Narrative Report

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We live in an age when many of us knows abortion is a hotly-debated topic that often divides

opinions. Abortion’s legality and morality has forstered a debate for a long time now. Abortion in one

way or the other does not or may never be regarded as moral for it results in killing. But in as much as

abortion is a questionable practice, it may be consisdered reasonable in cases where the life of mother

is threatened. It can be inferred that this controversial issue being morally right or morally wrong

should depend on the situation at hand.


Abortion is a very risky practice having two types of performance; the surgical abortion and

medical abortion. In surgical abortion, the doctor will surgically suctions the baby out of the uterus

using vacuum aspiration. The cervix is numb and the uterus is open and the baby will be suctioned out.

This usually takes about 5minutes to get done and after that there may be some cramps and bleeding

but it goes away after about a week. With medical abortion, the pregnancy is ended with the help of

some medication. The patient is given some medication which they have to take maybe a week apart or

the same day to end the pregnancy. There is heavy bleeding and cramping while the pregnancy passes

away and after about a week the pregnancy is passed and the woman or girl has to go back to the clinic

to make sure that the pregnancy is really gone. It is fatal to both the child and the mother, with the

child’s life being intentionally severed.

I have interviewed a friend and a high rank officer from our church for this paper. These people I

interviewed have different viewpoints regarding abortion. These viewpoints being drive by various

aspects; their religious beliefs, political beliefs, and cultural beliefs.

To get their stand in regards to the controversial isssue of abortion, I have prepared this set of

questions for them to answer:

1) What for you is abortion?

2) Is abortion moral or immoral? Why?

3) Will you agree on the legalization of abortion? Why or why not?

From the religious viewpoint of our Head Deacon, he argues that abortion is not acceptable. Going by

the Christian doctrine, the Bible explicitly prohibits the practice of abortion. He referrenced the books of

Genesis and Exodus that reads, no man is allowed to shed the blood of any other man who is created in

the image of God. In a close look at what abortion really is, reveals that abortion is in one way or the

other, ending a life that has already started, thus, anyone practicing abortion is also comitting a sin.

However he added that in cases where it will be fatal to the mother to continue the pregnancy, and the

unborn child is less likely to live, it is more reasonable to save the one with the greatest chance of life.

Correspondingly, he did not agree with the legalization of abortion as people can be abusive to their

rights and they will find excuses to practice it.

Furthermore, the friend I interviewed said abortion is cruel if it is selfish, mainly considering their

welfare and rights, while disregarding those of the unborn child. Her main point circles around whether

abortion should be regarded moral or not, considering circumstances under which it may be carried out.

Additionally, she is pro to the legalization of abortion so long as it will be practiced with precaution and

it does not prejudice the potential life of the child for selfish reasons.


Taking everything into account, it is worth noting that whether abortion is good or bad depends

on the situations at hand. On one hand, abortion becomes wrong on the basis that it contributes to

ending the life of an innocent soul at the expense of their parent’s life. However, in some cases, abortion

may become necessary. Where the life of the mother and the child are in danger, it becomes rational to

have the life of the fetus dealt with, because not acting that way will only result to the mother ending

their lives too. It is better to lose one life than losing both when trying to preserve one. It makes some

sense. I think it is apparent that through thinking abortion critically, we can come up to a reasonable

judgement of whether the performance of it is essentially necessary or morally selfish. It varies from

cases to cases, not one verdict fitting all.

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