Warm Up Pearl Harbor Headlines

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Pearl Harbor – A Day of Infamy, a day of

Check out the two front-page headlines from December 8, 1941 below. One is from America and
the other is Japan. Consider that different sources have different points of view. Think about why
two retellings of the same event might be different - and why that could be a problem for
historians studying this event.

1. What do the sets of headlines have in common?

They are talking about a bombing, and use bold headlines to attract the viewers eye

2. What information does the Japanese paper give about the attack that the American
headlines do not provide? Why do you think that is?

The Japense paper talks about the ships that were sunken and the victory that Japan
has. I think this because Japan wants to seem good for defeating the Americans.

3. How do you think the news articles accompanying these headlines described what

By giving different information based on the consumer reading the newspaper .

4. What effect do you think Japan’s victory/America’s defeat at Pearl Harbor had on each

I think the effect Japans victory had on Pearl Harbor was good, because they just defeated
Americans. I think the effect of Amercas defeat is now we have to get back and bomb Japan.

5. What difficulties face historians trying to use these headlines such as these to research
the past?

There different views for each side, and each one is working to make there country look like
the good guys.

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