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A Study on Consumer Perception towards Hero Two Wheelera with Special

Reference to Vijayawada City

Conference Paper · December 2021


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2 authors:

Dr Venkateswarlu Denduluri K. Ravikiran

Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering


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A Study on Consumer Perception towards Hero Two
Wheelera with Special
Vijayawada City Reference to
D. Venkateswarlu, K. Ravi Kiran Yasaswi'
'Associate Professor. 'Assistant Protessor, 1 akirededy 1aliredkdy
Collegc of ngy. (Autonnnonrs) Mylavaram,
Andhra Pradesh, India
The paper brings out the customer
satisfactiom towars Tlero two wheclers in
considerably extendod its market share in the hdian two-wheeler Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh arca. lero Moto
industry over its nearest rival. Ilonda Corp has
India (HMS). Indias largest two-wheeler nmam1facturer volume, Motorcyclc and Scooter
by Tlero Moto Corp has now
partner by more than 2.15 lakh units in the tirst two montlhs improved its lead over its Japanese former
sales volumes over Honda was only 1.36 lakh of the current linancial year (April-May. 2018). A
two-whecler units. With the year agn. FHero's lead in total
which it had lost to ompetitionm over the last few steadily expanding gap. Ilero is now regaining the market
A share
present study was undertaken with an aim to analyze the questionnaire
years. has been designed to collect the
data frorn the
respondents. The
influencing e»msumers to purchase Hero two wheelers andpersonal profile of consumers purchasing Hero two wheelers. To identi
eflect of fy factors
sampling design has been used. Pcroentage analysis. chi-square test, advertisement on the purchase decision of the consumers. Convenient
This stidy was carriod out by weighted average and rank method have heen used to
veritiing many articles. The main theme of the study is to understand the consumer
analyze the data.
range of two wheelers. perception towards Hero

Keywords: Two wheclers. Brand selection, Consumer

Hero Moto corp. Ltd., formerly Hero
India. The company is the
Honda, is an Indian motorcycle and scooter manufacturer based in New Delhi.
largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world and also in India, where it has a market share of
about 46% in the two-wheeler
category. The 2006 Forbes list of the 200 World's Most Respected Companies has ranked Hero
Honda Motors at 108. On 31 March
2013, the market capitalization of the company was 030,800 crore. Hero Honda started
its operations in 1984 as a
joint venture between Hero Cycles (Sometimes called Hero Group, not to be confused with
the Hero Group food
company of Switzerland) of India and Honda of Japan. In 2010, when Honda decided to move out of the
joint venture, Hero Group bought the shares held by Honda.
In June 2012, Hero Moto
Corp approved a proposal to merge the investment arm of its parent Hero Investment Pvt. Ltd.
with the automaker. This decision came 18 months after its
Hero bikes, Hero maestro, Hero duet and Hero Pleasure.
split from Hero Honda. The variants from Hero Moto
corp. are

Statement of the Problem

There are many type of two wheelers and they are
playing an important role in fulfilling the needs of customer now a
days and today's customers are more dynamic. Their needs and preference can be changing as per current scenario. The
development of the two wheeler mainly depends on the customer satisfaction. The following questions may arise regarding
customer satisfaction. What factor affects the two wheeler purchasing? What factor influences the customers? To find the
solution to these questions the study has been carried out.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study highlights diferent preferences of customers on two wheelers. The study confined and with
special reference to Vijayawada city. The vital purpose of the study is to identify the consumers evaluate their preferences
and find out the factors in which it decides the buying decision, and to analyze the satisfaction level of customers for Hero
branded two wheelers. The study creates a ground for future research in the similar field and would similar implications that
could be analyzed.

1. To evaluate the individual profile of consumers of Hero two wheelers
2. To identify the main factors that have the major impact on consumer satisfaction
3. To understand the impact of advertisement on the purchase decisions of the consumers.
4. To study the perception of consumers towards Hero two wheelers.

Research Methodology
The present study focuses on the perception of consumers on Hero motor eycle. It also makes an attempt to examine to
what extent consumers are making use of two wheelers. In order to execute the study, data have been collected from a select
sample tools are
and related statistical used take out the collected. The source of the data is
information contained in the data
primary data. The tool used in the study is simple percentage, chi-square, and weighted average.

Journal ot Management Research and Analysis, ISSN: 2394*2762

Wheelers with Speni
Consumer Perreption towards Hero 7wo C1al..
D. Venkateswarlu et al A Study on

Research Design data collected from

the consumers

Descriptive research analysis is used to compile the

Sample Size chosen among the population
of i e r o two wheelersin
105 respondents
Adoptingconvenience sampling technique,
and around Vijayawada

Limitations of the Study the issue of study

issues to discuss in length on
1. The people are more preoccupied with their own

The sample size of the study is nominal

based the customer attitude and it varies from place to place
This study is fiully on

Some of the respondents were impatient to respond whole heartedly locations

to other geographical
This study is contined to Vijayawada and it cannot be generalized

Review of Literature deals with issues

customers. The domain
of consumer behavior
in satistying the demands of the target selection, buys,
Marketing aims the way consumer
makes the
aims in oftering a clear idea about
affecting consumer 's buying behavior. It satisfaction to the desires (Kotler, 2003).
utiises and disposes the respective product/service,
experiences/ideas, attain to users of two-wheelers
vehicles (followed by 100
This paper otfers survey results based on Consumers
Two-Wheeler of
The sample size is relevantly
small, the
yet research brings
trom rural and urban) in the district of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. for making the decisions for
showed some interesting observations related to general
attitude meant for Indian Consumers
& Soni 2012)
buying. being widely implied many consumer based products. (Soni
in the market. The
kinds of two-wheeler as made available
This research is about consumer behavior under diversified Two-wheelers. These are Hero
core emphasis of this research is based on three
determined corporate players in the field
about the consumers for
Customers and derives cues
Moto Corp Ltd., Bajaj and TVS. It basically concentrates over male and Sharma 2012)
being highly stimulated the socio-economic conditions and issues of demography (Mahrotra

Percentage Analysis
Table 1: Socio economic profile of consumers of hero twoNo of the Respondents
S.No Determinants
N=105 Percentage%
Below 20 28 27
20-30 38 36
31-40 18
41-50 15 14
Above 51
2 Gender
Male 64 61
Female 41 39
3 Occupation
Business Professional Employee 3I 30
Employer Student 18 17
23 22
21 20
4 Marital Status
Married Un married 42 40
63 60
5 Type of Family
Joint Nuclear 23 22
82 78
6 Size of Family
Below 3 2 11
3 to 5 63 60
5 to 7 28 27
Above 7 2

Journal of ManagementResearch and Analysis, ISSN: 2394-2762

D. Venkateswarlu et al A Stdy on (onsumer P'ereptwn towardu Hem Two Wheelers with Special...

Monthly Income
than 20,000 32 3
l ess

30,001-40.000 56 55
40,001-50,000 12 11
Above 60,000
Place of Residence
Urban Semi urban Rural 43 41
30 28
32 31

School UG PG 36 34
Professional 36 34
23 22
10 10

The socio economic profile of the consumers in Hero two wheelers signifies that out of 105 consumers maximum 38
are using Her two wheelers.
(36%) consumers are from the age group of 21-30years It shows that maximum adult consumers
of Hero motors is male. In
In gender maximum 59 (56 %) consumers are male and it implies that maximum consumers

no. of business people are using Hero two

occupation maximum 31 (30°%) consumers are businessmen. t signifies that more the
wheeler. In marital status maximum 63 (66%) respon dents are unmarried. It highlights that young generation preferTing
vehicle for stylish reasons. In type of the family Maximum 82 (78%) consumers have nuclear family set up and it spells that
maximum 63 (60°%)
the company reached out to the expectations of this group in an effective manner. In size of the family
consumers are said 3-5 members in the family. It shows that maximum 3-5 members using Hero two wheelers. which
in the family. In monthly income
signifies that this brand meeting the aspirations of different age group members with
Maximum 56(55%) consumers are monthly earn with Rs.30000-40000 it shows that reasonable income earning peopie are
are living in urban area and it narrates
preferring Hero two wheelers. In respect of residence maximum 43(41%%) consumers
that maximum urban area people are interested to go in for Hero two wheelers. In educational qualification both school
and it means that
leaving and college level have shared equal percentage of each 36(34%) consumers in this segment
irrespective of educational qualification, consumers are attracted to this range of vehicles.

CHI Square Test

Table 2: HO Thereis nosignificantrelationship between opinion aboutBrandingTotal

Age Opinion about branding Statistical infereaces
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Below 20 3 4 3 12 DF-12
20-31 12 2 22 CV-26.6l3
31-40 16 5 37 TV
1 o level - 18.549
41-50 12 9 2 0 23
5% level -21.026
Above 51 4
Total 32 46 23 105
Source Primary data

Table 3: HO Thereisno significant relationship between opinion about utility and gender.
Opinion about utility Statistical inferences
Gender Excellent Good|Fair Poor Very poor
Male 36 22 2 61 DF-4
CV= 22.317 TV=
Female 8 26 10
44 1% level =7.779
Total 44 48 12 0 105
5% level=9488

Journal of Management Research and Analysis, ISSN: 2394-2762

D. Venkateswarlu et al. A Study on Consumer Perception towards Hero 7wo Wheelers .
with Special
Source Primary data

DF- degree offreedom CV Calculated value TV Table value
1% level = one percent level ofsignificance 5% level five percent level of significance
The caleulated value (22.317) is greater than the table value (7.779) and (9.488) so null hypothesis Is not accepted,
there is significant relationship between opinion about utility and gender towards Hero two wheelers lence

Weighted Average Rank

Table 4: Ranking Method

Price 155 28 112 30 90 23 46 29 29 432
58 24 24 344
Comfort 4 70 104 26 78
Sty 84 15 42 2 IV
Color 24
1836 2
14 28 9

a. = 1 rank given by respondents, 2=2nd rank given by respondents, 3-3 rank given by respondents, 4= 4" given bythe
respondents, S=5" rank given by respondents.
b. First rank was given a score of 5, second rank a score of 4, third rank a score of 3, fourth rank a score of 2 and fifth rank
a score of1.
C. WS denotes weighted scores.
d. Ranking was done on the basis of Total Weighted Score (TWS).
To find out the attitude of customers towards the brand of Hero two wheelers, based on the collected data, we were able
to get ranking as stated in the above table. The table shows the respondents feel that "price" is most preferred and "color" s
the least preferred for Hero two wheelers.

Percentage Analysis
The following conveys about the findings from the 105 respondents profile.
1. Maximum (36%) ofthe respondents are from the age group of 20-30 years it shows that maximum adult consumers are
using Hero two wheelers
2. Maximum (64%) of the respondents are male it shows that maximum male consumers are using Hero two wheelers
3. Maximum (21%) ofthe respondents are students it shows maximum students are using Hero two wheelers
4. Maximum (60%) of the respondents are unmarried. it shows maximum unmarried people using Hero two wheelers
5 Maximum (78%) of the respondents are connected to nuclear families and it shows nuclear families have ditferent
purposes and purchasing Hero two wheelers
6. Maximum (60%) of the respondents are said 3-5 members in the family. It shows that maximum 3-5 members using
Hero two wheelers in the family.
7. Maximum (55%) of the respondents have monthly earning of Rs. 30000-40000 and it shows this income group is using
Hero two wheelers
8. Maximum (41%) of the respondents are living in Urban area and It shows that maximum urban area peoples are using
Hero two wheelers
9. Maximum (34%) each of the respondents are graduates and school dropouts and it shows that Hero brand positioned its
image in the minds of youngsters as youth -icon.

CHI Square Test

There is a significant relationship between opinion about branding and age of customers towards Hero two wheelers. I
means that customers thinking perception depends on their age. Middle age and below middle age customers have good
social contacts good exposure levels and that influence their buying decisions.
There is significant relationship between opinion about utility and gender towards Hero two wheelers. It signifies that
nowadays customers are keenly analyzing the utility of products not only two wheelers and in turn two wheeler
manufacturers are rightly acknowledging this need to design a two wheeler which can be used by a teenager and his siblings,
home maker and a male person who is head of the family.

Journal of Management Research and Analysis, ISSN: 2394-2762

D. Venkateswarlu et al. A Study on Consumer Perception towards Hero Two Wheelers with
Ranking Method Special.
The table shows the respondents feel that price is most
respondents for Hero range of two wheelers preterred parameter whereas color is the
least preferred by

This study was conducted in Vijayawada with a broad
objective customer satisfaction on Hero two
purpose 105 customers were selected and obtained their based on the wheelers. For this
wheeler variants offered by Hero Motors are Hero responses questionnaire method.
bikes, Hero maestro, Hero duet and Hero The range of two
growing trend igniting the minds of the Indian two wheeler common Pleasure. Now-a-days, There is a
customer is to make it used
family. This kind of purchase decision is not only of economic reasons but also of
by more members of their
their residential areas. Rightly
capturing non-availability of space for
manufactures are striving to bringparking
these valid reasons, the two wheeler at
models which will fit to different age of out new
group people (both male and female) with in a
manufacturers like Hero Moto Corp. is strengthening its efforts with family. Hence, the two wheeler
Indian customer to further increase their innovation to understand the
penetration in the market. changing behavior of

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Journal of
Management Research and Analysis, ISSN* 2394-2762
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