Broken Cask - Random Tables

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D66 INN NAME AND? INN NAME 2 Atop a sleeping creature

11 Eagle 11 Hand 3 Among the treetops
12 Red 12 Dragon 4 In the middle of nowhere
13 Old 13 Lantern 5 Near a spiritual center
14 Stein 14 Maid 6 In or near a desert
15 Green 15 Child 7 The center of town
16 Horn 16 Stag 8 At the edge of a big city
21 Plough 21 Diamond 9 Underground
22 Doughty 22 Crown 10 Over a river
23 White 23 Toadstool 11 Near a magical place
24 Strong 24 Cauldron 12 Between planes of existence
25 Fiery 25 Dwarf
26 Black 26 Monk
2 Natural appearance:a bar made of vines, toadstool chairs, and so forth
31 Dour 31 Kobold
3 Magical bookcases everywhere; quiet reading nooks; magical moving book trollies
32 Blue 32 Mitre
4 A dark oak saloon, complete with second level balcony
33 New 33 Gargoyle
5 Teak wood furniture with stained glass windows
34 Tough 34 Troll
6 Black Steel fixtures with mallorn furniture
35 Goblin 35 Mountain
7 Iron accents with standard oak tables & chairs
36 Sword 36 Rosebud
8 Brownstone mead hall with a large central fireplace
41 Bronze 41 Helm
9 Olive-stained birch panels, cushioned furniture, paintings
42 Dirk 42 Buckler
10 Sculpted from a single piece of stone
43 Elf 43 Marigold
11 Black and white: Ivory tables and chairs with an onyx bar
44 Iron 44 Porridge
12 Dragonskin furniture with fire pits everywhere
45 Fir 45 Porter
46 Jackboot 46 Fawn
51 Floating 51 Twig 2 Mystics’ Lodge Magical beings, religious

52 Flying 52 Halfling 3 Gambling Den Thieves and thugs

53 Cobbler 53 Lampost 4 Syndicate Hideout Brigands, crime lords, mercenaries

54 Starry 54 Stitch 5 Postal Stop Couriers and explorers

55 Spotted 55 Pony 6 Intellectual House Philosophers, writers, religious, Keepers

56 Duck 56 Wolf 7 Plain Old Pub Regular townsfolk and laborers

61 Drafty 61 Star 8 Trading House Merchants and Traders

62 Amethyst 62 Armsman 9 Rumor Mill Vagrants, performers, townsfolk

63 Dog 63 Forge 10 Exclusive Club Nobles, the rich, politicians

64 Daisy 64 Foxglove 11 Almshouse Donors, volunteers, refugees

65 Banner 65 Keys 12 Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy Bounty hunters, low lifes, estranged farmhands

66 Briar 66 Tavern
2 Cinnamon liqueur with clam juice 1 Social services for magical beings
3 The finest porter brewed with tree bark 2 Regular stop for flying coaches
4 Mulled fig wine 3 Theme dinners for all occasions
5 Tea fermented with stone fruit and bird beaks 4 Natural holy magic for putting the undead to rest
6 Raspberry spiced ice wine 5 Golem rides up and down a nearby mountain
7 Citrus dill amber ale 6 Ancient healing fountain in the basement
8 Wild honey mead steeped in overripe cherries 1D6 ANOMALIES
9 Chai bock beer
1 Half the inn phases into another dimension
10 Frostroot Coffee with allspice
2 Bottomless pit in the cellar
11 Hotpepper Lager aged in a seadragon cask
3 The garden is alive
12 Rye wine with hops
4 There is a live demon in the back
2D6 SIGNATURE MEAL 5 Lights flicker every 15 minutes exactly
2 Roast auroch butt with lemon and leeks 6 Kegs have to be switched constantly to confuse invisible thieves
3 Taters & Hops 1D6 PETS & STRAYS
4 Mashed turnips, sage, cricket chips
1 A pack of unhomed cats have taken up refuge in the cellar.
5 Pork Shank & Fruit Waybread
2 Your, or one of your staff, keep a pet dog about who seems to believe it runs the place.
6 Sumac Bean Curd Pie
3 Who let the rather large chameleon in?
7 Corn Pierogies with quail
4 Your friendly pet ocelot is as much a part of the inn as anyone else.
8 Grilled Spice Cake
5 One pesky mouse has taken a liking to you or one of your staff.
9 Apple & Cheese Pasty with Anise
6 A past hero left their bird here. They got et by a troll and now the bird is yours.
10 Moongoat Shwarma
11 Hydra Head Salad
12 Alicorn Kebabs with mulberry sauce


1 Music: Bards and bands play regularly
2 Drama: A hotspot for acting troupes and playwrights
3 Dance: Folks come from far and wide to scoot their boots
4 Gambling: Cards, dice, competitive chess, and other games of chance
5 Throwing Games: Axes, daggers, darts? Take your pick and get out of the way.
6 Spa services: Try our essential oils!
D66 NAME D66 TITLE 2 Dragonkin
11 Rocso 11 Sunborn 3 Half-ork
12 Waldorf 12 Of the Coastlands 4 Dwarf
13 Dirn 13 The Venomous 5 Elf
14 Odo 14 Dourhand 6 Halfling
15 Kelfi 15 Clear-eye 7 Human
16 Rudgren 16 The Drunken 8 Half-elf
21 Folen 21 Steeltruss 9 Satyr
22 Hagas 22 Goldbrow 10 Skin-changer
23 Lark 23 Skyway 11 Goblin
24 Takanos 24 Smith 12 Troll
25 Bessarion 25 The Imposter
26 Walaran 26 Moonshield
1 Magical armour
31 Gorge 31 Stonemover
2 Old adventurer’s garb
32 Galkos 32 Silvertongue
3 Plain tunic and trousers
33 Usi 33 Boatman
4 Rich, silk robes
34 Parn 34 Harvestwing
5 Lots of pouches and pockets, each perpetually stuffed
35 Kalimetos 35 Of the Ten Winds
6 Scale armour, all the time
36 Taja 36 The Banished
41 Faff 41 The Slowcoach
42 Autumo 42 The Laureled 2 You are the last of your people You may Influence for 8g instead of 10g.

43 Doro 43 Redleaf 3 Military career +1 on any Monster or Troublesome Guest task.

44 Skrymer 44 Trollhorn 4 Escaped an eldritch cult You may act on any Cooking task instead of your staff.

45 Ella 45 Far-goer 5 You were a traveling bard until something You may act on any Service task instead of your staff.
46 Beravor 46 Wolftooth
6 You come from a long legacy of innkeepers You may always perform a Brewing task instead of your
51 Porphyrios 51 The Swift and pub owners staff.

52 Ezri 52 Brownsleeves 7 Former farmhand looking for a more You may always perform a Gardening task instead of your
interesting life staff.
53 Gram 53 The Borrower
8 Retired adventurer You may go questing instead of a Hero (but if you miss, end
54 Nico 54 Of the Blackwold the session).
55 Kobayashi 55 Maru 9 You left an assassins guild (or another form You may shop for 3g instead of 5g.
56 Kenlin 56 The Bride of organized crime)

61 Vreth 61 Wintermind 10 Empty nester beginning a second career You may always perform a Cleaning task instead of your
62 Gylve 62 Necrobutcher
11 Magic school dropout You may train for 3g instead of 5g.
63 Xenia 63 The Grand
12 You were royalty until you had to flee. +1 on any Guest or Rare Guest task.
64 Rayla 64 Starflight
65 Wulflen 65 Of the Isles
66 Oelia 66 One-eye
2 You talk to all the time
3 For some reason or other you always feel the need to gamble. 2 Knight

4 You are affected with the unique traits of a compulsive cleaner. 3 Rogue

5 Unfortunately you are allergic to ork-kind. 4 Skald

6 You have a hard time slowing down; you’re always moving here and there. 5 Warden

7 You have an annoying laugh. 6 Scout

8 You are a great collector of exotic pets. 7 Brawler

9 If you don’t spend at least one day a month underground you go crazy. 8 Warrior

10 Your hands twitch whenever somebody owes you money. 9 Hedge Mage

11 You have a deep, dark secret. Dish! 10 Priestmonk

12 You, dear innkeep, are terribly afraid of horses. 11 Tracker

12 Witch
1-2 +1
3-4 +2
1 Fall: The leaves begin their turning and there’s a chill in the air.
5-6 +3
2 Winter: Heavy white snow blankets the land and all search for a cozy, warm hearth.
2D6 ROLE STATS (BODY / HEART / MIND) STARTING MORALE 3 Spring: Snows melt and feed the rivers of the land, new blooms burst forth.

2 Alchemist -1 / 0 / +2 � � 4 Summer: It’s hot. Like, hot hot.

3 Carpenter 2 / -1 / 0 � � 5 Summer Solstice: The beautiful in-between of spring and summer.

4 Bouncer 2 / 0 / -1 � � 6 Winter Solstice: The cusp of winter, when the world gets a little quieter.

5 Brewer 1 / -1 / 1 � 1D6 WEATHER

6 Bartender -1 / 1 / 1 � 1 Rain/Snow

7 Host 0/1/0 � � 2 Thunderstorm/Blizzard

8 Gardener 1/0/0 � 3 Clear

9 Hunter 1 / 1 / -1 � � 4 Foggy

10 Cook 0 / -1 / 2 � � 5 Extreme Cold/Heat

11 Minstrel -1 / 2 / 0 � 6 Hail

12 Storyteller 0 / 2 / -1 � 1D6 MOOD

1 The fire crackles merrily and there is good cheer all around. Take +1B forward
2 It’s slow enough to make one drowsy. -1B forward.
3 It has been loud and bustling of late! Many folks dance and sing and toast. Take +1H forward.
4 The guests are grouchy and demanding. -1M forward.
5 The soft firelight feels quiet, peaceful, contemplative: +1M forward.
6 Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it’s bugging everybody. -1H forward
1 Your staff went off to gather materials. Roll again. On a 6, one of your staff has found an Exotic Material. 1 M6 or B6 Wyrm: Confound it by rolling+M or fight it off by Roll Loot Roll Failure
Otherwise it’s normal material with no effect. rolling+B.
2 Mismanagement has put you in dire straits! -1d6 gold 2 B5 Horde: Roll Region then monster (as if you were Questing) Roll Loot Roll Failure
to find out who they are, then roll your task to fight them off..
3 That new coupon must be working. Take 1d6 gold.
4 Gnomes dug a hole right through your bar, quite accidentally. They offer 2d6 to settle up. 3 H4 Three Witches: Roll 1d6 before you act. On a 6 they sneak Roll Loot Roll Failure
5 That side business is taking off! You’ve made 3d6g since last time. into the inn and lay a curse, giving you disadvantage forward,
and run off before you can deal with them.
6 You have some new loyal customers! Roll 1d6
4 M4 Minotaur: The Minotaur magically conjures a maze in Roll Loot Roll Failure
1-3 a new regular has arrived; 4-5 a new Favorite Hero is looking for work; 6 they’ve just left, unfortunately your inn.

2D6 STORY THREAD (you may optionally use this thread to help tie the happenings at your inn to‐ 5 H4 Depressed Giant Roll 1d6 before you act. On a 1 you aren’t Roll Loot+1 Roll Failure
gether) fast enough and he steps on part of your inn. Roll Failure table
immediately and the event is resolved.
2 There is a refugee situation in a neighboring region.
6 B5 A Blast from the Past: Someone you hoped to never see Roll Loot Innkeeper stats
3 A strange discovery was found in a nearby mine. again arrives. Who are they? What do they want? Create a are reduced to 0
character based on your background. for this session
4 A group of peasants in your town have decided to stop farming altogether.
5 Rumours abound of a local girl becoming quite the adventurer and getting involved with all manner of 1D6 3. SPECIAL EVENT: HIT MISS
strange folk.
1 Seasonal Festival: Summer/Spring=B3; Fall/ Roll Rare Tips All staff -1 Morale
6 It appears a syndicate is trying to buy you out. Winter=M3; Solstice=H3.

7 Relatives or friends of a staff member are visiting and making a real fuss. 2 M3 Hippogryph Migration Roll Tips x2 Roll Failure x2

8 A stranger needs help starting a new life. 3 H4 Religious feast Mark Monk’s Blessing and Roll Cursed Items
get a Blessed Ikon (see
9 It will storm for 10 days straight. Wondrous Items)
10 A “prophet” has taken up lodging at the inn and is predicting everything that is happening. 4 M5 Ye Olde Job Faire Roll tips or Hire for free you cannot Hire this
11 There has been a string of robberies in the area. session.

12 The countdown is on for a magical event, and the celebration will be held at your inn. 5 B6 Successful Adventurers come carousing Roll Tips x3 Roll tips. Then
randomly select one
EVENTS TABLES feature of your inn. It
has been destroyed.
6 Grand Questman: If you are able, complete the Roll on the Wondrous roll Failure x2.
2 Monster Attack Questing task. If you are unable, roll Items table instead of Loot
Troublesome Guests but use these
3 Special Event consequences.
4 Brewing Order
5 Service
6 Common Guest
7 Cleaning
8 Gardening
9 Cooking Order
10 Trouble
11 Troublesome Guest
12 Rare Guest
1D6 4.BREWING TASKS: HIT MISS 1D6 6.COMMON GUEST HIT: You may roll again to make them MISS
a regular patron: 1-2 they have business
1 B2 Gather ingredients +1 Brewing forward . Roll 1d6. If you -1Brewing forward TASKS: elsewhere; 3-6 the become Level 1 Regu‐
roll a 1, you’ve also found Gormon’s lars (roll for Name and Race).
Tongue Hops! (flip next brewing
1 B1 Local Hero On a hit can be made a Favorite L1 Hero.. Roll Failure
2 M3 Wine Take +1 Rare Guest forward and 3g -1 Rare Guest forward
3 B4 Tonic Roll Tips become Poisoned 2 M3 Crafter ready to kick back +1M forward -1M forward
after a hard day’s work
4 H5 Ale Roll Tips -1 Morale
3 M4 Townsfolk looking for Roll Tips or revive an exhausted staff -1 Morale
5 B5 Mead Roll for race. If the patron is a Skin- -1 Morale gossip and a good pint
changer, roll for a Rare Item.
Otherwise, roll Tips. 4 B5 Wayward Youth Roll Tips+1. Can be made a Hero. Randomly select an item
from your inventory. It’s
6 H6 Special Delivery: Create a brewing Roll on the Overland table to make -1 Morale gone!
task involving your inn’s signature your delivery
drink. Advantage forward. 5 H6 A weary traveler arrives. Roll Tips and choose: you can pocket it or Roll Failure
Influence right now; if you Influence you
1D6 5.SERVICE HIT MISS may subtract the tip amount from the
1 B2 Create a Service Task based on your Roll Tips Roll Failure
Entertainments 6 Choose: One of your regulars Roll Tips (TipsxL, if you hit against a Roll Failure
(roll+H against their L) or Regular)
2 B3 Cocktail Hour: Take disadvantage Roll Tips -1 Morale one from your Guest Types
forward. (H7)
3 H4 Knight’s Tea You feel inspired! Acting staff -1 Morale
takes +1H forward.
1 B2 Tidy up your disgusting Roll Tips then roll 1d6. On a 1 Ignore any Guest Rooms upgrades
4 H5 Huge Party of Dwarves Roll Tips+1 or send a staff on an -1 Morale
rooms you find a Fine Clump of this session.
Manticore Dung
5 M6 Thieves’ Gathering Roll Tips-1 -1d6g then roll Failure
2 B3 Move extra supplies to the +1 Forward Roll Failure
6 M7 Wizard’s Convention Choose: Advantage on your next Roll Failure cellar
task or +1M forward.
3 H4 Arrange the common +1 Guests forward -1 Guests forward .

4 M5 Carefully clean drinkware +1Brewing forward and roll tips. -1 Morale

5 M6 Dust the bookshelves Roll Tips or automatically Disadvantage next time you have a
succeed next time there is a task involving Wizards
Wizard’s Convention
6 H6 Unique: Create cleaning Roll Tipsx2 Roll Failure
task involving your Inn’s
1 B2 Weed the Garden Roll Tips then roll 1d6. On a -1 Morale TASKS
1, you have found
1 B3 Degens from upcountry Roll Tips or roll to make a Roll Failure
Northcotton Sage
L1 Hero
2 M3 Add Compost Roll Tips -1 Morale
2 B4 A rowdy drunk Roll Tips Remove one weapon from
3 H4 Get rid of the Shrews Roll Tips -1Gardening forward storage; if not, take -1 Morale

4 M5 Gather the Right Herbs +1 Cooking forward -1 Cooking forward 3 H5 A most hated restaurant critic Roll Tipsx2 Roll 1d6. On a 1 they spread a
negative review, dropping your
5 H6 Tend to the flowers +1 Service forward Roll 1d6: on a 1-5, take -1 prestige level by 1.
Morale; on a 6 become
Poisoned. 4 H5 An unemployed Ogre Can be hired as staff with Roll Failure
the following stats - B:+2 /
6 B7 Unique: Create a task based on your Roll Tips Roll Failure H:0 / M:-1
5 M6 An irritating Wizard Roll Loot Roll Failure
1D6 9.COOKING TASKS HIT MISS 6 M7 Unique: Create a task based on your Roll Tipsx2 Roll Failure
1 H2 Prep the Line Roll Tips -1 Cooking forward anomaly.

2 B3 Steak and Mash Roll Tips -1 Morale

3 H4 Soup of the Day Roll Tips Roll Failure 1D6+ 12.RARE GUEST HIT MISS
4 M4 Roast Duck:Roll 1d6. On a 1, the duck +1 Service forward Roll Failure P TASKS:
polymorphs back into its humanoid form and
1 B3 Traveling Hero Roll Tips or make them a L2 -1 Morale or 1d6g refund
you miss automatically.
Favorite Hero.
5 M5 Auroch’s Tongue Roll Tips Roll Failure
2 H3 Famous Bard Advantage on your next H roll -1 Morale and 1dg6g refund
6 B6 Special Delivery: Make a task using your signature meal. On a hit, roll Overland to make your delivery.
3 M4 Lesser Royal Roll Tips x2 -1 Morale and 1d6g refund
4 H5 A traveler from distant lands They’ve brought wares to sell. Roll -1 Morale and 1d6g refund
1D6 10.TROUBLE! MISS Market.
Hit and the situation resolves
5 B6 Hieromonk Mark Monk’s Blessing -1 Forward
1 B3 Foul Weather Randomly select a staff member. They cannot act for
the next event as they deal with the effects. 6 L6 Unique: Create a task based on Choose: Roll Loot or mark Prestige -1 Morale and 1d6g refund
your Operations type
2 H3 The Bard is Crying take -1H forward for as many times as you have staff.
7 H6 Legendary Figure: Roll Race/ Innkeeper may Take Action a Innkeeper stats are reduced
3 B5 Broken item randomly remove an item from storage Class to create this legend. second time this session. to 0 for this session.
4 M6 Rats in the Cellar you have disadvantage for the next Cooking or 8 M6 The Master Builder Build for free Choose one room or
Brewing task upgrade. That bonus does
not apply for the next event.
5 B6 Bar Fight Compare your roll to 6. The difference is how many
Staff take -1 Morale, or Heroes become Exhausted 9 B7 The Lady of the Southlands +1 Forward x3 Roll Failure
6 M7 Portal Roll 1d6. On a 1-2 end the session; 3-6 it seems to fix 10 M7 Mythic Being Choose: Pick anything on the Randomly select one room
itself. Market/Wondrous/Rare tables or to remove from your inn
roll Lootx2
Spend 5g to train your staff. Hopefully they’ll pay attention.
1 You manage to haggle down the price on a standard weapon that grants +1 to all hero rolls. Roll 1d6 for 1D6 STAFF TRAINING
type (1-2: Dagger 3: Axe 4: Sword 5: Mace 6: Spear) and again for material (1-True Silver 2-Hog Iron 3-
Black Steel 4-Vorpal Gold 5-Faerie Diamond 6-Moonstone). 1 Choose 1 staff to mark XP.

2 You score a great deal on some gear you can spend for advantage on any related tasks. Roll 1d6.1-Mithril 2-5 Pick one staff to improve (choose: +1 to a stat or +1 morale)
Pan (Cooking) 2-Mash Tun (Brewing) 3-Enchanted Spade (gardening) 4-Travelers Gear (Overland) 5- 6 The whole staff improves! (choose: +1 to a stat or +1 morale for each)
Mallorn Broom (Cleaning) 6- Mandrake Mints (Service)
3 A jeweler sells you a gem worth 2d6x2 gold. Sucker!
4 Here’s a trinket you know a regular patron will love! Spend it to level them up for free or spend it to make
1D6 MERCENARY: If you have Fine guest quarters, you may hire mercs. If you have the training room,
you may roll twice and keep the hero you want.
your next event a task as if you rolled them on the Guest table.
5 A dwarf was eager to get rid of some building supplies for some reason. Luckily, it’s enough to upgrade a 1 Flimgar, the mighty half-giant barbarian/alcoholic (L1)
room right now (not Build a new one). 2 Dolaran Moonbear, an elvish skin-changer with a great attitude (L1)
6 Choose: Roll on the Wondrous Items table (or spend 10g to choose one Wondrous Item) 3 Von Brown, the dashing rogue of newbish skill and perfect manners (L2)
1D6 WONDROUS ITEMS 4 Franz, a halfling knight with his trusty wolf mount Patsy (L2)

1 Elvish yeast: Spend this for advantage before any task involving Guests. 5 Plutor Grobsnag, a reformed orkish warrior with boyish charms (L2)

2 The Gloryhammer: Roll 1d6 to determine the spell, then spend to use the spell whenever. 6 Janely Streamshadow, a human ranger of some skill (L3)
1-Healing Touch (remove all negative conditions from one character) 2-Ball Lightning (automatically
defeat the next enemy) 3-Gateway (summon anyone on a Guest table) 4-Time Warp (undo your last Quest
and try again) 5-Revive (a Hero can reroll a miss) 6-Greater Enchantment (automatically Hit the next L
1-3 Rubbertree Meadow
3 Bilford Bogan’s Best: A delectable bag of coffee beans from far to the north. Spend this to brew a pot and
give your staff +1 morale for the rest of the session. 4 Quadspear Lake

4 Clockwork Reliquary: Spend this curious item to choose anything on the Staff Training table, without 5 Zenko City
rolling, next time you do the Train task. 6 Bruthan Wood
5 Blessed Ikon: What appears to be a common iconographic image is actually enchanted, so the depicted 7 Frogmourn Castle
person will chat up anyone nearby. Spend this item when you roll any Guest to avoid that task without any
consequences (no hit, no miss). 8+ The Temple of Scatha

6 Roll on the Magical Persons table. 1D6 RUBBERTREE MEADOW

1D6 MAGICAL PERSONS: take up one staff slot, whether or not you have the space, until they leave. 1 L1 Kobold Peasant: On a hit, roll Loot-1

1 Holy Roller: They stay until they can cancel a cursed item. Then they leave. 2 L1 Garish Crows: On a hit, roll 1d6. On a 1 you’ve failed to take out the whole murder! No loot.

2 The General’s Halberd: Spend to level up a Hero and then the halberd vanishes. 3 L1 Bookish Pooka: If you roll a 6, mark 2XP.

3 Fairy Godmaid: -1 for all stats, but +3 on Cleaning tasks. When she fails a Cleaning roll she will flee in 4 L2 Kobold Hunter: Roll 1d6 (1-2 the Hunter gets the drop on you and the task is now L3)
5 L2 Vagrant Pixies: On a hit, roll 1d6. On a 1 you’ve failed to take out the whole group! No loot.
4 The Didgeridoo of Kunlo the Spirit Troll: Spend to revive an exhausted character
6 L2 Kobold Chieftain: Before you at, roll 1d6. On a 1-3 the Chieftain has summoned their tribe and the task
5 The Barrow Saddle: Spend this undead horse to send a hero on another Quest for free this session. is now L4.

6 The Haunted Tankard: When you get this, and at the start of each session, roll 1d6. On a 1-3 they are ready
to work (stats are B0/H0/M3). On a 4-5 they refuse to leave the comfort of their tankard. On a 6 they flee.
1D6 QUADSPEAR LAKE: Beautiful Quadspear Lake, called so for the four massive spears sticking 1D6 THE TEMPLE OF SCATHA: Hit, roll Loot x2
out of its center. Also known as the best place for teenagers to neck.
1 L=1d6 Desert Cultists: Always flip your roll
1 L1 Drunken Bats: Clearly they drank the wrong blood. Before combat roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2 they veer the
other way, leaving you with nothing to fight and no treasure to gain. 2 L5 Sylph Spirits: After combat, roll 1d6: 1-4=become Ensorceled.

2 L2 Aggressive Toads: Before combat roll 1d6. On a 1 become poisoned. 3 L6 Sand Trap: Before combat roll 1d6. If you hit your L, combat has advantage.

3 L=1d6 Drowned Water Rats: Before combat roll to determine the size of the pack. That is its level. On a hit 4 L7 Badlands Wisp: On a miss, become Poisoned..
mark 2xp then roll Loot. 5 L8 Dragonclad Fighters: Before combat roll 1d6. If you hit your L, combat has advantage. On a miss
4 L3 Stray Ork Runt: Weapons cannot be used. remove your weapon. On a hit mark 2xp before rolling Loot.

5 L3 Gormon Scout: On a hit, -1 Loot. On a miss, take note: Gormon becomes L7 (just like the band) 6 L9 Scatha Sand Dune: On a hit, roll Lootx3 and level up. On a miss, remove the character from the game.

6 L3 Frogfolk Shaman: On a miss, become Ensorceled instead of Exhausted.

1D6 ZENKO CITY: The largest, sprawlingest city in the region is full of very good people. It’s also full of
cutthroats and ne’er do wells in need of a smack. 2 Roll on the Cursed Items table

1 L1 Collier the Breathless: Your combat roll is -1. 3 Lady’s Leaf: A restorative herb, giving your Hero the strength to continue. This hero can quest again, even
if exhausted.
2 L2 Gorbag: On a miss, lose 1d6g.
4 You find a marked leather pouch containing 1d6x2 gold.
3 L3 Corrupted Guards: Before combat roll 1d6. On a 1-3 becomes L5.
5 No treasure, but you find an interesting ingredient. Roll on the Exotic Materials table
4 L3 The Bookish Pooka’s Second Cousin: If you roll a 6, -1XP
6 You have sack of 1d6 gold.
5 L4 Scumlord’s Scout: On a miss, take note: Scumlord becomes L8.
7 You have found a sack of 5 gold.
6 L4 Hedge Necromancer: On a miss, your Hero comes back ensorceled.
8 You find a satchel containing 1d6+2 gold.
1D6 BRUTHAN WOOD 9 A pouch of gems worth 1d6x2 gold
1 L2 Bloodhawks: On a hit, roll 1d6. On a 1 you’ve failed to take out the whole group! No loot. 10 A small chest of 2d6 gold.
2 L3 Forest Wight: On a miss, roll 1d6: 1-3= become Ensorceled instead of Exhausted. 11 A footlocker containing 2d6x2 gold.
3 L3 Tree Giant: Before combat roll 1d6: 5-6=increase to L5 12 Your hero stumbles upon a treasury! Roll on the Wondrous Items table
4 L4 Troll: Before combat roll 1d6. On a 6 the sun comes out just in time and you succeed without combat.
1D6 CURSED ITEMS: cannot be canceled unless you have a Holy Roller or Blessing.
5 L5 Gormon: On a miss, remove your weapon.
1 Troll’s Spice: It smells good, but adding it to your food is a bad move. Take -2 Cooking forward
6 L5 Wood Wyrm: Combat roll has disadvantage.
2 Grimwood Keg: Seems nice enough, but the restless sap of slain trees might infect your next batch -2
3 Revolutionary Daisy: This sentient flower will try to rabblerouse and turn your plants against you. -2
1 L3 Lesser Phantom: On a miss, become Poisoned instead of Exhausted.
2 L4 Goblin Workers: After a hit roll 1d6. On a 1, cave in. Mark exhausted.
4 Mimic Chest: What appears a nicely ornamented chest to put on display, is actually a monster in disguise.
3 L5 Ork Warriors: Combat roll is -1. On a miss lose 1d6g. Next time you roll a Guest event that guest is eaten and you fail the task.

4 L5 Scatha Worshiper: On a miss, take note: combat versus Scatha has disadvantage. 5 Ornery Ooze: Randomly choose a room in your inn. Lose any bonuses from that room for the rest of the
5 L6 Scumlord: Combat roll has advantage.
6 Dark Armour: Next time you Quest, roll 1d6. On a 1-2 the character is removed from the game.
6 L6 Fire Golem: Weapons cannot be used. On a hit, heroes (not mercs) level up before rolling Loot.
1D6 EXOTIC MATERIALS! Spend any of these to flip after a related task or table roll - you choose! 1D6 FAILURE TABLE
1 Northcotton Sage (Cooking): A rare favorite of Halflings the world over. 1 The character in question is injured or upset! Roll 1d6: 3-6 take -1 Morale; 1-2 they are exhausted
2 Gormon’s Tongue Hops (Brewing): It’s good in any drink really. 2 Roll again: 1=Sick 2=Ensorceled 3=Poison 4=-1H forward 5=-1B forward 6=-1M forward
3 Fine Clump of Manticore Dung (Gardening): It smells like the devil, but those plants will grow! 3 It costs you 1d6g
4 A Bit of Lye (Cleaning): Found in the deepest chambers of the old dwarf mines, this stuff will get out any 4 . -1 forward.
5 One of your regular patrons is in danger of leaving! Roll+M. 1-3 they leave; erase them from your sheet. 4-
5 Steeltree Bark (Overland) 6 they stay but lose 1 level.
6 Gorgun Shrooms (Regions) A disaster has occurred! Roll 1d6
OTHER TABLES 1-small fire: If your next event is Cooking miss automatically
2-small flood: Disadvantage Cleaning forward
3-flying centipede infestation: see number 5 on this table
1 2g
4-staff member’s gone missing: randomly select one staff. They cannot act on the next event
2 3g
5-A Keg has Soured: If your next event is Brewing miss automatically
3 1d6-1 gold 6 6-Unique: Something is going on with your anomaly. What is it? End the session.
4 5g
1D6 OVERLAND TABLE: Choose which character is making the journey, then roll on the Regions
5 1d6+1 gold. table (Staff are L0) to find out where you’re going.
Roll again on this table to find what trouble you face. Treat Heroes as having L for all stats. On a hit your
6 You’ve been given a rare item! Roll below. journey is complete! Roll tipsx2. On a miss, the character is exhausted

1D6 RARE ITEMS 1 B3 Ford the Stream

1 Bloodstaff ’s Pendant: Advantage on Heart rolls x3 2 M4 Brigand’s Toll: Roll your task or pay 2g to get around them without rolling
2 Cormorant’s Ring: Advantage on Body rolls x3 3 H5 Thieving Birds:
3 Locket of Hoots: Advantage on Mind rolls x3 4 H6 Oppressive Darkness
4 Tome of Experience: Choose a staff to mark 1d3 XP 5 M7 Foul Weather
5 Extravagant Adventuring Gear: Spend to convert one Regular into a Hero, keeping their level 6 Your poor staff is set upon by monsters! Roll on the region’s particular table to find out what it is. Roll+B
to fight it off (Heroes roll+L). On a hit, roll Loot; on a miss roll Failure.
6 Innkeeper’s Enchanted Ledger: Spend this to Take Action, even if you’ve done so once already this session.

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