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The Metalwerk Angels – Master Info

A relatively new booster gang operating out of the Electrowerkz Club in the Angel Islington.

Common: This gang is a fresh face on the streets but has made a big impact in certain circles. Made
up of highly cyber enhanced individuals, almost all what would be described as Cyberpsychos, the
gang exhibits traits/potential normally associated with organised crime but also cyber terrorism /
hacktivism. However, they have not yet been associated with any specific major crime or incident. It
is unclear at this stage what their primary motivation, allegiances and objectives might be. The group
tend to use motorbikes and style themselves consistently, with outlandish, outwardly visual cyber-
enhancements and a Nordic, leather clad style.

Rumour 1: The gang have very few connections that are known and have had a few run ins with
Syndicate Gangs. These have not gone well for anyone who has tried to get in the way of the Angels.
It is rumoured (but entirely unproven) that several incidents of multiple Cop homicide can be
associated with the MA’s too.

Rumour 2: They are known to frequent the Electrowerkz Club at the Angel Islington as their main
base to party, socialise and do business. They are minor drug dealers, rippers and mercs on the face
of things. Their presence has led to a change in the dynamic of that area, with a certain level of
freedom of expression and trade becoming prevalent, outside of the influence of more established
gangs. The area is becoming a no-go zone for other gangs, particularly anyone who is ‘normal’ or not
obviously cyber-enhanced and the Angels seem unusually disinterested in expecting anything in
return for their protection. This, and their skill with enhancements, is attracting like minded
individuals and those seeking some form of sanctuary. An atmosphere of ‘the more cyber, the
better’ is definitely pervasive.

Notable Gang Members :

Crimson Mask, Jackhammer, Fenris, Sawday, Chagga, Oblong, Candy Crush, The Grim.

Rumour 4: The Leader of the gang appears to be a mysterious and charismatic leader known as the
Crimson Mask. They are ably assisted by 2 ex-Killmatch fighters, Jackhammer and Fenris. They also
have an sports Celeb called Oblong and a world renowned Ripper called Candy Crush. Other gang
members: tend to be fairly extreme looking cyber gangers with motorbikes and attitude. Outward
and extravagant enhancements are the norm, with metal horns, exposed augmentation and flesh
combined and no attempt to hide the cyberware. They number at least 30 but the tribe seems to be
growing fast as people are attracted to what they see as the celebration of flesh made steel and no
limits augmentation. To date there have been no major Cyberpsychosis disasters associated with the
Angels but surely this is just a matter of time….
Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Crimson Mask : real name unknown, age unknown, is the defacto leader of the Angels. He/She is
always seen wearing a red death mask that covers their entire skull and little to nothing is known
about their life before the last few months. A very average size and build belies incredible speed and
strength, undoubtedly from significant mil-tech level enhancements. Crimson Mask exudes an air of
authority and fear that pervades the air around them and has been reported to be obeyed without
question by the other members of the group. There are suggestions of extreme pheromone control
and voice alteration tech to trigger obedience and emotional control. Known for their cool
demeanour and calculated approach, they have also been witnessed delivering harsh and swift

Jackhammer: real name Suzie Gamen, age 27, a brute of a woman with two entirely cybernetic legs
replacing the originals which were lost in a motorbike accident. Jackhammer is a mute and speaks
with her fists and particularly her metal legs, which also have huge retractable spikes in the toes. A
frightening and fierce fighter, who made her name in the Killmatch fighting pits before stopping
suddenly and joining up with the Angels. Acts as a bodyguard to the Crimson Mask and is never far
away from their side.

Fenris : real name Lars Fredrickson, age 30, a massive, bearded Scandinavian with a fully armoured
body and a huge hammer he carries with him at all times. The most obvious of the Angels to identify
and a Biker through and through. He loves his huge custom chopper and is often found tinkering
with it when not partying. He is known in the fighting pits and is rumoured to have killed seven men
by crushing their skulls with his hammer so severely that surgery was no longer an option. Was
arrested several years ago for involvement in a bar fight against a local Rollerball team. Fenris put
the whole team in hospital before he was restrained by 15 heavily armed and cybered cops. He
escaped custody on a technicality and some top level lawyering and since then has been a close
associate of the Crimson Mask.

Sawday: real name David Sawday, age 28, is a Fixer and wheeler dealer. He is known to be able to
retrieve information from a database like brain than has no right to be there. He seems to be a mix
of Fixer and Netrunner that is as unusual as it is valuable in one package. Sawday is lanky, pale and
solemn and wears a hood aften. He eschews his own motorbike and instead rides pillion with one of
the other gang members. He has visible facial tatoos and significant tech implants that merge into
one geometric façade that hides his emotional responses and is difficult for many to look at. Known
to enjoy drugs of all kinds and whilst usually quiet and reserved, has a very hot temper when his
opinions on a subject he considers himself expert on, are questioned. Previously ran with several
Syndicate gangs but these have all fallen foul of the law or significant violent incidents ….some
would say there might be a pattern in this. He is a bitter and callous man with scant regard for
human emotions or even life…..classic sociopath.

Chagga : Charles Gibney, age 55, is something of a London Legend. He used to work in the
destruction business – the Fred Dibner of his age. If it’s been legitimately blown up in London then
Chagga has probably had something to do with it and some say the same about the illegitimate… He
started to experiment with cyber enhancement a few years back, some say when he started to
experience shakes and jitters – not desired in his line of work. Now he has tools and devices
embedded all over his body that help him perform precision and rapid technical work. He is said to
be able to be a living dead mans switch – and no-one knows what would go off if he did die. He
disappeared from the scene a few years ago and only just turned up again with the Angels. A very
dangerous man to get on the wrong side of but by reputation a jolly fellow and raconteur after a few
whiskeys. Chain smoker – old school cigarettes!

Oblong : Obi Longolo, age 31, is a former Nigerian football player and celebrity. He was the most
famous African football star at one stage until it was discovered that he was playing matches with
illegal subdermal implants. After his fall, he succumbed to many of the vices of the rich and famous
and was slowly descending into decay and drunkenness. He re-emerged onto the scene as an
advocate for ‘self-enhancement as self-improvement’ and has used his impressive body as a host for
all sorts of high end cyber gizmos. He has spent his sporting fortune on his body and now can run,
jump and endure physical exercise better than almost anyone. Oblong is a fine physical specimen
and a good looking boy, if you can get past the extensive exo-skeleton and the smell of burnt flesh.
He still has a massive social media presence and has many followers who would like to believe that
cyber improvements have no limits. Oblong has fitted right in in the gang, complete with
uncharacteristic biker leathers and sporting full mutton chops. Oblong is the poster boy of the group
and is in charge of recruitment.

Candy Crush: real name unknown, age 30’s?, is the main Ripper in the group and someone of
supreme skill in the field of augmentation. Known as a savant of a Ripper and the chosen augmenter
of the rich and famous, Candy Crush has been a legend, a myth and ghost. No-one knows her
background or where she came from. With a flair for the aesthetic and the skill of a top surgeon,
Candy is very much in demand for her services. Her signature flamboyant, unapologetic ‘check out
the cyber’ look, combined with a safety record to be envied and an imaginative approach to use of
cyber tools mean that she is sought after by Cyberfans everywhere. Previously, this skill and
reputation had allowed Candy to remain independent and whilst many gangs and corps have tried to
get her under their wing, they have failed. Candy has been a legend for the last 10 years and so the
fact that she turned up within the Angels is something of a surprise to all. Candy is obsessed with
Baby Metal music and Candy Floss.
The Grim : real name Gareth Davies, age 28, is a nasty piece of work. He is also known as the Welsh
Warg and The Blade Itself. He is a knife fighter and hit man. No-one has ever proved he has killed
any of his many victims, but nor is anyone in any doubt that he has done for a lot of people. His
signature is to cut the faces of his victims with into bizarre and strange parodies of themselves after
death and pose them comedically. He has blades embedded into himself in all sorts of places and
has had his teeth replaced by rows of needle sharp metal blades. He is renown for his skill in stalking
silently and disappearing without a trace, utilising significant cyber implants to help him do so.

Rumour 5: No-one can fathom where the Angels get their significant funding, their equipment and
their ‘don’t give a shit’ confidence. If they continue to try to be apparently independent and strut
their stuff without obvious or visible backing from either a Corporate or Syndicate backer, then they
will surely come to the attention of bigger fish and be fried. And they must know this but yet they
continue to flick the bird at all who come knocking, including the law. What their plans are and how
they think they will survive in this hierarchical world, currently remains hidden. Perhaps they have a
significant backer lurking in the shadows…..

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 6: They are rumoured to be the source of a particular new violence inducing and enhancing
drug known as Red Mist, which shuts off all inhibitors to extreme violence, reduces pain sensors and
provides extraordinary strength and will. The results in normal individuals are startling and effective
and in highly combat enhanced cyberpsychos, is frankly devastating. This drug has only been
rumoured and hinted at by a few but those who have seen it in use are awestruck. The side effects
seem to be limited to a period of acute tiredness after use, which can be compensated for with other
drugs. If true, this drug would be simultaneously a significant threat to the authorities and a huge
potential money spinner in military circles.

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 7: The Angels are rumoured to be recruiting hard amongst the Cyber-enhanced and are said
by some to building towards something. No-one knows quite what. But anyone who knows the true
extent of their ambitious scaling up, are interested to know why…..

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….
Rumour 8: The reason that the Crimson Mask wears a mask is that their face was damaged in an
experiment that went wrong and they are horribly disfigured. This experiment was a drugs trial,
involving nanotech that turned humans into super-humans and extended their lives – with obvious
mil-tech connotations. No-one knows who Crimson Mask is or how they escaped the trials…..

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 9: The man known as Chagga has a rare form of terminal brain cancer. He cannot be treated
and has perhaps 6 months to live. He has rejected any treatment for the pain and any form of
intervention on his brain. The cancer could easily change his behaviour and could create
hallucinations or paranoid delusions. Since his diagnosis he has cut off all previous contacts and
disappeared from his usual haunts…..

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 10: The man known as Sawday has recently been seen with a very high level military official,
General Felix Carter. This is extremely unusual as military commanders rarely leave their secure
compounds and certainly do not meet with low-life like Sawday. They met in a high class brothel, in
a room hired by General Carter to meet with his long-term rented mistress. They were picked up by
an ongoing surveillance operation hoping to blackmail the General. The pair met, had an animated
discussion for several minutes and then parted. No sound was available – it was nullified by a local
anti-snooping device. The images were affected as well but small glimpses were retrievable and
enhanced at great endeavour.

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 11: The real reason that Oblong left football in disgrace was that he was found passed out in
his hotel room with 2 dead prostitutes. They had both been strangled. Oblong was high on a cocktail
of drugs and said he remembered nothing – but his hands and face were scratched. The Sporting
authorities decided that they didn’t need the scandal and so employed Panem et Circenses to cover
things up. A story around use of illegal sporting drugs was fabricated and the bodies were disposed

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 12: The Metalwerk Angels are in fact a MaxTac undercover Cop Op which aims to draw in
all the Cyberpsychos and freaks into one place before a massive sting operation cleans them all up in
one go. It’s a genius plan but one that could easily backfire.

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 13: The Electrowertz Club is the place to get your Cyber on right now! It’s selection of gear,
its outlandish style and the quality of the work there is just outta this world! They have this Celeb
Ripper there – the Legendary Candy Crush! This girl is the Ripper to the rich and famous and has
never been accessible before to the likes of you and me Choom. The prices are good and the vibe is
amazing. They even have some mil grade upgrades there for the right price…..

Edit note: please add opinion, bullshit, flavour to this rumour as you see fit….

Rumour 14:

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