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Student name:__________

TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F'

if the statement is false.
1) The effects of several months intervention treatment
with whole body vibration appear to include improved bone
mineral density.

⊚ true
⊚ false

2) Dynamic loading during gymnastics has been show to

affect bone size and strength more than muscle mass.

⊚ true
⊚ false

3) The link between cessation of menses and

osteoporosis is estrogen deficiency.

⊚ true
⊚ false

4) In practical terms, a fast childhood game of hopscotch

favors bone building over a very slow one.

⊚ true ⊚ false

5) Elite runners have higher bone mineral densities than

elite cyclists.

Version 1 1
⊚ true ⊚ false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that

best completes the statement or answers the question.
6) Which of the following components of bone provides
it with flexibility?

D) collagen
A) water
B) calcium carbonate
C) calcium phosphate

7) Which of the following terms is used to describe bone

with relatively high porosity?

D) all of these
A) cortical answers are correct
B) trabecular
C) spongy

8) Which of the following terms is defined as

deformation divided by original length?

C) strength
A) stress D) elasticity
B) strain

9) Cortical bone is strongest in resisting which type of


D) none of these
A) tensile stress answers is correct
B) shear stress
C) compressive stress

Version 1 2
10) Which of the following is part of the appendicular skeleton?

D) all of these
A) the skull answers are correct
B) the humerus
C) the sternum

11) Which of the following is an example of a flat bone?

C) radius
A) talus D) scapula
B) maxilla

12) Which of the following is an irregular bone?

C) femur
A) radius D) vertebrae
B) rib

13) The tarsals are examples of what type of bones?

C) flat bones
A) long bones D) irregular bones
B) short bones

14) Which of the following statements regarding bone

growth is true?

D) Neither
A) Longitudinal growth continues only as long as the longitudinal growth
epiphyses exist. continues only as long as
B) Circumferential growth continues throughout the epiphyses exist nor
most of the lifespan. circumferential growth
C) Both longitudinal growth continues only as long continues throughout most
as the epiphyses exist and circumferential growth continues of the lifespan is true.
throughout most of the lifespan are true.

Version 1 3
15) Which of the following is known as the longitudinal "growth center" of a bone?

C) osteoblast
A) osteoclast D) epiphysis
B) periosteum

16) How do bones typically respond to stress?

D) it is impossible
A) atrophy to predict how a bone will
B) hypertrophy respond to stress
C) no change, as long as the epiphysis has sealed

17) Loss of bone mass has been found in which of the


E) all of these
A) bed-ridden patients answers are correct
B) astronauts
C) tennis players
D) both bed-ridden patients and astronauts

18) Which of the following occurs in the absence of

gravitational forces?

D) all of these
A) bone hypertrophy answers are correct
B) bone atrophy
C) bone modeling

19) In a child, severe injury to an epiphysis may result in

which of the following?

C) both premature
A) premature closure of the epiphyseal junction closure of the epiphyseal
B) termination of bone growth junction and termination of

Version 1 4
bone growth
D) none of these answers is correct

20) What is the most common symptom of osteoporosis?

D) swelling of the
A) frequent headaches distal extremities
B) joint pain in the extremities
C) back pain derived from vertebral fractures

21) Which of the following is a possible symptom of


D) all of these
A) vertebral crush fractures. answers are correct.
B) reduced body height.
C) dowager's hump.

22) Which of the following is true regarding epiphyseal

plate injuries?

bone growth and these

A) These injuries can terminate longitudinal bone injuries can result from
growth. acute trauma.
B) These injuries can result from acute trauma. E) All of these
C) These injuries can result from repetitive loading answers are correct.
of a low magnitude.
D) Both these injuries can terminate longitudinal

23) The water content of bone makes up approximately

what percentage of the total bone weight?

C) 25% - 30%
A) 5% - 10% D) 40% - 50%
B) 15% - 20%

Version 1 5
24) Which of the following statements is/are true
regarding the strength of bone?

than cortical bone.

A) Cortical bone can withstand more stress than D) None of these
trabecular bone. answers is correct.
B) Trabecular bone can withstand more strain than
cortical bone.
C) Both cortical bone can withstand more stress than
trabecular bone and trabecular bone can withstand more strain

25) Specialized bone cells that build new bone tissue are
called what?

C) osteoclasts
A) periosteum D) epiphysis
B) osteoblasts

26) Which of the following statements is/are true

regarding bone growth?

may stay the same and

A) When bone remodeling occurs, bone mass may when bone remodeling
stay the same. occurs, bone mass may
B) When bone remodeling occurs, bone mass may decrease.
decrease. E) All of these
C) When bone modeling occurs, bone mass answers are correct.
D) Both when bone remodeling occurs, bone mass

27) What happens when osteoclast activity exceeds

osteoblast activity?

B) bone modeling
A) bone mass increases C) bone mass

Version 1 6
D) none of these answers is correct

28) What happens when osteoblast activity exceeds

osteoclast activity?

D) all of these
A) bone hypertrophy answers are correct
B) bone modeling
C) increased bone mass

29) Reduced bone mass and density without the presence

of a fracture defines what?

C) osteoblast
A) osteoporosis D) osteoclast
B) osteopenia

30) Undesirably low body weight in young female athletes

can lead to what?

E) all of these
A) amenorrhea answers are correct
B) osteoporosis
C) menopause
D) both amenorrhea and osteoporosis

31) Which of the following is/are part of the "female

athlete triad"?

E) all of these
A) osteoporosis answers are correct
B) disordered eating
C) cessation of menses
D) both osteoporosis and disordered eating

Version 1 7
32) The "female athlete triad" can result in which of the

E) all of these
A) stress fractures answers are correct
B) irreversible bone loss
C) death
D) both stress fractures and irreversible bone loss

33) Which of the following is/are known risk factor(s) for

developing osteoporosis?

D) all of these
A) smoking answers are correct
B) calcium deficiency
C) excessive alcohol consumption

34) A fracture caused by a tendon or ligament pulling a

small chip of bone away from the rest of the bone is called

D) spiral fracture
A) simple fracture
B) compound fracture
C) avulsion fracture

35) Which of the following is true regarding greenstick


caused by bending or
A) They are incomplete fractures. torsional loads.
B) They are caused by bending or torsional loads. E) All of these
C) They are more common in adults than children. answers are correct.
D) Both they are incomplete fractures and they are

Version 1 8
36) When a skier's body rotates in a direction opposite of
the foot (held steady by the boot), what type of fracture is
likely in the tibia?

C) depressed
A) spiral D) stress
B) impacted

37) Which type of fracture results from repeated loading

of relatively low magnitude?

C) depressed
A) spiral D) stress
B) impacted

38) Which of the following factors can predispose runners

to stress fractures?

changes in running surface

A) increased training duration or intensity without D) runners are not
allowing time for bone remodeling predisposed to stress
B) abrupt changes in running surface fractures
C) both increased training duration or intensity
without allowing time for bone remodeling and abrupt

39) Which of the following is part of the axial skeleton?

D) all of these
A) the skull answers are correct
B) the vertebrae
C) the sternum

40) Which type of stress on a long bone will likely result

in a spiral fracture?

A) torsion

Version 1 9
B) tension D) bending
C) compression

FILL IN THE BLANK. Write the word or phrase that

best completes each statement or answers the question.
41) Bone ______________ refers to the increase in bone

42) An epiphyseal injury can terminate

__________________ bone growth.

43) __________________ refers to an excessive loss of

bone mass and strength resulting in one or more fractures.

44) __________________ __________________ is the

fracture resulting from repeated loading of relatively low

45) A condition of reduced bone mineral density that

predisposes the individual to fractures is called

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best

completes each statement or answers the question.
46) List and describe the four types of bones, including
function and examples.

Version 1 10
47) Explain Wolff's law, including why it is important.

48) Name four of the risk factors for osteoporosis.

49) Explain the female athlete triad.

50) Provide the letters for the terms that match the O. osteopenia
following definitions. P. osteoclasts
A. anisotropic Q. osteoporosis
B. appendicular skeleton R. periosteum
C. articular cartilage S. porous
D. axial skeleton T. short bones
E. bone atrophy U. stiffness
F. bone hypertrophy V. strain
G. compressive strength W. stress fracture
H. cortical bone X. stress reaction
I. epiphysis Y. tensile strength
J. flat bones Z. trabecular bone
K. impacted ratio of stress to strain in
L. irregular bones a loaded material
M. long bones ability to resist pressing or
N. osteoblasts squeezing force

Version 1 11
compact mineralized connective tissue with low porosity that osteoclast activity
is found in the shafts of long bones disorder involving
amount of deformation divided by the original length of the decreased bone mass and
structure strength with one or more
the skull, vertebrae, sternum, and ribs fractures
small, cubical skeletal structures, including the carpals and fracture resulting from
tarsals repeated loading of
specialized bone cells that build new bone tissue relatively low magnitude
decrease in bone mass resulting from a predominance of

Version 1 12
Answer Key

Test name: Basic Biomechanics 9e Hall TB 04

6) D
7) B
8) B
9) C
10) B
11) D
12) D
13) B
14) C
15) D
16) B
17) D
18) B
19) C

Version 1 13
20) C
21) D
22) E
23) C
24) C
25) B
26) E
27) C
28) D
29) B
30) D
31) E
32) E
33) D
34) C
35) D
36) A
37) D
38) C
39) D
40) A

Version 1 14
41) hypertrophy
42) longitudinal
43) Osteoporosis
44) Stress fracture
45) osteopenia
46) Answer may vary.
47) Answer may vary.
48) Answer may vary.
49) Answer may vary.
50) ratio of stress to strain in a loaded material decrease in bone
(U) mass resulting from
ability to resist pressing or squeezing force a predominance of
(G) osteoclast activity
compact mineralized connective tissue with (E)
low porosity that is found in the shafts of long disorder involving
bones? (H) decreased bone
amount of deformation divided by the mass and strength
original length of the structure (V) with one or more
the skull, vertebrae, sternum, and ribs (D) fractures (Q)
small, cubical skeletal structures, including fracture resulting
the carpals and tarsals (T) from repeated
specialized bone cells that build new bone loading of relatively
tissue (N) low magnitude (X)

Version 1 15

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