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Level English Curriculum

The blue book

A2 Level Curriculum

English Studio A2 Level English Curriculum

A2 Level Curriculum

Observing Curriculum policy What can you do with a A2 level in

We have considered and designed an
An A2 level of English is sufficient for tourism
educational learning and development
in an English-speaking country and socializing
curriculum that will give all our students the
with English speakers, although to develop
best possible chance of becoming successful deeper friendships an A2 level is not adequate.
and happy individuals who are prepared for An A2 level of English also allows for
the next steps of their educational journey. networking with English-speaking colleagues,
Further, the aim of this curriculum planner is to but working in English is limited to very familiar
provide our teachers with a base or platform topics at the A2 level. An A2 level of English is
from which they can better plan their lessons not sufficient for academic study or for
and work more effectively. consuming most English-language media (TV,
movies, radio, magazines, etc.).
In addition, different learners have different
objectives, have special learning needs and,
According to the official CEFR guidelines,
above all, have different learning habits or someone at the A2 level in English:
styles. However, there are also several
different methods that we can try and apply
1. Can understand sentences and
. The best way to teach English is a difficult
frequently used expressions related to
question as there is not just one best method
areas of most immediate relevance (e.g.
for all learners to learn from you hence,
very basic personal and family
teachers need to use different kinds of
information, shopping, local geography,
methods and materials and use them in a way
that works on the basics before they get into
anything more advanced.
2. Can communicate in simple and routine
In fact, it is time of social media and tasks requiring a simple and direct
visual learning thus, using different tools exchange of information on familiar and
like social network, the internet, routine matters.
magazines, comics, videos, movies, TV
shows, and news makes teaching and 3. Can describe in simple terms aspects of
his/her background, immediate
learning more exciting, easy and effective.
environment and matters in areas of
Finally, At English Studio we have a zero immediate need.
tolerance policy towards speaking other
language than English in the class. A2 level English skills in detail
Therefore, our teachers are requested not The official can-do statements are broken
to allow students to speak their mother down into smaller pieces for teaching
purposes. This more detailed skill breakdown
tongue while they are in the class. Teachers can help you assess your own English level, or
can always use variety of methods such as help a teacher assess a student’s level.
body language, flash cards, pictures of the
objects and/or videos to translate and For example, a student at the A2 level in
teach a vocabulary meaning for students. English will be able to do all the things that a
Although, this looks hard and quite student in level A1 can do, and in addition he
challenging at first few days of the class will be able to:
but soon students will get used to with it.

English Studio A2 Level English Curriculum

A2 Level Curriculum

• evaluate coworkers' performance in

the workplace.
• relate events from your past, Reminder:
including your weekend activities and
interesting stories.
Dear teachers, please note that there are total
• describe your past life, giving details
of 32 lessons in A2 level and it is the teacher’s
about important milestones.
duty and responsibility to teach them all. Our
• entertain someone in your home or
A2 students expect to learn all the below
visit a friend or colleague in their
grammar, vocabulary topics and language
functions. ECUT is there to help and support
• discuss your vacation plans and tell
you to teach them each and every element of
friends and colleagues about your
it sufficiently and to prepare for you what you
vacation afterwards.
may need for resources.
• talk about the natural world and
travels to see animals and natural You are free to categorise the elements
areas in your country. according to your will however, it is a
• talk about movies that you like and requirement that you to have a lesson plan
choose a movie to see with friends. ready at least a day in advance. The lesson plan
• discuss clothing and what kind of template we have given you is what we want
clothes you like to wear. you to use to prepare your lesson plan. English
• engage in basic communication at Studio Educational Coordination Unit ECUT has
work, including attending meetings the responsibility to follow and randomly
on familiar topics. check to make sure that you are teaching
• describe an accident or injury, get according to the curriculum given to you and
medical help from a doctor and fill a test your students to make sure they are
prescription for medicine. learning and heading the right direction.
• engage in basic business socializing,
welcoming guests and attending
networking events.
• understand and make basic business
proposals in your area of expertise.
• talk about and explain the rules of

English Studio A2 Level English Curriculum

A2 Level Curriculum

Section 1
Vocabulary topics

1. Town features (post office, museum, train station, police office, zoo, cinema, hospital, public
toilet, medical centre, chemist, fire station, park, shopping centre, primary school, secondary
school, high school, college, university/ Uni, library, bookstore)
2. Everyday objects (identity card, driving license, Medicare cared, health care card, insurance, car
insurance, health insurance, home insurance, tissues, matches, knife, computer, mouse, printer,
fax, chair, table).
3. diving direction terminology and traffic signs
4. hotels/Restaurants and common food terminology
5. describing objects and giving information (shape, size, weight, colour, purpose)
6. buying and selling things
7. talking about the weather
8. asking for and giving directions
9. describing people’s appearance and character

Section 2
Language functions

1. Making requests and agreeing and refusing to do things

2. Asking for repetition and clarification
3. Interrupting a conversation
4. Buying and selling things (costs, amounts)
5. Understanding simple signs and notices
6. Making, granting, refusing simple requests
7. Expressing and responding to thanks
8. Giving and responding to invitations, both spoken and written
9. Making and responding to apologies and excuses
10. Expressing needs and wants
11. Writing very simple emails

English Studio A2 Pre-Intermediate Level English Curriculum

A2 Level Curriculum

Section 3

10. Present perfect

• Formula
• Describing 3th form of the verb
• Most used 3th form of the verbs list
• Negative form
• Question form
11. Past Simple Vs. Present Perfect
• What is different between past simple and present perfect.
• Why we use it.
12. Infinitives: To + verb
• What is infinitive and why we need it?
• What to is plus what form of the verb?
13. Gerunds
• What is gerund and why we need it?
• How we form gerund?

14. Superlative adjectives – the oldest, the most important, etc.

• How we use it and why we need it?

15. Zero conditional (if + base form of the verb)

• How we use it and why we need it?
➢ The zero (0) conditional is the factual conditional. It is used to talk about habits, scientific
facts, general truths, instructions and rules, if something else happens first.

16. The first (1st) conditional

• The first (1st) conditional is the possible conditional. It is used to talk about possible future
events and their likely results.

• The first (1st) conditional first conditional sentence structure:

If + present simple, will + verb

• You can use the first conditional to talk about predictions, superstitions, future plans, warnings
& threats, and offers & suggestions

17. The use of would

• Would you like…? I’d like

English Studio A2 Pre-Intermediate Level English Curriculum

A2 Level Curriculum

• How we use it and why we need it?

18. Modals – shall (offers and suggestions), should (advice), have (got) to (obligation), must
(obligation), mustn’t (prohibition), need (necessity), needn’t (lack of necessity)
19. Interrogative Pronouns (Question Words)
What, where, when, how, why, which and who

20. Quantitative and indefinite pronouns

• Indefinite pronouns include partitives such as any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody,
no, someone, and some; they also include universals such as every, all,
both, and each; finally, they include quantifiers including any, some, several, enough,
many, and much

21. Adverb
What is an ‘adverb’?
An adverb describes a verb. It gives more information about the verb.

• Adverb of frequency
An adverb of frequency answers the question: “How often (do you do something)?” It is
used to describe how many times you do something.

• Always • sometimes
• Constantly • occasionally
• Usually • infrequently
• Normally • rarely
• Frequently • hardly ever
• Regularly • never
• often

Section 4 Useful expressions

To cover all the expressions in A2 level, a minimum of 2 expressions should be taught
per day.
1. Be good/bad at 10. Make up one’s mind
2. Be in a good/bad mood 11. No news is good news
3. Be keen on 12. Time flies
4. Be stressed out 13. What a mess!
5. Be useless 14. What’s up?
6. Call for help 15. Be fed up (with)
7. Change one’s mind 16. Be over
8. Have a look at 17. Come from
9. How about ..? / What about …?

English Studio A2 Pre-Intermediate Level English Curriculum

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