Concert Assingment

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Clara Serra, Clara Bolívar, Mar Martín, Lucía Pájaro


1- Concert information

The concert took place at the auditorium of Barcelona, in “Sala 2: Oriol Martorell”, on November 24th of
2022 at 7 pm and lasted approximately sixty minutes.
Focusing on the performers of the concert, the artists involved were part of the viola ensemble of the
OBC, composed of ten violas. More specifically Benjamin Beck, Aine Suzuki, Josephine Fitzpatrick,
David Derrico, Frank Heudiard, Christine de Alcoste, Sophie Lasnet, Miquel Serrahima, Jeniffer Stahl,
and Andreas Süssmayr.

Regarding the program, there were six pieces. The relation of the pieces, from our point of view, had to do
with the duration of the pieces, as well as their intensity of them. We believed the concert's climax was
based on the piece Suites de la flauta màgica, which was not only the one that lasted the most but the one
that caused the spectators more enthusiasm as it was a quite popular piece in classical music. It was also
the one in which all the ensemble played together, as in many pieces, some players went away, as it was
only necessary for some of them to play in the first four pieces. For us, it was the center of the concert. At
the same time, the closing theme was the most emotional and it is clear it was choosing to have a strong
ending. The first songs we believe served to have a conducting theme, as they were quite short but
expressive and easy to follow, to prepare the spectators for the big piece.

These are our tickets:

Clara Serra, Clara Bolívar, Mar Martín, Lucía Pájaro

2- Musical and extramusical aspects

The distribution of the musical ensemble consisted of a viola ensemble, with the main instrumental family
of bowed-string, as the only instrumentation were violas. When there were soloists, as there were pieces
that required it, it was a single viola in some sections of the song. Inside this ensemble, there was no

To continue, we will give the information about what we believe was the most important piece, which was
Suites de la flauta màgica, which lasted approximately twenty-five minutes. The composer of this piece is
W. Amadeus Mozart. The time period when this piece was released was on September 30 of 1791 at
Thater auf der Wieden (Vienna), which is dated as part of the classical period. The style of the piece is
recurrent in Mozart’s pieces, which is revolving the classicism, away from the chaos of the baroque style
and looking for beauty in the piece.

From a subjective point of view, we believe there are several parts of the piece that need to be talked and
broken down to appreciate the piece even more. Starting from understanding that the piece is originally an
opera, divided into two sections. The emotion of the singing in the opera is translated to the emotion of the
violas, which, thanks to the pitch element (call and response of the violas into two groups of five players)
gives the illusion of a singing element. The emotion of the piece is also seen with the contrast of intensity,
from piano to forte, with crescendo being an element used to perfection, to maintain the public wide
The illusion of singing is seen as well with the solo parts of some players during many parts of the piece.
Other violas accompain the soloist and this leads the listener into thinking the piece has a big importance
and that we are witnessing a crucial part of it.
The piece gets to the climax at the end, when the two parts unite into playing the same theme all together,
now there is no division as there were before with the call and the response, but there is a feeling of
grandiosity and inmensity, even if the intensity is not particularly important, the ensemble plays as one,
and has the public at the edge of their seats waiting for a big ending.
Overall, this piece makes an impeccable job into turning a long piece into a piece you want to hear more
about. The adaptation from the opera is unique and well done. The call and response gives an interesting
dynamic, and the professionality and execution of the players gets all the credit.
Clara Serra, Clara Bolívar, Mar Martín, Lucía Pájaro

Talking about the audience age range, people were mostly adults and senior citizens around their 50s or
70s. They were a few young people around their late 20s or 30s.
Focusing on the audience's attitude was respectful and cheerful, they seemed overly understanding and
interested in the concert. So much that after the ending of the final piece, the cheering lead to an encore
that was not planned.
On the other hand, talking about the performer’s attitudes they were professional and concentrated, they
did not seem nervous or insecure on stage. They were interacting with each other and enjoyed their
performance while being coordinated. Overall it was respectful and calm from both parts.

3- General impression of the performance

Lucía Pájaro
The general impression I had of the performance was great, we enjoyed it and we experienced a fun
anecdote. One of the girls suddenly disappeared and appeared some minutes later with two spoons. She
started to play music with those spoons while the others were playing the instruments. We found that fact
interesting because the spoons were surprisingly really well integrated to the melody. We could expect
anything but that, we didn’t believe two spoons could be used to play music and less yet that they could
sound great. If we were not seeing the spoons we wouldn’t have guessed what they were and, as I don’t
have too much knowledge about music, I would have said that the sound was from a triangle.

I didn’t have any expectations, neither high nor low, as I am not used to listening to that kind of music.
However, any expectations I had would have been reached. What’s more, I have always wanted to play an
instrument but I am really bad at doing it and I don’t have too much patience when learning. That’s one of
the reasons why I admire that people playing those instruments so well.

Clara Serra
My expectations for the concert were somewhat high, as I am a musician myself, and have seen
professional instrumental artists many times, but not really into the family of strings, as I am more used to
piano and singing. I was excited because I love live music, and this last year I have been listening to more
classical music, as a soothing experience.
My experience was excellent. The professionalism and talent of the ensemble were immaculate and I
could not think of any aspect they could get better at. I know how hard work it is to do a concert, and their
perfection showed long hours of practicing, and an incredible execution of each piece. As an anecdote, I
will share that I found it interesting how depending on the piece, they changed places. I assume it is
related to the parts of the piece they were playing, but I would have never assumed that in a chamber
concert of one instrument, the position of the musicians was an important factor.
This experience has shown me that it is necessary for students, especially young students, to be educated
in classical music, as when you have minimal knowledge of it, you enjoy it infinite times more. A project
similar to the one we are doing but adapted to their capabilities would be interesting for primary students,
as they get immersed in classical music, and it is much more interesting than learning theory only about it.
To finish, it was, of course, a magnificent experience to listen to the ensemble live, as you can perceive
little aspects that make a difference, but also, the crowd gives a plus in emotion.
Clara Serra, Clara Bolívar, Mar Martín, Lucía Pájaro

Clara Bolívar
The expectations I had regarding the concert weren’t really high as I am not really a fan of classical music
and I am not able to appreciate the good sound of instruments or good quality of the sound etc.
Nevertheless, my cousin plays the viola so I am kind of familiar with the strings family as I have listened
to her play a lot, so in that sense, I was excited to enjoy this live concert.
Regarding my experience, I had a really good time and I learned to appreciate more music and the work
the performers have to do when doing a live performance. I took a close look at all the details happening
during the performance and I believe it’s awesome how they all can play so well together and how
professional they were.
I believe that it’s interesting that children learn about classical music in this case but also about what
englobes music in general. Music can teach children very important and useful things.
Also, after experiencing a live music concert I have agreed that the emotions you can feel are inexplicable.
You feel like you are connected with music and with the performers, and you can feel and perceive not
only what you are hearing but also what’s happening around you, and this with recorded music doesn’t
happen. That’s why I prefer and would recommend other people to enjoy live music if they have the

Mar Martín

My first impresion of the concert was wonderful, not only because it was my first time having contact
with classical music, not to mention what is heard in class and in the soundtrack of some series. I find it
fascinating the aura of this type of concerts, the sophistication of the ambience, the feeling of being in a
concert with the high society of a city. For my it was being part of the royalty and going to a concert with
relevant people in society.
Focusing on the music itself, I really enjoy this concert. It was like the notes and sound played by the
performance captured my attention and make me feel like I was on a trance. It really captured my
attention. Also how professional the musicians were really impressed me, the coordination and the
subtlety made me feel like It was a dance, a choreography. Each time they change positions or disappear
to let their collegeues take the spotlight create a feeling of peace and order in me.
On the other hand, a thing that surprised me is that there was not a big croud, in fact, only the stalls were
occupied and a few loose seats in the boxes. This fact shocked me because I thought that more people
were interested in classical music and going to live concerts. That is the reason why, after experiencing
this concert I recommend going to life music concerts, because not only is a experience you have to feel
once in a lifetime, but also we have to support the musicians of our country so that they can continue to
create and grow.

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