oms create one mai or space which opens up through
glass wall s t o the sur rounding wood s . The wall p ieces appear as thin p lanes
rather than as solid enclo sure . Renovation in the 1 9 3 0 ' s des troyed much o f
the quality o f the open p lan .

Sour ce : Berlin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

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S truc tur e Zoning P lan 1 : 50 0

Elevation P lan
Ver tical Layer ing Hor izontal Layer ing

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- - - -

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El L i s s it zky , Proun
S truc ture Zoning




S o l id /Void
Ver t i cal Laye r ing Hor i z ontal J Layering Bar with At tached Elements
'-.______..- '
Axonomet r i c
P lan 1 : 5 00

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P lan

PROJECT� Am Rupenhorn 6
C ITY : Char lo t t enburg
TIME : 1929
ARCHITEC T : Erich Mendelsohn

This small villa is lo cated on the Havel River . I t is r ai s ed on a p l a t form

pres enting a s o lid enclo sure t o the s t r ee t f r on t and o p ening up fully t o
utilize the p anoramic view in the b ack . The large windows i n the l iving room
slide int o the ground to create a sheltered open space for the natio .

Sour c e : Ber lin und �Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0


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D atum Wa ll
S truc tur e - -
Wrapped Terraces' Op en/Clo sed
" /'
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Serv ice/ S erved E lements
Solid /Void Reversal Continuous Exter ior Circulat ion

Axonometric P lan 1 : 500

Elevation Plan

PROJECT : Wald s angerpfad 3

CITY : Nikolas s ee
TIME : 1929 - 30
ARCHITECT : Peter Behr ens

This villa is one o f the f ew hous es B ehrens built a f t er the First World War .
The s imp le geometry allows readings such as two cub es c onnec t ed by a wrapping
wal l , interlo cking rectalinear volumes , or ho rizontal and vertical layering
o f p lanes . An apar tment p avilion with roo f t errace is attached to the p r im­
ary r e s id enc e .

Sourc e : Berlin und Seine Bauten , IV C 1 9 7 0

D nn


D u

Maj or Spaces Interlo cking Vo lumes Vo lume s and Planes

Circulat ion


11a j or Volumes Repetition Mirr or Image

Axonome tric P lan 1 : 500

PROJECT : Hansavier tel , Hans eat em.Jeg 1 2 S i t e P l an
C ITY : Tier g a r ten
T IME : 1957
ARCHITECT : O t t o S enn

The Hansaviertel " Interbau Ber lin" was an int ernational building exhib i t ion
comp r i s ed pr imarily of large s cal e hous ing · pr o to types . O t t o Senn ' s des ign ,
however , f i t s the image o f the urban villa . I t was d eveloned a s a proto type
for a tower s cheme , but only the f ir s t thr ee f lo o r s and roof level wer e
buil t . A typical f lo o r plan cons i s t s o f two two b edroom apar tments , one thr ee
b edroom apar tment , and one f our b edroom apar tment . The basement includes
communal wash and s torage rooms ; the r o o f level is a r t i culated by a set back
and a telier apartmen ts .

Sour c e : Rave , Bauen Seit 1 9 0 0 in Ber l in ; S chmi t t , Mul ti-s torv Hous ing
P inwheel Over lapp ing Uni t s Doub l e V i l l a Galleria

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

S l ic ed TovJer Rep e t i tion Mirror-imag e

S culp t ed V i l la
Villas as Found Villas as Found
Villas in Ber lin Symme trical Villas
Wes tend Villas Square Faced Villas
Romantic Villas Billboard Villas
Fragmented V illas C a s t l e Vil las
S liced U rb an Villas
Brutal i s t V illas
D ivor ced Villas V illas of God
Tower Villas
Lef t-over V il las
Suburban V illas

Pala t ial Villas

Small Block Villas Modern Villas
Villas for the D ead Mob ilized Villas
Fac tory Villas
Railyard V illas
Villas within V illas Villas within Vil la s

Mini Villas Ruined Villas

Lands cape Villa s

Hairy V illas
Monumental Villas Bourgeois e Villas

C ommon Villas
Decorative V illas
Baby Villas

Railroad Villas
<1:- .•

• •

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Concep t s / Typology o f Final Villa Des igns
Axonometrics of Concep tual Alterna t ives
.. .

Sub terranean Hous e Axonometric Temp le d ' egal ite , Lequeu Axonometric

P lan
P lan
SCALE : 1 : 500 S CALE : 1 : 5 00
PROGRAM : Entry Pavilion , Underground PROGRAM : Apartment , Pavillion
Foyer , Auditor ium S IZE : 22 x 22 meters
SIZE : 2 0 x 2 0 x 20 me t er s

CONCEPT : The f o llowing f our alter­

na tive villas were des igned
to addr ess the na ture o f
the relat ionship b e tween
the villa f orm and land­
s c ap e . The f ir s t is d omi­
nat ed by the landscap e ;
the next two s erve as pure
f o rms in a pictur esque land­
s cape while the f our th
utilizes the land s cap e to
enclo s e and connect the
architectural elements .
Elevat ion Facade Axonome tr ic I talian gardens

Plan P lan

SCALE : 1 : 500 SCALE : 1 : 50 0

PROGRAM : Exhib ition P avilion , PROGRAM: Apartments
Apar tments S IZE : 10 x 1 0 meters
S IZ E : 10 -x 10 meters each

Sect ion Elevat ion

Mona s t ery Axonometric Axonometric C our tyard House (Villa Mant egna)

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P lan P l an

SCALE : 1 : 500 S CALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAM : Monas t ery PROGRAM : Apartments , Shops
CONCEPT : A wall p enetrates the b l o ck CONCEPT : A circular courtyard creates
t o create a cour tyard and a j uncture o f urban and garden
o rgani z e the spiral o f ver­ spaces . C as cading circulation
t ical c ir culation . f lows through the cour tyard t o
S IZE : 2 7 x 2 7 me ters c onnect thes e oppos ites .



Sect ion Section

Sect ion Axonome tric Axonometric S ec t ion


P lan
P lan
S CALE : 1 : 50 0
PROGRAM : Apartments , Retail Space SCALE : 1 : 5 00
CONCEPT : A collection o f_ indivi4ual PROGRAM : Apar tments , S chool
and shap es is s e t around a CONCEPT : A s quare b lo ck is super-
circulat ion cor e . imp o s ed on two rectangu­
S I ZE : 2 0 x 20 meters : : lar f o rms .
S IZE : 1 8 x 18 me ters

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S i t e P lan


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Section ..
S ect ion

Axonometric Pla n
Exploded Axonometric
SCALE : 1 : 50 0
S CALE : 1 : 500
PROGRAM : F our Apar tments
CONCEPT : A cour tyard building is PROGRAM : S ix Apartments , C ommercial
e levated to maintain the Mall
ground plane . CONCEPT : Apartments become c louds
S IZE : 2 5 x 2 5 meters over a changing lands cap e
o f public spaces . Mas s ive
ver t ical elements emphas ize
circulation .
S IZE : 15 x 30 meter s

S tair cas e Villa Axonometric Axonometric Checkpoint Charlie , Berlin

Plan Plan

S CALE : 1 : 500 S CALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAM : Apartment s , Recreation PROGRAM : Gallery
CONCEPT : Thi s villa is a monumental CONCEPT : This is a villa of layered
s taircase with a public walls which estab lish a pre-

plaza on the roo f . fered route .
S I ZE : 10 x 25 meters S IZE : 1 5 x 15 meters

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Elevation Sect ion

Engine Axonometric Axonome tric Sliced Villa

P lan P lan

S CALE : 1 : 500 SCALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAM : Apar tments , S tudio PROGRAM : Apar tments with individual
CONCEPT : This is a word p lay on Le patios
C orbus ier ' s "machine f or CONCEPT : A r ec tangular apar tment
l iving " . The machine is o lo ck is s liced in half by
contained wi thin and grows a c ir culation wall .
out of a s tructural/pro­ S IZE : 10 x 16 meters
portional cage which adds
a fur ther mechanis t ic
quali ty .
SIZE : 1 2 x 1 2 meters

Section Plan
Axonometr ic Axonometric S treet Intersect ion
Amphithea ter

P lan Plan

S CALE : 1 : 500
SCALE : 1 : 500 PROGRAM : Mus eum , Art Gallery ,
PROGRAM : Shops , Apar tments Theatre , Mul t i-Purpose
CONCEPT : This cub e v illa has an S tructure
amphi theater cut into the CONCEPT : This s cheme defines the spac e
back and a monumental entry inbetween the villas through
to the s tr eet . a narrow transparent s t ruc­
SIZE : 20 x 2 0 meters ture and a t ree corrido r .
c-- -
S IZE : 44 x 44 meters

r- !--


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Sect ion/Eleva t ion Section

Axonomet r ic s o lid versus transparent
House in New Ams t erdam , 1 6 4 8 Axonometric

..- ,


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Plan Plan

SCALE : 1 : 500 S CALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAH : Apartments , Library PROGRAH : O f fices , Four Apartments
CONCEPT : A building s teps b a ck from CONCEPT : A cube has b een sheared
ground level to create bal­ into two dis t inct p ieces :
conies for the apartment s one is transparent while
above and s tacks for the the o ther is s o lid with
library b el ow . The ver tical a glas s pavilion extrac­
c irculat ion towers on either ted to reinforce the ori-
s ide appear like b ookends . ginal shear .
S IZE : 2 2 x 2 0 met ers S IZE : 2 3 x 23 meters

S ec t ion Section
Ziggura t Axonometr ic Axonometric P alac e , Spalato

0 0

0 0

P lan P lan

* <J
SCALE : 1 : 500 SCALE : 1 : 500
PROGRAM : Multi-level Apar tments P ROGRAM : Hou s e for a n Ar tis t
CONCEPT : A dense s tair wall enclo ses CONCEPT : This vil la i s d ivided into

�f� IA �
flex ible apar tment spaces . four quadrants . The f ir s t
S IZE : 20 x 2 0 meters i s transparent expans ion ,

the s econd is the contain­
' I
er of nature , the third is

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the buil t obj e c t , and the
fourth is a s taircas e .
S IZE : 1 7 x 17 meters
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Section Orthagonal Axonometric

Maya Pyramid in Tikal

Ledoux ' s Amphitheat er

Section and Plan

S CALE : 1 : 1000
PROGRAM : A Retreat P lan
CONCEPT : A s ingle form is s imul t an­
S CALE : 1 : 500
eously s een as growing out
of the lands cape and as O D D D O D D PROGRAM : Amphitheater , S tudent Rooms
CONCEPT : The amphitheater is used li-
f loating free . The s tair­
terally and f igurat ively as
case p o s es ques tions about
a building for s tudents of
ones percep tions of the
the performing art s .
goals a t t ained through
S IZE : 6 x 45 met ers
phys ical and philos ophical
S IZE : The horizon and back again -S'�
n I

E levations
� II
Mas s ing
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Elevat ion

P lan
P lan
SCALE : 1 : 50 0
PROGRAM : Apar tments , Retail Space , S CALE : 1 : 500
Swimming Pool PROGRAM : Eight Apartments
CONCEPT : A central glass cube acts CONCEPT : A palazzo facade is main­
as co l lector of varying n t ained , but a layered villa

vo lumes .
2 0 x 2 0 meters � is proj ect ed and rises b e­
hind to r ep lace the court­
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yard s cheme .
- � -

I r----:
S IZE : 2 1 x 2 6 meters
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S ec t ion
S ec t ion

Wing Building Axonometric Axonome tric Co urtyard

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Plan P lan

SCALE : 1 : 500 S CALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAM : Apartments PROGRAM : Six Apartments
CONCEPT : A s egment is extrac ted from CONCEPT : A galleria block or ganized
a rec tangular vo lume and around a courtyard is int er­
plac ed on end to define sected by a pub lic circula­
garden spaces and inter� tion path .
lo cking volumes . SIZE : 2 0 x 2 0 meters
S IZE : 3 0 x 1 5 meters rn �
I --.

iR=i II �

Sec tion Section


Axonometric Sky Hoo k , Lissitzky

Railroad Guardhous e Axonometric

Plan P lan
SCALE : 1 : 500
SCALE : 1 : 500 PROGRAM : Apar tment s
PROGRAM : Apar tment CONCEPT : This villa i s a n intersec­
CONCEPT : A guard house is s e t over tion of three forms .
3 3 x 13 meters
a railroad with a thick
" s tair wall" peeled away .
S IZE : 12 x 1 2 me ters

S ection Elevati,on



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Axonometric Site Plan

Crucif orm Townplan Axonometric


Plan SCALE : 1 : 50 0
PROGRAM : Thr ee single f amily villas
SCAL E : 1 : 50 0 with a common space below
PROGRAM : Apar tments , Shops grade for workshop s .
CONCEP T : A cruciform with ver tical CONCEPT : A f allen f acade becomes a
cir culat ion in the center site p lan which contains
has apar tment s def ining an o f f ice building , garden

S I ZE :
the axes .
3 5 x 3 5 meters
.��""'" promenade , and free-stand­
ing villas (shown) .

10 x 2 0 me ters

l J

S ection

S P !" t: i on

Elevat ion Axonometric

Axonometric Ledoux proj ect

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SCALE : 1 : 50 0 1 : 500
PROGRAM : Apar tments , Shops
PROGRAM : Apar tments with individual
CONCEPT : The maj or organizing element
is a s tair s treet , bisecting
CONCEPT : The superimposi tion o f two
the building and providing
rectangular units forms a
access to the rais ed apart­
cro s s .
ment block .
SIZE: 3 0 x 30 meters
SIZE: 2 0 x 2 0 meters

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v �
Sect ion
Axonometric Axonometric P iers
Medieval Village

DC� I J '


P lan P lan

S CALE : S CALE : 1 : 500

1 : 50 0
PROGRAM : Shops , Apartments PROGRAM : Commercial Space , Apartments ,
CONCEPT : This villa as a village , is Swimming Pool
set on a s olid bas e . The CONCEP T : This pier building extends
into a body o f water with
building is composed o f
entry from both land and sea .

s everal distinct p ieces
which are oriented t owards / "" S IZE : 3 7 x 7 meters
the internal plaza .

S IZE : 1 5 x 20 meters

f.=:·:, :

Section S ec tion
Axonometric Plan Axonometric
Sket ch

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P lan Plan Section

S CALE : 1 : 500 SCALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAM : Eight Apartments PROGRAM : Apar tments , Greenhouse

CONCEPT : The cube s t eps b ack to in­ CONCEPT : The sup erimp o s i t ion of two
crease outdoor areas , whi le rectang les over a s quare
decreas ing apartment areas . forms apar tments with pri­

The roof provides a communal
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vate patio s . The uppermo s t
l evel o e comes a greenhous e .
recreat ion area .
3 2 x 2 1 1lle ter s
SIZE: 1 7 x 1 7 met ers
ll I� S IZE :

�I I�
l II I

Sect ion
Academy , C . T . O t tmer Axonometric
Axonometric S treet Facades

• •

SCALE : 1 : 500
SCALE : 1 : 500
PROGRAM : Embassy -

PROGRAM : Shops , Apar tmen ts

CONCEPT : A monument is the b eginning
CONCEPT : A s treet wall b ecomes a
and the end of a collaged
s equence of urban elements . free-s tanding element in
an open s e t ting .
S IZE : 2 0 x 2 0 meters h SIZE : 20 x 3 2 meter s


Mehringp latz Axonometric
Axonometric 1 1The Archer " , Henry Moore

P lan

SCAL E : 1 : 500
PROGRAM : Res idences S CALE : 1 : 500
CONCEPT : The p laza i s the f ir s t of i PROGRAM : O f f i ces , Res idence
t he three disp laced ele- CONCEPT : A s culptural vert ical c ir-
111ents which are j oined by

culation piece is s et in a

a pub lic path .
23 x 2 7 meters
J c

;:-r- S IZE :
perfect cub e .
20 x 20 meter s

j II f l n W 1 1

11riverrun , pas t Eve and Adam ' s , from

swerve of shore to b end o f bay ,
br ings us by a commodius vicus o f r e­
cir culation b a ck to Howth Cas tle and
Environs . "

- Janes Joyc e , F innegans Wake -

S e c t ion


Axonometric Axonometric
Sketch Magr i t t e Cartoon

Plan Sect ion/Plan

SCALE : 1 : 500
S CALE : 1 : 2000
PROGRAM : S ix Apartments , and
PROGRAM : Market Place , Subway S t at ion
Community Pool
Biergart en , Health Club
CONCEPT : A grandstand for a communi­
CONCEPT : An above ground s ubway is
ty swimming pool b e comes
the shelter for the com­ s een as a br idge in the
munity . urban landscape . The villa
2 5 X 2 5 met ers
i s b o th bridging over the
tracks and b i s ected by them .
S IZE : 45 x 45 meters

S ec t ion Axonometric
Cruciform Galeria Axonometric Axonometric Twin Building


P lan Plan

SCALE : 1 : 50 0 S CALE : 1 : 50 0
PROGRAM : Shop s , Ap artments PROGRAM : Apartments
0 0 0 0 This S iames e Twin villa
CONCEPT : This cruciform villa is dev­ CONCEPT :
eloped by inf illing the space produces the image of a
b e tween f our tower s . b ridg e on the landscap e
S IZE : 32 x 3 2 me ters SIZE : 3 0 x 8 met er s

/ I I�
I� rl i
I 1/1

Section Elevat ion


P lace De Vendome , Paris Axonometric

Axonome tric L inear spatial arrangement
(Egyp tian T emp le)

0 0

0 :0

P lan
P lan
S CALE : 1 : 500 SCALE : 1 : 1000
PROGRAM : Apar tments PROGRAM : Half-Way Hous e , Monas t ery ,
CONCEPT : An "L" shaped piece is s ub­ Chapel
tracted from a rectangular CONCEPT : A so lid cub e is pulled
volume and rep laced by three apar t like a chinese puz zle .
cubes that s i t on the b a s e . The pieces gain their own
The two levels are integra­ identi ty through t he mani­
ted by the one corner left pulation of a formal s e­
intact . quence .
S IZE : 17 x 20 meters S IZE : 15 x 55 meters

Sect ion
Jigsaw Puz z le
Ruins Unite D ' Hab itat ion , Le Corbusier

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -·


------ -l


P l an Plan

SCALE : 1 : 1000 SCALE : 1 : 500

PROGRAM : Museum and Embassy PROGRAM : Apar tments
CONCEPT : A ruined blo ck acts as a CONCEPT : This wall villa pr e s ents an
collector o f obj ect build- ·-
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D O DO anonymous s treet f acade and

o o; ::: �:!. D O D D
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an active garden facade .
ings .
51J!' 'J =:. C:::: =:.ri" D O D D
S I ZE : 6 x 1 0 meters S IZE : 40 x 6 meters


Sections Elevat ion3

Tr ain S tation , O t to Wagner , Vienna Axonometric
Axonometric Villa with Extrus ions

P lans
SCALE : 1 : 500
SCALE : 1 : 5 00
PROGRAM : Apartments
CONCEPT : This villa is an overp ass . PROGRAM : Four Duplex Apartments
S IZE : 1 0 x 15 met ers CONCEPT : The int ernal breakdown

o f this cub e is identi­

/ � f ied bt a different ia­

tion of external circu­
0 0 lat ion pieces .
BBB SIZE : 20 x 20 meters

D '--- D
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�. n

Elevat ion



�---- ---- --

Plans o f Final Villa Des igns

Axonometrics o f F inal Villas
Third Floor Four th Floor

F ir s t Floor Second Floor


An organic f o rm is placed as a f oil to the r igid i ty of the Platonic cub e . This

element that symbolizes a spec ial f unc t ion in the program . As the f luid expre�
curvilinear f orm interac t s with the cub e , carving away at it to o ecome a unique

s s ion f lows upward through the res ident ial spaces it transforms from a spatial
container to a terraced plane . C ir culation for the apar tment s r ei terat e s the
image of the cube and acts as a vertical datum . What r esult s is a tower within
a s culp ture within a cube , or a v illa within a v illa within a v illa .

PROGRAM : Museum , Eight Apartment s


Bas ement Ground Floor

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Elevat ion Elevat ion


:h utzgebiet I

Sect ion Site Plan Concep t

Eleva t ion
Second F lo o r Third F loor

{;round Floor F ir s t Floor


Through_ the extrus ion of c irculat ion elements and var iat ion of facades � thls
cub e tower becomes an extremely active obj ect building . The internal or gani­
zation cons i s t s of a s quar e , a rectangl e , a bar , and an "L" , ins t ead of the
inferred nine s quare , and ref lects in p lan the multip licity of the facades .
The s quare contains one f our s tory apar tment , the rec t ang le , two duplex and
one s ingle s tory apar tment s , the bar , three s ingle s t o ry apartments , and the
"L" , two dup lexes . The s ite is manipulated to create an ind ividual base for
each maj or event , further ampl ifying the idea of var iat ion within a r ig id

PROGRAM : Ground Level Shop s , Ap artments



Axonomet r i � Roof Plan

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Sect ion Apar tment Type S ketch

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Apartment Type Apartment Type

S econd .Floor Thi.-r d "F loor

Ground Floor F ir s t F loor


Although the P latonic g eometry of the cub e r emains intact in this Galler ia
Bloc k , fur ther r ichnes s i s supplied by secondary event s . The compo s i t ion com-
b ines axial s it e condi t ions and exploits the p inwhe e l to accentuate b o th
private c ir culation and o r ientat ion . E1e interlo cking apar tments , whi ch have

era t e hig� ly reg� larized p lans wh i ch vary uniformally with the ver t ical
ind ividual entries and s t aircas es , sp iral around the galleria core and gen­
movement . B ec aus e of the spiral each uni t o c cup ies one quar t er of each level
and , rather than r emaining an element in a mer e ly r ep et a t ive sequence , ac­
quire s l ight and v i ew in all f our d ir e c t ions .

PROGRAM : F our Apartments

Cf.l a
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1:1 1-'•




Fourth Floor Roof Plan

Second 'Floor Third Floor


The nine s quare divis ion o f the ground floor of this villa is used to develop
f ive apar tment s f ocused around a central courtyard with a three s quare pub lic
and commerc ial zone to the s treet . The interior facades maintain the regularity
of the grid while the exterior f acades reflect the ver t ical .transformation o f
the nine s quares into comp lex interlo cking volumes . The circulat ion spirals
around the central s quare to create a promenade sequence that terminates at the

rn m
public swimming pool on the roo f .

PROGRAM : Shop s , Communal Spaces , Swimming Pool

Ground Floor F ir s t Floor




Elevation Elevation
Roof Plan Four t h Floor

Third Floor S econd Floor


A co llage can b e created through the neological synthes i s o f common element s .

In this villa three basic building f orms � the squar e , t he rectangle � and the
" L" , are collaged toge ther
as an overlay of images that allows them to via'"'
la te b oundar ies while maintaining their r espec t ive ident it ies . The . circulation
acts a s an or ganizer : I t threads through t he villa , d i strup ting expec t ed spaces�
creating new ones , doub l ing back on itself , and p roducing unanticipated vis­
tas o f the primary f orms .

PROGRAM : Apar tments j

1- - ---·- - - - - �

First Floor Ground Floor


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Section Section FIG. 235. Rendez-vous de Bel l evue.

··' Bellevue Palace


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Elevation Elevat ion

S i t e plan
S ketch
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Floor P lans

In this villa an aggregate of individual unit s has been combined into an urban
wal l . The s ix bays of the repetative s treet facade relate to the s taggered
s tairways of the unit s , with private circulat ion beginning on the arcaded public
ground level . The neutrality o f this formal front is c ontras ted by the garden
facade which expresses the individual ity of the apartment s .

PROGRAM : Communal Space , Apartments

Sect ion Site Plan

00 D O
c:=J DO

Unite , Le Corbus ier S trada Nuova

u u

Fourth F loor Roo f Garden

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S econd 'F loor Third Floor


The villa cons ists of fragments of three d i s t inct typologies : an urban

block, a free s tanding suburban villa , and a rowhouse . A segmented block
r- - rr·- o·- -- - - - o·- - �- --1
is carved out o f a rectangular s ol id and p laced on end to provid e garden
, I
cour t s for the ground f loor apartments . Thes e uni ts are extended into the I I : 1

r esultant void s and or iented inward s , while the ver t ical b lo ck s tand s
against the gardens and is oriented outwards .

PROGRAM : Shops , S ix Tower Apartments , F ive Garden Apartments

Ground Floor First F loor

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Section S e c tions


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Elevat ions Site Plan Sketches

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S econd F loor Third Floor

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Ground Floor Fir s t ::F loor


Public c ir cula t ion in this villa is es tablished by the inser tion of a spa­
c ious galler ia into a b lo ck . The vertical s equence begins at the west end
with acces s to a two level shopping s treet , moves through the galleria , and
ends a t a public roof terrace . The grand s ta ir s erves not only the pub l ic
areas but also the double height ar tis t s ' s tudio s on the third and f our th
levels . S t epping the balconies away from the s tair art iculates the apar t �
ment levels and creates a monumental interior space which expands horizon­
tally as well as v er t ically .

PROGRAM : Shop s , Ten Apar tment s


0 0

Elevation S ec t ion

1-- 1--
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Elevat ion Site P lan

Third Floor Roo f P lan



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Fi �st Floor
STREET Second Floor

Individual urban elements such as p laza , s treet wall , or monument iden t ify
unique environments in the city , but are rarely seen as ab s o lutes . The
image for this villa is the s treet as a displaced urban element which i s
ab s trac t ed from the gridded fabric b y the superimp o s t i t ion and extraction
of a random square . The spatial and phys ical characteristics of the s tr eet
are thus maintained even though placed in a f oreign context . Included in
this villa ar e a linear building with shopp ing arcade and three pavilion
apar tment s raised above the s treet level .

PROGRAM : Shop , Bar , Res taurant , Apar tment s





1---- I I II
S ite P lan

Axonometric Sect ion


Found Image
Co llaged Image

Interior Elevation Interior Elevation

Fir s t F lo or Second 'Floor

l l --

ij r [

Basement Ground :Floor


This villa was conceived as a f loating theatre for both indoor and outdoor
perf ormanc es . Located above the indoor theater individual apartments have
b een provided for the travelling actor s . Such a fac ility could continue the
development of magical p ieces p laced along the Berlin water system . The
functional ef f iciency of machinery is explo ited for thi s highly ar t iculated ,
compact villa . The c irculation sys tems , or moving par t s , are expres sed as
extrus ions ; the elevation is peeled away to expose the sect ion .

PROGRAM : Theater , F ive Apar tments


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Elevation Elevation



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Sec t ion Centre Pompidou , Paris Site Plan

S econd Floor Third Floor

Ground Floor First Floor


The or iginal cubic enclo sure of the villa has b een sheared in both plan and
section to functionally separate the pub lic and private zone s o f the program .
Entry to thes e zones is established by the s e tbacks from the original s quare
in p lan . A service p odium containing a garage and j anitors apar tment forms
the base f or the p r ivate half of the villa which cons i s t s of a tower apar t ­
ment r i s ing i n half levels around a central c irculation core , a br idge apart­
ment over the open cour t and central exhib it ion space and a corner apar tment
connec ted to the private gallery pavilion below . The glass of the private
port ion is success ively pulled back from the f acade to form a deep service
wall for the bridge apartment and an outdoor arc ade to the corner apar tment .

PROGRAM : Gallery , Commerc ial Space , S even Ap artments


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Shear ing o f Villa Ro tunda

Roo f Plan

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Se cond Floor

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Fir s t Floor

Two cubes are f raternal twins bound together by a glas s cir culation piece ,
yet they are completely diff erent in function and . s tructure . The resident ial

b lo ck is a glas s cub e surrounded by a s tructural grid which supports the bal­
conies . It contains four dup lex apar tment s , f our s ingle s tory s tudio apar t­
ment s and one f our s tory tower apar tment . The commerc ial b lock is a solid I
cub e , c ontaining o f f ices and shop s on each f loor . It sits on a p la t fo rm ,
having the doub le grid wrapped around the lowest level . I i .

� -ll
PROGRAM : Off ices , Shop s , Thir t een Apar tment s

Ground Floor

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Elevation Sketch

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Section Site Plan Sketch

S econd Flo or
Third Floor

.. • ... . . • ll. ..

Ground Floor
BENT BLOCK F ir s t Floor

This v illa is g enerated through a d ivis ion of the s quare p lan into four quad­
ran t s involving a comb ination of d iagonal development and linear extension
par allel to the edges of the square . The p lan of the f ir s t level contains
thre e quadrants of two s tory apartments with attached private gardens and an
entrance cour t . Above the apartmen t s is a s chool with three clas srooms opening
onto a courtyard . On the f ourth f loor , a large mee t ing room and an open area
with pergo la ar e placed in opposit e quadrants reinf or c ing the diagonal r eading
of the "L" shaped roof s lop ing to the pergola . The walls transform from
an arcade a t the ground level and a b alcony at the second level to a
s taircase and s t orage zone surroundi�g a _f l�xible f loor p lan on the third .

PROGRAM : Thr ee Duplexes , S cho o l , S tudent Rooms

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Found Villa
Section Section

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S i t e Plan F ound Villa

Second Floor Third Floor

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Ground Floor F ir s t Flo o r


This Cruciform V1' 11 is based on a symme tr ical comp o s i t 1on wh 1C ' h evo lves f rom

the nine s quare gr1- . At the p ub lic ground level o � e p enetrates a pergola
wh ich def ine s t � e gr 1:d b t the c entralized entry 1S t h e o nly interior space

ac tually mainta1� ed a s a quar e . The f o ur apar tmen : b l k
. e 1
into rec tang les oy a var 1ab le zone tha t r s o lves 1gh t n
o� � :� e trans f igured
ew through
balconies , tre 11 1 S e � , and punc t u res which in turn create 1n v id ua l environ-
ment s within the gr1d sys t em .

PROGRAM : S ix Apar tments



Section Elevation


· o��o D�D D��D D D

nr lr lr lr 1r lr ll 1 lf ll ll lf I

Elevat ion Elevation Sketch

Ske tch
Second Floor Third Floor

BERL IN F IREWALL Gr ound Floor Fir s t Floor

This villa exp loits the imagery o f r emnant s o f the urban b lo ck as characteri zed
by shear wall s , an introver ted or ientat ion , and an acc idental irregularity
due t o unp lanned growth and inf ill . One can s ee the p r ismatic core a s being
exp o s ed through the breaking o f a s o lid block or as an inf ill for a f ragment ed
b lo ck . Through thi s crys talline s truc tur e the fre ely composed spaces and
circulat ion s equence ar e revealed .

PROGRAM : Ho tel , Bar , Res t aurant , Loung e , Garden, 5 Apar tments

Sect ion

0 0

0 0 0

- -

Third Floor Fourth Floor

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Fir s t;: F loor S econd Floor


This corner villa is an interpretat ion o f dominant villa images

found in Berlin : o f villas having a narrow s ec tion , vi llas having a f ormal
frontal f acade and b lank wall with minimal amount of o p ening at the back,
of v illas having a l ight mas s attached t o a heavy s o lid mas s , o f the indivi­
dualization of spaces as found in the interior of tho s e villas , of the acknow­
ledgement o f the corner condition as a special visual and spatial even t . The
villa has l imit ed r et ail space at the ground level and s ome o f f ic e space at
the f ir s t level . The apar tment uni t s ar e s erved by a s taircase at the b ack .
The greenhouse s tructure is a sub s t i tu t e o f the f r ontal garden as f ound in
mo s t local v illas .

PROGRAM : O f f ices , Shop s , Apartments

Ground Floor



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Elevation S ection


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Elev at ion S e c t ion

Second Floor Roo f P l an

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VILLAGE V ILLA Ground Floor F i r s t Floor

As a mini villag e , this villa is compo sed of s everal f r ee - s t anding pieces

which are p laced on a s ervice pod ium to d e f ine the pub lic p la za . Each ele­
ment was d e s igned to func t ion as a s epar at e entity a s well a s an integral
part of the who le compo s i t ion . On the plaza level they are oriented inward s
and contain pub lic f unct ions ; o n the upper levels they ar e oriented outwa:Fd s
and contain pr ivate apar tments which are d e s igned f or individual need s . The
skylit cube is a sp ecial obj ect which contain s a museum and is c onnec ted by
a b ridge t o the adj acent s tudio tower .

PROGRAM : Mus eum , O f f ices , Shop s , Apartments

mJ Fol o
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Elev a t ion Elevation


Elevation Elevation
S i t e P lan
Fourth Floor F i f th F loor

Second Floor Third Floor


A vo lume is s ub tracted from the center of a villa block to create a private

p laza . The s o lid is further cut away to r eveal t ower s , roof gardens , entry ,
and circulat ion s equences . It is left amb iguous whe ther the building is one
- --
unif i ed who le , as it is at the b as e ; four t ower s , as it is at the plaza level ;
or two building s , as it is at the roof . The ext er ior f acades maintain the - -
s imp l i city of the ini tial b lo ck while the p la z a f ac ades exp o s e the int ernal

organi zation and spatial characteris tics of the villa .

PROGRAM : Res t aurant , Shop s , P laza , Apartments I
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Ground Floor F ir s t Floor

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Elevation Elevation


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S ec t ion Eleva tion


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S e cond Floor Third Floor

Ground Floor First Floor


The symme tr ical placement o f f our tower s produces a cr uciform galleria . Con­
tras t between s o lid and glass p eaked r o o f s es tab lishes this space as an open
environment . The f our corner tower s are identical on their exposed sides , and
take on an indiv idual expression where they f ront on the galler ia .

PROGRAM : Commer cial , Apa r tments

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- --- - -
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Fourth Floor Sectio n

Section Sec t ion

S i te P lan Galleria Vittorio Emanuele , Milano
Second Floor Third Floor

Ground Flo o r F ir s t Floor


This layered villa is tied to the s i te through the j uxtap o s i t ion of an oppos­
ing c ir culation sys t em . The p lanar c ompo sition literally invades the land s cape
by the p lacement of extrapo lated wal l s lices in the surrounding s . The p ieces
are p ene tra ted by the circula t ion to def ine the c ommenc ement o f a labyrinthian
s equence through the mul tipar tite John Montaguan environment .

PROGRAM : Ar t Gallery , Apar tments

rg _F



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Roo f P lan

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S ite Plan

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Sec t ion
Second Floor

F ir s t Flo o r

!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - -- :

In this high ly specialized villa f o r drama s tudents the amphi theatre is inter­
p reted literally , with the building i t self b ecoming a b ackdrop . The s tage
wings become circulation t ower s ; the pro cenium arch , an arcade on the ground
level ; and the o r ches tra p i t , a pub lic p la�a with shop s . The externalization
of thes e elements p r ovides a curtain behind which the p r ivate lifes of the
p layers can take p lace .

PROGRAM: Shop s , S tudent Rooms , Apartmen t s

Ground Floor
Axonometric Section Ledoux
II !

Four th Floor Fif th Floor

Second Floor Third F1oor ·


The s olid , t erraced shed r oof which is held up by f our c ir culat ion towers
contains apar tments . The l ibrary b elow i s enc l o s ed by a cur tain wall , allow­
ing the pr imary image o f f r ees tanding r o o f to pr edomina t e . The s tepped sec­
tio n , which creates a literal shed f o r the b o oks , i s r ep eated as a r eading
room, sunken b elow ground level .

PROGRAM : Lib rary , Apartments

Ground F lo o r F ir s t Floor


Elevation Elevation
Four th Floor F i f th Floor

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Sec ond Floor
Third F loor

This villa uses the grands tand image as a s t epped sect ion containing p r ivate
t erraces and ap ar tments . The practice r oo1ns under a grands tand become commu­
nal a thletic facili ties , the spec tators s tands b ecome t erraces , and the press
boo th b ecomes a b ar . Internal circulat ion is p r iva t e ; an exp o s ed public s tair
wrap s around the b ack of the villa and c onnects the communa l areas .

PROGRAM : Swimming P oo l , Badminton C our t , Apar tment s , B ar , Locker s --

L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - J L - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - � � -

Ground Floor First Floor

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Elevation Elevation
S i te · P lan

Axonome tric Tennis C ourt

Flo o r P lans

A b r idge vi lla i s c r eated by the imp o s i t ion o f a s teel trus s on two f r ee­
stand ing masonry element s . Each s t r ives to expr e s s its p�ominence but they_
end up in a dialogue b e tween vert ical masonry and hor i z ontal s teel cr eating
a variety of apar tment typ es f r om p r imi t ive c ave to open air , Hi - Tech
machine . One o f the cylind rical element s s i t s on land and is viewed as a
shar ed entry way ; the o ther s i t s in wa ter and contains an apar tment f o r a
troll like creatur e . The v i lla ' s elemen t s make r ef erence to tho s e o f the s i te :
a round concrete bunker , a br idge , two f acades in dialogue , and s teel r ail­
road tracks .

PROGRAM : Apar tments



Sect ion S i te Plan

Sketch Sketch
Roof Plan S econd Floor

F ir s t F loor

The p arallel walls o f the ground f lo or o f this villa are cut oblique lly by a
circulation path and used as an infrastructure for inf ill ar chitectur e . Supp­
orted by the walls a grid of two story apartments is f ac ing onto an enc lo s ed
cour tyard within which the main stair is located . The z oning of the s ervice
functions on the f ir s t f lo or creates a repeta t ive layer in contrast to
living areas and t erraces on the third f loor which is characteri zed by
the p layful roofs cape ab ove .

PROJECT : Apar tments

S ec tion Section

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H-t '

Site P l an
Elevation Elevation

Brandenburger Tor
Plans o f S i te � Applicat ions
Axonometrics o f S it e Applications
Shadow P lans of S it e Applicat ions F igure/Ground of Site Appl icat ions
D 0


Ground P lan

The interior of a s quar e b lock near Char l o t t enburg Palace is cleared , l eav­
ing the c entral s chool building . The Ber l in trad i t ion of pub lic func t ions
ins id e the b lo ck , creating a c i ty in a c i ty , is exa ggerated by putting f our
villas which contain a performing arts s choo l , l ib r ary , market hall , and
swimming pool into each corner of the block . Toge ther with the formal land­
s c ap ing these def ine a s trong contrast agains t the sof t edge of the interior
b lo ck facade .
O oo

D 0

Ground Plan

The interior of a s quare b lo ck near Char l o t t enburg Palace is cleared , l eav­

ing the c entral s chool building . The Ber l in trad i t ion of pub lic func t ions
ins id e the b l o ck , creating a c i ty in a c i ty , is exa ggerated by putting f our
villas which contain a performing arts s cho o l , l ib rary , market hall , and
swimming pool into each corner of the block . Toge ther with the f ormal land­
s c ap ing these define a s trong contrast agains t the sof t edge of the in terior
b lo ck f a cade .
Shadow P lan
Exis ting S ite P lan
Shadow P lan
Existing S ite P lan
Propo s ed Figure-Ground Exis ting Figure-Ground
Ground P lan


Thes e two blocks in the suburb of Lickerf elde demons trate how densities in
such areas c ould be increased without vio lating the charac teris tics of the
area . Rather than propos ing row hous es (as fr equently done in the ad i acent
blocks ) , it is sugges ted to build a group of s ix villas in the c enter of the
larger b lo ck and a galler ia villa in the middle of the smaller one . The
prop o s al also includes an underground garage . Vehicular cr o s s c irculat ion
for each villa is placed p erpendicular to the pede str ian walkway which con­
nect s the two plazas .
Shadow Plan
Exi s t ing S i t e Plan 1 : 4000
- -
• • •
1 : 4000
Propo s ed Figure/Ground Existing F igure/Ground
Ground P lan

A parking lot a t the corner of Kudamrn and Leibni t z s t ra s s e es tab lishes a

b reak in the o therwise complete b lo ck s tructure . It i s transformed into a
p la za with surr ea l qualities , defined by ivy-covered f ir ewalls which s erve
as a backdrop for two rows of ident ical villas set on p il o t i s . The green
wall b ecomes a s loped plane covering parking f a cilities and shops which
open up toward the villa s . A grid of trees reinforces the connec tion b etween
the adj acent s treet s .
Shadow P lan Exis t in& S i t e P lan
Proposed Figure-Ground Exist ing Figure-Ground
Ground P lan

A lands cap e park is propo s ed on the site of the deserted Gorlit zer Bahnhof
in the mid s t of one of Ber l in ' s d ense s t areas . The proportions and strength
of the park ' s edges suggest a comparison with Cen tral Park,; F. L . O lms t ed ' s
cir culation system was borrowed to o rganize s everal villas with pr edominately
pub lic functions including schools , l ibrary , theatre , and museum as well as
b a ths (Turkish ) .
Exis t ing S it e Plan
Shadow P lan
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1 Exis t ing Figur e-Groun�

Propo sed F igure-Ground
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Ground P lan

The Fasanens trasse as an inner c i ty s treet p r ovides a morphology rang ing from
the urban villa as a frees tanding obj ect to villas integrated into the block
p a t t ern. The s trategy involved b o th the sup er imp o s i t ion of a chequerboard­
pattern of unif ied cube villas on the larger open lots ( Kants trasse ) , and
villas that co rrespond t o specific s i t e condi t ions on the smaller ones . A
number o f exi s t ing villas set back from the Fasanens trasse ( South of the
Kudamm ) which provide b eergardens and outdoor restaurants are used as a de�
s ign precedent . A double row of trees within the setb a ck completes the block.
The Fasanen Platz is r edefined by two c orner-villas .
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Ground P lan


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Shadow P lan Exi s t ing S i t e Plan
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Proposed Figure-Ground Exist ing Figure-Ground

Ground Plan

Thes e three v illas correspond to the sp ecific cond i tions o f the open lo t s in
a well preserved area b etween Savigny Platz and Kudamm . The smal l tr iangular
site enclosed by high f ir ewalls is o ccup ied by an amphitheatrical building
with b outiques on the ground level , oriented into the half-circular courtyard .
Oppo s ite this s ite , a market hall or a small shopp ing center is propo sed . Both
of these villas are built on the lo t line , emphas i z ing the continuo s b lo ck
facade . _ The third building is p laced on a corner s i t e and has a res taurant on
ground level . In addition to their commercial funct ions the three villas are
used f or apartments and small o f f ices . This intervention enr iches the quality
of an area solely compo s ed of blocks , by using "breaks " for special events
rather than applying a strategy o f comp le tion .
Shadow P lan Site P lan
Proposed F igure-Ground Exis t ing F igure-Ground

This b lock , typical o f the Southern Friedr ich Stadt , cons ists of fragments
which form three/ f ourths of a rectangular courtyard and a r ow of three monu­
mental "found " villa s . Accep t ing the f ragmentation and the predominant f ire­
wall s as character is tic o f the area , this proposal superimp oses a square
block of cube villas to integrate the three exist ing obj ects . This s trategy
creates a p laza inside the new block and an English Garden out s ide . Through
the overlap one may read the existing f ir ewall as an intrusion into the p laza
with obj ects p laced in front of it , or some of the new villas as s itt ing in
the English Garden , defined by the block fragments .
Shadow P lan
Existing S i t e Plan
P ropo sed Figure-Ground Exist ing F igure-Ground
Ground P lan

This s trong axial d evelopment o f cube villas along an a lley is located in

the Tiergarten , his t orically one of Berlin ' s f ir s t villa suburb s . Elevated
on an ear thberm , the axis is used as an ordering device f or the randomly
placed f ragments which characterize the area . The further development o f
obj ects containing cultural facilities (National Galerie , Philharmonie ,
Staatsbibl io thek , and Bauhausarchiv) is as sumed .
Shadow Plan Existing S i t e Plan

Proposed Figure-Ground
Existing F igure-Ground

A p ar t of the Lehrter Guterbahnhof and a small park nor th of the Tier ­

gar ten near Bellevue Palace have b een isola ted by a canal to create a
promenade with a varie ty of villas along i t . This proposal transforms
the deser ted trainyard into an is land park to which the villas have direct
access , while e s t abl ishing a northern edge for the T iergarten .
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Exi s t ing Figur e-Ground

Prop o s ed Figure-Ground

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