Axe 2 English

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Axe 2: The meaning of strong product brand

While certain strategies and principles are effective, brands are truly relationships with the
public, which is an art in and of itself. I discussed the art and science of effective branding
with several brand consultants and business owners to get their thoughts. They shared five
characteristics you're likely to see in strong brands.

Strong Brands Have Authentic Personalities

"Strong brands have authentic, genuine and well-developed 'personalities,'" says Towan
Isom, the president and CEO of Isom Global Strategies, a Washington, DC based, award-
winning full-service strategic marketing and management firm.

Personalities have multiple components or elements, such as colors, services and tone of
voice. However, in strong brands, all those traits often work together to convey one message
about the “who" of the business.

Strong Brands Are Consistent

Consistency often equals trust, which is a hallmark of many strong brands.

Developing consistent and genuinely helpful services is imperative, says Sherron

Washington, the CEO of The P3 Solution, a marketing and communications firm. “The
absence of consistency…can hinder the ability to communicate an intended identity, which
leads to ineffective branding," Washington says. "Remember, good branding differentiates
you from your competitors, but great branding singles you out!"

Strong Brands Focus on Their Niche

As a business consultant, I am constantly discouraging the “jack of all trades, master of

none" business mentality. Not only can you come across as inauthentic and generic (which
can ultimately hurt your brand), but most customers love to know that you understand their
unique likes and interests. They want to know that you sincerely share those values.

When you know who you are, you will attract “kindred spirits" to the brand. And while you
may not capture every potential customer in North America, your brand will be
strengthened as a result of the real relationships it fostered.

Strong Brands Reflect The Communities They Serve

I believe that strong brands are those that capture the essence and loyalty of the community
they serve. Moreover, I think that brands that value service in thought and deed will knock it
out of the park with that community.

Devotion to people and enriching the lives of the community through a business is a goal you
often see in the most successful brands. While “giving back" is not essential to success, those
owners who organically adopt a service mindset embody gratitude for their clients. And
gratitude for your guests is a strong, sincere way to engender brand—and business, loyalty.

Strong Brands Create Excellent Products and Services

As business owners, sometimes we fall short on delivering excellence. However, when we

convey our sincere intention to strive for excellence through our communications, training
and consistency, our customers often appreciate that effort.

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