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Republic of the Philippines


Legazpi City, Albay
SY: 2022-20223



 Does the future need humans?

Humans are activators and catalysts, and Science is evolving. As long as it evolves, we
need humans. Science and technology are related because Sciences use technology to make
discoveries and technology is used to apply the scientifically gained knowledge and address
human needs. In the case of the movie that I watched, robots were the technology that humans
created to be a help in society.

In my perspective, the future still needs humans. Yes, AIs are reliable machines that can
replace the repetitive works of humans but they cannot fully obtain the specific roles of humans.
And AIs are threatening to make humans endangered and that makes Science dangerous. The red
robot once said that “they were mean to robots and then robots killed them.” The future needs
humans because of our technological and logical skills. For the world to continue living, humans
have to work and continue fulfilling their roles. One of their roles is to take care of the resources
that suffice the needs of everyone, including the animals.

If the entire humanity stops, the data that were generated by the systems of the AIs will
remain the same. The auto-generated routines of the AIs will not progress. For instance, in the
clip where the robots were wandering in the apocalyptic situation, they keep asking questions
about certain functions of an object. The intellectual robot was able to answer those questions
because the data and information were installed in its system. But once humans extinct,
everything will be stagnant including the information that the AIs have.

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