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‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

Present simple ‫المضارع البسيط‬ Past simple ‫الماضي البسيط‬ Passive voice: ‫المبني للمجهول‬
sub+verb(1)/verb(s) Sub+verb(2) ‫تضع الوزارة المفعول به اوال‬
Do/does+sub+verb(1)? Sub+didn’t+verb(1) Did+sub+verb(1)? ‫به وطبق‬.‫احذف الفاعل وم‬
Sub+don’t/doesn’t+verb(1) k.w:last/yesterday/ago/in the past/ v(1)/v(s) is/am/are+v.3
k.w:always/usually/every/each/seldom in+‫عام في الماضي‬/when I was/once upon v.2 was/were+v.3
/sometimes/daily/weekly/monthly/ a time has/have+v.3 has/have+been+v.3
Often/facts/timetable. ‫كيف اميزها؟‬..‫يمكن تيجي ضع دائرة‬
‫غير‬/‫اسم عاقل‬.........‫حرف جر‬
Present continuous ‫المضارع المستمر‬ Past continuous ‫الماضي المستمر‬
Reported speech : ‫الكالم المنقول‬
sub+is/am/are+v-ing sub+was/were+v-ing…sub+verb(2)
"‫عشان تميز القاعدة"جملة‬
k.w:now/look!/listen!/watch out!/ k.w:while/as/when
said/told ‫في الحل بكون موجود كلمات مثل‬
be careful!/at this time/at this moment.
‫الزم تعرف تحويل الظروف‬
Past perfect ‫الماضي التام‬ now then
Present perfect ‫المضارع التام‬
sub+had+v.3…sub+v.2 ‫الزم تعرف تحويل الضمائر‬
k.w:after/because/before/when/by I she/he
v(1) v(2)……..v(2) had+v.3 :‫االهم‬
Past perfect continuous:
Present perfect continuous: sub+had+been+v-ing Causative: ‫السببية‬
sub+has/have+been+v-ing for/since/still/how/all/after/before/ asked someone :‫تتميز القاعدة بوجود‬
k.w: for/since/still/how/all because/when/by :‫الها حالتين‬
‫مضارع‬ sub+have/has+obj+v.3
Modal(2) ‫ماضي‬ sub+had+obj+v.3
If clause : ‫اذ الشرطية‬/‫لو‬
‫دور على دليل في الجملة‬ :‫يمكن تيجي ضع دائرة بتكون القاعدة هيك‬
‫الزم تحفظ القواعد زي اسمك‬
not necessary don’t/doesn’t+ have sub+has/have/had+obj+ v.3
t0: if+sub+v1/vs, sub+v1/vs
t1: if+sub+v1/vs,sub+will+v1 to +v.1
t2: if+sub+v.2,sub+would+v1 not allowed must not +v.1 Catenative verbs: ‫االفعال الثنائية‬
‫بكون شق موجود من الوزارة وانت بتحل الثاني‬ :‫ضع دائرة‬
giving advice ‫اعطاء نصيحة‬ Modal(1) want-afford-need-intend-hope-plan
‫احفظ القاعدة مشان هللا‬ ‫اول خطوة دور على دليل في الجملة‬ . to+v1
if I were you, I would+v1+‫كمل‬ sure-certain-know must stop-finish-admit-deny-avoid- enjoy
sure-certain-know+not cant v-ing v+ ing
Used to unsure-perhaps-possible might :‫اعد كتابة‬
1. Sub +is/am/are+ used to +ving/ noun ‫ثاني خطوة دور على اول فعل بعد الدليل‬ hope-want-need-intend ‫هذه الكلمات تكون في‬
2. Sub+ used to +v1 is-am-are be : ‫الجملة احذفها وحل على هي القاعدة‬
‫الكلمات الدالة على القاعدة بحالة اعد كتابة‬ v1-vs v1 sub+is/am/are+planning+v1+‫كمل‬
Normal / familiar / habit/ customary v.2 have+v.3

Future perfect ‫المستقبل التام‬ Future continuous ‫ألمستقبل المستمر‬

Sub + will + have + v3 Sub + will + be + ving
By + ‫ وقت في المستقبل‬/ next + for At+ this / in + ‫وقت في المستقبل‬
‫يمكن تشابه الدالئل مع المستقبل المستمر‬ Next + for / hope + soon
‫ال تنسى األفعال التي ال تقبل‬ing ‫مثل‬
finish / complete
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

Cleft sentences Relative pronouns

1. It + is/ was + ‫المحدد‬+ that+com ‫اسم عاقل‬Who ‫فعل‬
2. The person + is/ was + ‫احذف‬
‫طبعا ال تنسى باقي االدوات الي شرحتلك اياهم بالتفصيل وال تنسى انه في‬
‫كمل‬+ ‫المحدد‬+ is /was + ‫رجع الي‬ ‫بالكتاب قاعدة اعد كتابة زي الي في الجدول‬

‫ ضمائر وصل معرفة‬Defining relative clauses ‫ضمائر وصل غير معرفة‬Non-Defining relative clauses

‫تربط بضمير وصل وال تحتاج الى فواصل‬ ‫تربط بضمير وصل وتحتاج الى فواصل‬

- They are the people who want His car , which is very fast , broke down
to steal our car.
after just five miles.

‫اذا قررت تحل الصفحة الزم تكون حافظ كلشي‬

‫عشان تقدر تحل احفظ ابوس ايدك اسم القاعدة والقاعدة والدالئل‬
1. I ..................... The house since yestreday. That’s why I have some paint on my clothes..

A. Have been painting B. Has graduated C. Painted D. Have been painted

2. Our neighbour sometimes ..................... his house and goes to the country.

A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. are leaving

3. By the end of 2010 CE, companies ..................... more smartphones than PCs for the first time.

A. sold B. sell C. had sold D. have sold

4. Life in the future ...................... further changes.

A. saw B. are going to see C. is going to see D. see

5. If I ..................... extra pens, I'd give you one.

A. had B. have C. has D. had been

6. In the future, robots ..................... more and more jobs in hospitals.

A. do B. will do C. will be done D. did

7. The librarian ..................... the books on shelves at the moment.

A. is arranging B. was arranging C. arranges D. arranged
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

8. While he ..................... the essay, the computer stopped working.

A. had arranged B. arranged C. was arranging D. were arranging

9. By the time the police ……………………, the three thieves had run away.
A. arrived B. were arriving C. was arriving D. arrive

10. The sun ………. Us light and heat. A.

give B. is giving C. gave D. gives

11. Snow ----------------------- at Zero degree centigrade.

A. melts B. melt C. is melted D. is melting

12. My family and I used to go camping once a month, but we stopped ................. that when we
moved to the city. A. did B. doing C. do D. does

13. All the rooms of the office ................... with the latest technology by the manager this month .
A. are equipped B. equipped C. are equipped D. equip

14. I think things ................................ soon.

A. were improving B. improved C. improves D. will improve

15. The heart .................... blood to the lungs and the rest of the body.
A. is pumped B. pumped C. pump D. pumps

16. Omar passed all his exams. He................................ non-stop for a month.
A. revise B. have been revising C. had been revising D. revised

17. The children .................... already .................... the sandcastle on the beach.
A. have, built B. has built C. do ,build D. did, built

18. I can't afford .................... a smartphone at the moment.

A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buys

19. The pyramids .................... nearly 5,000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians.
A. was building B. built C. build D. were built

20. I think he …………….. I can hear his footsteps. A.

is coming B. was coming C. comes D. came

21. If I get the job. I .................... to London. A. will move B. will move C. moved D. move

22. Listen! Someone .................... at the door. Go and see who it is.
A. knocks B. knocked C. is knocking D. was knocking

23. I think My parents ................................. back from their vocation in a few days.
A. will come B. come C. came D. have came

24. The woman .................... her children’s meals daily.

A. prepared B. prepares C. will prepare D. would prepare

25. If you lived closer, we .................... you more often.

A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. would visit
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

26. I was writing a letter when the bell .....................

A. rang B. ring C. rings D. will ring

27. It is not necessary to switch on the laptop. This means that you…………..
A. didn't have to B. doesn't have to C. must not D. don't have to
28. Before Huda .................... to the library, she had helped her mother to prepare lunch.
A. went B. go C. goes D. was going

29. People .................... Arabic since the fourth century.

A. have been written B. have been writing C. writes D . write

30. .................... they .................... their holidays in Paris last summer?

A. did, spend B. were, spent C. do, spend D. are, spending

31. A new cancer drug ……………….by scientist in the UK three months ago.

A. trialed B. was trialed C. are trialed D. has been trialed

32. We intend .................... our old car. A. sells B. sell C. to sell D. sold

33. If she .................... the advertisement, she would apply for the job.
A. read B. reads C. had read D. had read

34. Adel had to get up at five every morning, but he didn't enjoy .................... up early.
A. got B. get C. getting D. to get

35. After we ..................... our dinner, we went into the garden.

A. finishes B. finish C. finished D. had finished

36. Omar ..................... on his project at the moment.

A. is working B. are working C. worked D. works

37. While Adnan ..................... volleyball with his friends, he fell down. A.
played B. play C. was playing D. plays

38. She walked down the road as she…….......…………… a heavy bag.

A. carried B. was carrying C. carry D. carries

‫الجمل أدناه حرفية من الكتاب‬
39. Children often ..................... computers better than their parents.
A. use B. are using C. used D. uses

40. I usually ..................... computer games every day, but only for one hour.
A. played B. play C. plays D. am playing

41. I want ..................... a tablet, but I can’t afford buying one at the moment.
A. to getting B. got C. getting D. to get

42. Look at the black sky! It’s ..................... soon!.

A. going to rain B. going to raining C. rain D. will rain
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

43. I come from Ajloun, but I ..................... in Irbid for a few months. I will return to Ajloun in the spring.
A. stay B. stayed C. I’m staying D. was staying

44. Nadia has been doing her homework for two hours! She ………………. very tired when she finishes it
very soon. A. are B. is C. was D. will

45. If Ali had his own computer, he …………………. to use his friend's computer.
A. wouldn’t need B. needs C. needed D. will need

46. I …………………. an email when my laptop switched itself off.

A. write B. had written C. wrote D. was writing

47. We are going to Aqaba again in the summer. I …………………. forward to it since last year.
A. looks B. looked C. had been looking D. have been looking

48. We had the computer …………………. because it had stopped working. A.

repaired B. had repaired C. repairs D. repair

49. Mahmoud was walking home when the rain started. It was very heavy, so he must have………………….
very wet. A. get B. got C. gets D. getting

50. In the past, most letters …………………. by hand, but these days they are usually typed. A.
write B. wrote C. were written D. writing

51. Are you planning …………………. shopping tomorrow? A. to go B. going C. go D. went

52. Where have you been? I …………………. for ages.

A. had been waiting B. waited C. have been waiting D. has been waiting

53. Before she went to the library, Huda …………………. her mother to prepare lunch.
A. help B. is helping C. helps D. had helped

54."I used Facebook messenger last night and communicated with my friend in Amman".
a-Rakan told me that he had used Facebook messenger the previous night and had communicated with his friend in Amman.

b- Rakan told me that he had used Facebook messenger the previous night and communicated with my friend in Amman.

c- Rakan told me that I had used Facebook messenger the previous night and had communicated with my friend in Amman.

d- Rakan told me that he has used Facebook messenger the previous night and has communicated with his friend in.

55.”Our teacher will punish the students who will fall in the exam .

The students said that ______ teacher______ the students who would fail in the exam .

a-their / punish b- his / would punish c- their / punished d- their / would punish

56.“We finished our English final exams yesterday”

The students said that they _________ their English final exams the day before .
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

a-would finish b- finishes c- had finished d- had been finishing

57. He started studying at 5 p.m. It’s 10 p.m., and he’s still studying.

a. He had been studying since 5 p.m. b. He has been studying since 5 p.m.

c. He has studied since 5 p.m. d. he have been studying for 5 hours

58. Every year, hundreds of millions of used phones ……….of all over the world.
a. dispose b. are disposed c. were disposed d. would be disposed

59. Toleen said that she ……………….. her project the day before.
a. did b. had done c. does

60.Shake the pen to make it write.

If you …………………………………

a. shake the pen, it will write. b. shake the pen, it write

c. shake the pen, it writes d. shake the pen, it would write

‫ سوال عشان نتمكن‬85 ‫يال نحل كمان‬

VOCABULARY : Choose the correct answer from A,B,C and D to complete each of the following sentences.

1. You can already buy watches which can do the same as ………………………
A) Smartphone. B) Program. C) World Wide Web. D) calculation.

2. Most young people like communicate throw …………………….. it's so easy.

A) blog. B) Social media. C) Whiteboard. D) Post.

3. Several drivers used ………………. in cars to tell them how to get to a place.
A) Security settings. B) Access. C) Sat Nav. D) nightmare.

4. Many family doctors t now consider complementary medicine to be a viable …………………….. for many
different conditions. A) option. B) Practitioner. C) Anti-body. D) Migraine.

5. Adults should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week to avoid ………………………….
A) overweight. B) strenuous. C) online shopping. D) Muscles.

6. You can wear your watch when you go swimming if it's……………………..

A) reputation. B) monitor. C) inspire. D) waterproof.

7. It's amazing how huge trees grow from ……………………… seeds.

A) risk. B) seat belt. C) tiny. D)helmet.
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

8. Petra has a as a……………………………. fascinating place to visit.

A) self-confidence. B) reputation. C) monitor. D) Expansion.

9. 'Green' projects are environmentally ………………………………..

A) friendly. B) power. C) waste. D) Wind.

10. If a city recycles everything and doesn't throw anything away, it is zero-………
A) pedestrian. B) friendly. C) neutral. D) renewable.

11. In hot countries, solar……………………… is an important source of energy.

A) power B) pedestrian. C) renewable. D) neutral.

12. Tell me about the novel you're reading. Where does the story …………..?
A) wake up B) settle down. C) take pace. D) look around.

13. I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't ……………….early enough.

A) look around. B) wake up C) settle down. D) get started.

14. When I graduate from university, I would like to buy a house and ………
A) get started. B) look around. C) wake up. D) settle down.

15. My sister wants to be a fashion designer and work with……………………….

A) ailment . B) artificial. C) fund. D) textiles.

16. Before the boys go climbing, they'll go to a special shop to buy all the……………………………….. that they
need. A) equipment. B) textiles. C) ailment. D) artificial.
17. Older people tend to suffer from more ………………..s than younger people.
A) ailment . B) equipment. C) textiles. D)artificial.
18. Don’t sit still for too long – move around frequently to increase your……………
A) circulation. B) dehydration. C) diet. D) nutrition.

19. If you send money to charity, you will………………………………… to a lot of lives.

A) make a difference. B) do exercise. C)take break . D) do a subject.

20. When you can prove that you have experience, you have a……………………..
A) compromise. B) negotiate. C) previous . D) track record.

21. When two sides disagree and argue, there is………………………………….

A) negotiate. B) previous . C) track record. D) compromise.

22. Taha Hussein is one of the most .................... writer of the twentieth century.
A)influence . B) influencing. C) influent . D) influentially.

23. Many candy advertisement are usually presented in an .......... manner in the TV.
A)attract. B) attractively. C)attractive. D) attraction.

24. It's amazing to watch the --------------------- of a baby in the first year of life.
A) develop. B) development. C)developed.
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

25. Before you apply for a job, check that you have the correct --------------.
A)qualify. B)qualified. C)qualification.

26. The company is pleased with your work and is happy to give you a------------.
A)recommend. B)recommended. C)recommendation.

27. Congratulations on a very------------------ business deal.

A)succeed. B) success. C) successful.

28. We should always be ready to listen to good -------------------

A)advise. B) advice. C) advisable.

29. The graduation ceremony was a very ---------- occasion for everyone.
A)memory . B) memorise. C) memorable.

30. Nuts contain useful ------------------------- such as oils and fats.

A)nutritious. B) nutrition . C) nutrients.

31. Markets have different types of food which are ................. prepared from animal products.
A)artificial. B)artificially. C)artifice.

32. The newly constructed projects use recycled water which helps the ........... of the environment.
A)sustain. B) sustainable. C) sustainability.

.... ‫تأن صيغة السؤال‬

‫المعان واالشتقاق خلينا االن نروح للسؤال الذي يليه وهو االزمنة والمجهول وهكذا ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫بعد ما قمت بالتطبيق عىل‬

GRAMMAR : Choose the correct answer from A,B,C and D.

33. Sami ------------------------- English when he was a child.

A) didn’t study. B) hadn’t studied. C) wasn’t studying. D) were.

34. Before she went to the library, Huda ----------------- her mother to prepare lunch.
A) has helped. B) have helped. C) had helped. D) is helping.

35. Before she went to the library, Huda ----------------- her mother to prepare lunch for an hour.
A) has been helping. B) have helped. C) had been helping. D) is helping.

36. You can borrow this book tomorrow. I ------------------------ it by then.

A) will finish. B) will be finishing. C) will have finished. D)would finish.

37. By the end of 2010 CE, the companies ---------------- more smartphones than PCs for the first time.
A) sell. B) had sold. C) sold. D) is selling.

38. I ------------------ understand English, but now I do .

A) isn’t used to. B) wasn’t used to . C) aren't used to. D) didn’t use to.

39. We always go to the market across the street, so we ------------------- eat fresh vegetables.
A) used to. B)is used to. C)are used to. D) use to.
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

40. We needed warm clothes when we went to London. We -------------- the cold weather.
A)didn’t use to. B) wasn’t used to. C) aren’t used to. D)not used to.

41. My cousin has lived in Lebanon for a year. He says he ------------ live there now.
A) is used to. B) used to. C) are used to. D) was used to.

42. My grandparents didn't ------------------------------emails when they were my age.

A) use to send. B) used to send. C) use to sending. D) used to sending.

43. I intend -------------------------------- for a job when I finish university.

A) apply. B) applying . C) to apply. D) applies.

44. Next month, we ----------------------- in this house for a year. Let's celebrate.
A) will be living. B) will have lived. C) will live. D) was going to live.

45. This time tomorrow, we'll be celebrating because we ------------------ our exams.
A) will finish. B) will be finishing. C) will has finish. D) will have finished.

46. The television ---------------------- for the first time by John Loggia Baird.
A) were invented. B) are invented. C) was invented. D) is invented.

47 . Before the internet ----------------------- , nobody had dreamt of online shopping . A) was inventing.
B)invented. C) had invented. D) has invented.

48 . Patients had …………………….. from depression for thousands of years .

A) be suffering. B) been suffering. C) sufferer. D) suffering.

49. If a city ------------- everything and doesn't throw anything away, It's zero waste.
A) recycle. B) recycles. C) will recycle. D) is recycling .

50.We had the computer repaired because it had stopped …………….…..

A)working. B) works. C)worked. D) work.

51. The building……………….. is on the corner is modern and futuristic .

A)Which. B)where. C) who. D) whose.

52. July is the month……………… I am expected to get married.

A)whose. B)Which. C)when. D) who.

53. A pacifist is a person ………………… believes that all wars are wrong
A)Which. B)where. C) who. D) whose.
...‫يأن بالعكس يف اي قاعدة‬
‫يأن سؤال القواعد نمط اعادة الكتابة وممكن ان ي‬
‫بعد سؤال االزمنة ي‬
GRAMMAR : Choose the correct answer from A,B,C and D.

*Rewrite the following sentences so they have the same meaning :

‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

*The sentence that has a similar meaning to the one above is:

54. "Many computers have filters which stop people seeing certain websites."
He said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) Many computers have been filters which stop people seeing certain websites.

B) Many computers had filters which stop people seeing certain websites.

C) Many computers has filters which stop people seeing certain websites.

D) Many computers haven’t filters which stop people seeing certain websites.

55. " I was sleeping when Sami called."

Rania said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) She had been sleeping when Sami called. B) She has been sleeping when Sami called.
C) She had sleeping when Sami called. D) She is sleeping when Sami called.

56. " I'll meet you here tomorrow."

She told me that …………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) She would meet him there the day before. B) She would meet him there the day after.
C) She would meet me there the day before. D) She would meet me there the day after.

57. People saw smoke coming out of the forest .

Smoke ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A) was seen coming out of the forest . B) is seen coming out of the forest .
C) was saw coming out of the forest . D) was see coming out of the forest .

58. The teacher did not give us a difficult exam last week.
We …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) hadn't given a difficult exam last week. B) weren't given a difficult exam last week.
C) haven't given a difficult exam last week. D) wasn't given a difficult exam last week.

59. My parents have saved enough money to fund our university courses.
Enough money …………………………………………………………………………………………………
A) have saved to fund our university courses. B) has been saved to fund our university courses.
C) had saved to fund our university courses. D) has saved to fund our university courses.

60. Perhaps Issa's phone is broken .

Issa's phone ……………………………………………………………………………
A) might is broken . B) might be broken . C) must is broken . D) must be broken .

61. I asked someone to fix my computer .

I ………………………………………………………………………………………………
A) had my computer fixed . B) had my computer fix.

C) has my computer fix . D) have my computer fixed .

‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

62. It isn't necessary to switch off the screen.

You ………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) have to switch off the screen . B) don’t have to switch off the screen .
C) has to switch off the screen . D)doesn’t have to switch off the screen .

63. You are not allowed to touch this machine.

A) must touch this machine . B) mustn’t be touch this machine .
C) must be touch this machine . D) mustn’t touch this machine .

64. I think you should send a text message .

If ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) I was you , I would send a text message . B) I was you , I should send a text message .
C) I were you , I should send a text message . D) I were you , I would send a text message .

65. Press the button to make the picture move . (moves) (AB P7 EX 3 S8)
If you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) Presses the button ,the picture moves . B) Press the button ,the picture moves .
C) Presses the button ,the picture move . D) Press the button, the picture move .

66. Mohammad checked his emails, and then he started work.

A) Mohammad started work, he has checked his emails. B) Mohammad started work, he have checked his emails.
C) Mohammad had checked his emails, he started work. D) Mohammad started work, he had checked his emails.

67. Mohammad checked his emails, and then he started work.

After …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) Mohammad had checked his emails, he started work.
B) Mohammad has been checked his emails, he started work.
C) Mohammad had been checked his emails, he started work.
D) Mohammad have checked his emails, he started work.

68. It is normal for me now to get up early to study.

I am………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A) used to get up early to study. B) used to getting up early to study.
C) use to get up early to study. D) use to getting up early to study.

69. It is not necessary to switch off the screen.

You ………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) have to switch off the screen. B) don’t have to switch off the screen.
C) must switch off the screen.D) mustn’t switch off the screen.

70. The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012 CE.

The place ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
71. Huda, won a prize for art last year.
It …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….
A) is Huda who won a prize for art last year. B) is Huda that won a prize for art last year.
C) was Huda who won a prize for art last year. D) was Huda that won a prize for art last year.
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

72. Al Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.

The person…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A) who invented mechanical clock in the twelfth century is Al Jazari.
B) which invented mechanical clock in the twelfth century was Al Jazari.
C) where invented mechanical clock in the twelfth century is Al Jazari.
D) who invented mechanical clock in the twelfth century was Al Jazari.

73. Jabber Ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory in Iraq.

The county ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..
A) where Jabber Ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was in Iraq.
B) when Jabber Ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was Iraq.
C) where Jabber Ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was Iraq.
D) when Jabber Ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory is in Iraq.

74. Petra was made a World Heritage Site in 1985 CE.

The year………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A) when Petra was made a World Heritage Site was 1985 CE.
B) where Petra was made a World Heritage Site was 1985 CE.
C) who Petra was made a World Heritage Site was 1985 CE.
D) which Petra was made a World Heritage Site was 1985 CE.

75. Hamzah asked someone to repair his phone.

The correct causative form of the sentence above is:

A) Hamzah has his phone repaired. B) Hamzah had his phone repaired.

C) Hamzah’s phone was repaired. D) Hamzah had repaired his phone.

76. I think you should join a study group.

The sentence that gives advice is:
A) If I was you, I would join a study group. B) If I were you, I wouldn’t join a study group.
C) If I were you, I would join a study group. D)If I were you, I should join a study group.

77. Huda asked someone to decorate her room.

The correct causative form of the sentence above is:
A) Huda has her room decorated B) Huda had her room decorated
C) Huda`s room was decorated D) Huda had decorated her room

78.“We are doing our homework”

The correct reported speech form of the sentence above is:
A)The students said that they did their homework.
B)The students said that they were doing them homework.
C)The students said that they were doing their homework.
D)The students said that they had done their homework.
‫موقع حصص اونالين‬ 0778979798 ‫األستاذ محمد الحارون‬ 2004 ‫مكثف الفصل األول لجيل‬

79. Many people are used to using their smartphones now.

The sentence that has a similar meaning to the one above is:
A)It is normal for many people now to use their smartphones.
B)It is not normal for many people now to use their smartphones.
C)It was normal for many people now to use their smartphones.
D)It is normal for many people now to using their smartphones.

80. The heat made the journey unpleasant.

The correct cleft sentence that emphasizes the information in bold is:
A) The journey which I made was unpleasant.
B) It was the heat that made the journey unpleasant.
C) The journey which I made was unpleasant because of the heat.
D) It was the unpleasant journey which made the heat.

81. My parents plan to save enough money to fund my university courses.

The sentence that has a similar meaning to the one above is:
A) My parents is going to save enough money to fund my university courses.
B) My parents are going to save enough money to fund my university courses.
C) My parents were going to save enough money to fund my university courses.
D) My parents are going to saving enough money to fund my university courses.

82. I would like to take you to a cafe ------------serves excellent coffee.

A) which B) when C) who D) where

83. We intend to finish our project tonight.

The sentence that has a similar meaning to the one above is:
A) we are planning to finishing our project. B) we am planning to finish our project tonight.
C) we are planning to finish our project tonight. D) we are plan to finish our project tonight.

84. Ali intends to visit Paris.

The sentence that has a similar meaning to the one above is:
A) Ali is planning to visiting Paris. B) Ali was planning to visit Paris.
C) Ali is plan to visit Paris. D) Ali is planning to visit Paris.

85. Heat ice to make it melt.

The sentence that has a similar meaning to the one above is:
A)If you heat ice, it was melt. B) If you heat ice, it melted.
C)If you heat ice, it would melt. D) If you heat ice, it melts.

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