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Freud developed a method wherein a clients are encouraged to talk about anything that comes to mind

a process called "association"

 Freud theory
 Neuroses- maladaptive pattern refers to phobia and hysteria at

 Albert Ellis developed this rational -emotive therapy wherein people endure emotional misery
because of the way they interprets event rather than from negative events.

Cognitive psychologist focus on how maladaptive thoughts may lead to emotional problems.

Humanistic- Existential Perspective

 Carl Roger developed self -theory approach to therapy called person-centered therapy provides
a therapeutic environment that fosters self-awareness and self-acceptance
 Victor Frankl individuals meaning of life he developed a model therapy called logotherapy that
help people to find meaningful way of talking about recognizing the meaning of life.
 Abraham Maslow basic biological needs to the highest level of self-actualization

Biological perspective

The nervous system a system of nerves and nerve centers including the brain, spinal cord, nerves and made of nerve cells called neurons that communicate one another through chemical
messengers called neurotransmitter which transmit nervous impulse across the gaps, or synapses..the
balance of Neurotransmitters in the brain play an important role on various mental disorder.

Genetic influence involved in abnormal behavior pattern such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
alcoholism and antisocial -personality

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Theory of Learning

A theory of mental discipline a primary task of education is to bring them in fort in the exercise of
acquiring knowledge. It assumed that the harder this knowledge to acquire is the better it's acquisition
trains the mind. Also in the field of theory learning as a social process to learn an organism must interect
with others in the environment information wants the nature of good performance knowledge of his
own mistake and awareness of successful result, certainly aids learning.

The Brain

Brain cover all the survival things to accomplish, same as emotions; love, hate, fear, anger, elation
and sadness are controlled by the brain the brain make as conscious, emotional and intelligent.

The human brain provides incredibly system of communication and computing network of learning,
storing experiences; for reasoning, for imaginating, and problem-solving and overall functioning of
organism. It is the brain that are responsible for the enormous adaptability of the human species to
varied and changing conditions of existence.

Some factors may consider also in development of the brain is the inheritance of biological wherein
explain in science that female fertilized by the sperm cell of a male that influence it behavior of a
product personality and the other factor is the environment which we also acquire a socialcultural
influence of social revolution of environment. It matters to the offspring the difference of characteristic
and orientation of each group the cultural patterns.

And also expected that a person of growth depends on whom he or she accompany with. Influence
of habit may acquire by the person whom we bond with so it is required to be with someone that can
help us to grow and develop on our own way as same as we contribute of development to their own
growth at this way of contributing we can find a way to stick in a relationship that give a strong ties.

Recent Research

Men used only Broca area in task while women used Brocas area plus an area on the right side of the

Stress Related to Disorder

Stress is a part of life wherein we learned from it that influence us to grow and develop but also
excessive stress can also result in both physiological and emotional problems. From the perspective of
physiological stress can lead to personal factors such as concentration, loss of appetite, memory, sleep,
motivation, mood, drive, and a large extent the ability to relate to others

Extreme anxiety can cause dizziness, and heart palpitations and stomach disore and the common-
related disorder of stressw are; tension, migraine, headaches, coronary heart disease, high blood
pressure, muscles tightness in the chest and neck and lower back, gastritis, ulcer, diarrhea, indigestion,
constipation, asthma, arthritis and some menstrual and sexual dysfunction, and disturbed sleeping

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