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Biennial Review of Pain

Mechanisms and manifestations in

musculoskeletal pain: from experimental to clinical
pain settings
Thomas Graven-Nielsen

1. Introduction 1.1. Clinical manifestations of musculoskeletal pain

Musculoskeletal pain is an extensive societal challenge, due to Musculoskeletal pain is frequently expressed as a tight, drilling,
the large population affected, an increased expected life span, diffuse, and radiating sensation with pain referrals away from the pain
and the lack of efficient prevention and treatment modalities. origin, as well as localised and widespread deep-tissue hyper-
Globally, approx. 1.3 billion cases of musculoskeletal disorders algesia.76,77,160 Deep-tissue pain is therefore difficult to distinguish
were reported in the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, with a among pain from various tissues such as muscle, bones, tendons,
higher point prevalence in women than in men, and 95% of ligaments, and joints. Nonetheless, joint pain is often more localised
prevalent cases were disorders frequently associated with pain than myalgia, and bone pain is frequently worse at night but less
such as low back pain (LBP), neck pain, osteoarthritis, affected by movements in contrast to, for example, myalgia and joint
rheumatoid arthritis, and other rheumatologic conditions.197 As pain. Deep-tissue hyperalgesia and especially referred pain are
a condition, it represents a major source of socioeconomic unique characteristics for musculoskeletal pain. Clinical cases with
burden due to increased healthcare utilisation and lost pro- referred pain can be patients with hip osteoarthritis presenting with
ductivity, not to mention the distress caused for patients and pain referred to the thigh or knee joint, cervical spondylosis may give
relatives. Information regarding peripheral and central neuro- referred pain to arm muscles, and lateral elbow pain is sometimes
physiological mechanisms is essential to improve diagnosis and referred from the shoulder region in cases with tendinitis of the
therapy. A major knowledge gap is the mechanistic interplay in supraspinatus muscle. There is often a discrepancy between the
the transition from acute to chronic clinical pain, and from phasic degree of tissue damage and the pain intensity, for example,
(seconds) and tonic (minutes) pain to long-term pain (days/ significant joint degeneration in osteoarthritis is not necessarily
weeks) in experimental conditions. The overarching theory is that painful in all patients,61 illustrating that other mechanisms are likely in
musculoskeletal pain mechanisms are facilitated because of the play. Musculoskeletal pain is categorised as localised, regional, or
continuous peripheral nociceptive barrage, and neuroplastic widespread. Localised pain is found in, e.g., joint pain such as
manifestations may cause a change in symptomatology from patellofemoral or osteoarthritis pain, whereas localised tenderness
localised pain and hyperalgesia to expanded pain areas with and referred pain caused by active myofascial trigger points in the
widespread hyperalgesia. myofascial pain syndrome is an example of a regional muscle pain.
Based on the clinical manifestations of musculoskeletal pain, the Examples of widespread musculoskeletal pain are, for example,
aim of this review was to present the translational aspects of deep- fibromyalgia and whiplash-associated disorders.
tissue nociception, the unique distribution of musculoskeletal pain Musculoskeletal pain is defined as nociceptive, and recently,
and hyperalgesia, disturbed antinociceptive and pronociceptive the nociplastic category was instated which may include the
modulatory mechanisms, and adaptations of cortical circuitry in widespread musculoskeletal pain conditions where a pain origin
musculoskeletal pain. The translational findings are outlined with cannot be determined. Neuropathic conditions affecting deeper
emphasis on provoking and probing the pain system in human structures are often neglected, although the German Research
experimental and clinical settings (Fig. 1). Although important for Network on Neuropathic Pain includes 1 parameter assessing the
musculoskeletal pain, psychological and motor control aspects deep-tissue pain sensitivity.194 A major challenge is to classify
are not within the scope of this review. musculoskeletal pain with nociceptive, neuropathic, and noci-
plastic mechanistic characteristics.215

1.2. Translational findings on deep-tissue nociception

Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed 1.2.1. Muscle
at the end of this article.
Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP), Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Free nerve endings located around vascular structures and in
connective tissue are the basic construct for muscle nociceptors.
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Health Science and Technology,
Faculty of Medicine, Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP), Aalborg University, Polymodal muscle nociceptors related with group III and IV (Ad
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7 D3, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark. Tel.: 145 9940 9832. E-mail and C) afferent nerve fibres can be predominately excited by
address: (T. Graven-Nielsen). strong (noxious) mechanical or chemical stimulation, and this is
PAIN 163 (2022) S29–S45 presumably associated with perception of acute muscle pain.161
© 2022 International Association for the Study of Pain Provocation of experimental muscle pain in humans has been standardised over the past years. Using physiological stimuli such

November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S29

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
T. Graven-Nielsen 163 (2022) S29–S45 PAIN®

Figure 1. Provoking, probing, and modulating fundamental mechanisms in musculoskeletal pain at different levels along the neuroaxis and in conditions with
different pain durations.

as exercise or ischemia will endogenously induce muscle pain, review ref. 76. Kellgren initiated in the late 1930s case studies
whereas external stimuli (eg, injection of algesic substances or on muscle pain distribution by injection of hypertonic saline,115
intramuscular electrical stimulation) may be used to target which later were followed by larger studies,53,76,79–81,84,102,120,207
specific tissues in a more intensive manner. Pressure stimulation and also with other substances. For instance, intramuscular
is frequently used to induce deep-tissue pain and to assess the injection of capsaicin induced an intense pain sensa-
pain sensitivity. Manual pressure algometry (Fig. 2A) has been tion,16,17,39,40,82,193,226,227,259,261,263 which also was used in case
validated, although its variability can be reduced by computer- studies using microneurography to verify excitation of thin muscle
controlled pressure stimulation, which also allows better stand- nerve fibres in humans.148 Similarly, tonic pain by glutamate
ardisation of suprapain threshold (eg, tolerance) assessments injections has been extensively used.4,16,31,33,34,60,214,236 More-
and establishing stimulus-response functions.85 Cuff algometry is over, intramuscular infusion of acidic buffered solutions induce
a user-independent alternative to pressure algometry compen- pain, although with low to moderate intensity,57,66,260 and
sating for the limited amount of tissue strained and the manual interestingly, in animal studies, repeated injections of acidic saline
rate of pressure application in manual pressure algometry (Fig. have shown bilateral hyperalgesia.224 Heated isotonic saline
2B). Using cuff algometry, the pain intensity is related to the injected into muscle tissue may also induce pain.78,193 Although
computer-controlled inflated pressure in a tourniquet mounted not consistent, some algesic-induced tonic muscle pain models
around an extremity.191 This approach is superior for stimulating (eg, glutamate) provoke more pain in women compared with
deeper tissue than, for example, single-point pressure algome- men.34,76
try,146 and the user-independent cuff algometry demonstrates
good to excellent reliability.86 Cuff algometry has also been
1.2.2. Joint and bone
translated to preclinical settings where the firing rates of deep
dorsal horn wide-dynamic-range neurons were recorded in rats Group II to IV afferent nerves fibres (Ab, Ad, and C fibres)
during inflation of the cuff to a comparable pressure intensity as innervate the joint.204 All joint structures are generally innervated
inducing pain in humans (Fig. 2D).47 Generally, the pressure pain by free nerve endings (group III and IV), although not the
sensitivity is higher in women compared with men86,221 and cartilage. In ligaments and in the fibrous capsule, corpuscular
decreases with age for pressure algometry,221 whereas it endings related to group II fibres have been found. In humans,
increases for cuff algometry probably because of the larger excitation of joint nociceptors can be performed by arthroscopic
volume assessed.86 mechanical stimulations,55 electrical needle stimulation,104 or
Tonic conditions of experimental muscle pain for several focused ultrasound stimulation.267 Inflammation and triggering
minutes can be induced by intramuscular injections of algesic of autoimmune reactions are however counterindicative of intra-
substances (eg, hypertonic saline). Strong excitation of group III articular stimulation of joint nociceptors in human trials.
and IV muscle afferent nerve fibres by intramuscular injection of However, external pressure stimulation has been used for
hypertonic saline was demonstrated in animals in contrast to assessing differences in pain sensitivity across the joint
similar stimulations of the thick, fast afferent fibres32 as well as structure.14 Other modalities for exciting joint nociceptors in
strong excitation of dorsal horn neurons.97 Other examples of humans include, for example, intradiscal pressure provoca-
algesic substances relevant for provocation of tonic muscle pain tion,206 external facet joint pressure stimulation,216 electrical
include acidic buffers, glutamate, capsaicin, and bradykinin facet joint stimulation,175 and infrapatellar fat pad injections of
shown to excite thin muscle afferent fibres in animal studies; for hypertonic saline.27,111

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S31

Figure 2. Pressure algometry with a manual increase in pressure intensity until the pressure pain threshold is indicated by the subject (A). User-independent cuff
algometry with the stimulus-response curve relating the automated increment in cuff pressure intensity with the perceived pain intensity scored by the subject on a
visual analogue scale (VAS); cuff pain threshold, defined as when the VAS score begins to increase, and tolerance are detected when the subject stops the
stimulation (B). Temporal summation of pain probed by repeated cuff stimulations at the same painful pressure intensity and the progressive increasing pain
intensity are scored on the VAS (C). Stimulus-response curve with the cuff pressure intensity and a single unit recording of a deep dorsal horn wide-dynamic-range
neuron (D); based on animal data from Ref. 47.

Fundamental mechanisms in bone pain studied by Mantyh is not necessarily perceived. A challenge with the referred pain
et al. showed that mineralised bone, periosteum, and marrow are concept is the manifestations of pain spreading to a larger region; in
innervated by thin afferent sensory fibres.145,147 The most such cases, local pain is fused with the referred pain, but this does
densely innervated tissue is the periosteum, whereas the bone not exclude involvement of the central mechanism for pain referral.
marrow holds the largest number of sensory fibres. In the bone Referred pain from deep tissue is often felt in other deep structures,
marrow, nociceptors respond to high intraosseous pressure.168 which is a contrast to visceral pain referral, which is felt both deep
In humans, an immediate sharp pain with the highest pain and/or superficially. Referred pain has mainly been studied when
sensitivity was found with direct stimulation of the periosteum provoked from muscle tissue,76 but tendon and ligaments may
compared with similar stimulations of fascia, tendon, and also induce large pain areas likely accommodating referred
ligaments, and muscle as the least sensitive.101 In line with this, pain54,72,102; in particular, injection of hypertonic saline into the
stimulating the surface of the human periosteum by injection of long posterior sacroiliac ligament induced large referred pain areas
hypertonic saline elicits more pain than intramuscular injec- perceived in the low back and down to the lower leg (Fig. 3A).180
tions.79 Mechanical impact stimulation has also been used for Interesting studies have demonstrated that it is possible to
induction of experimental bone pain in humans.62 perceive referred pain from areas with a completely effective
regional anaesthetic block when stimulating outside the blocked
1.2.3. Connective tissue
In animal connective tissue such as tendon and fascia, innervation
of nerve endings of group III and IV afferents has been
reported.9,239 In the animal thoracolumbar fascia, location of
calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P-containing free
nerve endings illustrate that the outer part is densely innervated.
Similar findings were made in a human study239 suggesting the
relevance of fascia in LBP conditions. Electrophysiological studies
of thin sensory afferent fibres in fascia have reported responses to
heat, mechanical, and chemical nociceptive stimulations.238
Experimental pain provocation techniques directed toward
tendon, fascia, and ligaments have been targeted in experimental
human pain studies.73,74,101,115,180,205,223 Compared with saline-
induced muscle pain, the saline-induced pain in ligaments and
tendon showed more excessive pain.72,101 Interestingly, saline-
induced muscle pain was less intense compared with similar
injections of hypertonic saline in fascia.73 In line with this,
hypertonic saline injected into the tendon–bone junction induced
more pain compared with in the tendon and muscle belly,72 and
differences among the pain sensitivity between different tendons
have also been shown.102 Nerve growth factor (NGF) injections
into facia compared with muscle caused more long-term hyper-
algesia.48,262 These differences in pain sensitivity between
various types of connective tissues challenge the notion of clinical
muscle pain per se because it likely has many constituents.

Figure 3. Localised and referred pain by injections of hypertonic saline (cross)

1.3. Unique pain distribution of musculoskeletal pain in the long posterior sacroiliac ligament (A), the tibialis anterior muscle (B), and
Referred pain is defined as pain perceived at a distant site or brachioradialis muscle (C) in healthy participants. Based on data from Refs. 79,
180 and common pain areas redrawn using Navigate Pain.
adjacent to the origin of localised pain, although the localised pain

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
T. Graven-Nielsen 163 (2022) S29–S45 PAIN®

region.135 Such findings suggest that a central mechanism is involvement of sensitisation (due to long-term pain) in the
likely involved in the perception of referred pain. Nonetheless, the mechanism of referred pain.53,90. Recent studies have also
peripheral sensory information transmitted from the referred pain shown that asymptomatic participants, who have had a painful
area might have a role in the intensity of referred pain because it is joint-related trauma or fracture, have larger referred pain areas
either reduced or unaffected when referred pain is induced in an directing towards the previously injured but now asymptomatic
area that is completely numb.76 joint (Fig. 4E),51,52,179 and this may indicate a mechanism
A likely mechanism for pain referral relates to sensitisation and underlying ’memory’ in the spatial mapping of pain.
the synaptic connections of dorsal horn neurons.95 Afferent fibres Clinically, pain referral patterns after trigger point activation in
from, for example, different muscles have functional synaptic patients with myofascial pain have been thoroughly mapped.219
connections with dorsal horn neurons and latent synaptic There is notable similarity between pain referral patterns after
connections to other neurons within the same region of the trigger point activation (palpation) in the tibialis anterior muscle or
spinal cord.95 The latent synaptic connections become active the brachioradialis muscle in patients with myofascial pain and
after persistent and strong noxious input, and this may allow after intramuscular injection of hypertonic saline in muscles
convergence of input from more than one source. Several without trigger points,76 indicating that referred pain is a normal
features of referred pain may support the above mechanism finding in healthy participants, whereas the development of
based on latent synaptic connections. For instance, there is a trigger points in patients is pathological.
correlation between the muscle pain intensity and area of referred Compared with healthy control participants, several chronic
pain, there is a delay in the appearance of referred pain (approx. musculoskeletal pain groups (eg, LBP, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia,
20-40 seconds) from perception of local muscle pain,76 and the and whiplash-associated disorders) show enlarged referred pain
frequency of referred pain is higher after prolonged mechanical areas after saline-induced pain in the tibialis anterior mus-
painful stimulation compared with a brief mechanical painful cle.19,120,176,228 The pressure-induced referred pain from the infra-
stimulation at the same intensity.72 Such manifestations could spinatus muscle53 may be more applicable in clinical settings, and with
indicate a time-dependent mechanism for referred pain such as this approach, expanded pain areas were recently demonstrated in
unmasking of latent synaptic connections.95 Interestingly, the patients with whiplash-associated disorders compared with con-
frequency of referred pain was significantly reduced in healthy trols.43 Expanded saline-induced referred pain areas in patients with
participants treated with ketamine (an N-methyl-D-aspartate chronic musculoskeletal pain may suggest sensitisation of the referred
receptor antagonist targeting sensitisation) compared with opioid pain mechanism, and interestingly, the enlargement of referred pain
and placebo treatment,208 again suggesting involvement of was reduced by ketamine in patients with fibromyalgia.81
sensitisation of a central mechanism.
The classical demonstration of referred pain is performed by
saline-induced pain in the brachioradialis muscle causing referred 1.4. Hyperalgesia in musculoskeletal pain
pain to the wrist (Fig. 3B), likewise from the tibialis anterior muscle 1.4.1. Localised hyperalgesia
to the ankle (Fig. 3C), and from the infraspinatus muscle to the
shoulder (Fig. 4A).76 Tonic pressure pain stimulation on the Trauma is frequently associated with localised soreness because
tibialis anterior muscle90 or the infraspinatus muscle (Fig. 4B and of release of multiple endogenous substances sensitising deep-
C)53 has demonstrated similar pain referral patterns to the ankle tissue nociceptors.159 Sensitised deep-tissue nociceptors cause
as well as shoulder and arm, respectively. Remarkably, assessing an increased response to mechanical noxious stimuli (hyper-
the referred pain area after 1 day with a long-term muscle pain algesia) and/or decreased excitation thresholds (allodynia) for
model resulted in enlarged pain areas (Fig. 4D), supporting the mechanical stimulation. Hyperalgesia and allodynia have not

Figure 4. Pain distribution from the infraspinatus muscle (cross) when provoked by injection of hypertonic saline (A), painful pressure stimulation for 5 second (B)
and 60 second (C), and 60-second pressure stimulation on day 2 in a long-term pain model in healthy participants (D) and in asymptomatic participants with a
history of a shoulder fracture (E). Based on data from Refs. 52, 53 and common pain areas redrawn using Navigate Pain.

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November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S33

been mechanistically separated within musculoskeletal pain

research, and in this review, hyperalgesia will unify both concepts.
Short-term deep-tissue hyperalgesia has been induced by
injection of capsaicin and glutamate, whereas saline-induced pain
does not.76 To mimic the clinical persistent pain conditions better,
we have developed new models provoking pain and hyperalgesia
for several days up to 10 to 15 days. Using eccentric muscle
training (lengthening muscle contractions) will typically induce
hyperalgesia and low to moderate pain during function with a
maximum pain intensity appearing 1 to 2 days after the
exercise.53,73,153,193,222,269 Animal studies have found that in-
tramuscular endogenous NGF may be fundamental for the
delayed-onset muscle soreness induced by eccentric train-
ing.166,247 Intramuscular NGF injections do not excite dorsal horn
neurons but rather subthreshold excitatory potentials and sensi-
tisation after 1 day, which is opposite to the effects of intramuscular
injections of hypertonic saline,97,237 and hyperexcitability of dorsal
horn neurons is more pronounced after 2 NGF injections.96 This is
in line with findings in human studies where intramuscular NGF Figure 5. Pain distribution across days after injection of nerve growth factor in
injections do not provoke immediate pain at injection but rather the tibialis anterior (A) and brachioradialis (B) muscles in healthy participants.
hyperalgesia and pain the subsequent days, and often repeated Based on data from Refs. 153, 229 and common pain areas redrawn using
NGF injections are used for this prolonged pain model Navigate Pain.
(Fig. 5).4,5,7,28,36,45,46,59,68,90,122,152,153,170,199,209,213,229,230,234,235,257,262,269
Similarly, injection of NGF into the infrapatellar fat did not evoke
1.4.2. Spreading and widespread hyperalgesia
pain at injection but rather hyperalgesia after 1 day.165 More
intense NGF-induced muscle pain and hyperalgesia have been Hyperalgesia to pressure outside a painful locus has been
reported in women compared with men, and expression of N- demonstrated in conditions where there is no reason to believe
methyl-D-aspartate receptors on peripheral nerve fibres may that systemic sensitisation of peripheral nociceptors has oc-
partly explain the long-term hyperalgesia and pain, particularly in curred. In patients with knee and hip osteoarthritic pain compared
women.4,5,266 with control participants, pain thresholds assessed by pressure
A clinical example of localised hyperalgesia is myofascial algometry were reduced at the lower leg and on the arm (ie,
trigger points in patients with myofascial pain where discrete sites distant from the painful joint).14,87,103,131 Similarly, cuff algometry
of hyperalgesic loci are found by palpation in taut bands of muscle used to record the cuff pressure pain thresholds on the legs in
fibres.160 Quantifying the pressure pain sensitivity above trigger patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis showed hyperalgesia
points may be performed by pressure algometry. However, the compared with asymptomatic controls.87,103,184 Interestingly, the
coexistence of hyperalgesic trigger points assessed by palpation distant hyperalgesia is not normalised when patients with
and pressure algometry is generally poor.8 Subsequently, we osteoarthritis still have pain even after a revision total knee
have developed pressure algometry methods mimicking pres- replacement220 in contrast to the normalisation seen in patients
sure palpation by adding rotation and vibration to the pressure who experience a significant pain reduction after total knee
probe during pressure stimulation, demonstrating a better replacement.87 Spreading hyperalgesia has also been reported in
detection of deep-tissue hyperalgesia.1 several other conditions, for example, patients with patello-
Hyperalgesia assessed by pressure algometry across painful femoral pain,99,100 LBP,156,176 neck pain,42 lateral epicondylal-
structures is regularly reported, for example, in patients gia,106,163 and partly in the recovery phase from a tibial
with painful knee and hip osteoarthritis compared with asymp- fracture.134 In systemic rheumatologic diseases such as rheu-
tomatic controls14,87,103,188 as well as in patients with patello- matoid arthritis, pressure pain thresholds are reduced in patients
femoral pain,99,100 LBP,156 neck pain,42 and lateral compared with controls, both at the painful joint and occasionally
epicondylalgia.163,222 Detailed analysis of multiple pressure pain outside.109,136,144
assessment sites around the osteoarthritis knee joint demon- The spreading hyperalgesia and its temporal characteristics
strates that not all sites are equally hyperalgesic and interestingly suggest that central mechanisms are sensitised by the nocicep-
not clearly correlated to MRI-verified synovitis.188 After intra- tive drive from the painful structure. The spreading hyperalgesia
articular injection of analgesia and steroid into the osteoarthritic may require pain over a longer time because 10 minutes of
knee, the peripatellar pressure hyperalgesia was reduced.110 By electrical stimulation of the lumbar facet joints did not cause any
contrast, by provoking pain in the infrapatellar fat pad by injecting distant pressure hyperalgesia,175 whereas it was found after 2
hypertonic saline, hyperalgesia was found around the knee in days with exercise-induced LBP in healthy controls158 and during
patients already receiving osteoarthritic pain relief by intra- the pain flare, but not without, in patients with recurrent LBP.156 In
articular analgesia and steroid,111 as well as in healthy NGF-induced long-term pain models, spreading hyperalgesia
participants.108 These findings suggest a clear link between outside the injection site has also been shown 1 day or more after
ongoing local pain processes and the localised hyperalgesia. The the NGF injection.7,90,229,262
degree of peripatellar pressure hyperalgesia in patients with Compared with asymptomatic controls, widespread hyper-
osteoarthritis was associated with the severity of knee algesia assessed by manual pressure algometry at different body
pain,14,87,188 suggesting that the pressure stimulation targets sites is found in patients with fibromyalgia69,70,75,228 and whiplash
the clinically sensitised structures or perhaps more likely that pain.43,114,120,231 Cuff algometry studies have demonstrated
facilitated central mechanisms (eg, spatial summation) result in similar hyperalgesic findings in patients with chronic widespread
hyperalgesia also in tissue not directly affected by the disease. pain.58,75,107,138 Here, the aetiology is less understood, but

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
T. Graven-Nielsen 163 (2022) S29–S45 PAIN®

mechanisms other than sensitisation of central mechanisms due longer symptom duration in axial spondyloarthritis164 and knee
to a peripheral nociceptive drive are assumed. osteoarthritis,14 suggesting that the sensitisation is a time-
dependent process. Interestingly, a human model of experimen-
tal knee pain (saline-induced pain in the infrapatellar fat pad)
1.5. Pronociceptive modulatory mechanisms in
caused facilitated TSP to repeated pressure stimulation applied
musculoskeletal pain
locally and to knee-related muscles.108 Overall, most studies
Modulatory pain mechanisms acting pronociceptively or anti- suggest that facilitated TSP is a state phenomenon, as also found
nociceptively can be assessed by dynamic sensory testing of in patients with recurrent LBP where facilitated temporal
deep structures. The outcome is less affected by baseline pain summation is found during a pain flare and not in a pain-free
sensitivity because the resulting parameter is a relative effect period.156
within the same individual. Spatial summation of musculoskeletal pain has been studied by
Temporal summation of pain (TSP) is a pronociceptive relating the difference in pain thresholds with different sized pressure
mechanism, with wind-up of dorsal neuronal activity as the stimulation probes171 and inflation of 1 vs 2 cuffs.191 The cuff-
assumed spinal correlate and assessed as the amount of pain induced spatial summation of pain was higher in women compared
increase when repeating phasic noxious stimulation with the with men,137 and in patients with knee osteoarthritic pain, spatial
same intensity but sufficiently fast. This has been assessed summation of pain assessed on the lower leg was facilitated
extensively by heat, laser, pinprick, and electrical stimulation on compared with pain-free controls and this was normalised after total
the skin. The first attempt to study TSP in deep tissue was knee replacement.87 In line with this, facilitated spatial summation
performed by fast repeated intramuscular injections of hypertonic assessed on the arm with cuff algometry has been found in patients
saline inducing progressively increasing pain.80 Later, electrical with lateral epicondylalgia.106
stimulation using intramuscular needle electrodes was used
where the pain perception for 1 stimulation was lower compared
with, for example, 5 stimulations of the same intensity.13,81 1.5.2. Musculoskeletal pain summation as a predictor for
pain progression
Computer-controlled single-point pressure stimulation repeated
10 times (eg, 1-second stimulation and 1-second pause) A high degree of TSP assessed by manual pinprick stimulation
provokes a progressive increase in the perceived pain intensity before total knee joint replacement was associated with the
compared with the first stimuli and with a slower repetition postoperative (12 months) pain intensity185,189 and similarly was
protocol.2,170 Using the advantage of stimulating a large tissue found in another study when cuff algometry-assessed TSP was
volume (ie, reducing variability), repeated cuff stimulations can combined with other central pain mechanisms assessed at
also be used to assess TSP (Fig. 2C) with a higher degree of TSP baseline.186 Moreover, in patients with osteoarthritis, facilitated
in women compared with men.86,142 TSP recorded at baseline was associated with less analgesia after
treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs11 combined
with paracetamol.187 In other pain interventions, facilitated TSP at
1.5.1. Facilitated summation of pain in patients with
pretreatment was associated with poor outcomes. For example,
musculoskeletal pain
facilitated TSP at baseline in adolescents with patellofemoral pain
Enhanced TSP suggests a facilitated central integrative mecha- was associated with less improvement in pain intensity after
nism. Assessing the span in pain thresholds to single and several weeks of activity (sport) modification.99 Furthermore, pain
repeated intramuscular electrical stimulations demonstrated management by physical activity in LBP resulted in pain flares in
facilitated TSP in patients with fibromyalgia compared with patients with baseline facilitated TSP.254 The predictive value of
controls, and this facilitation was normalised by low-dose TSP can also be found in experimental studies. Exercise-induced
ketamine.81 Similarly, in patients with fibromyalgia and whiplash, LBP inducing moderate pain for several days did not facilitate the
the electrical threshold evoking the withdrawal reflex to sequential TSP when assessed on the legs, but interestingly, the baseline
stimulation on the skin is lower compared with controls, indicating degree of TSP was associated with the pain intensity of the
a facilitated central mechanism.21 experimentally induced LBP158 and similarly when provoking
Temporal summation of pain after repeated pressure stimula- long-term pain in the calf muscle.127
tion to the knee and lower leg was facilitated in patients with knee In summary, summation of pain often assessed distant to
osteoarthritis compared with controls and even more facilitated in the pain locus is generally facilitated in musculoskeletal pain
patients with high clinical pain scores compared with moderate conditions compared with asymptomatic controls or com-
pain scores.14 Using cuff algometry at the legs, facilitated TSP pared with pain-free periods in the same individuals, suggest-
compared with asymptomatic controls has been demonstrated, ing that this is a state of the pain system, although with an
for example, in patients with knee131,184 and hip103 osteoarthritic important prognostic value for pain persistence and treatment
pain, in adolescents with patellofemoral pain,99 in young females outcome. However, the TSP may also hold some trait
with chronic patellofemoral pain and those who recovered from characteristics of the pain system because it also predicts
adolescent patellofemoral pain,100 during the pain flare in patients the degree of experimental long-term pain conditions in
with recurrent LBP,156 and in patients with fibromyalgia.75 otherwise asymptomatic controls.
Moreover, increased TSP was reported in patients with neck
pain and LBP with radiating pain patterns compared with
localised pain patterns253 and in patients with osteoarthritis 1.6. Antinociceptive modulatory mechanisms in
musculoskeletal pain
undergoing a revision total knee replacement with postoperative
pain compared with similar patients without postoperative Contrasting pronociceptive mechanisms, conditioned pain mod-
pain.220 In a meta-analysis across 27 LBP studies, we found ulation and exercise-induced hypoalgesia have antinociceptive
facilitated TSP assessed with various modalities, although descending modulatory characteristics, and if dysfunctional,
without differences between acute/recurrent and chronic pain spinal mechanisms may become hyperexcitable causing, for
conditions.157 Nonetheless, increased TSP was associated with example, widespread hyperalgesia.

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S35

1.6.1. Antinociceptive effects on musculoskeletal pain applying a contralateral noxious cuff conditioning (Fig. 6B and
sensitivity C).47 Methodological parameters regarding the CPM assessments
Based on animal work, the term diffuse noxious inhibitory control by cuff algometry have been studied demonstrating fair reliability83
(DNIC) was originally used to describe an inhibitory spino–bulbar– and robustness of fast repetitions of the CPM assessment92 as well
spinal loop where noxious stimulation of an extremity led to as effects of stress and attention.93,94 A meta-analysis showed that
reduced firing of dorsal horn wide-dynamic-range neurons in the intersession reliability for CPM assessments was fair when
response to concurrent noxious stimulation of a heterotopic using pressure modalities for both test and conditioning173 and
site.26 The perceptual correlate of DNIC may in part be assessed similarly was reported in a systematic review.116
by the psychophysical protocol, conditioned pain modulation
(CPM), where a painful test stimulus is applied before and during
or immediately after a painful conditioning stimulus applied 1.6.2. Reduced antinociceptive effects in patients with
musculoskeletal pain
heterotopically to the test stimulus.192,268 The CPM effect is the
decreased pain perception of the test stimulus (or the increase in A reduced CPM effect has been reported in a meta-analysis
pain threshold) because of the conditioning stimulus. The across different groups of patients with chronic pain compared
descending control is under strong cortical influence22,178 and with controls.139 In another meta-analysis, CPM was impaired in
factors such as distraction, expectation, anxiety, and emotional patients with LBP compared with controls, and the magnitude of
states may affect the CPM magnitude, and therefore, DNIC is only impairment was higher in patients with chronic vs acute/recurrent
a partial reflection of CPM. There is a wealth of preclinical studies LBP.157 Moreover, reduced CPM was found in patients with
on the descending pain modulatory systems,23,24,129 describing knee87 and hip124 osteoarthritis compared with controls, in
its function and pharmacology mainly within neuropathic pain and patients with knee osteoarthritis undergoing a revision total knee
only few on musculoskeletal pain models. replacement with postoperative pain compared with patients
The descending inhibitory effect on musculoskeletal pain without postoperative pain,220 as well as in patients with
perception has been studied with different test stimulus modalities fibromyalgia123 and whiplash-associated disorder compared
(often pressure or cuff algometry), and the conditioning stimulus is with controls.43,169 By contrast, several studies have not
typically a tonic mechanical stimulus (eg, pressure) or the cold- demonstrated a significant reduced CPM effect in patients with
pressor stimulus (ie, ice water). In a cohort study with approx. 2000 osteoarthritic pain.103,131,185,186 Using cuff algometry for CPM
participants, pressure pain thresholds were increased compared assessment in other patients with musculoskeletal pain, impaired
with baseline when applying the cold-pressor test as conditioning, CPM was found in adolescents with patellofemoral pain
although approx. 10% of participants did not show a reduction of compared with controls,99 in young females with chronic
pressure pain thresholds.221 The CPM effect was higher in women patellofemoral pain compared with those who recovered from
than men,221 which may link with the higher prevalence of adolescent patellofemoral pain,100 and in patients with recurrent
musculoskeletal pain in women. A user-independent methodology LBP in periods with and without pain compared with controls.156
for musculoskeletal CPM assessment is available, where cuff Fair to say, other musculoskeletal pain conditions have reported
algometry on the test leg is used to record cuff pain thresholds (test mixed CPM effects, for example, in patients with temporoman-
stimulus) and on the contralateral extremity another cuff is dibular disorder pain.125,177 In an animal model of osteoarthritis,
automatically inflated providing a painful conditioning during which the descending inhibitory control was not affected in the early
the cuff algometry on the test leg is repeated (Fig. 6A).83 We have phase but rather attenuated in the late stage of osteoarthritis,143
recently demonstrated the translational value of cuff algometry for which seems to mimic some of the clinical findings. However, in a
CPM assessment where the response of deep dorsal horn wide- cancer bone pain model, the descending control was impaired in
dynamic-range neurons to cuff stimulation was reduced when the early phase and normalised in the later phase.128

Figure 6. Assessment of conditioning pain modulation by cuff algometry in humans, where the cuff pain threshold and tolerance on the left leg increase during
conditioning cuff stimulation on the right leg (A). Stimulus-response curve with the cuff pressure intensity and a single unit recording of a deep dorsal horn wide-
dynamic-range neuron without (B) and with (C) a noxious cuff stimulation as conditioning on the contralateral calf causing reduced firing; based on animal data
from Ref. 47.

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T. Graven-Nielsen 163 (2022) S29–S45 PAIN®

Mixed effects have been reported on the effects of treatment pressure pain sensitivity due to a cold-pressor conditioning (ie,
on CPM. A meta-analysis showed no significant change in CPM CPM) and due to exercise (ie, exercise-induced hypoalgesia) was
before and after treatment in patients with knee osteoarthritis, not significantly correlated.251 Still, in patients with chronic
although the degree of CPM normalisation was correlated with musculoskeletal pain having high pain sensitivity compared with
the treatment-related pain reduction.174 By contrast, a meta- low pain sensitivity, impaired CPM and attenuated exercise-
analysis showed CPM improvement by physical therapy in induced hypoalgesia were found.250 Such findings suggest that
patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.18 Thus, the muscu- shared inhibitory pathways are recruited in exercise-induced
loskeletal nociceptive drive may maintain the impaired descend- hypoalgesia and CPM.
ing inhibitory control, and an efficient treatment of the nociceptive
drive could explain normalisation of the CPM effects. There also
exist examples of increased CPM efficacy, for example, in 1.6.3. Reduced antinociceptive effects as a predictor for pain
participants completely recovered from an ankle fracture and progression in musculoskeletal pain
now asymptomatic compared with participants who have not The prognostic value of an impaired CPM effect in musculoskeletal
experienced an ankle trauma.179 pain conditions is less convincing. In a small study, the CPM effect
A major question relates with how much and how long the in patients with knee osteoarthritic pain before total knee
duration of pain is needed before a CPM impairment occurs. replacement correlated with the pain reduction recorded 6 months
Tonic saline-induced muscle pain or cold-pressor pain as after the surgery.249 However, larger cohort studies in patients with
conditioning induced generally a higher CPM effect in men osteoarthritis could not demonstrate a predictive value of impaired
compared with women, but interestingly, when applying the 2 CPM per se on chronic postoperative pain.103,131,185,186 Combin-
conditioning stimuli at the same time, a less CPM effect was ing mechanistic pain parameters in the analysis may improve the
observed in men.15 In a later study where a pain model was predictive value. For instance, in pain patients with knee
applied to the arm for 1 hour, it was demonstrated that the osteoarthritis having impaired CPM and facilitated TSP before
CPM assessed by cuff algometry on the legs was impaired, total knee replacement, less pain relief was found after 1 year.186
and immediate experimental reduction or facilitation of the arm
pain did not change the CPM attenuation, suggesting some
plasticity of the descending control system.91 Nonetheless, 1.7. Cortical manifestations of prolonged and persistent
although long-term pain was maintained for 1 day, the CPM musculoskeletal pain
effect progressed towards a normalisation suggesting that the Chronic musculoskeletal pain is associated with structural and
healthy descending control is adaptive.91 Similarly, in a model functional cortical reorganisation and maladaptive neuroplasticity.130
of experimental LBP, for several days, the CPM was not Early pioneering studies demonstrated reorganisation of the primary
significantly affected.158 somatosensory cortex in patients with chronic LBP65 and similar
Of note, better characterisation may be obtained when findings have been reported subsequently.126 Moreover, reorgan-
combining pronociceptive and antinociceptive mechanisms. isation of the motor cortex was thoroughly studied in LBP.232,245,246
Integration of several mechanistic-based parameters (pain In the progression from acute to chronic LBP, the cortical
sensitivity, TSP, and CPM) was useful for characterising representation shifts from sensory discriminative/nociceptive to
individuals with osteoarthritic pain as highly sensitised.12 emotional circuits.10,89,211 As an example, in patients with chronic
Similarly, in a large cohort of patients with chronic muscu- LBP, the power of gamma oscillations in the prefrontal region
loskeletal pain, impaired CPM combined with facilitated TSP reflected the variation in ongoing pain intensity.154 Moreover, the
was associated with widespread pain.248 The complemen- dynamics of specific brain networks (particularly the default mode
tary role of CPM and TSP is also shown in an experimental network) were changed in patients with LBP and osteoarthritic pain,
study where painful conditioning mainly reduced the pain compared with controls, and such modifications correlated with pain
response to the first stimulation applied during TSP duration.20 Similarly, in a large cohort of patients with LBP,
assessment. 98 connectivity between sensorimotor, salience, and default mode
Like the CPM protocol, exercise-induced hypoalgesia is networks was increased compared with controls, with some
reflected in changed pain sensitivity caused by aerobic and connections particularly influenced by pain catastrophizing.119 In
resistance exercise. In the healthy population, hypoalgesia line, disruption of whole-brain and local functional connectivity was
generally occurs after exercise.167 In patients with chronic shown in patients with osteoarthritic pain,25 and various knee
musculoskeletal pain, exercise-induced hypoalgesia was intact osteoarthritis phenotypes were associated with the power of
in several patient cohorts, but impaired exercise-induced oscillations in different cortical regions.218 Although, the dynamic
hypoalgesia or even hyperalgesia has also been reported in other changes in connectivity within and between regions are important for
patients with musculoskeletal pain.252 In patients with wide- chronic pain,118 the following sections will focus on the immediate
spread pain, reduced efficacy of exercise-induced hypoalgesia cortical changes in musculoskeletal pain.
has also been found compared with controls.225,243 The nontrivial
part of exercise in chronic musculoskeletal pain is the potential
1.7.1. Somatosensory cortical effects of tonic
pain flare that may reduce the degree of exercise-induced
musculoskeletal pain models
hypoalgesia, for example, in patients with LBP.254 Moreover, in
healthy controls, pressure pain thresholds at the head and neck Early studies demonstrated that a capsaicin-induced tonic
increased when doing repeated arm abductions (ie, exercise- muscle pain evoked similar resting-state electroencephalo-
induced hypoalgesia), but in patients with neck pain, pressure graphic topography patterns as a control injection, but the painful
pain thresholds were gradually reduced and pain increased.42 condition resulted in a decreased power of alpha (parietal) and
Recently, reduced exercise-induced hypoalgesia was found in increased power of beta (global) oscillations,40 where the
healthy participants exposed to a long-term neck pain model.44 increased power of beta oscillations was in contrast to a similar
Interestingly, exercise-induced hypoalgesia caused a reduction intradermal pain model.39 Using a repeated tonic muscle pain
of the CPM effect.6 By contrast, however, the reduction in model (5 injections of hypertonic saline provoking relatively low-

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S37

intensity pain that gradually declined over repetitions), the power frequency is still to be recorded in patients with musculoskeletal
of alpha oscillations was reduced in the first 2 pain epochs, pain and further clarified as other studies have shown a
whereas the beta oscillations gradually increased during the 5 positive172 and negative67 correlation between the tonic
pain epochs.38 The decreased alpha power was not found if thermal-induced pain intensity and the peak alpha frequency
participants were presented to an aversive auditory stimulus, before pain induction.
suggesting that the pain effect was not due to a general arousal.37
Similarly, saline-induced tonic muscle pain caused decreased
1.7.3. Corticomotor excitability in musculoskeletal pain
alpha power with a reduced effect if a simultaneous placebo models
condition was introduced141 and increased gamma power in
case of moderate-intensity compared with low-intensity saline- Motor-evoked potentials by transcranial magnetic stimulation
induced muscle pain.140 However, if saline-induced muscle pain have been used to assess corticomotor excitability in musculo-
was maintained on a steady pain intensity for 5 minutes before skeletal pain conditions.56,201,246 A meta-analysis showed that
electroencephalography was recorded, a long-lasting increase in the corticomotor excitability was depressed during and after
delta and alpha power was found, possibly illustrating a induction of tonic deep-tissue pain.30 The post-pain corticomotor
decreased excitability of the somatosensory cortex.183 The depression seems robust because motor cortex activation by
different findings in alpha power changes in tonic muscle pain movement203 or a working memory task (engaging prefrontal and
models may relate to the required cognitive processing and premotor cortices) did not affect the depression,133 although
attention, where the capsaicin pain model induces an immediate premotor cortex activation (by action observation and motor
high-intensity pain profile, and the saline-induced pain is steadier. imagery tasks) may counteract the pain-induced corticomotor
Recently, painful cuff pressure stimulation maintained for 3 depression.132
minutes compared with nonpainful cuff pressure evoked an In a series of studies, corticomotor excitability was studied
increased global electroencephalographic power in several in the progression of long-term pain models. In the first
regions (eg, contralateral anterior cingulate cortex, primary studies, facilitated motor-evoked potentials 152,153 and ex-
somatosensory cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and pos- pansion of the motor maps (area of the motor cortex inducing
terior parietal cortex), where the increase in the alpha power may a motor-evoked potential when doing transcranial magnetic
be a result of increased cortical inhibition by the deep-tissue stimulation) were found during the days of peak NGF-induced
pain.258 muscle pain.152,153,199 However, other studies demonstrated
The cortical excitability in tonic pain models has also been that motor maps were reduced in the days after NGF-induced
studied by sensory-evoked potentials in electroencephalo- muscle pain,46 and the reduction was correlated with less
graphic recordings after electrical stimulation of peripheral motor variability during pain. 233 Moreover, reduced motor
nerves. Inhibition of early sensory-evoked potentials was found maps in NGF-induced long-term pain were found with higher
after tonic chemically induced muscle pain, with lasting de- experimental pain intensity, and lower pain causes motor map
pression several minutes after the pain vanished.195,196,198,202 expansion.210 Interestingly, the group showing motor map
expansion also had lower corticomotor excitability at baseline,
suggesting that they are flexible towards pain-related
1.7.2. Somatosensory cortical effects of long-term changes.
musculoskeletal pain models
A meta-analysis found that corticomotor disinhibition assessed
The initial transition to chronic pain has been studied by long-term by transcortical magnetic stimulation is generally found in patients
muscle pain models. Reduction of the frontal N30 sensory- with chronic pain but most pronounced in patients with
evoked potential and facilitation of the parietal P45 peak were neuropathic pain.181 Similar findings have been reported in
recorded after 4 to 5 days with NGF-induced muscle pain152,153 patients with osteoarthritic pain217 and fibromyalgia.162 Likewise,
and similar P45 facilitation was found after days with delayed- in a long-term muscle pain model, reduced intracortical inhibition
onset muscle soreness.151,153 Such manifestations are interest- and increased intracortical facilitation were found accompanying
ing because these electroencephalographic recordings are the expanded motor maps,199 suggesting that such cortical
performed in participants with daily pain but in resting situations disinhibition is a relatively fast change.
without pain flares, thus differing from tonic muscle pain models.
Using a long-term pain model (exercise-induced muscle pain),
1.7.4. Cortical adaptability in musculoskeletal pain
increased alpha power was found within 12 hours, but at peak
pain (36 hours), no significant changes in the alpha oscillations The fundamental principle that the brain can adapt during
were observed.190 These findings suggest that the long-term various conditions, including musculoskeletal pain, has
musculoskeletal pain models also involve cortical adaptations resulted in studies focusing on mechanisms that support
linked with the required cognitive and attentional demands. adaptability in the human brain, and a basic construct defined
Muscle pain for 1 to 2 weeks induced by NGF injections as “homeostatic plasticity” is needed to keep stability in neural
demonstrated a negative correlation between the sensorimotor networks.29,113 For instance, the homeostatic modulation may
peak alpha frequency of the electroencephalography at baseline be assessed in the motor cortex when 2 blocks of anodal
and the experimental muscle pain intensity (slow peak alpha transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and a block of no
frequency associated with higher muscle pain intensity), but the stimulation in-between are delivered in a priming test para-
peak alpha frequency was not significantly affected in the 2-week digm.242,264,265 In patients with chronic LBP, such homeostatic
observation period.68 Using a combined model of exercise- modulation was impaired compared with controls,240 indicat-
induced muscle pain and NGF-induced muscle pain, a slowing of ing reduced adaptability. Using a long-term muscle pain model
the peak alpha frequency was demonstrated during the days with in healthy participants, the peak impairment of the homeostatic
pain, but in contrast to Furman et al.,68 the subgroup with the modulation was found after few days of ongoing muscle
highest perceived muscle pain intensity was associated with pain,241 suggesting that as pain manifests, the neuroplastic
faster peak alpha frequency at baseline.150 So far, the peak alpha adaptability reduces.

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T. Graven-Nielsen 163 (2022) S29–S45 PAIN®

Overall, the neuroplastic capacity may be an important factor in tissue pain, anodal motor cortex tDCS inconsistently increased
musculoskeletal pain, both as a trait and state. In a study using pressure pain thresholds in healthy participants.63,64,112,256 By
NGF-induced muscle pain, Seminowicz et al.212 found that a contrast, the pressure pain thresholds in healthy participants
relative slow baseline peak alpha frequency combined with increased after daily sessions of high-frequency rTMS on the left
reduced motor maps when having musculoskeletal pain partly dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.149 Another approach is the high-
discriminated the most pain-sensitive participants from more density tDCS, where one or more cortical regions can be
tolerant participants. In patients with subacute LBP compared targeted. In a large sham-controlled design with daily anodal
with controls, early sensory-evoked potentials from electrical tDCS applied to the primary motor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal
stimulation on the back were depressed, and the motor maps cortex, or both combined, the pain sensitivity (eg, pressure pain
were reduced.41 By contrast, less discrete motor maps for back thresholds) was not affected in healthy participants.121
muscles were found in patients with recurrent244 and chronic200 With anodal high-density tDCS applied daily on 3 consecutive
LBP compared with asymptomatic controls. Measures recorded days to the primary motor cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in
in the acute pain phase of LBP may also represent an participants exposed to the long-term NGF-induced muscle pain
epiphenomenon, but the reduced sensory-evoked potentials model, some antihyperalgesic effects were observed.122 Moreover,
were demonstrated as causative of chronic pain after 6 months in in a sham-controlled design, the long-term muscle pain intensity
contrast to the changes in the motor mapping.105 Such data induced by intramuscular NGF injections was reduced by daily high-
indicate that the cortical sensory-discriminative function is frequency rTMS sessions targeting the left dorsolateral prefrontal
impaired in candidates vulnerable to developing chronic muscu- cortex209 as well as reversing the pain-induced pressure hyper-
loskeletal pain. How this links with the sensory-discriminative algesia and exerting opposing effects on both cortical somatosen-
function in painful stimulations is unknown, although previous sory excitability and corticomotor excitability (Fig. 7).152 In a similar
studies demonstrated augmented nociceptive-evoked potentials long-term pain model, analgesia was demonstrated after high-
(short latency) in patients with chronic LBP49 and fibromyalgia50 frequency rTMS to the primary motor cortex but interestingly without
compared with controls. any effects on the corticomotor excitability.35 Across different types
of patients with chronic pain, NIBS generally increased pain
thresholds.71 However, in patients with musculoskeletal pain, only
1.7.5. Noninvasive brain stimulation in musculoskeletal pain
few studies exist, for example, in patients with osteoarthritic pain,
The cortical manifestations in musculoskeletal pain and, in active compared with sham anodal tDCS to the primary motor
particular, the predictive characteristics open a therapeutic cortex reduced the pressure pain sensitivity,3 and in patients with
window for noninvasive neuromodulatory approaches. Generally, fibromyalgia, anodal tDCS caused a lasting pain reduction after 10
noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS), such as repetitive trans- daily treatment sessions.117
cranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and tDCS, has demonstrated Studies of NIBS on pronociceptive modulatory mechanisms
efficiency and has been used for peripheral neuropathic pain and are rare. However, the CPM effects were generally increased by
migraine. So far, the clinical evidence for NIBS in musculoskeletal rTMS and tDCS of the primary motor cortex both in healthy
pain is sparse. The modulatory effects on the cortical excitability participants and patients with chronic pain.71 Beneficial effects of
have been demonstrated with anodal tDCS256 and high- tDCS were found for CPM assessed by pressure pain thresholds
frequency rTMS182 causing increased excitability while cathodal in healthy participants63,64 and in patients with osteoarthritis.3 In a
tDCS reduced the excitability.255 long-term pain model (capsaicin), CPM assessed by cuff
A recent meta-analysis showed that NIBS increased pain algometry was reduced in parallel with reduced corticomotor
thresholds in healthy participants when pooling studies of rTMS excitability in the sham tDCS, whereas the CPM and corticomotor
and tDCS of the primary motor cortex, but for individual analysis excitability were not significantly affected on active anodal high-
of rTMS and tDCS, this was not significant.71 Relevant for deep- density tDCS to the motor network.88 One hypothesis could be

Figure 7. Daily high-frequency active rTMS sessions targeting the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared with sham rTMS reduced the long-term muscle pain
intensity induced by intramuscular NGF injections (A), reversed the pain-provoked motor map expansion (B), and exerted opposing effects on pain-related
changes of some of the somatosensory-evoked potentials (C). Modified from Refs. 152, 209. rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.

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November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S39

Figure 8. Summarised and generalised findings of the mechanistic pain biomarkers in conditions with different pain durations.

that neuroplastic manifestations are needed before tDCS will be Nielsen, and external collaborators are greatly acknowledged for
efficient, as also evident in another study where tDCS in patients their contributions to the studies presented here.
with LBP having low pain severity had no effect on the pain Research funding: Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP) is
sensitivity or CPM.155 supported by the Danish National Research Foundation
2. Conclusion and future directions
Article history:
Musculoskeletal pain biomarkers are differentially affected Received 30 March 2022
depending on the pain duration and change in the continuum Received in revised form 3 May 2022
from short-term to chronic pain (Fig. 8): (1) Provoked pain is Accepted 9 May 2022
localised and referred initially, whereas spreading and extended Available online 15 May 2022
when chronic. (2) Deep-tissue hyperalgesia is localised initially
and spreading or widespread when chronic. (3) The pronoci-
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November 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 11
· Supplement 1 S45

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