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In this PDF I will go over what pixel hacks are out there. Why they work, how they work, what
they do.
As always, things that work for me, might not work for you vice versa.

Why are Pixel hacks even needed?

When you create new ads, they will be in the learning phase
More exposure because TikTok is trying to find the right audience which means you get more
exposure (Cheaper CPM’s)
After TikTok got some data (Takes 2-3 days or 2-5k rev) it leaves the learning phase and the
CPM’s go up and THEORETICLY the Conversionrate should rise too but TikTok just isn’t as
good at things like that yet at the same level facebook is doing it.
For some people, leaving the learning phase is good, for some it aint.
People often think their creative is just oversaturated but in 99% of the case, it’s the pixel
leaving the learning phase.

So lets go over different methods to stay in the learning phase

Running no pixel (Most used)

If you do this, I recommend to run it from a completely new ad acc so it has ZERO data.
Just create a new pixel and don’t connect it to your store.
With this method your ads will always / way longer stay in the learning phase.

If you still want to track your sale you can do the following:
On the creative level on TikTok you can put in UTM Parameters at the bottom (There are
tutorials for that out there on YT and Shopify)
After you have that set up you can read those values from the reporting tab on shopify:

There you will be able to read the UTM values from the creative level of your campaign.

IMO you don’t really need tracking because I recommend to run big CBOs only with this
kinda method so the most important thing is to just look if you are profitable or not (Match ad
spend + revenue)

What not to do: Run campaigns with a connected pixel first and then disconnecting it while
the ads are running. Don’t do that. 99 % fails
Creating new pixels every couple days

I did this method a couple of times. It bscly has the same effect of running no pixel but
because the pixel is connected it will leave learning phase after a couple days / revenue.
You will be able to track your conversions tho.

So what you will do:

Create a new pixel, connect it to shopify, create new campaigns always when you use a new
pixel. Scale those fast (if you know it’s a winner) and scale as long as results stay good. If
results are bad for 2 days its time to change the pixel again. Just create a new pixel again
and delete the old pixel campaigns. Start publishing new campaigns again. Don’t start with
huge budget of the start tho. Always gotta start low again and scale the budgets through the
day. You can use the same videos from the campaign before.

What if my CPMs are still high after pixel changing

There are a couple methods to fight this:

Cut of 0.5 seconds of your ad and reupload it

Change the URL of your product page and change on the creative level
Or just try completely new creatives.

Those methods can also put you back into the learning phase even if it’s the same pixel. I
just feel like it doesn’t have 100% the same impact as changing the pixel. It’s still worth a try
to do the 3 methods above before changing the pixel to see if it works like that.

I tried all and my CPM’s are still super trash (15 – 20+)

In this case your ad acc is most likely trash. Happens sometimes. There are ad accs out
there which are complete dog shit and there are ad accs that are blessed.

So if you tried all the above its time to test out a new ad acc and if after 2-3 different tested
ad accs with different products its still all ass then try creating a whole new tiktok business
account (best would be to do in a new browser so there ain’t any cookies. You can also use
free softwares like AdsPower to fight any tracing back to your old account)

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