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Bambang Suhendro
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
• Anggota Komisi Keamanan Jembatan & Terowongan Jalan (KKJTJ), Kementerian PUPR • Anggota Komite Keselamatan Konstruksi (K2K),
Kementerian PUPR • Anggota Komisi Keandalan Bangunan Gedung (KKBG), Kementerian PUPR • Penilai Ahli (PA) LPJK, bidang Bangunan Gedung,
Keselamatan Konstruksi & Pengendalian Mutu • Anggota Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI)

Webinar “Teknologi Beton Pada Struktur Tahan Gempa” - HAKI Komda DIY - 04 Februari 2023

1. Pendahuluan : Beton Ringan / Lightweight Concrete

2. AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete)
3. Aplikasi AAC pada Precast Slab
4. Uji Prototipe AAC Precast Slab di Laboratorium
5. Reduksi Beban Gempa pada Bangunan Gedung
6. Penutup

b suhendro 2023
• Normalweight Concrete
The density of normal concrete is 2400 kg/m3
• Heavyweight Concrete
Uses heavy natural aggregates such as barites or magnetite or manufactured aggregates such as
iron or lead shot.
The density is greater than 2600kg/m3.
Very heavy concretes can be achieved with iron or lead shot as aggregate, 5,900kg/m 3 and
8,900kg/m3 respectively.
• Lightweight Concrete
A mixture made with lightweight coarse aggregates such as shale, clay, or slate, which give it
its characteristic low density. The density of lightweight concrete is 800~2000 kg/m3
• Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
The density 3
b suhendro 2023 of AAC is less than 800 kg/m
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b suhendro 2023
2. AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete)
• Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is a lightweight cementitious material, made
from cement, fine silica sand, mixing water, aluminum powder and quicklime. The
low density is achieved by the formation of non-connecting, macroscopic cells
uniformly distributed within the mass.
• Chemical reactions between the aluminum powder and the alkaline slurry
produce hydrogen gas bubbles that are kept in the matrix and subsequently
increase its volume (ACI 523.4R 2009).
• After initial setting and cutting to shape with stainless-steel wires, the AAC
elements are then autoclaved at a temperature of 360˚F and a pressure of 150 psi
for 10 to 14 hours.
• Autoclaving promotes pozzolanic reactions and produces a stable structure of
calcium silicate hydrates (RILEM 1993). Raw materials and methods of
b suhendro 2023 are specified in ASTM C 1386-07.
Low – Medium Rise Building (4 ~ 5 lantai)
Gedung Sekolah, Rusun, Ruko, Asrama, Rumah

b suhendro 2023
Low – Medium Rise Building (4 ~ 5 lantai)
Gedung Sekolah, Rusun, Ruko, Asrama, Rumah

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b suhendro 2023
• Precast Slab merupakan salah satu aplikasi AAC yang paling tepat.
• Aplikasi AAC lain yang sudah banyak diimplementasikan di lapangan
adalah sebagai dinding bata ringan.
• Berbagai kelebihan AAC adalah :

Fire Resistant - Depending upon the thickness of the Sound Proof - The porous structure of the AAC blocks results
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks, they offer into enhanced sound absorption. The Sound Transmission
fire resistance from 2 hours up to 6 hours. These blocks Class (STC) rating of the AAC blocks up to 45 db. Thus, AAC
are highly suitable for the areas where fire safety is of blocks have been the most ideal material for the construction of
great priority. walls in auditorium, hotels, hospitals, studios, etc.

Earthquake Resistant - The light weight property of the AAC blocks results into higher steadiness of the
AAC blocks in the structure of the buildings. As the impact of the earthquake is directly proportional to
the weight of the building, the building constructed using AAC blocks are more reliable and safer.
b suhendro 2023
Faster Construction - As the AAC block is very easy to handle, manipulate and use ordinary tools for cutting the
wood such as the drill, band saws, etc. could be easily used to cut and align the AAC. Moreover, the AAC blocks
come with larger sizes and fewer joints. This ultimately results in faster construction work as the installation time is
significantly reduced due to fewer amounts of blocks and the masonry amount involved is also lowered resulting
into reduced time-to-finish.

Long Lasting - AAC blocks are highly superior in terms of the strength. Higher level of strength of these blocks
gives higher stability to the structure of the building. AAC is manufactured from non-biodegradable materials, which
neither rot nor attract mould, keeping interiors clean and durable.

Cost Saving - AAC block weighs almost around 80% less as compared to the conventional red brick ultimately
resulting into great reduction of deadweight. Further, the reduced deadweight results into reduction of the use of
cement and steel which helps great in cost savings.

Non-toxic - Autoclaved Aerated Concrete products do not contain any toxic gas substances. The product does not
harbor or encourage vermin.

Thermal Insulation - AAC block has exceptional thermal insulating qualities. The thermal conductivity of the AAC
blocks helps maintaining the inner temperature to be warm during the winters and cool during the summers which
ultimately leads to savings in air conditioning load and consequently enhanced energy efficiency.

Moisture Resistance - Moisture from both external and internal sources can cause damage to buildings, therefore,
moisture protection is a primary consideration.
External moisture
b suhendro 2023 sources include rain and water from the soil. Internal moisture, usually in the form of humidity,
can cause condensation on the surface of the walls as well as condensation inside the wall itself.
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b suhendro 2023
b suhendro 2023
Low – Medium Rise Building (4 ~ 5 lantai)
Gedung Sekolah, Rusun, Ruko, Asrama, Rumah

b suhendro 2023
Low – Medium Rise Building (4 ~ 5 lantai)
Gedung Sekolah, Rusun, Ruko, Asrama, Rumah

b suhendro 2023
4. Uji Prototipe AAC Precast Slab di Laboratorium
B. Suhendro, Priyosulistyo, Ashar Saputra, Dradjat Hoedajanto
Laboratorium Teknik Struktur DTSL – FT UGM

Sponsor : Panel Lantai Grand Elephant GEF-200A

PT. Sinar Indogreen Kencana

Tujuan dari pengujian ini adalah:

1. Untuk mengetahui sifat fisik dan mekanik panel lantai
2. Untuk mengetahui perilaku lantai tunggal dan rangkaian akibat beban lentur
3. Untuk mengetahui perilaku lantai dengan topping tunggal akibat beban lentur
4. Untuk mengetahui perilaku lantai rangkaian akibat beban arah inplane pada sumbu pendek
dan panjang
b suhendro 2023
• Panel lantai GE dibuat dari Autoclaved Aerasi Concrete (AAC) dengan tulangan baja yang
sudah diproteksi dengan anti karat yang dirancang sebagai pengganti beton konvensional,
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dunia konstruksi modern yang kuat, cepat dan praktis.
• Panel lantai GE dicetak dengan panjang minimal 1,5 m hingga 6 m agar dapat
menyesuaikan bentangan balok bangunan. Panel ini dapat diletakkan pada dinding tembok
maupun diatas balok beton atau balok baja dengan tambahan mortar perekat.
• Panel lantai GE telah banyak diaplikasikan diantaranya pada bangunan industri, bangunan
komersial, hingga bangunan bertingkat banyak seperti gedung perkantoran, apartemen,
sekolah, universitas, rumah sakit, rusunawa dan sebagainya.
• Sistem lantai dengan ikatan suatu struktur gedung dapat dianggap sangat kaku dalam
bidangnya dan karenanya dapat dianggap bekerja sebagai diafragma terhadap beban gempa
horisontal. Meskipun sistem panel lantai GE telah banyak diaplikasikan, akan tetapi
kemampuan untuk menahan beban arah horizontal (inplane) belum diketahui dengan jelas.
Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengujian perilaku sistem panel lantai GE akibat beban
b suhendro arah
2023 horizontal (inplane).
Uji Berat Volume Kering Udara Uji kuat tekan silinder & Uji Modulus of Rupture,
dan Penyerapan Air Modulud Elastisitas kuat lentur

b suhendro 2023
Uji Kapasitas Lentur Panel Tunggal Uji Kapasitas Lentur Panel Tunggal dengan
(600 x 3220, tebal 125 mm) Topping 20 mm & 40 mm

b suhendro 2023
Uji Kapasitas Lentur Rangkaian 3 Panel Uji Kapasitas Inplane Rangkaian 3 Panel
(1800 mm x 3220 mm) (disertai beban vertikal 520 kg)

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b suhendro 2023Uji Kapasitas Inplane Rangkaian 3 Panel arah melintang (diserai beban vertikal 520 kg)
Uji Kapasitas Inplane Rangkaian 3 Panel arah memanjang (tanpa dan
disertai beban vertikal 520 kg)
b suhendro 2023
Diafragma struktural (Structural diaphragm)
Komponen struktur, seperti pelat lantai atau
atap, yang menyalurkan gaya yang bekerja
dalam bidang komponen struktur ke elemen Gaya transfer pada diafragma gaya yang terjadi pada suatu
vertikal sistem penahan gaya gempa. diafragma yang disebabkan oleh penyaluran gaya seismik
Diafragma struktur termasuk chords dan dari elemen-elemen vertikal pemikul gaya seismik yang
kolektor sebagai bagian dari diafragma. berada di atas diafragma tertinjau ke elemen-elemen
vertikal pemikul gaya seismik di bawahnya, karena adanya
pergeseran dalam penempatan elemen-elemen vertikal
Elemen batas (Boundary element) — tersebut atau adanya perubahan kekakuan lateral relatif
Bagian sepanjang dinding struktur dan tepi pada elemen-elemen vertikal tersebu
diafragma, termasuk tepi bukaan yang
diperkuat dengan tulangan longitudinal dan

b suhendro 2023
5. Reduksi Beban Gempa
pada Bangunan Gedung

b suhendro 2023
Sekian, semoga bermanfaat,
terima-kasih banyak atas
perhatian dan partisipasinya

b suhendro 2023

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