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Atlas Minor

How to read this atlas

This atlas is an invitation to journey through the territories of light and the
paths of gold that traverse the latitudes of the South.
It contains maps and coordinates to discover fantastic characters and travel
through places where trades flourished around film and moving images. It is
an exercise to explore and rediscover the space encompassed by Ninth
Avenue through mythological narratives. It will allow us to travel through
time and space, and above all, embark on guided routes by imagination
Orbis Terrae
In the beginning, everything was dark, and God said, 'Let there be light'; there
was light, and paths of gold were formed throughout the universe.
Thanks to the light, the territories were connected, and the beings that inhabited
these worlds learned to communicate through it. Little by little, these beings
organized themselves into communities around the divine paths. Each one
received a distinct name and forged its own trade to manage the light
emanating from the gold
Mapa Mundi
Map of the world
Ninth Avenue is the parallel that divides the
world along with the meridian of La 22. From
these, latitudes and longitudes are traced that
give rise to the rest of the coordinates. Different
islands and independent territories orbit around
them, all children of the light.
Hand-drawn map.
65 x 100 cm
The Gardens of Morpheus
Shortly after the world was created, Morpheus descended to earth and scattered
seeds on the golden paths so that they would flourish with light. From these seeds
sprouted stories that over time would reveal their immense potential to beings.
Motivated by admiration, they learned to sow these seeds themselves for their
entertainment. However, not everyone was allowed to admire those dreamlike images
or be participants in the reveries that took place in the gardens.
0°N 0°E
El Bohemio
In 1939, the El Bohemio restaurant emerged, a building that still
retains its original architecture to this day. It survived the
onslaught of the Bogotazo and has witnessed the transformations
of the territory from its windows. It has been a witness to
numerous events as well as the trace left by the endless characters
that make up this story.
The images were so novel and attractive that they reached the abode of the Gods. The
Olympia theater was one of the places that housed the most stories and spectators.
. The Olympia theater was one of the places that housed
the most stories and viewers eager to know them. During
the 70s, the images became popular, and this and many
other theaters experienced a time of splendor and grace.
However, over time, these venues, seeds planted by
Morpheus, were abandoned. Not only did people stop
attending, but the buildings themselves were destroyed.
Some still retain their facade, but access to them is almost non-existent. Others lie in
ruins and in the collective memory of those who, passing by, can still remember them
through the vestiges.
Time machines
(Places where time stood still)
On Calle 22, there is a hidden building between other buildings that holds
memories from other times. Within its walls, time has stopped, and just
crossing the threshold of the door is enough to see strange artifacts that
belonged to the past, and even the future.

1 2 1 2
3 11
10 4 3
9 5
8 7 6
10 4 1 2
11 3
9 5
10 4
8 7 6 9 5
8 7 6
The future
shopping center

More than a time machine, the future is a portal to reach other dimensions.
It is recommended to start exploring the territories of the map from there.
It is a building with internal mazes and interconnected corridors. It is
possible to find tools and spare parts to control the power emanating from
the light. This place emerged with the path of the stars, and since then, it has
been a reference for merchants, traders, and all those who wish to travel
upon crossing its doors.
Interferencias office
Artists, filmmakers, and researchers have found their abode on the third floor of El
Futuro. To learn more about this place, it is possible to refer to other texts that
describe it in depth.

Vida Nova
shopping center
As El Futuro is a portal, this is one of the places it connects to. Its facade is similar,
making it easy to recognize. Inside, it houses entertainment activities and screens from
Yeminix (a place located on Carrera 10).
Sic itur ad astra
That's how we rise towards the stars.
The light emanating from the paths of gold had allowed communities to expand and
organize around it. However, due to a punishment from the Gods, it began to scarce
and its power was no longer the same, causing increasing concern for those who
depended entirely on it. In response to these concerns, various beings brought from
other territories all kinds of electronic spare parts and tools that not only prevented
the scarcity of light but also empowered them to extract all its splendor. They
organized themselves along the Ninth Avenue and gradually grew to become an
important trade center.
The Path of the Stars
They named themselves "The Path of the Stars" precisely because it was where they extracted
technology from. Unlike the gold and light of the paths created by the gods, the inhabitants
and merchants of Carrera Novena discovered that they could obtain a great source of
energy from the sky and the elements of nature. When walking through Carrera Novena, it
is possible to look up at the sky and recognize a new universe of possibilities. Everything
there has a special incandescence, it is easy to get carried away by the screens, lights, colors,
noise, and constant movement.
The path of the Stars and Ninth Street have two great guardians who ensure that the light
never again becomes scarce: Betacolot and El Zorro. They are not only capable of obtaining
any spare parts, but as heirs to the merchants of Macondo, they constantly bring with them
newly discovered technologies.
The invention of lenses
and the multiplication of the crystals
Over time, the light blinded several beings with its incandescence. Many of them were
forced to migrate to other lands because they could not bear it. In those empty places,
new communities emerged that learned to use all kinds of lenses and mirrors. They
created magical artifacts that adapted their eyes to the light. This invention became
popular, and more and more people wanted to acquire it.
The invention of lenses allowed for an unprecedented expansion of those places that
worked with crystal. They kept expanding until they occupied immense stretches of land
and buildings solely dedicated to the design of these artifacts.
The tower that watches the world
Right in front of Betacolor on Carrera Novena, there is a tall
building that allows you to observe the world. Its strange
windows allow the passage of light in a silent way. It is an old
building that is empty and without many attributes on the inside.
However, when you go up to the top floor and approach the
edge, it offers a surprising view. You can see everything that
happens in the territory and hear the movement of Carrera
Yeminix is a territory that escapes our understanding of the world. To get
there, it's necessary to cross one of the largest golden paths: The Tenth
Avenue. Upon crossing it, it will lead us to other worlds that have not yet
been explored. It's possible to observe Yeminix from the edge of the world, and
it's easy to recognize it by the strange screens displayed on its door. They
are inheritors of another type of technology mixed in an ancient and
traditional popular game. It was precisely the search for these screens that
led several travelers to discover new latitudes.
the food of the gods
There are two great places that stand out for their great culinary value and
the preparation of exquisite food. Their fame was such that even the gods,
driven by curiosity, descended to taste them. El Cometa and Doña Pachita
offer an infinity of desserts and pastries loaded with history. It is said that
their products come from other worlds and have supernatural qualities. It's
easy to think so since not only does their taste dazzle, but also the textures
and the uniqueness of the colors.

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