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‘School kits for Underprivileged Children: A Report’

“Final Report on Yuva for Seva”

Submitted by
Namrata Nagargoje

Under the guidance of

Dr. Meena Sharma

Year 2022-2024

Vivekanand Education Society’s Business School



This is to certify that project titled YUVA FOR SEVA is successfully

completed by Namrata Nagargoje during first year in partial fulfilment of the
PGDM recognized by AICTE for the academic year 2022-24 through
This project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any
degree diploma or associateship of any other University/Institution

Name: Dr. Meena Sharma

(Signature of the Faculty mentor)
Date: 18/02/2023


I want to thank my faculty mentor (Dr. Meena Sharma) under whose guidance I have
carried out this project.

I am thankful to her for helping me out through the project report. I want to thank all
my teachers who incorporated in me such good values because of which I was able to
carry out the Yuva for Seva Project.

I also want to thank (Seva Sahayog Foundation) a much-diversified NGO working for the well-
being of the underprivileged like infants, orphans, and so many people alike.

I also want to thank all my respondents who took out time for me from their hectic schedule and
gave me interview.

Lastly, I will thank my parents and family whose constant support driven me to complete the


I hereby declare that this Project submitted by me to the

Vivekanand Education Society’s Business School

is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not

submitted to any other University or institution for the

award of any degree diploma certificate or published any

time before.

Name: Namrata Nagargoje

Roll No.: P082 (Signature of the student)

Table of content

Sr. no. Topic Page Nos.

1 Executive Summary 6

2 Global Goals 7

3 About the NGO 8

3.1 Profile of NGO
3.2 Details of NGO with contact details/location
Global Goals Addressed by NGO

Initiatives and Success Stories of NGO / Innovation


4 On the job training / On field Project 14

4.1 List of Project/ Projects

5 Challenges Faced by the students working at NGO 15

6 Suggestions and Limitations 16
7 Learnings/ Experience 17
8 Picture Gallery 21

Executive Summary
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is a voluntary group or institution with a social
mission, which operates independently without any help from the Government. NGOs in
different forms are created all over the world for different purposes. They usually run through
donations, though some do not accept formal funding, are just run by volunteers and people
who dedicate their life to social cause.

Seva Sahayog Foundation has been serving for over 10 years towards the development and
welfare for the underprivileged section of the urban slum lives. We started our operation in the
year 2005 as a Not-for-Profit company and are registered under Section 8 (Old Section 25B) of
the company’s act.

Seva Sahayog Foundation aims at engaging socially conscious corporates, groups and
individuals, with NGOs of matching interest with a purpose to collectively add value to the
society at large

Main Functions include- Identify and connect NGOs and Corporate Houses with similar social
interest. Implementing project with our own resources wherever required. Creating social
awareness in people and provide a platform to contribute to noble causes as per their
capabilities and Raising funds through Systematic Donation Plan, CSR funding and personal

Global Goals

UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development Addressed (check all that apply):

Goal 1 No poverty
Goal 2 Zero hunger
Goal 3 Good health and well-being
Goal 4 Quality education
Goal 5 Gender equality
Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7 Clean energy
Goal 8 Economic growth
Goal 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
Goal 10 Reduced inequalities
Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12 Responsible consumption & production
Goal 13 Climate action
Goal 14 Life below water
Goal 15 Life on land
Goal 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17 Partnerships for the goals

About the NGO

Seva Sahayog Foundation has been serving for over 10 years towards the development and
welfare for the underprivileged section of the urban slum lives. We started our operation in the
year 2005 as a Not-for-Profit company and are registered under Section 8 (Old Section 25B) of
the company’s act.

Seva Sahayog Foundation aims at engaging socially conscious corporates, groups and
individuals, with NGOs of matching interest with a purpose to collectively add value to the
society at large.

We observed that there are numerous NGOs who have been working at grass root level for the
betterment of the underprivileged people but lack adequate resources in terms of technology,
finance, and manpower to take their work to the next level.

On the other hand, we observed there are corporates and individuals who have a noble purpose
of contributing to the welfare of the society, but were not aware as to how to utilize their
resources for the betterment of the society.

The idea “SEVA SAHYOG" germinated about a decade back, and with humble beginning. It
was a spark – an impassioned desire to reach out to the underprivileged sections of society and
help NGOs in strengthening their capabilities while
serving diverse communities.

Today, SEVA SAHAYOG FOUNDATION ('SSF}) has made its distinct mark in different
fields such as education, women empowerment, health, environment, rural development and
children's holistic growth. More than 6,00,000 individuals have benefited through various
projects of SSF with a clear objective of nation-building, SSF largely focuses on empowering
communities by developing human resources holistically through education and skill

SSF could achieve this milestone with the support of more than:

Schools NGOs Companies Volunteers Individual Donors

700 250 200 25000 100000

United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs") to transform our World,
which have also been adopted by Niti Aayog in India.

Details of NGO with contact details/location –

Pune Office - 18 Vrindavan Society, Pathik Bungalow, Near Mhatre Bridge, Navi peth, Pune
Contact Number - +91 8421726509
E-mail -

Mumbai Office -Seva Sahayog Foundation. Maharshi Dadhichi Hospital, Near Santacruz Bus
Station, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400055.
Contact Number -022 26189779

Seva Sahayog registered address -Seva Sahayog Foundation. C/o Atul Nagras,
S.NO.89,90,91/2, PLOT NO. 75, Tulshibagwale colony, Sahkar nagar No.2, Parvati, Pune

Global Goals Addressed by Seva Sahayog Foundation–

Education - Education is an empowering tool every child must be equipped with. It plays a
vital role in overall development of an individual, family and the society at large.


We aspire to make women from slums financially independent by building on their capacity to
earn livelihood for their family. Alongside we provide vocational education programs to make
youths employable.


Health and hygiene of women and children are at the centre of our work. We constantly drive
programs to facilitate health checkups and workshops on affordable nutritional diet.


Aiming towards the betterment of the environment our programs focuses on greener future,
sanitation, waste management and cleanliness.

Initiatives and Success Stories of NGO / Innovation

 Kishori Vikas Prakalp

Kishori vikas prakalp started a decade ago to help and understand adolescent girls aged
between 12 to 18 years. Underprivileged girls have to face many challenges like early
marriage, early pregnancy, lack of self-confidence and position in the family, etc. in their
growing years. This project intends to help these girls by providing valuable information on
various topics, giving professional & vocational training, offering career guidance and much
more. Kishori vikas prakalp helps the girls to overcome their daily challenges by providing
them with things like bicycles for needy rural girls, footwear to walk long distances, especially
in rural areas, teaching them self-defence, arranging health check-ups and many other things.

 To build self-confidence and self-respect among girls to express themselves, learn new
things, and make them good decision-makers.
 To raise awareness among girls regarding the importance of good health, self-care and
 To identify the hidden talent and hobbies among the girls and encourage them to
pursue them as a career and overall personality development.

Kishori vikas prakalp in Pune has a reach in 54 vasti centers with around 1700 beneficiary
girls, while in Mumbai has reached out to 38 vastis with approximately 797 girl beneficiaries.

 Samutkarsha - Samutkarsha aims towards wholesome and integrated urban slum

development through education, health and self-reliance. Samutkarsha project is an
initiative to eradicate / eliminate certain drawbacks such that by doing so we can contribute
towards the betterment of society at large. The word Samutkarsha means holistic and
integrated development. Samutkarsha project was initiated with an objective of

transforming urban slum lives. The project aims towards wholesome and integrated urban
slum development through education, health and self-reliance.

 Women Empowerment Program- We aspire to make women from slums financially

independent by building on their capacity to earn livelihood for their family.

Women empowerment program works towards the betterment and financial capacity
building of women from the slums and underprivileged section of the society. These
programs focus on making women financially independent and self-reliant. Under this
program different skill development trainings are conducted and women are encouraged to
apply those skills for their betterment and livelihood.

Seva Fair
Seva Fair is an exhibition organized by Seva Sahayog to showcase and sell products made by
women from Self Help Groups.

Seva Fair program actively supports women to market their products by reaching out to the
corporate houses to exhibit the products made by SHGs. Regular stalls are organized at
corporate houses premise on various occasions such as Rakhi, Diwali, New Year and other
general occasions.

Seva Sahayog believes that products made by SHGs should be creative and maintain certain
quality parameters. Women are formally trained to enhance their skills to make quality
handmade and environment-friendly products. This has enabled women to increase their
earning potential as their work is valued by their family and the society. Moreover, quality
products attract buyers and it gives them the feeling of value for money.

 School Kit Program- In order to empower every child with education, Seva Sahayog
Foundation started School Kit in 2008 to provide educational aids to children from
economically weaker sections of the society. School Kit is an assorted set of materials such
as school bag, notebooks, pen, pencil, drawing book, colours and compass box which varies
as per the sections like primary, secondary and higher secondary.

Since 2008 School Kits have been distributed to children in unaided schools and
educational centres run by NGOs across Maharashtra. School Kits have also been
distributed in many regions across India which suffered large scale devastation due to
natural calamities. Last year we distributed 76228 School Kits including and an additional
6000 kits were sent to the flood-impacted areas in Kerala.

 Urmi - All about Menstruation

In Pune, most of the population is living in the slum area. While working in other Seva
Sahayog projects like Samutkarsh (Education), Kishori Vikas Prakalp (Adolescent Girls) &
Women Empowerment Programme (WEP) in Vastis, we realized that there is a lack of
awareness about Menstrual Health & Hygiene among the women & girls and there is a need to
create the same as is also targeted in Sustainable Development Goal # 3 Good Health &
Wellbeing for all.

Most adolescent girls are not prepared and aware of menstruation, so they face many
difficulties in their day-to-day lives. Even most of the ladies don’t have knowledge about what
exactly happens during menstruation and how to deal with it.

Urmi Project was started in July’18 under the Women Empowerment Programme (WEP) of the
Seva Sahayog Foundation. Under this project so far we have reached out to 20,000+ girls &
women to make them aware of Menstruation & provided Sanitary Napkins via Hygiene Kits
(an Annual requirement of a menstruating person).

With this project, Seva Sahayog aims to achieve these objectives: –

 To create Awareness about Menstrual Health & Hygiene and discuss the associated
 Making Sanitary Napkins available at affordable prices (both disposable & reusable) &
free distribution (with the help of individual & CSR sponsorships).
 Awareness about the importance of proper disposal of used napkins and other
sanitary waste.

On the job training / On field Project

List of Project/ Projects carried in 21 Days (Mention in Tabular form)

Date From --------- to ---------------- Name of project / Work Assigned

26/12/2022 to 15/1/2023 Sell on activity

Details of project with 4 Photos / Activities done

Project -1
The name of the project conducted was Sell on. The activity was for the first-year students of
Each student is expected to raise funds to sponsor school bags. The cost of one school bag is Rs
600/- The fund raising will be done from 26th December 2022 to 15th January 2023.
The sales target was individual, but it was a group activity. The group should coordinate and
move resources to fulfill the individual targets.
Student group head was chosen randomly.
The group members along with group heads must make their internal arrangement to
raise the fund.
Individual students were informed to report their daily activity (number of items sold, balance
items and total sale amount) to their group heads.
Group head will report consolidated daily group activity to team a designated class
All the funds collected were directly made via online means after explaining all the benefits of
the donation (to the NGO) to the public (respondents).

Challenges Faced by students working at NGO

Challenges faced by students (During conducting project / list out those challenges)
 To raise awareness of the NGO project, Sell On Activity.
 To make them understand how the money is spent and distributed.
 To persuade them to contribute to the cause.
 The lack of a physical product was questionable.
 Cost of the bag.
 Taking the entire sum from a single person.
 The receipt received on the email

How challenges were overcome (How you overcome those challenges)

 By displaying our college ID cards and a letter from VES Business School that was
allocated to us, thereby convincing them that it is only for the NGO.

 Demonstrating the distribution of money among the various products in the bag

 Showing them virtual images of the bags

 Helping them understand the email receipt.

 Making them aware about the Section 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Company I visited: -

I visited Thane retail market area and communicated with many of the retail shop owner
few of them were interested in donation, but not in cash but in kind, and some were already
connected with their own community SEVA NGOs. Along with this we also visited TJSB
Bank, Waman Hari Pethe Jeweler’s, Laghu Bandhu Jewellers , Cartlane and finaly found
lead with Pitambari .I approached (Pitambari Company) their marketing head for the
donation of Yuva for Seva I gave them official proposal and tried to convence them, but
they are still in process to make a decision. Following is the information of Pitambari.


Its almost 30 years we came into being with a strong commitment towards attaining 100%
customer satisfaction, Pitambari Products Pvt. Ltd embarked on its business journey in
1986. The company came into fruition when Mr. Ravindra Prabhudesai & his father Late
Mr. Vamanrao Prabhudesai turned their vision into reality. The idea was to create a
dynamic organization, where hard work, integrity, honesty & improvisation would be the
guiding principles. Today we are the top manufacturers &exporters in our domain offering
an array of premium quality products under the flagship brand Pitambari.

In keeping terms with the changing times and customers expectations, we at Pitambari
Ptoducts Pvt. Ltd believe in meeting customer expectations on continuous basis by aspiring
to serve through innovative products and services.
We are an ISO 9001: 2008 company and an established firm since 1986 and now serve over
5 million customers across India. We have our PAN India presence, as well as in foreign
countries, with our segments like Home care, Healthcare, Agri Care, Food Care, Agarbatti,
Perfumery, Digicare & Solar Division
We look forward for an everlasting relationship with you and rededicate our commitment
towards quality, service and customer support. We are sure that together we would be able
to provide a better future.

We have our core members who play vital role in day to day operations. They seek to
represent businesses in all the core policy and decision – making.
Innovation of new products, thoughts, processes, approaches and strategies have become
critical factors for Pitambari, as they chart course for future in a business world without
boundaries. The objective is to consistently deliver breakthrough products and services.
Quality Standards run like a guiding force throughout all our organizational processes and
systems. Our entire product range meets the highest standards of quality; we utilize various
types of advance testing machines like HPLC, Gas Chromatography, and Flame.

Photometry for raw material and finished product testing. Also we have packing material
testing machines like Bond / Seal strength, Bursting Strength, Leakage tester with advance
micro lab. Once quality of products is assured in our quality testing unit, they are sent to the
packing department, to be packed in desired packing materials and shipped across different
client destinations across the globe.

We boast of robustly constructed, well equipped production facilities that churn out bulk
quantities of various home care and health care products in minimum lead time, We possess
five manufacturing facilities, located at :
• Ganpatipada (Maharashtra).
• Vadodara (Gujarat).
• Baddi (Himachal Pradesh).
• Angaon (Supe).
• Talawade (Rajapur).
All our facilities are not only designed to promote safe and healthy work environment, but
are also equipped with sophisticated machineries viz; mixers, vibrators, FFS machines,
varied types of packaging and stitching machines, granulators, heating panels, reactors,
distillers, etc. The installed capacity (per month) of our plants at Baddi is 1000 tons.
Our range of products is in great demand throughout the globe. An ever growing list of
customers is a clear indicator of our immense success. Following are some of the countries
where our products are mainly exported to:
• Malaysia
• Singapore
• Thailand
• Mauritius
• South Africa
• Saudi Arabia
• Bahrain
• Oman
• Bhutan
• Nepal
• Sri Lanka
• Russia
• Canada
• Australia
• New Zealand

Suggestions and Limitations

 List out the suggestion / solutions for the NGO

 Allowing even small donations, starting from Rs 10

 Providing a receipt for the selected minimum amount

 Bags to be displayed in personal to individuals, along with the material inside

 Instead of a tax benefit, allowing people to visit and work with the NGO in person
(those who are interested)

 Providing NGO symbol batches or something else to the students to make people
believe that we are working for the Seva Sahayog Foundation.

 What were the limitations faced during project

The most significant limitation I encountered throughout the project was the lack of an url or
some kind of payment proof to provide to donors.

Most people's only concern is that there is no proof that the funds will be used solely for NGO
purposes (if they are giving less amount than required)

That was the only challenge that needed to be addressed throughout the game.

There were many great donors who didn't ask many questions, but their suggestion to me was
the same: provide a physical appearance of the bags given or a physical receipt.

Learnings/ Experience
 Managerial Skills you developed during this project.
Has this project changed or diverted or added some new dimension in your carrier Plan?

 Communication skills- I developed my existing communication skills to a greater

magnitude! I was able to understand the art of different tones and voice modulation!

 Selling skills- I was able to understand this skill a little better as I have no prior
knowledge about it! This skill is important for people that need to convince customers
and consumers to sell their products and services.

 Management skills- I was able to learn some basic management skills like time
management and crisis management

 Resilience and Patience- These two skills are quite important in the corporate world.
This sell-on activity provided me with an opportunity for exposure to the outer world!

 Over all experience.

After doing this project did you realized that you are feeling more responsible citizen and
have more responsibility towards society?

If you get some opportunity would you like to work in such organization for short period of
time say a month in a year to contribute for larger purpose of societal welfare?

 Yes, after committing to this project I did realize that I was contributing to society!
I was able to help orphaned children with their education made me feel ecstatic!
 Yes, I would love to contribute to working for an NGO for a limited period! The
decision depends on the noble cause!
 The experience for the activity was not great at first. Many people rejected me
because they were uninterested, and most people already donate to a specific
non-profit. But eventually, I learned how to persuade people and persuade them
that the project is related to an NGO and that it will be a great cause to work for,
and after many difficulties, we felt happy and great working for the NGO.


Picture Gallery

Formatting Guidelines:
Chapter heading 20 pts.
Section heading 16 pts.
Sub-section heading 14 pts.
Normal text 12 pts.
Font type Times New Roman
Font style Regular.
Font spacing Normal.
Line spacing 1
Report size 10 to 25 pages
Number of copies 2 copies
Page Numbering Bottom Centre aligned
Reference No. : Each Table/ Exhibit/ Figure must be
assigned a reference No.

Annexure to be Numbered and put in sequential



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A4 size paper

Completion Certificate

This is to certify that

Mr. /Ms. …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Has completed the project as a part of Yuva For Seva Project of VESIM in our
organisation as mentioned below and has also submitted the report

(i) Project Title ……………………………………………………………….

(ii) Date of Joining ………………………………………. (DD/MM/YYYY)

(ii) Date of Completion ………………………………………. (DD/MM/YYYY)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of 2 years PGDM Program of Vivekanand

Education Society Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai

Industry Mentor’s Signature

Date --------------------

Place ------------------

Company Seal


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