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Kelompok 7

1. Yessi Edillia Putri (21809334009)
2. Riris Selyyana Ratnaningtyas (21809334014)
3. Beni Prasetyo (21809334054)

Job Interview Scenario

Yessi: Hello Good Afternoon, Nice to meet you, My name is Yessi Iam The Head of Human
Resource Departement, and this is my friend Riris The Head of Finance Departement.
Beni: Hello, nice to meet you too. I am here for a job interview in junior auditor position.
Riris: Are you ready for the job interview today?
Beni: Yes, I am ready.
Yessi: Okay, let’s get started the interview, you can start by telling us about yourself.
Beni: Okay, I will introduce myself. My name is Beni Prasetyo, I'm from Gunungkidul
Yogyakarta. I am a fresh graduate from Yogyakarta State University, majoring in Accounting.
During College, I always attend workshops on accounting so that I can improve my skills in
accounting. I am a fast learner, disciplined and responsible person.
Riris: Do you have any working or internship experience?
Beni: Yes, I have internship experience at one of the state-owned companies, namely PT Pertamina
as a finance staff, besides that I have also attended training in the field of auditing and accounting.
Yessi: Well, okay. So, what makes you interested to apply on the position of junior auditor in this
Beni: I am interested in applying for junior auditor position because I believe my abilities can meet
the needs of this company, and this position matches my skills, and I think audit is a job of new
challenges that inspire me.
Riris: Then, what expertise do you have?
Beni: I am able to operate accounting software, such as accurate, then I am also capable of financial
analysis, spreadsheets, and Microsoft office.
Yessi: That's great. What are the strengths and weaknesses that you currently have?
Beni: In my opinion, I have strengths of solving a problem in a difficult situation, I can also
communicate well with everyone, and able to work in a team. My weakness is because I am too
perfectionist, so sometimes I do something with a longer time, because I always pay attention to
small mistakes, and to overcome my shortcomings, I try to be more careful in doing things.
Riris: What are your expectations from this job?
Beni: My expectation, I would like to seek opportunities to expand my knowledge, improve skills,
experience working in a team and an environment that helps me to develop for the better in the
Yessi: What do you want to achieve in the next five years?
Beni: In the next five years I want to get a higher position than now, and I want to make a good
achievement for this company
Riris: What contribution can you make to this company in the future?
Beni: The contribution I can give is that with all the abilities I have, I will do my best to advance
the company, and help the company to achieve the desired goals.
Yessi: What would you do, if your teammate makes a mistake in his work?
Beni: If something like that happens, I will remind my friend to be more careful in doing a job so
that there are no mistakes.
Riris: Then, what salary do you want?
Beni: According to my experience and abilities, we can discuss salaries in a range of around IDR
4,000,000 until 4,500,000.
Yessi: Okay, Do you have any question for me?
Beni: Yes, I want to ask one thing, Does the company offer in house training staff?
Riris: Yes, in this company we open a place for training for new employees, so they can understand
well about the field of work and company rules.
Beni: Okay, Thank you Mrs for the information
Yessi: Before we close today's interview, please provide a closing statement that can convince us
to accept you
Beni: Thank you for the opportunity and the time you gave me so that I can interview with you. I
am sure this position will be suitable with the skills I have so that I can help this company. In
addition, I am interested in being able to move forward in the next process.
Riris: Okay then. That’s all for now. Thank you for coming to the interview. We will contact you
within a week to announce the results.
Beni: Allright, Thank you for your time Mrs Riris and Mrs Yessi
Yessi & Riris: You're welcome.

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