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Name : Assyfa Nurulita Faradiba

Student Id Number : P07131222002

Major : Nutritional Sicence Departement (Str. Gizi Dan Ditetika )

English Task

Hunger And Malnutrition

Everyone feels hungry at times. Unfortunately, milions people in the world go hungry
because they can’t get enough to eat most of the time. Hunger and malnoutrition can cause
significant health problem. Hunger is the boody’s signal that needs foods and need to eat. Once
we’ve eatean enough food to satisfy our bodies’ needs, hunger goes away until our stomachs
are empty again. People who go hungry all the time are likely to be underweight, weighing
significantly less than an average person of their size. if malnourished as a child, their growth
may also be stunted, making them much shorter than average.

Malnutrition is not the same thing as hunger, although they often go together.
Someone can be malnourished for a long or short period of the time, and the condition may be
mild or severe. People who are malnourished are more likely to get sick and, in severe cases,
might even die. People who don’t get enough food often experience hunger, and over the long
term this can lead to malnutrition. But someone can become malnourished for reasons that
have nothing to do with hunger. Even people who have plenty to eat may be malnourished if
they don’t eat foods that provide the right nutrients, vitamins, and mineral. The signs and
symptoms of malnutrition depend on which nutritional deficiencies a person has, althoungh
they can include fatigue and llow energi, dizziness, poor immune function, dry, underweight,
poor growth, and anythingelse.

All over the world, people who are poor or who live in poverty-stricken areas are at
the greatest risk for hunger and malnutrition. In poor countries, wars and natural disasters such
as droughts and earthquakes also can constribute to hunger and malnutrition by disrupting
normal food production and distribution. Fortunately, many of harmful effects of malnutrition
can be reversed, especially if a child is only mildly or briefly malnourished. Treatment for
malnutrition depends on its cause. A doctor or dietitian might recommend spesific changes in
the types and quamtities of foods for child eats, and may prescribe dietary supplements, such
as vitamins and minerals.
Keyword : hunger, malnutrition, eat, food, body, malnourished, sick, die, growth, stunted,
short, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, underweight.

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