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Course Title: International Negotiations and Diplomacy

Course No.: IR-305

Course No.: IR-305 Credit Hour: 4.0
Year: 3rd Year Course Status: Core Course
The course is designed to provide students with a set of analytical tools to be used in
interpreting and understanding international negotiations process and contemporary
diplomatic issues.

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to:
Acquaint students with the basic concept of Negotiations and Diplomacy.
Help them conceptualize the basic theories of Diplomacy and Negotiations
Make the students understand the real conflict-solving diplomatic initiatives.
Develop ability to apply knowledge to analyze contemporary disputes settlement.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

The students will gather basic knowledge regarding concepts used in negotiation &
diplomacy, and the theories developed through using these concepts.

Understand and analyze the nature of contemporary bilateral and multi-lateral disputes
and try to solve these disputes. .

Conceptualize how the parties interact in the in diplomatic negotiation to settle the

Analyze on goings international disputes, based on acquired theoretical knowledge.

Course Content
Section – A: Negotiation
Introduction: Basic concept of negotiation. Definition, nature and features of negotiation. Conditions of
successful negotiation. Process of negotiation (Basic Model)

Approaches of Negotiation: Negotiation strategy and Tactics. Pre-negotiation with the involving parties.
Approaches of negotiation. Win-lose approach vs Win-win Approach. Negotiation with interest groups:
Bureaucracy, Military, International Agencies and Pressure Groups, local, regional and global

Negotiation Theories: Basic assumption of negotiation theory, Analysis of negotiation Theory.

Bargaining: Basic concept of Bargaining, Definition and features of bargaining. Type of Bargaining.
Positional bargaining vs integrative bargaining.

Lobbying: Concept of lobbying. Definition of Lobbying with its features. Origin and development of
lobbying as part of international negotiation. Role of lobbying in international negotiations.
Section – B: Diplomacy
Introduction: Basic concept of diplomacy. Definition, nature and features of diplomacy. Origin and
development of modern diplomacy. Greek, Roman, Italic, Chinese, Indian and Muslim contribution
in modern diplomacy. Type of diplomacy.

Diplomats: Who are Diplomats? Qualities and skills of Diplomat. Classification of diplomats.
Functions of diplomat.

Diplomatic Laws: Basic concept of diplomacy law. Diplomatic privileges act 1708. Vienna Convention
of diplomatic relations of 1961. Diplomatic immunities and privileges. Diplomatic bag and
diplomatic asylum.

Media and Diplomacy: Role of Media in modern diplomacy, Social media and diplomacy. Citizen
Economic Diplomacy: Basic concept of economic diplomacy. Origin and development of
economic diplomacy. Definition and features of economic diplomacy. Globalization vs
economic diplomacy. Economic diplomacy challenges and opportunities for third world

Environmental diplomacy: Basic concept of environmental diplomacy. Origin and

development of environmental diplomacy. Environmental diplomacy and global power. Protocol
and treaties of environmental diplomacy. Environmental diplomacy and Bangladesh.

Multitrack diplomacy: Several tracks of Diplomacy. Origin and development of multitrack

diplomacy. Definition and features of multitrack diplomacy.

Military Diplomacy: Origin of Military diplomacy, Military diplomacy in contemporary world,

Prospect of Military diplomacy in Bangladesh.
Short Reading List:

Nicolson, Sir Harold, 1988, Diplomacy

Joseph M, Siracusa, 2000, Diplomacy: A very Short Introduction
Kissinger, Henry, 1995, Diplomacy
Barston, R.P, 2014, Modern Diplomacy
Tolba, Mastafa K., 1998, Global Environmental Diplomacy
C.Ikle, Fred, 1968, How Nation Negotiate
Dimnd, Louise,1996, Multitrack Diplomacy
Roy J, Lewicki,2006, Essentials of Negotiation
And Best of Luck

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