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The cartoon by RGT shows the currant trend of reading.

The subtitle states “to be honest that’s all

most people read”. We can see a customer want to buy books and behind the cashier there a two
shelves. One is titled with books, but it seems to be empty and the other one is lled with classics
but it only has the rst couple chapters in it.

This cartoon criticises the lack of interest in reading by the people today and it clearly shows how
less and less classics are being read by the people today as-well. It also shows that people do
not nish the books they start especially classics and that is why only the rst few pages are
being sold. Now one must consider all the factors that play a role in this decrease of interest.
Media and technology of course contribute to this. Many switched to reading online or on a
kindle. Other factors can be that people cannot understand old literature anymore because the
way of writing has changed in the past decades. So basically one must read a page more than
one time to clearly understand the gist of the text. Maybe this is one reason why people lost
interest in reading. This also brings a lot of consequences with it. Reading and writing is the
oldest way of passing information and if people stop reading they cannot gain knowledge or pass
on the information they learnt. People might also get less creative because a person can be
creative if they can look at di erent things in a di erent perspective. Reading encourages looking
at things di erently. In conclusion I think that this cartoon shows a very important problem that
our generation is facing today and we somehow need to increase reading in people today.

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