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Cells 1. Living organisms are made of cells.

2. Cannot see them with your eyes alone

3. Microscope magnifies the view (for us to see)
Parts of a plant cell

Cell wall Sap vacuole

1. Large, fluid-filled space inside plant cell.
1. All plant cell has one
2. Liquid inside = solution of sugars
2. Is strong and stiff.
+ other substances + water
3. It holds the plant cell in shape.
3. Solution called cell sap.
4. Made of a ‘cellulose’

Cell membrane
1. All plant cell has one
2. Is very thin and flexible (like skin of soap bubble 1. Plant cells in the sunlight contain chloroplasts.
3. Lies along inner edge of the cell wall. 2. Where plants make their food.
4. Controls what goes in and out of the cell. 3. Look green (contain green substance called

1. All plant cell has one
2. Like clear jelly.
3. Chemical reactions happen inside Mitochondrion
4. These reactions keep the cell alive. 1. All plant cell has one
2. Where energy is released from food.
3. Mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion).
1. Most plant cell has one
(Not in Xylem vessel, Sieve tubes)
2. Controls the activities of the cell

Answer 1 : Chloroplasts. (Green because contain chlorophyll)

Where photosynthesis happens, where food is made.

Answer 2 :
Cell wall Cell membrane
outside of the cell is further inside
made of cellulose not made of cellulose
strong and stiff flexible.
much thicker thinner
hold the plant cell in does not
does not control what goes in
and out of the cell
Microscopes Help scientist to see very small things.
Looking at plant cells through a microscope

Answer 1 : The onion cells are not green

Because they do not contain chloroplasts or chlorophyll.
Onion cells are inside the onion and do not get any
light, so there is no point in having chloroplasts

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