2017 Sem 4

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[Time: 3 Hours) .{S3~4'.~'i','i{:.~~~M'l)r~iQµlil
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d Explain the importance of legislation as a source of law. Describe different~!"~% ~f.:\~gii l~ti~~~- '
,'/'/ l'.,fj?,'f' ~'~,' i e Explain the different kinds of customs. Highlight the characteristics of a valid <:tlstom~- ; . ,·. •
Please check whether you have got the right,~~µ"g_-itf>'ipet:.~: :f~0J:~i:~t ,f~:J;'
• ~""i .~-> ,,.: ~> ~"' ,...._ .. ~,>")~ ~/....}.1 <.'.P .cy)I
if l-l Explain the concept and essential of ownership. Describe briefly the differ~&~:kfr:id'ia ( o~ _P'e~ hi'p_-
'l . ..:'-· '"'-?,-1··~ •. \"'·.... ,. .,,1•~
N.B: 1. Answerallquest1ons :: , •,· , ·1'.'.~i1 :--:,,:~,,~v...,V/.;; -~,,,;,·
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2. Total marks for the questions are inaictecL.;iti'lli'e·.tighteh'd:, ,$;_
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Q.1 Answer all questions in one or two sentences:- _;, ;I ,, , "' ,,,;-'~:· ~~"'l.: r _)/~
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a WhatislawaccordingtoH.L.AHart? ..< 1
,~:,. .....v / , _ ,· ,,~o;-: ,' '<)<f:::y,", 3r" ......~~~ /", .Jr::, -v, \~~,...... .. ... , .,, '
b What are negative rights? Give an example •.f,,~') ~~-? .-;< ~:?·~ \ s>".vf ~?,.t":: ."x· '."'l"-'r.v - ~".,,_~ .::_.\--t~· (;'
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C Functions of law ,;,, ,"<· ,;· 0 <s '6• ,-:;· -~ )
t..,; r(' .-.::> s.'5"' ·:-, ~; vr ~ "> -.,\- ,,_<..,. ., ,. , :( •' ,:,' . ."'
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e What are jural opposites? ,.-;f;#'.:._~"~~~·~:
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How can legal rights be acquired? . . _.-: :;,'-,.,; .;S~ ~...,;,>~: " . . , ..,<:P /';5 .;~ {.~ 1" : ·/ .~~ i
~:,::: ............,, , , ~-,.'( ~ , , ' A, <:- • ' • "• • '
g What are fungible things? ..-i'<:\·,'>) -~.,,<::• )::,'; , ". '\' ;,· · ·· · , ': v:.,
h What is the meaning of corpus possessip_nfs:?':~'\;':,} ~-' ,· · ., ·· ·•'
What are the three rights on the obje,cf bWhJd:?'~ ' · · ·
Sanctions .: ,. · :-• · ·
,i. ,.
Q.2 Write short notes on any four: - ,,
a Conception of law in the Vedas.
b Characteristics of a legal right "
c Incorporeal property
d Merits and demerits of:codifkations··
e Kinds of obligation~; •,,.<.-··~:_:.·.:. \,,t . .> ,·>-· :·-
f Advantages of inc01:p·6r.afi6rl.:.~·4.._~'',.___('.-:--,-¾ ,~:\., · : , .:;.~ ~. ,.:.~ n•'·?••
Q.3 Answer an¼ '
A Gandhi and:~so
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t ,ir~\ lea'der.S:~ow)i;•b'h~veadopte.d
,-..,:,, ---~·.e~ "v ""- ~ -"' ..,. ' . , .
peaceful means to start movements to
liberatE;~£~~Jt~~t1.!r'1ift\~i<tp5efa~:_e' ,qfo~~iii~":i,olp.hifr.i¢ifu'es. ·,
i)_;;'Exp!a1ri,:i\·aw:-n1lur-'iit1.aw,'th~j?~.,wg~c,~~1:b~d'ea'f i:onceived by these leaders?
,·iiJ,:S1J)ff~"?~llt~t~/8~'.t0ij#t11~ ~til~ITs~1ewr~wci;~oiiiivist views regarding these. movements.
s yf,di~QJ'~ ti ldi\ ;f~~~$~-blbi~'~ blfni"gc5:oali,i:tt?e1iouse of Raja bv mistake. Raja treats the goods as his
,....; ,_~
.. hd·~s~s~
:'\. '~\~• . . . •..'fJli'e:~pi_ -~~ci\?oa't:wm!' afii~~fulh
'.~f goods he used. However there was a fire in Raja's .,.·:~'-~::'#.i¾:>~:~:,·~:··:/
·, ~~<.) .. <.,.,>~~'> ',~.,~:;;,·<l-~,..-' \":.,,. W x:· "G-··
-..>~hous~)and-WJUlarri$l(l(eS,~~J.a ~''Pf¢'J5ertrftow1!e~, '
~,,. :~.;,',.:S>"I-f~:,i wiftf:Jh:fenti(1€di{,# ~6hij)-;~aW~~~i! reasons
,-:•.:~.-.... '-!:-~· ,;:.•tt\•,,-, )- ,•,..,_ ~-... ~0 -·"- ~vf_;;f";-..:s".. ~-'>- ·-5/;;,,~---~ ,.,'~ -»:-
,~~, ;;,~, ,,,·~· ,:-;,i 1)-~>.Ex·pla!ri!WftRt;,quas ~n,t,ra(it~riif,•1igat1ons are?
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gwork in a house. While repairing he found some articles of gold
-~i;J.~:,?i fl;_,~ri}f~!s-; ~~t1~~:ign~\T';t,o{~1~ :~_~g t~find how much was the ornaments worth. The jeweler refused to
-.>,/~:f,sr; t~~~,5--t~~' ~{~-~ t t\~\~6e.s;~!~i~e\s.u ed the !eweler and recovered the same from him.
;,i:-t:s.~-(".'_(~~ !);'. / x~l~~~-; li;.~~~iyil~($f 1~2ro possession.
.~:4~;~;~/~;~~;;~:~_;;j::~-~)rlJr:fl;t ·
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4s :
~; / if_ ' f riticaUy -ex~min ~ •tlie'_gr9y..th of natural law and Its Impact on the legal systems
s:~~'; , b;,,, P~fine"property anl:f-explaln the different kinds of property a person can own lawfully?
..,> ~:,' / . · Explainthe·fo,nctions of law? .-~--
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( 3 Hours)
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N.B.: (I) All questions are compulsory. C0"",t ~ '.~1f'./:~~l¢fp~~~~
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c) Mr. 'P' instructs Mr. 'R', a merchant to buy a ship ¥Ji'~$~~~#gJ~9~~c rt~~~/'/>/
.,',_.'<,~ ~~f:."'f/ /{ ""'.j,..x' :-,
~•,'-./-~• :_:~
".. ~ •(f r
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks. ~'<,6' ••;) \•t'°f~, ,~t,'(, ship surveyor of good reputation to choose a ship (§f~•}?_~1fi'~~~o~<it$(~i~~J, 0/~,~
. . ~•-f.
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(3) Give reasons/ case law wherever necessary.
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the choice negligently and the ship turns out to b~li$~'W~M~1~~s.tr.:~.::: ,;;'-' ~-~'" &/ /; ..-
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\~ :~>,{n"~~~~~ :..~,( 1) Explam who 1s Sub-Agent? . ~• ~--"0 ::,:,':' "'",;;':'.;''...o,· ;t,,-.;f" _., ,.,--~~ .-
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1) Answer the following in not more than two sentenc~' ~a~l: Who will bound to make good the los~~~l&.$J~~~tft f f £ ;: ,:.,'!·: 0 -. · •• - • -
ii) ;1) -~"' :-. ., ,~)/\
a) Define Pawn. . , \ ':..', ,', <·-
. .'-)t'i~':{
,, ,:,• , ,, "- ,\°' , ,.,. ,. ',<'> ~:{f'~~}~~/
, ""'.~,.__,,). ,,•,,~,,, "\•~· .• ::, s,•, .;,'·
iii) Will Mr 'R' be responsible for thft!;_.~~11cf<it~fW~f~tt4,M~ ;,P'.J:7 :
:;_~-:;.., ..r ~~'J -~.:::, ...;_;•,:--.\ ... , ::..... ,:,.,
..,. ~ . '
Will you advice to register a partnershi~ firin')j_,(ijt'e.'Ueason~ - -'.,-t/{1\ :::--·~, ,-,._J/;'J;i}.:-'!'
t),.•<'l~•Jv \:
l .
Give appropriate reason.
. {)~-~~ (f / ,. }/ ,'t"',,., ~ ~t <.:3.(~:;;v.:-0_<.~."; ' i~.::;_': ::
~"~s. ·-!J;,·,;:.,\';';:>('f-i_,,,,f~.:'\v . ;--,·: ,,?_ ·: >",, :,,', '
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. : < ·,-\) ,,~ •,y~" -'Y ~ ,..:-kl~,!:?--~' ,'\\-:,~,
c) Who1sDelCredereAgent? . . , ;: ;· -~"> ,·0 ,:,;-,"'"-";:;;,'-J,__~~--f'~,/:~·-,f/;-,,_.·
. •
Explain Hire Purchase.
What is 'reserve price'?
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! ~ t h e following m detail (any fo~§;_~ ,t::f~.;,.§5.f;,~""-JJ:}'';/;:-.,:: ,):'.;" '"'';S',:~, .~:- 48
/\~' I'<} ··..- ..-.::· 4."' V«.'".,"'·
:.:;i'-f.,y ~<.;, . ' ' ,~-'\~- -~·. .::,: «)"'11'.' -,..\"' " ,"' :;?'.,-..; ,;, , i;:' ~ -'c "..-:> .-<) ' ·~·-' ;• ' . " ·.~, . _, ,~
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r-.'f!._.~ ,,:;')J ·l~ ~'v'~"'( ~·• -..,)v ,.('- ~,.';'0" •~ :-:"';'
Who 1s Pnnc1pal Debtor? . .-~ ,'t.::-" :.' '-:_., , a' I
,,>...._...,,A.. . . . . ,. . . . \ ';-..- ;,,. :0~ '1.< ~" c'·~,-o ~ds~o"f~{~lM{;~";:- :S:us": 1/lb:~~;tf~s\itbailor
~s:;}~;t~~1~~!;1~~tlt ;,~:;§;:t\:!r1
a) Define bailment Ex lain
g) Give various types of agent$~('_;~-~:"i-',,,~'-.( ',,:\~:-,' ,_< '--:0;,;: ~-,J "'"'7.,/ ~v <>;': \~
h) , th emearungo
Wh at1s - f•t<i''·'~S,..-,, i·'~•",,c, ,, ' ,, ' "~- ,:--.r,_'j-~Q.~,,,;,>/,;;;:v •
,·o>n~a1~~en,r.-::, ,-'~ --- .. , ·,-·., •, .-'<~•-,, '
1v, ::,,,-s, 0· and bailee . p
i) What are the four ~~'9~~W,\~~-!i~;~?,ti~,~pef.§t~~i~fa) of Indian b) Discuss the
• imPlied -> co' ..diii~~f
... . . . ..-;;,1:';.,~#m':\t.,QSitil:_acf<i>£'S'aie:ofGoods.
." ~~.). .;,:-:,".-:,. " -=·- :. · .::-.:
Partnership Act, 19~?/ _~""\~\q-s'\-~~->;\\' ~":<;,-i-'.' ,;, ,,<-I"{/,,; ,·"'
V) 0"~ "\, .:} : :--· ..;. , . . c) Define Dissolution' i3f~.;s~~il-'Jlr6;;o',s'~difi ·~tdt~iiitlo'i{~f.: ~ership firm.
:'<. :,,.,; .$~> . ." ' o:I -~ · ,\ ' ' .;·,,·_:~P,..,.--:
Define 'Goods' 1:m!et~hl'.~ 6.r:G'®l~~le;<.l:9, 0i'..~•} ~;,' "',-;;
-:0 • :,,J -~ '\,; ~' "'V " \ ~ -,"
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j) -~[
~ 'v- ::;,""': -~:- ,/J:'-.,,°<l<[;~~~':_. ~.,. d) Explain essent~if~~~~~~J~@s1~~~\~¥1¢h 'Contract of Sale'
. ~;~!;,v:,..,~ ;,;.,? ; ;' -~"§f:::>v ;._~~~ :jf~(.,':::~ :/·. ,. :":,._;:y .~,_:..._:' '.:, ::,~":.-x_..," f'-';;l.,. ,}· ( >:: ~; / :~· ~;;' r•;· ·,~\ ;~
and·Agreemenftd,~~lt $ "'~ii?~;i,q->_ :/'e:s & ~ ~0':"-.-::;;-'
.. -~ -1~1
2) Wnte shon note on anv:'fouio~ t6i-<f6ijQuiirr,;,-><_ ,_:i; ,if,.~~, 1\~ -~,
,}?> ,~1 . , ~-- <.<: ,::., -~ ,:/f
-o<:l' .:~·.o ;;,: v . ~ ~-A',,;_,.•, ~ ~
-~ <:-.(~? -~ ;:,,\,,,~<.; \''\«. ,.-?,.~' &-~ (!' ,,'.)"'
\. · ':
.r:--,,,~-::·~'$ ~/·t:; ,,..~ ,t..:-;.:-·~~,,i.:;--:- <"P>':.":.5;.,;, f<~- (;~~v ::;· (' ,. ~t)
• ~').~{,~.;._-.,<'l'y'~~ '">v 0),,,'S .)~,-.'\ ,~" ,; •-'x ,a.-:,:;_'~ Q .. e) Discuss tli(.$lbw,w~~¢tfff~mtiii>' fi'w.~~~:.
a) Indemn1_,ty@ld'ql.!_arl!Ilte(, ,, ,:< _,_-,·f~"-~"-'-'-l0>',__:;,\,>.-:-:''.<f?0~ t·:-~-:~./- \ <:?._.:::.. .v~+/ -~\~: '-~---,}~--~.·~:~\ d·\F!'
... ' ' ' -
Distinction petween'Partnershi1t in.d,~olhpagy'-.: ~,:/ :-
'..., .... , , ..., ' ":i ,)~,.,_-., " '( i;_....
i) What;:ii:~)ibje¢t•sot~ffi:S:tfatipii:of{Ii$:?';.:\Yhether registration of firm is
c) Unp_ailseller · ,. · _, ;, (·'. -~ ,-:; (,, .,;' compu~J ct >;:: ';/ ,- ' .., ._- ,:<~s·
d) Qui facit per alium facit perse ii) Can. unr~ter~:P~~ji"ip'ffein fu~:suifi~plain with relevant provisions,
e) .Auction sale _ ,., ·. . ·, '•,.··
agency:/ojs¢µ'sf,{n' detail
,, · "\, , , : , .
~/~~&¥ts:ana 'duties of Outgoing f>artrier f} Explain the concepf. of
'. : .~
'' , ... ,.,.,:;.: ::-. ::
the mode of creation and
~~~:;\:~~\(:.>): :·._ . ' tennination_ofagency_ . ,.:;,:
:..· .. :?
3) $Q:li~,~1'f-i;CJJ~efollowmg wi~ reasons: 12
; ,._~·,t~ ~~~~;.. ':"--..~,;)/,r·:,.-:· ~-
0<£:01~wf M'~:X,'b~~ffifii'¾ 'l\-1KY Speciti~ articles of Japan. Mr. Y sends these articles to Mr.
...9~-~~~~;'::_~~J"',}·':z,~{;~.f::<_.i··~:S',-~ > ,.'. . , .
§',:::.~ ~~9,~~-~:~w!?'lcf~,!b,~th~r,~rtlcl~)>fJapan.which had not been ordered.
~\;-;2J~~~~tfi;.6~,..~~·J .·~. . :,~ ~,;,• ,"' ,. _
f 1:0~':'t2:t~lf~~~~~'\-'tit~i:!~~~tp the goods? If so, on what grounds?
,?'~~<f:~t~..;?~iU~t;!>wKa'f1fiiririn'.sell¢r should take so that Buyer can accept such goods?
:~~l~t~t~~~{~t;:;? t·>.> ·
;tt1;X ~--~b)~ ~Ji.i ¥ ~.d'.;~ 'tll[_e;Partners of a fum. 'N' is a dormant partner and he retires from i,
<o~Av_.- ~ ' 0
. .
?...'' f:S•' ~);;~ ,t.{ r .--,..,.
:'~~l~-%0".:"<'".s~~efs.hi)>:-$rt2s~March 2017.
'<) ( ' •'\ N
Partners executed a dissolution deed to dissolve the
~·-~ ~)8'y~;,0« \~<6"f..J'&1+'/~"'/I:?$ " ..
'i~}~~~~~$:'ff~..<,~n-~~~~ril 2017, but fail to give public notice till 30 th April 2017. 'M'
½-.; <b~f/?J·"'- ~~,v0 :!;)
: /~··, :,$- .
,-::,~ ~'¢,f;J &~~_,. ~i'.-<:.\',.ci-•_
'R-l\l?,• _11.'l/.:t4,00,000/- in finns' name from 'Z'.
r "'-.,,v•~' :-.':\t
, \•·Y,'l'I'\;
~ () ~) ;,~/J':'·....,,;r·f ·
?'$,fff -£\t (~'tlfe'firm liable to 'Z'? Give reason with relevant provisions.
; ~l:),t.{1 \~ ._,l? l:\,',~ (.~":_f;J .~ •

=~~-::-: ,;/-:., ,;-:::' •,~--~-• .~,'.'->,<t.,~

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M~~l ~r"?..-0'!\-- Q.P. Code : 304200
·L°''\A_J Q.P. Code : 304200
(3 Hours) Total Marks: 100 marks
N.B. : (i) All questions are compulsory;
(ii) who is liable for payment of the stamp duty on the said instrument of partition and to
(ii) Figures to right indicate full marks. what extent?
1. Answer each of the following questions In 2 {two) or 3 20 marks (b) Chintamani is cultivating agricultural land belonging to the landlord Dilipsingh
(three) sentence (Q Can Dilipsingh sell the agricultural land? What is procedure to sell agricultural land
under Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act.
.a) Define 'chargeable' under the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958
b) Explain the meaning of "Planning Authority" under the Maharashtra Regional and (ii) Can the procedure be contravened what are the consequence of such contravention.
Town Planning Act, 1966.
c) Define 'administrator' under Land Acquisition Act.
(c) Amar, a non-agriculturist, wants to purchase an agricultural plot of land situated at
d) Define •Agriculture"
Panchgani, from Vi jay for setting up a tourist resort.
e) Who is a "landless person" under the Maharashtra ~ricultural landJ (Ceiling &
(i) Is Amar permitted to purchase the said land, for setting up .of the tourist resort? Why?
Holdings) Act, 1961.
f) Define Superior Holder under Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966 (ii) Advice Amar on the procedure to be followed for setting up the tourist resort?
g) Define Boundary mark
h} 'Improvement' under Maharashtra Land Revenue Code
i) Define cess under M.H.A.D.A. 1976? Q.4 Answer the following (any four) 48 marks
j) Define T.D.R.
(a) Describe the parameters to be considered while determining compensation for
Q.2 Write short notes on any 4 (four) of the following: 20 marks acquisition of land.
a) Award {b) Explain in detail the legal provisions pertaining to "Unauthorized development' under
b) Nistar Patrak the Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act, 1966?
c) Section 50, 51 under Maharashtra Land Revenue Code
(c) Describe the different activities. permitted and restricted in the various Coastal
d) Wazib -ul-arz Regulation Zones?
e) Admissibility of instruments which are not properly stamped under the Bombay
Stamp Act (d) Explain in detail the provisions pertaining to structural repairs under Maharashtra
f) Descnbe the documents compulsory to be registered under the Registration Act, Housing & Area Development Act, 1976?
(e) Describe in detail the procedure of adjudication and legal provisions pertaining to
instruments not duly :Stamped under the Maharashtra Stamp Act. 1958?
Q,3 Solve any 2 {two) of the following, with reason,: 12 marks
(f) Discuss the restrictions on sale of agricultural land described under the Maharashtra
(a) Ram, Rahim and Albert have executed an instrument of partition of a jointly held Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948?
property, whereby the said property is partitioned in such a manner that Ram shall get
30% of the said property, Rahim shall get 35% of the said property and Albert shall get
the remaining 35% of the property.
(~ Is sucb an instrument of partition to be registered?
L0314 &L071B / L0058 CRIMINOLOGY AND CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTR1J~~!'f,; '.;·; ,., ·.· .
~((,.:' ·( \' :/;>'">;:,,',,., ,., / ...
,i;, -~ -', 0 :: v> ",-: .: " . 'r.,.._o \ ~-' --~-- . .,,_. " .
Af-z-\ \
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Q.P. C99,e,.is.~2?.:.•'JY'.,:,' t,·:~r1.,. \0'J Q.P. Code'?l6'6'iif ,}..,/<";/ ._:::1; _,_,,. ,: . "
[Time: Three Hours]
' {"'< ....,-..: (',..
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, ·,-",; '!','' :ClMli.tk's1'i!ID d)
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,__,, , ..
Explain the following
/::· ;,;:,.:::- ,0 :~ ·7) ,,,' ., ' ;,,
, , _, :',,,~,<)_;'{,":;'':, .,_:,~,v~~;'
' ;::,'?J<:t" Ch'-:"\, <._,,.,:-; 5: -~~- ~- {_,J '"' ... -"
I) Prison reform in India ; 0";' -~ :t' <': ~: ·: '' · · • ·
\ '\,_,
Please check whether you have got the right,question·pape'r. i,' :;.~· ~>f• ;c?·v~'.:-~\,'>/'e::,,·:1 Ii) Open Air prisons in India ,,<'\,;.:
'";1 •,~~'"-.$"::<.)~~-:;'.-.:>~/;,)~: J e)
' .' ... ,,
9t· .'. i,,_,, ,' ,
- ,~ " Explain the following In detail
Ql Answer in not more than two sentences · ·' '· ' '() '" , ''. :'> +> ,;:J:ot j I) Bio- physical factors and criminology ,,/-.<-' -S</'. :~::; ; '.'
Jc ~f:.•>,;_· :
a) What1scnminology?
• • •
, ,, , , , ,·,,:.-5•_<~·,,.,'f";,
•' \' ',::- : ~' ~v
ii) Drugs addiction as a cause of crime :_ : ·
b) · .:·,,..'·· '. / ,: , , ·; ',,/.:_\ ~;)'.-0''~\,.,,~~ f)
, " •
Who is a juvenile delinquent under the Juvenile Justice:Acf?,.._... .. The aim of criminology and victimology is to find causes,~nH:solotidit1oRpcev ifnjic;>n'iifcrir(l~.
c) Name any two theories of punishment "· . _.:· .:.. 'x:,\ :· ~,-, {'";/~:\ ..}/~~~~:,"/(.' -~·'. .~c:\9 0"'~~\f . ('. , .~ -~ ~-;-~:-. -~r-:":< ...;;;-~:' .~"'!/ ,.~•,-;·r'_----:- _.,- -- .<..:.·..::-
What is parole? . ,
Name any two schools of criminology
i {/~\;~:\'.:~{}:~~,':i,\d:~..)~:?•~t~f1:,;~;~~~-;"
.;.'. ,· 0"', ,:::c -:::>,:-/,,;' (f\j_~ ~)', /!i\,"'-{;:0:.i_',- ,"'··,;:;.-<-,y ,;> ,$:/'

Explain. ,:·,.,,; 0 ;::, <,, '>.. ,

.,. -'/}. ;'-,,i;•:{:-\;;--{1"• --~ . . . '-
f) •
What IS cnme syndicate?
• •
• • .,_ .•,~:) ~'·- ~ --.-::: . . . , >_.~•.,, ,,.,:" .,;:;.·-~,1-,,:--r.~ ~;; '),) ~<,'\ :'>,.,.-0":._ . . .. ,«;
, '.'v~~ ;_'i:," . ..<:f',_'f~ -;:~~--:,::{' ,,'-G~t-~~~~--·~~~--.;_'V~~~'.) "'<r:.S~~<;;
.-..:) . . '\ <;-,. :, .. .,,.. '"<' _, -~ ,?;::} .;h _,..._. ·•"'' -.,'.\, ·,o '\ > ·-::' £)
g) _:_":,, <' . .:---.;} ,S~ _,..._J ,-~- .. \,'• -,> ',<\· ·-.> tl-- '0,'<->. ~t/'-\':J ,:~<\;,\ --.~· / ::; -~
A •
What 1s observation home?
i) ::~:~~:;;;rruption
j) Write any two ways to curb prostitution, · / · · ·" ·. ;':/:
--~_?-' , ~)\~ •::.< - _-::_c I
Q2 _Write short notes (any four) ·,<. '. '. /: ·.~.l·:;\{' 20 I
a) Organized crime in India _<'-.:/: \\.,.C::\i'
b) Int erpoI <~;" ~}i"-..,l.__._
·· ,,, . ,,.,.,:, ,;,, ~,
c) Victimology '\9
-.> ' / <'-,,,V
~.,., ""~
d) Preventive theory o~crim.e. \.. , -, ,.<·:.f<i\,V
e) Nee- classical schoo{ ;S' <._. i ·v, ,: :,,f' ,;>'/,v :,. . ,-$' -::.9 ,~;i. ' ,,_ ,., ..... '
Positive scho•o; / ;~~itttt}si:'::~f~,·,_', , _ . ~\ '.
Q3 Solve any two:_9-f1b~:foJlo,~ i-~t ':fl .•. , /:' ::, , · 12
a) Shyam, a.i -fl{e'a?b1d;,:iciy:left hti~e,b~cau~e,ol
,, '-f> , ...... ·') , ., ' • . ·<>,.' , , ',. ' , " ½ il[. treatment
. '"- .
by parents.
He started begging on
Roads, ":,.-S,e>,,_'etn(~~fostifu't,e'talie,hinho;tl\e,,'i)r.i:ithelfrous
C- ;;.1- <-...0- '':':'. ,._'s; .. , .,_v A,,,,,•:-' "' ;_•,••, '> <?.:• . . <,,-..• .· "• '
e?She-gave him employment there
Js ,$e'em'i!;'g1JilfyJ
<-,.,/ ;,,- ,., v:..,,,
,. i('any'offeiice t Ho,;v?,-',. ·- ', ·'. , ,,
,:.,._v ,:-., ~ ,...,, __ v .,,.., ~, _,_. , .·.·-...,., ,~>.
~ f ~~\try¢8h~N~%'.q'.u/~qtjgffp~,11,t,'.i\~•~vij,g-for{ ~habilitation of a child like Sh yam?\
,i~~ili}~:;t:~1~/~lo:5:~tf~?~/-~ti/:<,<: ,.
b) ,,,;-·:flfu:i:i_;wJt~fi~e]l;~!13i(f~$~1~QiP£2;:37,i;;q_f~Pl9md sentenced to life imprisonment. He started
,J?~~~i,~}q1~~J;y~.,,~ j~~:~~~~tli6Hi { h:e';s~tfji)ilal;gai,g members inside the prison started harassing
~<;fst-s~~!ro"i ~~:f.J\:~~~-t~~~~~\'\;:s::;~;,:~ -~-~~\~;
~-":-5/-;\ ,5'j:Ji;M1nai'feinedty13,,(i\VOUt91il(l' to'svggest Pintu?
t··,.<;, · t ·
>._ . -~_,,. (v.v,,,,....',.-......,. ,:. .,. , ,,_.,).,.;_'>f , -..\/ ,-.;:
. . •:v ... ~, .... \,,) ......... 1 ,_,; ,,:,/ • • • •
f ':f~}~~~~~ ); ',s~:~f~.e'~~a,~~~11?~,e ~ a~e}_rs1det ,he pnson to curb such act1v1t1es?
,,.;.._;>_:,._ y(:,; >..' .t) ..,.Y,.-.._J :, >..,.t: ''•'\".,,' ·_,. .. :'--" .-
v> ~;&~i'2~.
,._,, ~Ri1i~i'~,t~
x.: ,:_:;,~.rivii:tidGeeta~
~ ~••'/• '. ,...,v,~::-:-:,,. •a' preEnant
£• \, '"'-.;, , •.-.., .. '"\ women living in live-in-relationship with Sonu for
,\~, ~,c ,~'>;-tisfn~ orfi( gri'evp4{hui:t:b~au'se'of his ill treatment to her.
~" ;_">;
_ ~'v:;P;:i;'•'t-:i:)~.f
\.~ (.t'.) ¢>'~ ,_.,-., .._,:., .'- ' "'- ,,. ' '..,1 !"'~ -~• ·" 'v•· .
~,, ~--.an
. -,._,~if~-15.,:released:q.n
, ..,,, ~::::> ·parole? On what grounds?
';,4,.. ,•~- , 'v'" "'
;~;:/v:·~/(.'-?if;&\'!1~\'fs.{hei')fp~-~ oflive in relationship on the society?
,'\ '<' 0,..•• -~"',
-~~1:1~5~~?~$~.it;:t~r_;·:\·~,:,,··:,,, f
~o\f~)'~~~~~~~J1Y,J8.(l~~!Jh,e;f?llowing . . 48 :,

, ~)}f:?~~}l}!}!~¾tf iJJ,9~!/~_ftion and procedure of J~e~ile Justice Boa rd. t
,{,b),~ ~ ~ ~~~.;):~J,P!,_~jrl?[,~ .9mbrozo's theory of Born Cri'.'11~als. !:-
,._. ,.-- - -:, ,,.,.,
~t \~~W1~~f~!l~~t~ on the sociological school of cnmmology
l:f!/};/:/·~, .,. .
!- -:--
,,' .·,:,i):-;}~;~i;~)i:~:'· 2
- ----
Q.P. Codei:09119 '· . . \ :- .
[Time: 3 hours]
' /
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T\A"r'1J~,~ '- .! ~~~k5;:t"Q
,. .
~ ' . . · -;11 __
··•"' 20 \:t- Q.P. Code :09119
Q.4 Answer in detail any four:-
Please check whether tou have got the right,qu,eJ~~l\~~per.: . : ,<; : , a. Explain historical school of jurisprudence. Critically describe the contributions·made by Von Savign,/'and
N.B: Henry Maine in the growth of historical school. ·
1. Answer all questJ.011s . , · ,~ ,',J .__ ; ,·' ,t,· · . .,' ' · .,
b. Define property and explain the different kinds of property a person can own \awful\'/.
2. Total marks for the questions are indicted in'th n)ht ~tit!; . : : :< ::--~ c. Explain the different sources of law in India.
7 ·'
'-, . ' .) ' ' : ' '-:-.' d. Describe the status of corporation as a person. Explain tbe different kinds of corporations.


Answer all questions in one or two sentences:-

How does Austin understand jurisprudence?
What is distributive justice?
What are the exceptions to common law?

e. Explain if custom is attributed to the force of law. Describe the essentials of a valid customs.
f. Explain the advantages of law and describe the different kinds of law existing toda'/ .
What are the two main sources of law \
e. State Kelsen's theory of Corporate personality.
' '
What are fungible things?
What is the meaning of sententia legis?
h. What are the three rights on the object owned? ·,. '
i. What is subordinate legislation? .,
j. How can legal right be acquired? _;·" _,..r-
Q.2 Write short notes on any fours:-
a. Characteristics of legal rights
.'.'' --.,':-. ,\
b. Conventional customs
c.Sociological school of jurisprudenc~ \\
d. Purpose of a trust .
e. Encumbrances ·
f. Corpus possessiii nis''. .,i,,
Q.3 Answer an~-t'l( o,--. :--,''0 ,.
__ . . 12
A. ThomsoQ}sJ i:c_iij~:e_n.D'f,a\ouritry'called ~etecia. He murders Watson belonging to country Moldavi in the city 1
of'Berv,a; rt S~ ,!~ilaficLThoi:nsqnwas apprehended by the police when he was on a visit to Moldavi.
iJ?<- ·i o o~s'the Courts of Moldavi have jurisdiction over Thompson? On what grounds can he be
. ' .convicted?
. ii) Describe any one case where this particular theory was applied
B. A carpenter was engaged to do some repairing work in a house.. While repairing he found some articles of
gold ornaments. He took them to a jeweler to find out how much was the ornament worth. Jeweler refused
,: to return the ornaments. The carpenter sued the jeweler a nd recovered the same from him.
'.· _-i) Expla in the carpenters right of possession.
..,.. , ? . ; : ii), Discuss the essentials of possession
· .>C:? 'Jt .w~s ~-cu'storn in a province where people belonging to Kunti community were required to deliver manure < .-
.. ''tp th~:fa i:_m'e:'r ~ JfeJongio g to Oevaria community. It was a custom practiced from a long time since Kurki were
·. ,• a-ini_no rity'i~:Jhe;P.[OVince wher~ Devarias were dominant. A dispute regartling the same has been brought to
:; 9~}oiJ~_ogiriJ9n,; r.
,/ , ;
::i) .What-Wpuld b!! your opinion and why?
>/ >·'i)) :··W~_at.,.a ~pJct~of th f v;ha' iocal custom would you stress upon?
. : ~:·. ,, .. ',
; , ,' ~-•v
·• •cs'' · ·._ 1 ,
t\\ov .
~\;fod\ 2~8-1f:, . ..\ 2 QP Code: 23811
Q..t)\-;J-- (3 Hours) [rotahJJ ~tks( i.O~f
. . . :--~. ~- '\ : . ' ~' . Con \?JO.ft
! . :IC
N.B.: (1) Al\ questions are compulsory i. Who will be liable to make good the loss to Amit- and why? .
ii. Whether Deepak will be responsible for negligence of ship surveyor? If so
(2) Figures of the right indicate marks.
on what grounds?
(3) Give reasons/ case law whenever necessary.
4. Explain in detail - Any Four. 48
a) What is meant by delivery of goods? Explain various.modes and-rules governing.
1. Write on following in two - three sentences - 20 delivery of goods. ·,
a) General duties of partners
b) Explain 'Condition and Warranty' in de!,lii\. along-with-the·implied cooditiohs and
b) Dissolution of the firm by court order ,
warranties. When breach of condition,t:nay b~ .treated as breach of warranty? ,
c) Discharge of surety . . ·" ;\'1 ,. _ ,"' ,•.• ,"' : "\ ,r
c) Write in detail - ·'· · ·· ·
d) Sale on 'sale or return' basis ; .• .. , '
' ...
.. '
'·'-' .· \' a) Legal consequences of no_n:'~~gistrati911 of tl:i¢ firm
e) Impact of insolvency and death_~'~Ji~rtt{e(on. fiiji1 ., . ,_\, ,·
b) Contract of Guarantee ana. (;9htract o( lndem~ ty .
f) Consideration of contract of Quiga-ot~¢· /~ { ,_, .· ,' .
,,· d) Mode of creation and termin~tiqn 9f ·c ·ontfa,ct Clf !!geticy. . . ·
g) Effect of mixture of goods tit!"i~,J"it~ \'i~f~r:{i~n~¢~( ..., ,.·
h) Minor as agent or as principiif.~t ·,;\'' /· <~ :' ·,,., ··. '
e) Define 'Bailment'. Write oti'ri~~-~d -duti~s-:i)f'Ifaitor ·and Bailee.
,, . , ': -. t- ,.,.' . ,:.: :.- '" . '~ -: , f) Explain provisions regar.dijitid~isijci~ b{:riey,.r;pa~~r-' and expulsion of.. a partner.
i) Agent's authority in e1;nei;g~n~t i_·i\,'\.,~_>- ··:: _ ·,'
.) Wh . ' And liability of a partne\,t~wirds~ih~ 11Krtriers-: 'f1tht'anci-third-person after ceasing
J o 1s sub st1tute
. d '• ' ? ,, '
ag~i;it. . _,,··, ·-_..::".J·g>
" "· '
. ?,, -~-. tobeapartner ·:, ',, )·'.'. .· /• · · · ..
- 3-. ,: -, .:':t ,,..:~: ..;;-'·,,

I ,:,
2. Write note on Any Fow:::cif.f~llowing,::. : ,.-:: ' -.:: ~- -,~
20 • • • • • ••
a) The rights and-duties ofout-going.-parfue;sf Z':
b) Rules of transfer of title under Sale of·U 6ods 1\pt,:-
c) Pledge and.Bailment · ·. ., , .
d) Explain.. 'Risk prima facie passes witlr property':filo~g'with its exceptions.
e) Rights.-and puties ofindemnifier. · · · .· '
f) E~-p1,a:i~~ari9us kinds of special contracts under. Aci of 1872.
. i' \~ .
3. Jt~irI~\~itht h~ ~eason the legal treatment of following cases - Any two 12
...~):f.A ~'h;ai'!.d B'harat entered into a.partnership that one of them was to get a salary of
·· Rsi:5;,0'0.o\ ;p.m. in.lieu of profit and he was not responsible for any loss or liability
,ot'thd:1rm., •· .· ·. ; .
,' i.: ::croi:such.' l?~!~n ed_pers.o n be,the 'legal partner? Give reason. \TURNOVER
. .i : -: .l,:,a:Y;:d<l_\½l•~tsta~t?l'.X•t royis~oll(f~r testifying the relationship of partnership.
:' ~b) Bh ima.orderi;i'froi:_n ),}ju~(Sp~ciffed articles of China. Arjun sends the ordered articles
' .,. '~ tri Bhiroa:in.nkn.p_tr:with._o\}i~; articles of china which had not been ordered.
·r .
C:anJ~Jy~r.i,e~i~;,to.accept the goods? If so on what grounds?
. .'\i~' ·~ het~~t $eller:c~ compel the buyer to accept the goods? How?
·· ':>~f&n\t.ihstrut\Dee~ak ~ merchant to buy a ship for him. 'Deepak employees a ship
" ·sun;e'jot ·.oj:'.•;~ \lr.?od,:-reputati.on to choose _a ship for Amit. The surveyor makes the
_? ;'~,~~-n.~l).\'t-g,ent\:f and s\frp turns out to be unseaworthy and is \ost.
-- ---:-----~~ Q~.P
--O ~.CC;od;e~:2271
L0. "'J \..o,vJ ~, •\I• ')_f / 1-- - ,.--;- :=;•••
r u>'
I I.
On 1 March 2006, there was a declaration about Public use of land. The
collector passed an award on 111 March 2009.
What ls the effect of declaration of public use of land
(3 Hours) [Total Marks lOO] ! i'Ill.·. In the aforesaid case, ls the award passed by the collector valid.
N.B: (1) All questions are cumpulsory
4. Answer Any Four.
(2) Figures to right Indicate full marks.
a. Set out the documents of which registration is optional.
b. State the procedure for repairs or reconstruction of buildings which suddenly
1. Answer In 2-3 sentences each. collapse.
c. Critically analyse the regulation of permitted activities In the Coastal Regulatlon
(a) Define "land" under the land acquisition act?
(b) What Is ''engineering operation"? Zone.
I (c) Define ''.Joint Family" under the Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948.
d. Explain the provisions of adjudication of stamp duty under the Stamp Act.
e. What Is Development? What are the powers of the planning authority to deal
(d) When do land acquisition proceedings lapse?
(e) What ls "plot" under the MRTP Act? with unauthorised·development?
f.Explain under which circumstance you can make a reference to court. How are
(f) What does an award under the Land Acquisition Act deal with?
(g) What Is foreshore? the references adjudicated?
(h). What Is ~market value" under the Bombay Stamp Act 1958?
(I) What Is the formula to calculate the FSI?
(j) What does Nistar Patrak contain?
2. • Write Short Note (Al)y Four)
i. Write a short note on mutation and disputed register.
Ii. Structural Repa irs.
iii. Matters to be neglected in dermining compensation under the Land Acquisition
iv. Certification issued by the collector under Stamp Act
v. Wajlb-ul-arz
vi. Encroachment on Government Land.
3. Solve any Two of the following
(1) Smt Rane excecuted a will on Jan 1 2017 but did not register the will . Smt Rane
expires on Feb 1 2017.
I. Is registration compulsory in case of will?
II. What are the consequences if the will is not registered? In the aforesaid
situation will the "will" take effect?
~2) Shri. f>.\bert wants to re'i\ew the order of the Talathi under Maharashtra Land
l\e'ienue code, 1966
i.St ate the reasons under which the order of Talat hi can be reviewed.
\\. \'r\ t.he. a:\ore.sa.\d case. \N\t.h. 'Nham and i. n 'Nha't ti.mG can revic-v.., bn fil n rl
(T'imt: ThrN Hovn)
Q.P. Code :16629
....,.. '

Ple~e dhedr. whet~ voo have got th-e rrght quest~n p3per.
Q.1 Answ@r in not more than two stn1e-~ s 20
a) What i$ organi1ed t.rlmt?
b} Any two caus~ of d~gi addition
cl Any two CBUsM o f Juvenilt delinqUt l'l'Cf
d) What is patrolling
e) What ls v i, tlmology
f} What is crime synd icate
g) What ls Black marketing
h) Define children's home
i) Define special home
j) What is pyromania
Q .2 Write short note (Any Four) 20
a) White collar crime

b) Positive school : ' ' " ' ',' : ': ' . ,'

c) RAW
d) Cyber crimes
e) Open Air prisons
f) Self-Government in prisons
,.,.. '.•.'~•
Q.3 Solve any two 12
a) Ram went to the police station to lodge a compl~irit/ The D~tv officer insulted him . Ram annoyed,
took a rod and hit him on his head. ·· · ·. ·
i. What offence Ram has <:ommitted
ii. Is the police officer.guilty of any offence

b) Amisha wasfo n~ed ofurger:itmoney for her mothers operation.:She, for the time being indulge
herself into :pf9_stittitio'J'.1/ ~arned:money, her problem got resolved. She then left the prostitution
i. ,· ·-. : ~
Wnat-off~nte:Ami:Shahave,committed? How? •..·
~-... . ~-.. . . <' . . · , . . ., ~- .. . : .· .: .:,· .., •. . ..: . :.: ... . .' . " . ' . .
ii. A-> Sugg~st.ai').y'.twa~wa.ys.to.curb .prostitutiol') · ,. •. ·
:.· ·,:.::.:< ·..:-.~: ..~/·~:·.;·.:~--~-~.'\--~~-:~;:.:~,/;.··,::~:~_:'<_;.... . : .:·
>_ . ·:-·. ,·' <~ -~·..
:~· :· ::, --~ ,: .::: ; ·.: ,:;/

c) soma>'a ha'cjtl!atcr,imihal,,.c,o nvicteqfot, off~ri~e of r:ap~ and sentenced to life imprisonment


p,, 1.1 48

. · i. , , ·Neo classkal·sctrooLof criminology

·.· .,,i.i , .·Mti'ltiplEfthe~rY~f:irim~:causation

·• o}:.·~tt"Jiil~f=
~~~!:ft~kn;rt~.o~ ~an'n~J~r
,c) .'.'./f\htotr:igi~le'o.ffe,nd~r.s: be corrected"- comment on this statement keeping in mind
' ·. ' abbiitl ~rj ofthe-Death,Penaity \n India.
d)\ ' t:½pfa.i~ \~-~~t~{ ~h~ pt i1c¥r)form in ln~ia. .

'.~~~f~o/~(ins ~,weOn Parole ,nd inde<er_:'.",','_•~•~~"~------

;. ~t ')1,frit~ a .<:ie~ai\tie>te _on,causes of sex delinquency and remedies for the same

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