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6, 2012

Sex and Life Expectancy

Joshua E. Seifarth, BHK; Cheri L. McGowan, PhD; and Kevin J. Milne, PhD
Faculty of Human Kinetics, Department of Kinesiology, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Background: A sexual dimorphism in human life expectancy has existed in almost every country for as
long as records have been kept. Although human life expectancy has increased each year, females still live
longer, on average, than males. Undoubtedly, the reasons for the sex gap in life expectancy are multifac-
eted, and it has been discussed from both sociological and biological perspectives. However, even if
biological factors make up only a small percentage of the determinants of the sex difference in this
phenomenon, parity in average life expectancy should not be anticipated.
Objective: The aim of this review is to highlight biological mechanisms that may underlie the sexual
dimorphism in life expectancy.
Methods: Using PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, and Google Scholar, as well as cited and citing reference
histories of articles through August 2012, English-language articles were identified, read, and synthesized
into categories that could account for biological sex differences in human life expectancy.
Results: The examination of biological mechanisms accounting for the female-based advantage in
human life expectancy has been an active area of inquiry; however, it is still difficult to prove the relative
importance of any 1 factor. Nonetheless, biological differences between the sexes do exist and include
differences in genetic and physiological factors such as progressive skewing of X chromosome inactivation,
telomere attrition, mitochondrial inheritance, hormonal and cellular responses to stress, immune func-
tion, and metabolic substrate handling among others. These factors may account for at least a part of the
female advantage in human life expectancy.
Conclusions: Despite noted gaps in sex equality, higher body fat percentages and lower physical activity
levels globally at all ages, a sex-based gap in life expectancy exists in nearly every country for which data
exist. There are several biological mechanisms that may contribute to explaining why females live longer
than men on average, but the complexity of the human life experience makes research examining the
contribution of any single factor for the female advantage difficult. However, this information may still
prove important to the development of strategies for healthy aging in both sexes. (Gend Med. 2012;9:390–
401) © 2012 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key words: biology, health, life expectancy, sex.

INTRODUCTION nization (WHO), however, an examination of 193

Considered an extraordinary constant of human countries for which data was available (Figure 1A)7
achievement, life expectancy has increased by ap- reveals that the gap in life expectancy between
proximately 3 months per year for the past 160 sexes is narrowing even though females still con-
years.1 This trend of increased longevity is ob- tinue to live longer than males.
served in both men and women, but a strong sex- Technological advances in health care have led
ual dimorphism exists in absolute human life ex- to treatments for illness and disease that would
pectancy. Women exhibit greater life expectancy have previously been debilitating or fatal (eg, hep-
than men,2– 4 and this sexual dimorphism holds atitis, polio, and smallpox). Likewise, advances in
true at all time periods5 and in almost every coun- both proactive and reactive health-care strategies
try, depending on which of the current reports is allow early detection and more effective treatment of
referenced.6 According to the World Health Orga- many illnesses, whereas pharmaceutical advance-

Accepted for publication October 11, 2012.

© 2012 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved. 1550-8579/$ - see front matter

J.E. Seifarth et al.

A ments increase the quality of life of individuals living

with chronic disease. These developments may be
responsible for the significant increases in life expec-
male:female life expectancy

tancy, improvements in mortality, and a greater
0.92 quality of life observed over time. The female advan-
0.90 at birth tage in life expectancy is obviously multifaceted, and
at 60 y this complexity becomes even more apparent when
0.86 the Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) is examined.
0.84 Globally, there is no correlation between the educa-
0.82 tional, economic, political, and health criteria that
0.80 make up the GGI and the male-to-female ratio of life
1990 2000 2009
expectancy at birth (Figure 1B). In nearly every
B country, a sex gap in life expectancy exists.
male:female life expectancy at birth

1.00 Recently, it was predicted that in parts of the

0.98 United Kingdom, a nation that ranks high on the
0.96 GGI (ie, closer to parity) and low in female mor-
tality, males born in the year 2000 who reach the
R2 = 0.0157 age of 30 will live as long as their female counter-
0.88 parts.8 These predictions were primarily based on
0.86 the convergence of life expectancy trends over the
0.84 past several decades and theorized to be mostly
0.82 due to modifiable societal factors such as a male
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 smoking habits and females participating in other
Global Gender Gap Index “unhealthy male behaviours.”8 However, it is im-
portant to note that women report greater prob-
Figure 1. Trends in sex differences in global life expec-
tancy. (A) Male-to-female ratio of life expec- lems in accessing health care at all ages,9 have
tancy at birth in 193 countries. Data were higher normalized levels of body fat,10 and report
obtained from World Health Organization lower lifetime activity levels compared with males
country statistics reported in the years 1990,
at all ages in nearly every country, including the
2000, and 2009 and are presented as global
means and SE. (B) Global male-to-female ra- United Kingdom.11 Consequently, although it wo-
tio of life expectancy at birth versus the uld be unwise to instead suggest that biological
Global Gender Equality Index in 131 coun- mechanisms alone are responsible for the female ad-
tries for which data were available for both vantage in life span, clearly human males and fe-
indices. Life expectancy values were taken
from the World Health Organization country
males differ in this regard. Here we argue that fe-
statistics most recent report (2009), whereas males possess a biological advantage in longevity
the Global Gender Gap index is a standard that is likely to continue as long as the sexes exist.
developed by the World Economic Forum
based on sex equity under educational, eco-
nomic, political, and health criteria.7 A value FEMALES POSSESS A GENETIC ADVANTAGE
of 1.00 would represent complete parity be- AT CONCEPTION
tween men and women. As such, the differ- Although not ubiquitous among animal species,
ence between 1.00 and the reported number
represents the sex gap. A bivariate correlation
the sexual dimorphism in longevity tends to favor
was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics Ver- the homogametic sex (eg, human females or avian
sion .20 between the Gender Gap Index and males) over the heterogametic sex (eg, human
male:female life expectancy at birth. A signif- males or avian females).12 Human males receive an X
icant correlation was not observed. Line of
chromosome from their biological mother and a Y
best fit and R2 are displayed for reference.
chromosome from their biological father, whereas
females receive an X chromosome from both par-

Gender Medicine

ents. This chromosomal constitution is primarily re- ine the implications. Further, genetic sex differ-
sponsible for biological sex, but has implications in ences are not limited to the nuclear genome. Mi-
the viability of the human organism. In females, tochondria are inherited from human mothers
shortly after conception, 1 X chromosome is ran- only, and, consequently, it has been proposed that
domly inactivated in each cell such that a 50:50 the mitochondrial genome is optimized for func-
distribution between cells expressing each chromo- tion with the female genome through natural se-
some typically results.13 lection acting predominantly on the mitochondr-
X chromosome inactivation typically protects ial-nuclear genome interactions in females.20 This
against a double dose of X chromosome gene ex- optimization of mitochondrial “fitness” in female
pression in females; however, it also protects fe- cells could confer a life span advantage given that
males against disadvantageous genes on 1 X chro- mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in
mosome. Potentially unfavorable genes on 1 X aging21 and disease such as cancer22 and cardio-
chromosome will only be expressed by half of the vascular and neurodegenerative diseases.23
cells in the female body. In contrast, all of the cells Even if only a small genetic advantage exists in X
in a male will be affected by an unfavorable gene chromosome dose/activation, telomere attrition,
on the single X chromosome. Indeed, the female and/or mitochondrial inheritance/selection, it is un-
biological advantage is most notable in infant likely that human life expectancy will reach sexual
mortality in which the death rates are higher for parity until the biological limits of life expectancy
male infants because they are more likely to expe- are attained.
rience the consequences of infection and congen-
Moreover, as females age, there is a progressive THE BIOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE OF MEN
skewing of X chromosome inactivation toward a AND WOMEN
predominant single cell line.15 Ratios ⬎90:10 have After conception and the genetic determination of
been observed in older females.16 Consequently, sex, the primary modulators of sexual development
inactivation of the disadvantageous X chromo- are the endogenous sex hormones testosterone and
some in 1 cell line affords females the ability to estrogen. Because women live longer than men, it
best defend against the physiological stresses of could be theorized that it is the relative concentra-
life and aging, thereby providing a growth or sur- tion of these hormones that may be responsible for
vival advantage over the heterogametic male. Al- the gap in life span. However, estrogen supplemen-
though evidence of progressive skewing of X inac- tation concomitant with the inhibition/removal of
tivation has been observed in other mammals,17,18 endogenous androgen (testosterone) production
evidence in humans is minimal, and more re- confers neither a benefit nor detriment in mortality
search is necessary to determine whether inactiva- or morbidity.24 The same is true of female-to-male
tion patterns across the life span actually confers a transsexuals in whom androgen is supplemented.24
health-based advantage. The reproductive theory of aging suggests that a
Nonetheless, the genetics of the female life ex- dysfunctional hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG)
pectancy advantage offers an area of novel discov- axis, and hence dysregulated sex hormones, is asso-
ery. For example, a recent review outlined sex and ciated with increased mortality in both men and
species differences in telomere biology and life women. Indeed, women who maintain reproductive
span.19 In brief, telomere attrition (ie, the progres- function later in life are more likely to live longer.25
sive decrease in chromosomal length that occurs However, hormonal balance across the life span is
with cellular division/replication and damage) is difficult to ascertain in a single individual, and re-
correlated with shorter life spans of several species placement of either estrogen in females or testoster-
of animals.19 In humans, adult males exhibit one in males to mimic natural hormone fluctuations
shorter telomeres than females.19 This is not the across the life span is difficult at best. Nonetheless,
case in all organisms, but it is not difficult to imag- the overarching influence of the sex hormones on

J.E. Seifarth et al.

Genetic Sex (XX)

tions decrease dramatically, there is a concomitant
(X chromosome dose/inactivation, reduction in bone mineral density in females. Males,
telomere attrition, mitochondrial inheritence)
in contrast, experience a much more gradual de-
Sex Hormones
crease in testosterone and do not exhibit the same
loss of bone mineral density. Not surprisingly, wo-
Oxidative Immuno- men are almost twice as likely to experience bone
Stress competence
fractures because of falls. However, even this phe-
nomenon is complex as far as life expectancy is con-
Favorable cerned. Women are no more likely to experience the
Lipid negative consequences of peripheral (eg, wrist, arm,
leg) fractures than men, and, in fact, in different
parts of the world, men exhibit higher mortality af-
HPA axis ter fractures than women.26,27


Figure 2. Contributing factors to the female biological
advantage in life expectancy. Genetic sex (ie, The relative amount and storage location of adi-
chromosomal constituency) identifies biologi- pose tissue is an outwardly distinguishable differ-
cal sex, but it is the hormonal milieu and local ence in the physiological comparison of males and
factors that ultimately determine gonadal and
females. There is abundant research that shows that
phenotypic sex. Nonetheless, random and se-
lective X chromosome silencing provide fe- an excessive amount of adipose tissue is related to an
males a genetic advantage by which dysfunc- increased risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortal-
tional or advantageous genes can be repressed ity.28 Further, adipose tissue is known to secrete adi-
or expressed, respectively, in female tissue. Fur- pokines, which have important effects on systemic
ther, recent hypotheses include reduced telo-
mere attrition and maternal mitochondrial in- metabolism.29 Given that, after correcting for body
heritance as genetic components contributing mass index, women have greater adipose stores than
to the female life expectancy advantage. After men,10 it would be a straightforward assumption
conception, different circulating concentrations that females carry the greater risk. Fortunately for
of sex hormones (ie, estrogen, progesterone,
females, this assumption does not hold true, as it is
and testosterone) underlie many of the physio-
logical differences between the sexes. Hor- apparent that the storage location of adipose tissue is
monal influences on female biology at the or- more important than the amount of tissue itself.
ganizational level in early fetal and childhood Men tend to store more fat in the abdominal
development, as well as after puberty, lead to
region, and women tend to store more fat in the
favorable differences in immune function, oxida-
tive stress and antioxidant status, lipoprotein hips, thighs, and buttocks.30 Likewise, women
metabolism, lipid storage and metabolism, the tend to have greater amounts of subcutaneous fat,
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress whereas men are more likely to accumulate vis-
response, and the ability of female cells to main- ceral adipose tissue at nearly all levels of body
tain integrity in the face of several stresses. A
fatness.31 Visceral fat, stored in the abdominal cav-
combination of these factors may be a compo-
nent of the female life expectancy advantage. ity around organs, has been implicated in a num-
ber of diseases including metabolic syndrome,32
coronary artery disease,33 obstructive sleep ap-
biological health cannot be discounted (Figure 2). nea,34 ischemic heart disease,35 and endothelial
For example, there is a clear sex- and hormone-based dysfunction.36 The increased risk of disease associ-
difference in bone health across the life span. Estro- ated with visceral fat has also been found in per-
gen and testosterone are important regulators of sons of normal weight.37
bone mineral density in men and women. After Two prominent hypotheses as to why excess
menopause, when circulating estrogen concentra- visceral fat confers more negative consequences

Gender Medicine

than excess subcutaneous fat implicate the differ- namic occurs because diabetes becomes more prev-
ing anatomic locations and secretions of the 2 alent with age, and women live to older ages than
tissues. Visceral fat stores have been shown to se- men, thereby leading to a greater amount of el-
crete greater amounts of inflammatory interleu- derly females with diabetes. It seems that although
kin-6,38 vascular endothelial growth factor,39 plas- the absolute number of women with diabetes is
minogen activator inhibitor-1,39 and C-reactive greater, relatively, men experience diabetes to a
protein.40 The combined result of these secretions greater degree.
is an increased incidence of metabolic syndrome,37 In addition to the storage of adipose tissue, fe-
systemic inflammation,38 and greater mortality in males tend to preferentially metabolize fats during
men and women.41 The implications of the differ- physical stresses, such as exercise.47 Although this
ence between adipose tissues become more severe would allow women to spare carbohydrates during
when the location of visceral fat is considered. exercise, leading to an advantage in long-duration
Visceral fat accumulates around the organs in the exercise, the ability to metabolize fats preferen-
abdominal cavity and is subject to an increased tially also appears important to cellular survival.
rate of lipolysis due to a greater amount of ␤-ad- Recently, it was shown that when male and female
renergic receptors and less ␣-adrenergic inhibi- neurons are subjected to starvation, male neurons
tion.42 An increase in free fatty acid (FFA) release experience significantly greater autophagy (ie,
from these tissues causes an influx of FFA to the liver controlled digestion of cytoplasmic material) and
where it circulates immediately through the portal death, whereas female neurons switch to a greater
vein. The increased FFA exposure has been shown to use of fats and survive.48 In humans, the relation-
increase prehepatic insulin production and to de- ship between the ability of female tissues to switch
crease hepatic insulin clearance, exposing the liver to to a greater proportion of fat use during metabo-
higher concentrations of insulin, leading to periph- lism and prolonged life is a novel area of investi-
eral hyperinsulinemia and reduced insulin sensitiv- gation for future research.
ity.43 Further, visceral adiposity is associated with
both hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance re- SEX DIFFERENCES IN LIPOPROTEIN
gardless of sex.44 Decreased insulin sensitivity is a METABOLISM
risk factor and symptom of type 2 diabetes, which A sexual dimorphism in body fat distribution is com-
leads to a lower quality of life and possible future plemented by a sex difference in systemic lipid trans-
complications. port and storage. For example, blood HDL concen-
Considering men tend to store greater amounts trations are maintained in females after puberty, but
of fat in the abdominal region and are more likely decrease in males, whereas LDL concentrations are
to experience abdominal obesity,30 it would seem lower in females across the life span with HDLs being
logical that they would be more likely to have larger in size.25 Moreover, LDL concentrations have
increased portal vein FFA concentrations and have been shown to decrease abruptly, whereas HDL con-
an increased incidence of the negative outcomes. centrations increase progressively, with increased
An interesting trend emerges when collectively ex- HDL apolipoprotein A-I and A-II levels, in estrogen-
amining sex-specific studies of diabetes preva- supplemented menopausal women.49
lence. Early investigations noted that in the In contrast, supplementation with androgens in
United States, the only major cause of mortality postmenopausal women has been shown to have
where women exhibit higher rates was diabetes the opposite effect: LDL concentrations increase,
mellitus.45 Further, it was the only serious chronic whereas HDL and HDL apolipoprotein A-I and
condition in which women exhibited higher mor- A-II concentrations decrease.50 Likewise, androgen
bidity than males. This is in contrast to more re- supplementation in healthy men may initially de-
cent investigations that showed that more women crease HDL-C and continue depression for the du-
have diabetes than men, but men have a greater ration of testosterone supplementation.51 Similar
prevalence of diabetes than women.46 This dy- results were found with androgen supplementa-

J.E. Seifarth et al.

tion in older men with low to normal endogenous sues are better protected against oxidative damage.
testosterone levels.52 Although supplementation The combination of the antioxidant properties of
studies may not directly mimic in vivo effects, the estrogen and associated up-regulated antioxidant
results of these investigations provide interesting genes in females could lead to more favorable han-
implications about the opposing effects of sex hor- dling of the cumulative oxidative attacks that occur
mones on lipoprotein metabolism. Even though a over the life span. For example, aging is associated
recent genome-wide association report removed with chronic states of molecular inflammation and
some of the associations behind increased HDL concomitant oxidative damage to cellular integrity.
and reduced cardiovascular disease risk,53 epidemi- Because skeletal muscle is high in mitochondrial
ological associations of this characteristic with im- density and oxygen flux, it is potentially exposed to
proved health and reduced mortality risk cannot higher amounts of oxidative stress. Males generally
be ignored. possess a greater proportion of fat free mass (notably
skeletal muscle), exhibit a higher resting metabolic
SEXUALLY DIMORPHIC MECHANISMS OF rate independent of body composition and fitness,63
COMBATTING OXIDATIVE STRESS and therefore potentially have a greater metabolic
The free radical theory of aging states that free flux of oxygen and electrons across the life span. The
radicals produced during cellular respiration cause aging-related loss of muscle mass (termed sarcope-
cumulative oxidative damage resulting in aging nia) is a major occurrence in the elderly and may
and death.54 Estrogens may provide antioxidant have oxidative injury– related causes. In elderly hu-
benefits due to their phenolic structure,55,56 but mans, women exhibit less sarcopenia than older
also because of a role in antioxidant gene expres- men.64 Although sarcopenia is not directly lethal, it
sion. This theory seems plausible because mito- is highly correlated with disability and mortality,
chondria from female rats exhibit higher antioxi- and it has been proposed that this observable phe-
dant gene expression and lower oxidative damage nomenon be used as a biomarker of aging.65
than those from males.57,58 Further, removal of the
ovaries leads to increased mitochondrial oxidant SEX DIFFERENCES IN IMMUNE FUNCTION
production, whereas estrogen replacement abol- A functioning immune system is paramount to
ishes this increase.57,58 adequate health and quality of life. Sex hormones
Additional evidence of the role of oxidative play an important role in the sexually dimorphic
stress in aging and a possible dimorphism between nature of human immunocompetence. In general,
sexes comes from the measurement of 16s mito- estrogens are considered humoral immunity en-
chondrial rRNA. 16s rRNA has been shown to de- hancers, whereas androgens and progesterone are
crease with age59 and in the presence of oxidative considered natural immunosuppressants.66 In fact,
stress.60 An investigation of sex differences in mi- laboratory studies of mice have shown that males
tochondrial rRNA expression in rats indicates sig- are more susceptible to infection than females,
nificantly higher expression in females (700% and this is attributed to differences in endogenous
higher than age-matched males), providing sup- sex hormones.67,68 Estrogen functions to modulate
port for the hypothesis that female mitochondria immunity via stimulating the production of anti-
function like that of younger males.57 Continued inflammatory cytokines69 and inhibiting the pro-
research to determine whether these findings hold duction of proinflammatory cytokines.70,71 How-
true in humans may reveal a key sex difference ever, a recent investigation in humans found that
that contributes to differences in longevity. women may be at higher risk for M2 macrophage–
In addition to estrogen, female rats have been mediated autoimmune disorders due to the ability of
shown to exhibit higher basal levels of the cellu- estrogen to increase T-helper type 2 responses.39 The
lar antioxidants manganese superoxide dismutase female advantage in infection resistance may serve
(MnSOD) and glutathione peroxidase in an estro- as a disadvantage when an immune response is ini-
gen-dependent manner.61,62 As a result, female tis- tiated against host cells. As such, males may be more

Gender Medicine

susceptible to infection, but females are more suscep- sponse to psychosocial stress tests provide contrast-
tible to autoimmune diseases. Although there are ing data.78,79
negative implications for both sexes, this tradeoff A collection of investigations examined the free
may still favor women. Mortality rates due to cardio- cortisol response to anticipation of an upcoming
vascular disease and cancer are orders of magnitude psychological stressor, speaking and mental arith-
higher than the best indication of rates of autoim- metic in front of an audience, and bicycle ergom-
mune disease mortality in women,72 and infectious eter exercise to exhaustion.78 Although the exer-
disease, but not autoimmune disease, is a leading cise protocol showed similar changes in the mean
cause of death globally,73 even though there is poor cortisol level between sexes, the psychological
identification of autoimmunity-related deaths. stressor of speaking and mental arithmetic in front
There is also support for the hypothesis that lower of an audience produced a markedly greater mean
androgen levels lead to a more robust immune sys- cortisol level response in males. In fact, the mere
tem.74,75 Compared with immune responses across 3 prospect of an upcoming psychological stress task
strains of gonadectomized male mice and normal produced a cortisol response in men, but not in
male mice injected with various antigens, female women.78 These findings provide insight into a
mice exhibited a greater immune response, but go- sexual dimorphism of the HPA axis stress response,
nadectomy significantly increased the immune re- but because the subjects were of adult age, the data
sponse of male mice.74 More recently, male gonad- may be subject to the sociological influence of
ectomy caused a more female-like immune response sex-based roles throughout the life span. Recent
to bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis compared evidence suggests that differences in cortisol stress
with control mice, whereas androgen supplementa- response may be abolished with age,80 which may
tion in female mice yielded a more male-like re- coincide with a narrowing of differences in endog-
sponse.75 These findings provide support for the enous sex hormones. Support for a physiological
possibility that decreased androgens may have a mechanism underlying the apparent difference in
more beneficial immunological effect than increased HPA axis stress response has been provided by a
estrogens. study of young children. An examination of the
cortisol response to corticotropin-releasing hor-
HORMONAL AND CELLULAR MANAGEMENT mone ingestion in male and female children 7 to
OF STRESS 13 years of age found that males exhibited a sig-
Stress, although an integral part of life, can have nificantly higher cortisol response.79
negative effects on the health and well-being of an At the organ and cellular levels, several notable
individual. For example, an athlete uses progres- differences in the ability of female cells to deal with
sive stresses on the body (eg, longer running du- cellular perturbations have been documented. For
ration, increased resistance training loads) to elicit example, female rodent hearts exhibit significantly
physiological adaptations that will lead to greater less infarcted area and dysfunction than males after
performance (eg, higher oxygen consumption, in- ischemia-reperfusion insult.61,81 Because cardiovas-
creased strength). When the body experiences cular disease is 1 of the top 2 killers of both men and
long-term exposure to a stressor or can no longer women worldwide, this observation is notable. This
successfully defend against or adapt to physiolog- observation has been attributed to increased basal
ical or psychological stressors, disease risk is in- levels of cellular antioxidants (MnSOD, noted previ-
creased. At the outset, it would appear that women ously), as well as heat shock or stress proteins (HSPs).
experience greater amounts of stress and suffer to a With respect to the latter, HSPs, in particular the
larger degree from it. Women subjectively self-report 70-kDa HSP (Hsp70), represent some of the most
more stress than men in response to a social stress highly conserved and cytoprotective proteins stud-
task76 and exhibit a higher incidence of stress-related ied to date. The expression of Hsp70 is increased in
depression.77 However, physiological studies of the several tissues in response to a wide variety of stresses
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress re- and subsequently protects those tissues from future

J.E. Seifarth et al.

insults. The major circulating estrogen, 17␤-estra- CONCLUSION

diol, appears to inhibit the stress-induced increase in The human species have experienced an almost
Hsp70.82,83 However, 17␤-estradiol itself has been constant increase in life span along with ever-
shown to elevate cardiac and skeletal muscle levels of improving qualities of life. Advances in health
Hsp70, a result that may account for a higher basal care and technology have assisted in treatments
level of this protein in females.84,85 HSPs can be of illness and disease that would have previously
transported (through either coordinated secretion or been debilitating or fatal while improving qual-
passive release) into the circulation and play impor- ity of life for those with chronic and/or terminal
tant roles in inflammation and immunoregulation. disease. Although this trend holds true for both
However, the function of these extracellular proteins
sexes, there is an apparent sexual dimorphism in
remains less clear. For example, in healthy adults,
both life expectancy that has existed as long as
women exhibit twice the concentrations of circulat-
records have been kept.6 Recently, it was pre-
ing Hsp70 as men,86 but centenarians and their off-
dicted that male children born in parts of the
spring exhibit very low levels of circulating Hsp70.87
United Kingdom in the year 2000 would match
In fact, the human Hsp70 gene is an aging biomarker
in life span or even outlive their female counter-
candidate. In human females, genetic polymor-
parts once they reached 30 years of age.8 This is
phisms in different Hsp70 genes appear to favor lon-
an interesting prediction because there are sev-
ger life. More research needs to be completed to
determine the significance of these findings, but, col- eral biological mechanisms that would suggest
lectively, they point to a sexual dimorphism in the the sex gap in life expectancy will continue as
hormonal and cellular response to stress, which long as the sexes exist. Even if biological mech-
could affect at least part of the female life expectancy anisms are estimated to make up only a small
advantage. portion of the cause of the life expectancy gap,
we believe that it is safe to theorize that al-
though males may approach female life expec-
tancy, parity is unattainable currently and in the
Increased female longevity in the face of the adver-
near future. The complexity of the human life
sities described here may serve as an indicator of
experience makes an examination of the primary
more favorable innate biological health compared
with males. If the longer life expectancy of females is contributors to life expectancy difficult. None-
accompanied by an equal or greater quality of life in theless, an examination of the sex differences in
aging compared with men, then this would be even not only human life expectancy, but human
more favorable. Although it was previously repor- health in aging will prove beneficial to both
ted that females exhibit greater morbidity than sexes.
males,88,89 these investigations must be interpreted
with caution. It has been shown that increased mor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
bidity among females is only consistently observed Mr. Seifarth was responsible for drafting the article
using psychological measures of distress, whereas and revisions. Dr. McGowan was responsible for
this relationship is less apparent, and sometimes re-
editing the article draft and final approval of the
versed, in physical symptoms and conditions.90
manuscript. Dr. Milne was responsible for draft-
Moreover, after controlling for marital status, age,
ing, editing, revisions, and final approval of the
living arrangements, psychiatric symptoms, and role
obligations, sex differences in health across many
demographics are shifted to a sex-neutral or female
advantage.90 –92 As such, when all factors are consid- CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
ered, it appears that human females have an advan- The authors have indicated that they have no
tage over males in not only life expectancy, but conflicts of interest regarding the content of this
physiological health–related quality of life. article.

Gender Medicine

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Address correspondence to: Kevin J. Milne, PhD, Faculty of Human Kinetics, The University of Windsor,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B3P4. E-mail:


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