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Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete

Nancy A. Chauvin, MD1,3 Camilo Jaimes, MD2 Asef Khwaja, MD1,3

1 Department of Radiology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Address for correspondence Nancy A. Chauvin, MD, Department of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Radiology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th Street and
2 Division of Pediatric Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (e-mail:
3 Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Semin Musculoskelet Radiol 2018;22:104–117.

Abstract Injuries to the ankle and foot are common in the young athlete, especially with
increasing participation and high levels of competitiveness in youth sports programs.
Knowledge of the normal development of the foot and ankle is crucial to understand
age-specific injury patterns because acute or chronic/repetitive stress to the develop-

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Keywords ing skeleton results in injuries that differ from those seen in adults. Congenital
► ankle injuries abnormalities may also predispose children to increased risk of injury and pain.
► foot trauma Radiologists must be aware of these distinctions to diagnose and classify injuries
► children correctly for optimum treatment. We describe common and unique foot and ankle
► pediatric athlete injuries in the young athlete. Throughout the article we focus not only on imaging
► sports injuries findings but also on the mechanism of injury.

Children are becoming more involved in sports at earlier ages Overuse sports injuries are related to constant repetitive
with higher levels of competitiveness. This has given rise to an stress applied to normal tissue without allowing for adequate
increasing number and complexity of sports-related injuries.1 recovery/repair time. In the young athlete, overuse injuries
Foot and ankle injuries are common in the young athlete and present at tendinous insertions, the articular cartilage, and the
account for  30% of visits to sports medicine clinics.2 During growing bone.5
periods of active growth, alterations in flexibility and strength Overuse athletic injuries tend to occur in athletes who
contribute to the risk of injury. Acute trauma and overuse increase their physical activity level quickly without adequate
injuries are two common mechanisms of foot and ankle dis- training, in children who lack adequate mechanical sport-
orders in active children. In addition, injury can arise from specific skills, and in elite athletes who do not provide their
congenital problems that are aggravated by physical activity. bodies with appropriate rest from activity. In many cases, ankle
Ankle and foot injuries include a wide range of ligament, injuries are not as trivial as they might seem and can ultimately
tendon, muscle, cartilaginous, and osseous conditions. When lead to disabling conditions that reduce the patient’s activity
interpreting images, it is important to consider the anatomical and lower quality of life. A thorough understanding of the
differences that exist between the growing and the mature development of the foot and ankle, along with the knowledge of
athlete. In children, the weakest portion of the musculoskeletal common sports-specific mechanisms of injury, is crucial in the
system is the physis. Physeal cartilage is prone to injury and radiologic evaluation of the pediatric athlete.
most vulnerable during periods of active growth, such as
during early adolescence. Because the physis is weaker than
Normal Development of the Foot and Ankle
both bone and ligaments, physeal-epiphyseal disruptions and
metaphyseal fractures are far more common than ligament Knowledge of normal developmental anatomy of the foot and
and tendon injuries.3 In addition, immature bone consists of ankle is important in the radiologic evaluation of pain. Ossi-
porous Haversian canals that makes it vulnerable to compres- fication of the metatarsals begins in the second through fourth
sive and increased tensile forces, predisposing them to buck- fetal month, ossification of the talus and calcaneus begins in
ling and stress fractures.4 the third fetal month, and the cuboid occurs in the sixth fetal

Issue Theme Pediatric Musculoskeletal Copyright © 2018 by Thieme Medical DOI
Imaging; Guest Editors, Ramesh S. Iyer, Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0037-1609012.
MD and Matthew Cody O’Dell, MD, MPH New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 1089-7860.
Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al. 105

month. The cuneiforms begin to ossify in the first postnatal in strenuous sports.11 Such anomalies include tarsal coali-
year, and the navicular ossifies at 2 to 4 years of age and may tions, accessory ossicles, and accessory muscles.
have multiple ossification centers. Ossification of the hind- and
midfoot bones begins and proceeds eccentrically in a predict- Tarsal Coalitions
able pattern. Secondary ossification centers of the metatarsals Tarsal coalitions are abnormal cartilaginous, bony, or fibrous
and phalanges ossify at 6 to 24 months of age and the calcaneal bridges between tarsal bones. The prevalence of tarsal coali-
apophysis at 5 to 12 years of age.6 tions has been estimated at  1% of the population.12 One
Primary tibial and fibular ossification is present at birth.6 series reported a prevalence approaching 13% and attributed
The distal tibial epiphyseal ossification centers appear be- the substantial underdiagnosis to the absence of symptoms
tween 3 and 10 months of age and the distal fibular center by in most individuals.13 Symptomatic tarsal coalitions more
9 to 22 months of age.7 The medial and lateral ossification commonly present during the first and second decades as
centers appear later within the cartilaginous anlage. By individuals become more active and involved in sports
2 years of age, the distal tibial physis is normally undulating activities. Common presentations include foot pain, valgus
with a focal anteromedial upward deviation referred to as deformity, stiffness, repeated ankle sprains, and sprains with
Kump’s bump. Distal tibial physeal closure is completed in persistent symptoms.14
girls between the ages of 12 and 15 years and boys between The most common types of coalitions are talocalcaneal
15 and 18 years.7 The distal tibial physis provides 40% of the and calcaneonavicular. Tarsal coalitions are bilateral in 50%
growth of the tibia and 17% of the lower extremity growth, of cases.13,15 In patients with unilateral tarsal coalitions, a
with  3 to 4 mm of growth per year during childhood. An larger sustentaculum tali and hypoplastic middle facet are
often identified in the contralateral foot.16 Symptoms arise

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injury to the distal tibial physis at a young age may result in a
significant leg length discrepancy.8 from the loss of flexibility of the tarsus as the coalition
On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), fatty marrow con- ossifies. Talocalcaneal coalitions ossify between 12 and
version begins  6 months after the radiologic appearance of 16 years of age and calcaneonavicular coalitions between 8
the ossification center.9 Discrete foci of high signal intensity and 12 years.14,17
(SI) on fluid-sensitive sequences may be seen in the endosteal Conventional radiographs including frontal, lateral, and
aspect of bones in the ankles and feet of healthy children 45-degree oblique weightbearing projections are usually the
(►Fig. 1). These residual foci of hematopoietic marrow are first diagnostic images obtained.14 The aberrant bony union
symmetrical and do not involve the soft tissues, thus allowing of a coalition may not be apparent due to bony overlap with
them to be differentiated from a true stress injury.10 other tarsal bones or to the cartilaginous or fibrous nature of
the coalition. However, indirect signs are usually present and
aid in the diagnosis. So-called talar beaking, for instance,
Congenital Abnormalities
results from an increase in the mobility of the talonavicular
Congenital abnormalities may not pose a problem in children joint in an attempt to compensate for a decrease in the range
who are inactive but may become painful once participating of motion.18 Talar beaking can occur in talocalcaneal or
calcaneonavicular coalitions. Indirect signs suggestive of
calcaneonavicular coalitions include the anteater sign (elon-
gated anterior calcaneal process), reverse anteater sign
(elongated lateral navicular approaching the calcaneus),
decreased calcaneonavicular gap, irregular and sclerotic
cortices, and hypoplasia of the lateral talar head (►Fig. 2).19
For the evaluation of talocalcaneal coalitions, additional
axial or “ski-jump” views are helpful additions.19 Oblitera-
tion of the joint or the presence of irregular cortices in the
sustentaculum tali indicates the presence of a coalition. The
presence of smooth density joining the inferomedial border
of the talus and the sustentaculum tali on conventional
radiographs is known as the continuous C-sign that is highly
sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of talocalcaneal
coalitions.20 Indirect signs of talocalcaneal coalitions include
a short talar neck, narrow posterior facet of the subtalar joint,
and absence of the middle facet.21,22
Computed tomography (CT) and MRI are the most reliable
methods for the evaluation of tarsal coalitions.21 Besides
identification of the coalition, these advanced methods
Fig. 1 Normal marrow in an 11-year-old girl. Sagittal fluid-sensitive
provide information such as the exact location and size of
image of the hindfoot demonstrates ill-defined foci of increased signal
scattered within the hind- and midfoot bones that are thought to
the coalition, which are useful to guide surgical proce-
represent islands of hematopoietic marrow. There is no confluent dures.23 CT depicts osseous coalitions in exquisite detail
abnormal marrow signal. and also may demonstrate some indirect findings such as

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106 Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al.

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Fig. 2 Calcaneonavicular coalition in a 13-year-old boy with foot pain. (a) Sagittal and (b) axial fluid-sensitive images of the ankle demonstrate an
elongated and broad appearance of the anterior process of the calcaneus (arrow) with irregular articulation with the navicular (arrowheads) with
adjacent marrow and soft tissue edema.

sclerosis, joint space narrowing, and abnormal configuration ior tibial tendon because fibers typically insert on both the
of the affected bones.23 In addition, MRI demonstrates ossicle and the navicular bone.8
edema in the affected bones and may be superior to CT in
cases of cartilaginous or fibrous coalitions. Other signs of Medial Malleolar Ossicle
altered biomechanics such as peroneal and flexor tendino- The medial malleolus ossification center typically appears at
pathy can also be identified.15 1 to 2 years of age and is present in all children. The center
typically fuses by 12 years of age but occasionally can persist
Accessory Ossicles into adulthood. A nonunited medial malleolar ossification
Accessory ossicles are separate ossification centers that are center can become painful in very active adolescents due to
located extrachondrally, exist at the ends of certain bones, repeated medial ankle stress, causing a traction apophysi-
and tend to fuse  1 year after ossification. When they do not tis.26 Radiographs demonstrate an irregular medial malleo-
fuse, the ossicles may become symptomatic. The most com- lar ossification center with an associated ossicle. On fluid-
mon sites are at the posterior talus “os trigonum” (discussed sensitive MRI, there will be edema in and around the ossicle
later in this article), the navicular known as an “accessory (►Fig. 4). Treatment generally includes rest with at least 3 to
navicular” or “os navicularis,” and the medial malleolus.5,24 6 weeks of short leg cast immobilization. If there is no
improvement, surgical removal of the ossicle should be
Os Navicularis considered.5,9
An os navicularis is an accessory ossicle at the posterior
tibialis tendon insertion, along the medial aspect of the tarsal Accessory Muscles
navicular. The overall prevalence is 2 to 12% of children, and Several anomalous muscles around the ankle have been
approximately half of these eventually fuse to the navicular.8 described and are relatively common in the general popula-
The os navicularis can be associated with a flat foot deformity tion. Most of these anomalous muscles are asymptomatic;
because the accessory ossicle can displace the tendon and however, they can cause recalcitrant pain after an ankle
allow the foot to deviate into a valgus position.9 Athletes sprain in athletes due to their high level of activity. The
present with chronic medial foot pain due to chronic stress symptoms arise from direct soft tissue impingement from
within the os navicularis. Radiographs demonstrate a well- the anomalous muscle bellies.27
ossified ossicle along the proximal medial border of the
navicular. On fluid-sensitive MRI, there will be edema in Accessory Soleus Muscle
the accessory ossicle extending across the fibrocartilaginous The accessory soleus muscle is the most common accessory
layer into the adjacent tarsal bone (►Fig. 3).25 Careful muscle in the ankle and the most common soft tissue mass
inspection should be made to assess for injury of the poster- seen within Kager’s fat pad (►Fig. 5).28 It is thought to arise

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Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al. 107

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Fig. 3 Symptomatic os navicularis in a 10-year-old girl participating in karate with chronic medial foot pain. (a) Frontal radiograph of the foot
demonstrates a well-defined ossicle along the proximal medial border of the navicular (arrow) compatible with an os navicularis. (b) Sagittal
T1-weighted image of the medial aspect of the midfoot demonstrates mild decreased signal intensity within the distal aspect of the os
navicularis and the adjacent tarsal bone (arrows). (c) Footprint T2-weighted fat-suppressed image of the mid- and hindfoot demonstrates
abnormal increased signal at the os navicular and adjacent navicular (arrow) compatible with stress-related changes.

during early embryology when the single anlage of the soleus

muscle undergoes early splitting, resulting in an accessory
muscle.29 Patients may present with pain or a mass within Stress Fractures
the posteromedial ankle. The accessory soleus muscle may Repetitive activities that outpace the capacity of the bone to
cause compression neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve repair itself lead to stress fractures.30 In skeletally immature
and its branches against the tibia or calcaneus.28 On MRI, the athletes, the rapid increase in muscle strength, presence of
accessory soleus muscle courses anteriorly relative to the narrower bones with thinner cortices, low mineral density, and
Achilles tendon and is isointense relative to the surrounding hormonal factors increase the susceptibility to stress frac-
muscles (►Fig. 5). tures.31,32 The most common site for stress fractures in young
athletes is the tibia, followed by the metatarsal and tarsal bones.
These overuse injuries tend to occur in association with endur-
Osseous Abnormalities
ance sports or with activities requiring sudden stops or changes
Osteochondral injuries and osteochondroses of the foot and in direction.33 Stress fractures that involve the metatarsal bones
ankle are discussed elsewhere in this issue. are common in runners, ballet dancers, and gymnasts.34

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108 Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al.

Fig. 4 Symptomatic medial malleolar ossicle in an 8-year-old female soccer player with medial ankle pain and no known injury. (a) Frontal
radiograph of the ankle shows a well-corticated ossicle at the medial malleolus (arrow) without significant soft tissue edema. (b) Coronal and
(c) axial fluid-sensitive MR images demonstrate edema within the ossicle as well as within the adjacent tibial plateau (arrows).

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Fig. 5 Accessory soleus muscle in an 11-year-old boy with pain and mass within the posterior aspect of the ankle after basketball camp.
(a) Lateral radiograph demonstrates partial obliteration of Kager’s fat pad by a well-defined area of soft tissue opacity (arrows). (b) Axial and
(c) coronal T1-weighted MR images show an accessory muscle (arrows) within Kager’s fat pad that demonstrated a fleshy insertion into the
medial aspect of the calcaneus.

Conventional radiographs are relatively insensitive in the Metatarsal Fractures

acute setting and demonstrate findings suggestive of a stress The fifth metatarsal is the most commonly fractured meta-
fracture in only 15% of patients.30 In the subacute setting, tarsal in children, representing 45% of all pediatric metatarsal
however, conventional radiographs may be positive and de- fractures. Approximately 90% of fifth metatarsal fractures
monstrate signs of healing such as periosteal reaction, cortical occur in children < 10 years of age.25 Fractures occur due to
thickening, and sclerosis. Imaging findings may be very subtle. an inversion-type injury and are thought to be due to either
For instance, mild cortical thickening in a metatarsal or a subtle stress from the peroneus brevis tendon avulsing the base of the
band of sclerosis in a tarsal bone may be the only radiographic fifth metatarsal or stress of the tendinous portion of the
evidence of injury.35 Scintigraphy is more sensitive for the abductor digiti minimi and the lateral cord of the aponeuro-
diagnosis of stress fractures but has very low specificity.36 On sis.5,40 Radiographs demonstrate a fracture that is transverse
MRI, stress fractures have a discrete fracture band of low SI along the bone and usually intra-articular, as opposed to the
contiguous with the cortex on both T1-weighted and fluid- apophysis that lies parallel to the base (►Fig. 7). Treatment is
sensitive imaging surrounded by low SI on T1-weighted usually conservative unless there is > 2 to 3 mm of displace-
images and high SI on fluid-sensitive sequences with generally ment, in which case open reduction and internal fixation is
a small amount of adjacent soft tissue edema37,38 (►Fig. 6). If typically performed.5 Fractures of the fifth metatarsal occur-
amorphous edema is present without a discrete fracture, ring at the proximal diaphysis are known as a “Jones fracture”
findings suggest a stress response in the appropriate clinical and typically occur in older athletes with the average between
setting.39 15 and 21 years (►Fig. 8). These fractures have a higher rate of

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Fig. 6 Metatarsal stress fracture in a 15-year-old boy who participates Fig. 7 Base of the fifth metatarsal avulsion fracture in a 13-year-old
in marching band presented with pain while walking. Radiographs boy with lateral foot pain who twisted his ankle playing dodgeball.
were normal (not shown). Footprint T2-weighted MR image of the Oblique radiograph of the foot shows a transverse intra-articular
foot shows abnormal hyperintense marrow signal throughout fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal (arrow). Of note, the
the second metatarsal (arrow) with linear hypointense line at the base adjacent apophysis lies parallel to the base of the metatarsal.
(dashed arrow) consistent with a stress fracture.

nonunion because of the poor blood supply to the region. A in boys, and the peak incidence is at 8 to 15 years of age.45
non-weightbearing cast is used for 6 to 8 weeks, and patients Distal tibial fractures occur during sports requiring pivoting
with nonhealing fractures undergo screw fixation.5,9,25 movements and rapid changes in direction. The Salter-Harris
(SH) classification is the most common method to describe the
Lateral Process of the Talus Fracture fracture. The Dias-Tachdjian classification denotes the me-
Fractures of the lateral process of the talus are uncommon chanism of injury, especially the position of the foot during the
fractures but are important to describe because they are often trauma and the direction of the force.46 Intra-articular frac-
misdiagnosed as lateral ankle sprains. The superolateral sur- tures involve SH type III and IV fractures as well as transitional
face of the lateral process of the talus articulates with the lateral fractures. Transitional fractures, the triplane, and the Tillaux
malleolus, and the inferolateral surface is part of the posterior fractures are only seen in adolescents in a period of 
facet of the talocalcaneal joint. The lateral talocalcaneal liga- 18 months (generally between the ages of 10 and 16 years)
ment and the anterior talofibular ligament attach to the lateral when the physis closes in an asymmetric pattern.45,47 Distal
process of the talus.41 The fracture is classically described as tibial physeal closure begins centrally and then proceeds in an
occurring in dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle combined anteromedial direction, then posteromedial, and finally later-
with axial loading and is unique to snowboarders, dubbed the ally. This pattern of closure predicts the specific tibial physeal
“snowboarder’s talus fracture.”42 Shear forces transmitted patterns seen in adolescent ankle injuries.8
from the calcaneus to the lateral process of the talus can result
in fracture fragments of variable sizes. Small fractures require Triplane Fractures
only symptomatic treatment; larger fractures require casting Triplane fractures behave like a SH IV fracture and have
(►Fig. 9). Significant displaced fractures undergo open reduc- sagittal, transverse, and coronal components traversing the
tion and internal fixation. CT imaging is often needed to physis. The average age at injury is 13 years in girls and 15 years
determine the degree of fracture displacement.43 in boys. Most fractures are due to supination and external
rotation. Eight triplane fracture configurations have been
Transitional Fractures described including variants.48 The number of fracture com-
Distal tibial physeal fractures are the second most common ponents depends on the degree of distal tibial physeal closure.
growth plate injuries in children.44 They are twice as common On radiographs, the anteroposterior (AP) radiograph shows a

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110 Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al.

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Fig. 8 Jones fracture in a 17-year-old skeletally mature female cheerleader who presented with lateral foot pain after a twisting injury. (a) Frontal
radiograph demonstrates a transverse fracture at the proximal metatarsal shaft (arrow). She was closely followed and after 2 months had no
significant healing and underwent open reduction and screw fixation for her nonunion fracture. (b) Oblique radiograph of the foot obtained
2 months after surgery shows a healed fracture with intact hardware.

SH III fracture of the distal tibia, and the lateral radiograph dicated to avoid posttraumatic osteoarthritis or growth dis-
demonstrates a SH II fracture (►Fig. 10). Brown et al48 re- turbance.49,50 Of note, extra-articular triplane fractures do not
viewed the CTs of 51 patients with triplane fractures and found require anatomical reduction because they do not violate the
that the classic two-fragment type with medial epiphyseal ankle joint.49
extension occurred most frequently. Often CT is performed to
identify the number of fracture fragments as well as the degree Tillaux Fractures
of displacement.47 On CT, if there is > 2 mm of displacement Juvenile Tillaux fractures are isolated fractures of the ante-
after attempted closed reduction, operative treatment is in- rolateral portion of the distal tibial epiphysis (SH III). This

Fig. 9 Lateral process of the talus fracture in a 16-year-old female dancer with inversion ankle injury after a jump. (a) Frontal radiograph of the
ankle shows significant ankle swelling with a small mildly displaced fracture of the lateral process of the talus (arrow). (b) Coronal T2-weighted
fat-suppressed MR image of the ankle demonstrates the fracture fragment (arrow) and significant soft tissue edema. (c) Axial T2-weighted
fat-suppressed MR image of the ankle shows abnormal signal and thickening of the anterior talofibular ligament (arrow) compatible with sprain.
The patient was casted for 6 weeks. (d) Coronal reformatted computed tomography image of the ankle obtained 4 months after in the injury
demonstrates interval healing of the fracture (arrow).

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Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al. 111

Fig. 10 Triplane fracture in a 13-year-old girl who tripped during a basketball game. (a) Frontal and (b) posterior oblique three-dimensional computed
tomography reformatted images of the ankle demonstrate a triplane fracture with a sagittal component of the distal tibial epiphysis (solid black arrow),

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transverse component through the open distal tibial physis (dashed black arrow), and coronal component through the distal tibial metaphysis (solid white
arrow). After reduction, the maximum displacement was < 2 mm, and the child was treated conservatively with a cast.

fracture occurs in teenagers nearing skeletal maturity and Lisfranc Injuries

affects the only remaining open portion of the distal tibial Injuries to the Lisfranc joint are rare in children. The
physis. Tillaux fractures are caused by an external rotation mechanism of injury in children is similar to adult injuries.
force about the ankle.25 AP radiographs demonstrate a Fracture-dislocations involve high-impact trauma such as
vertical line within the distal tibial epiphysis with and motor vehicle crashes or falls from a significant height; low-
then extending laterally. The lateral radiograph shows the impact injuries result in ligamentous or minimally dis-
avulsed fragment displaced anteriorly. For minimally dis- placed fractures.51 Incomplete ossification of the bones in
placed fractures, the only abnormality may be a slight young athletes makes it difficult to assess for injuries on
widening of the lateral aspect of the distal tibial physis.25 radiographs. A retrospective study by Knijnenberg et al51
As with triplane fractures, CT may be useful for further evaluated normal pediatric foot radiographs and deter-
characterization, and fractures displaced > 2 mm should be mined that the distance between the base of the first
treated operatively5,49 (►Fig. 11). and second metatarsal was constant and < 3 mm. The

Fig. 11 Tillaux fracture in a 13-year-old female softball player who twisted her ankle sliding into third base. (a) Axial computed tomography (CT) image of
the distal tibia at the level of the distal tibial epiphysis shows a fracture of the anterolateral aspect of the distal tibial epiphysis (arrow) with  4 mm of
anterolateral displacement. (b) Three-dimensional CTreformatted image of the ankle demonstrates the fracture (solid arrow) with physiologic closure of the
central and medial aspect of the distal tibial physis (dashed arrow). A small ossific fragment is seen along the inferior aspect of the distal fibula from prior
trauma. The patient underwent open reduction and screw fixation of the fracture due to the degree of displacement.

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112 Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al.

distance between the medial cuneiform and the base of

the second metatarsal was larger before the age of 6 years,
but both measurements approached adult values by 6 years
of age. If there is clinical suspicion of a Lisfranc injury and
distances within the Lisfranc interval exceed these values
on radiographs, MRI should be performed.51

Apophyses are bony attachment sites that develop as secondary
ossification centers and mimic the maturation of an epiphysis
while serving as the attachment site for a muscle-tendon unit.8
Recurrent microtrauma or overuse can produce an inflamma-
tory process, a traction apophysitis. A repetitively strained
muscle-tendon unit incites stress to the area of tendon attach-
ment, resulting in microfractures about Sharpey’s fibers (the
matrix of strong collagen fibers connecting periosteum to
bone). Severe overloading can result in a separation or slip at
the physis. Microfractures eventually produce low-grade in-
flammation that is part of the healing process, leading to focal
hyperemia, tenderness, and overgrowth.4

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Sever Disease Fig. 12 Sever disease in an 8-year-old boy who plays soccer presented
The calcaneal apophysis begins to ossify at  9 years of age with chronic heel pain. On examination, he had tight heel cords.
(range: 5–12 years) and fuses at 16 years of age.6,52 It serves Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image of the hindfoot demon-
as the attachment site for the Achilles tendon superiorly and strates a small amount of increased signal within the calcaneal
apophysis with a small amount of edema in the posterior calcaneal
the plantar fascia inferiorly. Calcaneal apophysitis, or Sever
body (arrow). There is a small amount of adjacent soft tissue edema
disease, is the most common cause of heel pain in physically and a small amount of fluid at the Achilles insertion (dashed arrow).
active children, occurring most frequently between 9 and
11 years of age.53,54 Overuse is thought to be the most
common causative factor; however, poorly fitting shoes Iselin Disease
and contractures of the Achilles tendon may also play a Iselin disease is a traction apophysitis at the base of the fifth
role. The diagnosis of calcaneal apophysitis is usually made metatarsal, the attachment site for the peroneus brevis
with a typical history and clinical examination. The child tendon. The apophysis usually begins to ossify between 10
usually presents with heel pain when running and walking and 13 years of age.4,8 Iselin disease occurs during periods of
and especially when participating in sports that require rapid growth and is more common in children who partici-
jumping. Children often walk on their tiptoes to alleviate pate in sports that require repetitive traction, although it
the pain.54 On physical examination, the heel is very tender may also arise from a simple inversion injury. Patients
to palpation, elicited clinically by the “heel squeeze test.” It is present with lateral foot pain with weightbearing and soft
commonly seen in association with a tight Achilles-plantar tissue swelling at the base of the fifth metatarsal. Conven-
fascia complex.1 tional radiographs are often obtained in the setting of pain at
Radiographs are typically not useful in the diagnosis the base of the fifth metatarsal to exclude a fracture. MRI may
because the calcaneal apophysis is frequently fragmented be obtained in clinically unclear cases and demonstrates
and sclerotic in normal children; however, conventional edema at the base of the fifth metatarsal and the apophysis
imaging is usually performed to exclude other etiologies (►Fig. 13). Patients presenting with pain at the proximal fifth
that may cause heel pain such as a Brodie’s abscess, stress metatarsal without radiographic evidence of fracture are
fracture, osteoid osteoma, or tarsal coalition.4 When patients generally treated with a short period of immobilization with
do not respond to the usual treatment of nonsteroidal anti- follow-up radiographs in 2 weeks and additional immobili-
inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and orthoses, MRI zation as needed.8
may be useful to exclude more complex injuries. The MRI
appearance of Sever disease has not been well described. It
Ligament Injuries
should be noted that increased fluid-sensitive signal can be
seen in the calcaneal apophysis in asymptomatic children.55 In the skeletally immature athlete, serious ankle sprains are
Calcaneal apophysitis typically demonstrates hypointense uncommon because the ligaments are stronger than the
T1 signal with corresponding hyperintense signal on fluid- physeal cartilage and bone, predisposing children to osseous
sensitive sequences within the calcaneal apophysis and the injuries. Once the physes close, the incidence of ankle sprains
adjacent posterior calcaneus along with edema in the ad- dramatically increases, accounting for 10 to 28% of all athletic
jacent soft tissues and fluid at the Achilles tendon insertion injuries in the skeletally mature population. Sprained ankles
(►Fig. 12).55 occur most often in soccer, basketball, and handball.56 On MRI,

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Fig. 13 Iselin disease in an 11-year-old girl who practices Irish step dancing with lateral foot pain for several weeks. (a) Oblique radiograph of the

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foot demonstrates a normal appearance of the base of the fifth metatarsal apophysis (arrow). (b) Short axis T2-weighted fat-suppressed image
through the proximal forefoot demonstrates edema within the base of the fifth metatarsal (arrow) adjacent to the apophysis. Findings are
compatible with apophysitis.

the normal ankle ligaments are hypointense in signal but may Occasionally, an avulsed ATFL can be associated with a small
have longitudinal streaks of intermediate SI, particularly the avulsion fracture of the fibular tip.59 When there is a con-
tibiotalar ligament (which forms the deep fibers of the deltoid comitant CFL injury, there is widening of the lateral joint
ligament) and the posterior talofibular ligament. Coronal space with medial tilting of the talus. On MRI, the ATFL is a
imaging provides the best depiction of the deltoid and calca- hypointense 2- to 3-mm linear band that is oriented ante-
neofibular ligaments. Axial images are best for demonstrating romedially. The CFL is an extracapsular cord-like structure
the anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments.57 A 2015 that is  2 cm in length and 4 to 6 mm in diameter. The CFL is
prospective study demonstrated that in children with acute the second most frequently injured ankle ligament with tears
inversion ankle injuries, MRI did not result in any additional frequently occurring within the midsubstance.60
therapeutic value over the combination of clinical evaluation,
plain film radiography, and ultrasound.47 Medial Ankle Sprain
The medial aspect of the ankle is stabilized by the deltoid and
Lateral Ankle Sprain syndesmotic ligaments that can be injured with eversion and
Children with lateral ankle injuries and no radiographic ab- external rotation. Medial injuries are less common than
normality are presumed to have a SH type I fracture of the lateral sprains and have a higher incidence of associated
distal fibula and are managed with immobilization and ortho- syndesmosis sprains. Medial ankle sprains are treated with
paedic follow-up. A prospective study by Boutis et al58 of 135 non-weightbearing casting for 2 to 3 weeks followed by
children demonstrated that only 3% of patients with normal rehabilitation.9
ankle radiographs after lateral ankle injury had a distal fibular
SH type I fracture, and most patients had ligamentous injuries Turf Toe
followed by bone contusions. Almost 30% of patients with Turf toe is a plantar capsule ligament sprain or tear at the first
ligamentous injuries also had radiographically occult fibular metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. Although the cause of turf
avulsion fractures. Thus lateral ankle injuries in the setting of toe is still debated, early reports suggested increased injury
normal radiographs can be managed with bracing. rates in athletes playing on artificial surfaces (turf). More
The lateral ankle stabilizers include the anterior talofib- recent studies have theorized that injuries are thought to occur
ular ligament (ATFL) and the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) due to the construction of lighter, more flexible turf shoes that
and serve to prevent excessive lateral or varus translation of places increased traction at the forefoot.61 This type of injury is
the ankle. Once the distal fibular physis fuses, insults to the most commonly seen in athletes who participate in cutting or
ATFL and CFL complex are the most common lateral ankle pivoting sports such as football and soccer and in basketball
injuries in young athletes.5 Overall, 85% of all ankle sprains players. The mechanism of injury is hyperextension that
occur laterally. The ATFL is the weakest of the lateral collat- occurs when an axial load is placed along a foot that is firmly
eral ligaments, and tears are frequently associated with planted, leading to excessive dorsiflexion of the forefoot, with
capsular rupture and extravasation of joint fluid into the or without additional varus or valgus stress.62 Turf toe is
anterolateral soft tissues. The ATFL is usually injured when associated with high morbidity, with  50% of athletes experi-
the athlete inverts the foot in a plantar-flexed position. encing persistent symptoms 5 years after injury.63

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114 Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al.

MRI is useful in the evaluation because the extent of injury flammation in the ligament or synovium.66 Symptoms are
helps dictate return to play. The first MTP joint consists of three often aggravated by supinating or pronating the foot.
articulations: the metatarsophalangeal and the two metatarso- Anterolateral impingement remains a clinical diagnosis of
sesamoid articulations. Footprint imaging is useful in demon- exclusion, confirmed at arthroscopy.64 The role of MRI is
strating injuries to the flexor hallucis longus and brevis tendons, controversial. Several authors have described the MRI features
and sagittal views aid the detection of capsular ligament injuries of anterolateral impingement. On MRI, low T1-weighted SI and
(►Fig. 14). The severity of turf toe can be graded by the signal low or intermediate SI on T2-weighted images can be seen
and morphology of the ligament involved. Tears of the MTP joint within the soft tissues of the lateral gutter. Evaluation is best
capsule usually occur at the metatarsal neck, which is weaker performed on axial images. Other abnormalities detected
than the proximal phalangeal attachment. include chondral defects, osseous spurs, and laxity or rupture
of the ATFL and/or calcaneofibular ligaments.64,65

Impingement Syndromes
Anterior Impingement
Soft tissue and osseous impingement syndromes of the ankle Anterior ankle impingement can be bony or soft tissue related.
are uncommon in the general population but can be a cause Young athletes present with anterior ankle pain exacerbated by
of chronic pain in the young athlete. Impingement syn- extreme dorsiflexion.1 Dorsiflexion injuries are common in
dromes arise from initial ankle injuries, which, in the sub- many athletes, particularly in ballet dancers and soccer players.
acute or chronic situation, lead to development of abnormal The condition is characterized by anterior tibiotalar spurs that
osseous and soft tissue changes within the ankle joint. This form at focal areas of premature degeneration within the joint

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gives rise to a physical impingement with painful, limited capsule. These spurs most commonly form at the margin of the
movement of the ankle.64 The main impingement syndromes articular cartilage rim and become symptomatic in association
are anterolateral, anterior, anteromedial, and posterior. Plain with anterior synovial thickening and scarring.64
radiography is the first step in the evaluation because it may Conventional radiographs demonstrating osseous spurs are
identify certain anatomical variants that may be associated often diagnostic in the clinical setting of anterior ankle pain.
with impingement; however, MRI is the preferred method of MRI aids in depiction of the positioning of the spurs within the
evaluation due to its high soft tissue contrast resolution. capsular margin with associated synovial thickening. Synovial
thickening usually has low SI on T1-weighted images and low
Anterolateral Impingement to intermediate signal intensity on T2-weighted images. An
The anterolateral gutter of the ankle is the space bounded by anterior joint effusion may be present; however, bone marrow
the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, the ATFL, and the edema within the spurs is uncommon.64
calcaneofibular ligament anteriorly. The lateral border is the
fibula; the medial border is the talus. This space extends from Anteromedial Impingement
the tibial plafond to the calcaneofibular ligament.65 Antero- Anteromedial ankle impingement is a relative rare condition
lateral ankle impingement arises from an inversion injury with characterized by chronic anteromedial pain exacerbated with
tearing of the ATFL or anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, dorsiflexion. The exact mechanism of injury is not well under-
the synovial tissue, or both. Without proper immobilization or stood but thought to arise from a supination injury with
rehabilitation, scar tissue develops that can be entrapped perhaps a rotational component, leading to a tear in the
between the talus and the lateral malleolus, leading to in- anteromedial aspect of the capsule.64 Continued repeated
microtrauma results in a synovitis with thickening of the
capsule. Over time, this can lead to osseous and cartilage
injury with development of anteromedial bone spurs.

Posterior Impingement
Posterior ankle impingement or “talar compression syndrome”
results from compression of the talus and the surrounding soft
tissues between the tibia and the calcaneus on plantar flexion of
the ankle. It may follow an acute injury such as 4 to 6 weeks after
a posterior talofibular ligament avulsion, fracture of the lateral
talar process, or acute disruption of the os trigonum synchon-
drosis.67 This results in regional inflammation and pain that is
Fig. 14 Turf toe in a 17-year-old female soccer player who sustained
aggravated by repetitive or forced plantar flexion of the foot.
injury during kicking with diffuse medially foot pain. (a) Sagittal fluid- Structures implicated in posterior ankle impingement include
sensitive fat-suppressed MR image of the forefoot through the medial an os trigonum, an enlarged lateral process of the talus (Stieda
sesamoid demonstrates edema within the plantar plate in the region process), enlarged posterior process of the calcaneus (Haglund
of the medial sesamoid phalangeal ligament (arrow). The sesamoid is
deformity), low-lying or accessory muscles, and loose bodies.
mildly retracted, and there is edema and partial tearing within the
medial head of the flexor hallucis brevis muscle (arrowhead) with
On clinical examination, a positive posterior impingement test
adjacent flexor tendinopathy and soft tissue edema. There is also an consists of reproduction of the symptoms with forced plantar
impaction fracture of the first metatarsal head (dashed arrow). flexion of the ankle.27

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Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al. 115

calcaneus, the so-called nutcracker phenomenon. Repetitive

impingement of the soft tissues in this interval can also result in
hypertrophic capsulitis.1 This condition presents as poster-
olateral ankle pain and can be seen in ballet dancers (en pointe),
gymnasts, ice skaters, and, less commonly, soccer players.1
A lateral radiograph of the ankle is useful to demonstrate
the anatomy of the posterior ankle joint and to evaluate for an
os trigonum, Stieda process, or a joint effusion. An MRI is useful
to determine whether this may be the source of the patient’s
symptoms. On MRI, there will be abnormal bone edema within
the os trigonum, as demonstrated by increased signal on fluid-
sensitive sequences. There may be linear fluid signal within the
synchondrosis that would indicate an os trigonum fracture
(►Fig. 15). In addition, the posterior capsule may be thickened
with intermediate to low SI on T2-weighted images.64 MRI is
also useful in depicting possible associated abnormalities
within the flexor hallucis longus tendon. In cases in which
the os trigonum synchondrosis is difficult to define, fluoro-
scopy-guided arthrography can be useful as well as guiding
Fig. 15 Os trigonum syndrome in an 11-year-old female softball catcher

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with posterior ankle pain. Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image of the therapeutic intervention. Other therapies include rest, anti-
hindfoot demonstrates marrow edema within the os trigonum (arrow) with inflammatories, avoidance of plantar flexion, physical therapy,
increased signal within the adjacent synchondrosis. There is adjacent fluid and casting. In recalcitrant cases in the competitive young
within the posterior ankle joint with mild thickening of the capsule. athlete, resection of the os trigonum may be necessary.1
Similar posterior ankle impingement symptoms can be seen
with extreme plantar flexion in dancers with a low-lying
Os Trigonum Syndrome insertion of the flexor hallucis longus muscles fibers
A separate ossification center is often seen along the posterior (►Fig. 16) that can be a cause of tarsal tunnel syndrome.68
aspect of the talus that appears at 8 to 10 years in girls and 11 to
13 years in boys. Fusion usually occurs 1 year after its ossifica- Haglund Syndrome
tion. If this forms a large lateral talar process, it is called a Stieda Haglund deformity refers to an enlarged posterosuperior
process. Fusion does not occur in  10% of the general popula- calcaneal tuberosity. This disorder, also known as “pump
tion, and an os trigonum is formed.64 The ossicle can also result bump,” is frequently associated with particular athletic foot-
from a fracture of the posterior talus that does not unite, a wear such as ice skates and presents as posterior ankle pain.
Shepherd fracture.68 The os trigonum can become symptomatic Although it is usually associated with insertional Achilles
in young athletes who actively plantar flex their ankle, com- tendonitis and retrocalcaneal bursitis from repeated contrac-
pressing the posterior talus between the posterior tibia and tion of the gastrocnemius-soleus complex, termed Haglund

Fig. 16 Low-lying flexor hallucis longus muscle in a 17-year-old female dancer with posteromedial ankle pain and no known injury. (a) Sagittal
T1-weighted MR image at the level of the sustentaculum tali and (b) axial intermediate-weighted MR image at the level of the talar dome show a
low-lying belly of the flexor hallucis longus muscle (arrows) that extends below the level of the tibial plafond. The muscle belly can become
impinged within the posterior ankle during maximum plantar flexion.

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116 Ankle and Foot Injuries in the Young Athlete Chauvin et al.

Fig. 17 Haglund syndrome in a 19-year-old female ice skater with posterior ankle pain. (a) Sagittal fluid-sensitive MR image of the ankle
demonstrates mild marrow edema within the posterior superior calcaneal tuberosity (straight arrow) with associated mild retrocalcaneal

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bursitis (curved arrow). (b) Sagittal T1-weighted image of the posterior calcaneus demonstrates osseous irregularity within the superior aspect
(black arrows) and thickening of the distal Achilles tendon (white arrow).

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Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology Vol. 22 No. 1/2018

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