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ROLL NO :- 1827631
Question:1: what is personal selling? discuss its
objectives and activities in selling process ?
Answer:- Personal selling: I is also known as face-to-face
selling in which one person who is the salesman
tries to convince the customers in buying a product. It is
promotional method by which the salesperson uses his
or skills and abilities in an attempt to make sales.

Objectives of personal selling : long term objectives

1. To do the complete selling job when there are no
other components in promotional mix
2. To provide service to the existing customers and try
to maintain contracts with the present customers
3. Identify and fins new prospective customer.
4. Promote the products to increase sales
5. Provide the information to the customers regarding
the change in product line
6. Provide assistance to the customer to help in decision
7. Provide technical advice to customers for complex
Objectives of personal selling : short term objectives
1. Capture and maintain a specific market share
2. Increase sales volumes that help the organization to
gain maximum profits
3. Reduce or keep the expenses provided for personal
selling within limits
4. Obtain the percentage of customers as per the set
Activities in selling process
PROSPECTING : the first step of the personal selling
process it called ‘prospecting’. It refers to locating
potential customers. There are many sources from which
potential customers can be found :observation, social
contract, commercially-available mail list and cold calling.
PRE-APROACH : the next step of the personal selling
process is called by pre approach involve preparation for
the sales presentation. Research about the potential
customer such as market research. It is useful in
planning the right sales presentation the pre approach
The salesperson may also plan and practice sales
THE APPROACH: The next step in the personal selling
process is called the ‘approach’. The approach refers to
the initial contact between the salesperson and the
prospective customer. During this stage the sales person
takes a few minutes for “small talk” and get to know the
potential customer. The goal of the approach is to
determine the specific needs and wants of the individual
customer, as well as allowing the potential customer to
relax and open up.

SALES PRESENTATION : The next step in the personal

selling process is called the ‘sales presentation’. The sales
presentation involves the salesperson presenting the
product or service, describing its qualities and possibly
demonstrating features of the product. Ideally the sales
presentation will be individualized to match the needs
and desires of the potential customer.

HANDLING OBJECTIVES : In some cases, after

receiving the sales presentation, the potential customer
will have some questions or concerns. In order to secure
a sale, the salesperson must address these questions or
concerns; this step is referred to as ‘handling objectives.’

CLOSING THE SALE : The next step in the personal

selling process is referred to as ‘closing the sale’. ‘Closing
the sale’ refers to finalizing the sale and persuading the
potential customer to make the purchase. During the
‘closing the sale’ step, prices and payment options may
be negotiated.

FOLLOW UP : The final step in the personal selling

process is referred to as the ‘follow up.’ The follow up
involves the salesperson contacting the customer after
the sale to ensure that the customer is satisfied. If the
customer has any existing issues with the product, the
salesperson will address them. A successful follow up
stage of personal selling can be very effective in ensuring
repeat sales, evaluating the effectiveness of the
salesperson, and obtaining additional referrals from the
satisfied customer.

Question :2: write down the difference between

transactional relationship and consultative relationship?


sales in which the customer already known what he
need so little to no product knowledge is required on
the sales side these are product rather than service –
based . buying criteria usually hinges on price or ease of
acquisition. The values of lies within the product and
price becomes the primary selection criteria. Any
salesperson who hear price as an objection is selling


Consultative selling is a more complex, long-term process
involving collaboration of both buyer and seller, in which
the latter must first develop an understanding of the
customer’s business, industry, and needs, and then craft
a solution to help the customer achieve their objectives.
This is usually service or solution-based. The focus of
consultative selling is on value. It has less to do with what
the customer is buying and more to do with why. That is,
how does your product or service impact the customer’s
productivity, profitability, operating costs and downtime.
This type of sale, the consultative sale, places more
responsibility on the salesperson than simply discussing
the product and its price. It requires the salesperson to
know more about the customer, the goals they have for
their business, changes they want to make within their
company and the results they hope to achieve. It
requires the salesperson to make connections between
the product and the value it creates. It requires the
salesperson to make a compelling case for how he or she
can create real value and do so more effectively and
efficiently than the competition. Consultative selling is
particularly powerful when the customer does not know
what their goals are or how to achieve them. In this case,
the salesperson is more of a coach who guides customers
toward establishing goals and objectives and helps them
create action plans that deliver results.

Question :3: How effectiveness of leader can help in

motivating sales force ?
Answer : To be effective as a leader, a manager should
possess certain soft skills.

Delegation skills

Communication skills

Team-building skills

Administrative skills

Interpersonal skills

Delegation skills:- To be an effective leader, sales

manager has to learn to delegate responsibility to his sub
ordinates. What to delegate, whom to delegate depends
on the level of trust he has on subordinates. It helps in
enhancing the morale & commitment of the

Communication skills: Communication skills should be

able to clearly communicate to the sales force about the
market trends and organizational expectations. For giving
effective feedback effective listening skills are an equally
important component. Communication should be an on
going process.

Team-building skills: Team-building skills are much

important when sales persons are engaged in team

Administrative skills: This is to ensure the effectiveness

and efficiency of sales force irrespective of whether they
are concentrated or dispersed geographically.
Disciplinary skills to enforce discipline among

Interpersonal skills: These are required to interact with a

wide variety of people inside & outside of the
organization (peers, top management, subordinates and
stake holders). Good interpersonal skills help in
projecting a positive image of the company and sales

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