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HRM Guideline to Write the Assignment


Guideline for Pass in LO1

The assumption here is that you are writing as the HR manager of a company as it is said in the
assignment brief.

1. Define HRM
2. Identify the areas of HR and explain them in terms of how they covering the following:
a. Resourcing
b. Employee Relations
c. Organizational Development and Design
d. Learning and Development
3. What are the required competencies of HR
4. What are the typical roles of HR that is needed in the changing nature of the organization
5. What are the specific skills that HR needs to adapt to the changing nature of the
6. Why is working with an ethical framework and with recognized best practices make an
organization achieve sustainable performance.
7. What is the changing nature of organizations? Tell what is causing the changes too.
8. Review the effects of these changes on human resources skills and knowledge. When doing
this, use 2 organizations to make your review

(P2 is Nos. 7 and 8)

Guideline for Merit

1. Make a comparison of the following in terms of how they can help achieve sustainable
development. Find out the differences and similarities of the following:
a. Resourcing and employee relations
b. Organizational Development and
Learning and Development
c. Make sure to use at least 2 organizations to highlight your comparison in terms of
how their practices in these areas created for them sustainable business
2. Dig into Human Resource Management in terms of its relevance to the changing nature of
modern business organization. Apply it to the company in terms of how HRM helped them
to adopt with the changes of the needs of the time and how it has made them successful. It
should discuss, Soft and Hard HR approaches and how this is actual present or absent in
modern business organization, the trends that compelled organizations to transform into
what organizations are now. It should also include what are the methods to measure
individual and organizational behaviour and the different pay and reward systems in the
changing nature of organizations?

Identify the different HRM practices in relation to recruitment and retention of employees for the
achievement of business objectives. Here you must talk about the practices of your organization in:

 Resourcing. The review should cover majority of these aspects as it is written in the unit32
a. Workforce planning and application of data analytics. How is this helping
in the achievement of business objectives?
b. Assessing skills and capabilities using audits and gap analysis for
identifying talent and skills gaps. . How is this helping in the
achievement of business objectives?
c. How is considering different types of labour market in sourcing applicants
as an HR practice help organizations achieve their business objectives
d. How understanding the impact of relevant legislations would help
organizations achieve their objectives?

 Recruitment and selection’ Review the practices

Different models of recruitment and selection. Sources of recruitment, e.g. internal vs. external.
Achieving cultural diversity in recruitment. Stages in recruitment and selection. Different types of
selection methods, including competence-based selection. Legal frameworks and regulatory

 Retention

Make sure that when you REVIEW, you are reviewing these practices in terms of how they
contribute to the achievement of Business objectives


From what you have reviewed in P3, tell what the advantages and disadvantages of their practices in
HRM in relation is to how they can capitalize the use of the labour market

Guideline for D

Make an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of HRM in creating organizational performance
and achieving business objectives. Use an organization here

It should answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact of HRM to organizational performance, example of which is how is

effective recruitment and /selection impact on organizational performance? Cite a particular
company who has linked good practices in recruitment and has improved their
organizational performance.
2. In what way can Performance Management Systems support HPW
3. How do the methods to measure organization and individual performance impacting
organizational performance?
4. How does the Pay and reward system affect organizational performance?


Investigate the external and internal factors that affect HRM Decisions Making to Support
organizational development

For Pass Criteria

In the organization of your choice discuss after you have done an investigation of the factors
( internal and external) that affect HRM decision making

1. What are the internal and external factors to the organization that influence HRM?
- ( external) Here talk about the factors that affect organizational performance including
the skills gaps and labour trends
- Impact of globalization on HR policies in equality and diversity and raising cultural awareness
and sensitivity in the workplace
- ( Internal factors) the impact of leadership styles on organizational transformation, culture
and employee experience
- The relationship between organizational culture and strategic planning
- Impact of motivation upon performance
- Impact of digital learning

For Merit

a. Among all the factors that you have mentioned above, which of them are the key
external and internal factors that affected HRM decisions in the company of your
choice. Use specific examples of this to illustrate your point and how these factors
are relevant to the organization’s development. Has it improved for instance the
recruitment and selection process? Has it improved training and development
activities in the organization? Has it implemented a new way of performance
management systems? Has it introduced a different type of pay or reward systems?

For Distinction

2. When HRM has made decisions about those that you have mentioned in Merit questions
above say what are the advantages and disadvantages that these factors have done to the
HRM decision making and then make valid recommendations.

Apply HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples to demonstrate

improvement to sustainable organizational performance

Pass criteria:

In the company of your choice, show how their job description and job specifications were
established and tell how your company of choice prepares them. Do they have a competence-based
job description or skill based? Are they able to design person specification relevant to the job role?

In the Recruitment and selection aspect, how does the company of your choice design their
placement of job advertisement? Show evidence of these like screenshots where would they
normally put their job advertisements. How do you think they are shortlisting their applicants? how
about how they interview? What is their selection best practice?

In performance management

What are their What is their staff development practices? how do they provide and support he well-
being of their employees?

How do they manage underperformance, disciplinary, industrial disputes and grievances? How do
they do succession planning?

How is their employee relationship, what is the psychological contract that innately is present while
working in the company?

What is their employee voice and management like?

How do they manage the performance of their employees to attain competitive advantage?


Tell using illustrations and examples how the HRM practices of the company of your choice,
particularly concentration on these practices: recruitment and Selection, Performance Management
and Employee Relationship can improve their organizational performance. If you can find manuals,
practices, reviews from their employees, policies that covers those topics, screen shot them and
paste in here and discuss to emphasize your points.

Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the practices that you have identified in the merit
criteria and make recommendations on how to improve it so that the company will continue to have
sustainable business performance.

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