Class 2

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The minute the bell rings for the lunch break in the school,the children finish their lunc
Quickly they rush to the playground with bat-ball & badminton racquets .

Many children go to swings & eat their tiffin wile waiting for their turn . Some children
Story books & some exchange their books with their freinds.
ool is great fun but the lunch break is the favourite time of the ch
ryone relax & get ready for the work ahead . The tension & tiredn
s away. The mind & body is filled with a new energy for the work
home , the playtime of children starts in the evening after finishing
Many children go to sports complex or the park to play with their freinds. Some children set up
a scrabble or carrom board in the veranda & the fun starts. Children also enjoy building models
of aircrafts, cars or making paintings. There are many chidrens who writre poems or sing songs
In free time .

Both the children & parents look forword to the school holidays to visit different places of
Interests or he meet relatives living far away.

Do you know
Indoor games are played inside a building & outdoor
Games are played open spaces.
indoor games

Chess carrom

Ludo snake & leader

Outdoor games

cricket ice hockey

Football badminton
Many leisure time activities becme full time occupation when the children grow up. A child
Who loves to write may become a writer or a news reporter. A child who is fond of building
Models may become an engineer. If you want to become a sports person,you have to start
Your training as a child. Many great sports personalities of the world had started playing that
Particular sport as a leisure time activity in their childhood .

Leisure time is important not only for cildren but also for grrown ups. Many grown up people
Go to play basketball,vollyball,cricket,chess,cards & attend music programmes with their friends
& family. Some women knit or embroider together. They also love to exchange recipes.
A. tick the correct opition -

1. the hobby that can become a full time occupation is -

a) listening music b) singing c) watching T.V.

2. Which activity is not popular among help conscious people

a) waiking b) gossiping c) yoga

3. the most popular period in school is-

a) P.T. b) art and craft c) computer

4. wich one is an outdoor games -

a) scrabble b) rugby c) carrom board

B.fill in the blanks -

1. many children goto the swings & eat their tiffin.

2. old people must follow leisure time activity.

3. the mind & body is filled with a new energy for the work ahe

4. many leisure time activities may become full time occupatio

5. children enjoy building modles.


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