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Non-literary translation 2, Home assignment 1

1. Translate the following passage into Serbian:

NASA Life Discovery: New Bacteria Makes DNA with Arsenic

Arsenic is toxic to most known organisms, in part because it can mimic the chemical
properties of phosphorus, allowing the poison to disrupt cellular activity. The newfound
bacteria, described online this week in the journal Science, not only tolerates high
concentrations of arsenic, it actually incorporates the chemical into its cells, the study
authors found. While for now Earth is the only place we know that life exists, the
discovery does hold implications for the search for life elsewhere in the universe, since it
shows that organisms can exist in chemical environments biologists once wouldn't have
imagined. Astrobiologists found the arsenic-based bacteria while looking for a possible
"second genesis" of life on Earth. The scientists were hoping to find evidence of a
"shadow biosphere," sometimes called Life 2.0. Such a discovery would prove that, before
life as we know it came to dominate the globe, the world had actually seen a separate,
independent origin of life. "If life happened twice on one planet, it is sure to have
happened on other planets around the universe," Davies said. The study leader Felisa
Wolfe-Simon and colleagues took samples of bacteria from California's Mono Lake, a
briny, arsenic-rich lake in a volcanic valley southeast of Yosemite National Park. The
scientists cultured Mono Lake bacteria in Petri dishes, gradually increasing the amount of
arsenic while reducing phosphorus. Chemical analyses with radioactive tracers showed
that the GFAJ-1 strain bacteria was in fact using arsenic in its metabolism. Despite their
oddity, however, the bacteria are genetically too similar to ordinary life to truly be
descendents of a second genesis.
(Abridged from:

2. Translate the following passage into English:

Врста комарца „азијски тигар”, за коју је научно доказано да је преносилац вируса

„западног Нила”, воли да се храни крвљу човека, изузетно је агресивна и представља
изванредног преносиоца најопаснијих вируса који могу угрозити здравље и живот
људи. Интензивно ширење „азијског тигра” по Европи почело је 1990. године. Први
налаз у региону западног Балкана датира из августа 2001, када су једну ларву ове врсте
пронашли у половној гуми у вулканизерској радњи у Подгорици. До данас, „азијски
тигар” се населио у великом броју места на хрватском и црногорском приморју. Ово су
наводи из извештаја који су саставили експерти Пољопривредног факултета у Новом
Саду и Института за јавно здравље Војводине.
(Taken from:

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