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Topic: The Psychology of Happiness

I. Introduction

• Definition of happiness
• Importance of studying happiness
• Overview of what will be covered in the lecture

II. Theories of Happiness

• Hedonic theory: pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain

• Eudaimonic theory: pursuit of meaning and purpose in life
• PERMA model: Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning,

III. Factors That Contribute to Happiness

• Genetics and personality traits

• Life circumstances and events
• Intentional activities and behaviors
• Mindfulness and gratitude practices

IV. The Role of Social Comparison in Happiness

• Upward social comparison: comparing oneself to others who are better off
• Downward social comparison: comparing oneself to others who are worse off
• The impact of social media on social comparison and happiness

V. Happiness and Mental Health

• The bidirectional relationship between happiness and mental health

• The benefits of happiness on physical health, relationships, and work
• Strategies for promoting happiness and mental health

VI. Conclusion

• Summary of key points covered in the lecture

• Reiteration of the importance of studying happiness and its impact on mental
• Call to action for students to apply these strategies in their own lives to promote
happiness and wellbeing

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