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AE-726 Heat Transf. Aerospace Appl., End-sem. Aut’2022, Max. time = 3 h. Max.

marks = 50 ____

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i) Write your roll no. & name above. Do not leave exam room until attendance is complete.
ii) Only non-programmable calculator w/o permanent hard-disk drive are permitted. Switch-off & keep away cell-
phones & other belongings; e.g. books, notes, etc. Use of unfair means can lead to unconditional disqualification.
iii) Symbols & abbreviations have their usual meaning in the context used in classes.
iv) Attempt in Q. paper by encircling the correct option in ink & return Q. paper after exam. Rough-work sheets
are to be taken away.

Q. paper has 50 MCQs each with 4 options ( a) – (d) & with only one correct option. All MCQs are compulsory.
Correctly marked option has +1 mark & incorrect marked option/s has penalty of -¼ mark. No penalty for not
attempting. Note: If option (c) is correct then +1 mark will be given only if option ( c) is selected, i.e. selection of
any other option/s [other than option (c) only] has penalty of -¼ mark.

Qs. 1) – 23) are on aerothermal modelling for TPS material for stagnation region’s nose-cap of reusable hypersonic
aircraft at altitude, H  40 km

1) Specific heat (S) of insulative TPS material for reusable hypersonic aircraft:
(a) is a thermal design property for the nose-cap, (b) can be lower than that of ablative TPS material, (c) both (a) &
(b) are correct, (d) None of these

2) Melting point of insulative TPS material for reusable hypersonic aircraft:

(a) should always be more than that of ablative TPS material, (b) is a structural design property for the nose-cap, (c)
both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

3) Insulative TPS:
(a) should have higher heat capacity than ablative, (b) should have least value of product of its density () and
thermal conductivity (k), (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

4) Stagnation region surface:

(a) should have emissivity, stag  1; (b) can have higher  than that of the insulative TPS material; (c) both (a) & (b)
are correct; (d) None of these

5) Ablation rate of ablative TPS is reduced by:

(a) reducing its density, , to as low as possible; (b) increasing its heat capacity; (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d)
None of these

6) Thermal drilling in stagnation region is prevented by using:

(a) ablative TPS material with moderate k, (b) ablative TPS material with as low  as possible, (c) both (a) & (b) are
correct, (d) None of these

7) For bilaterally symmetric nose-cap, plane of symmetry has:

(a) adiabatic boundary condition, (b) isothermal boundary condition, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

8) qcond (heat flow rate in [W] by conduction) between two neighbouring cells of discretized nose-cap is based on:
(a) cross product between interface area and direction of line joining centroids of cells, (b) interface area corrected
perpendicular to line joining centroids of cells, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

9) qcond between two neighbouring cells of discretized nose-cap is based on:

(a) Rth,cond (conduction thermal resistance) between the two cells in series; ( b) harmonic mean of k of the two cells, if
the cells are identical cubes (with same dimensions); (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d) None of these

AE-726 Heat Transf. Aerospace Appl., End-sem. Aut’2022, Max. time = 3 h. Max. marks = 50 ____

10)In steady-state:
(a) heat flow rate accumulation term in an interior cell can be non-zero, (b) net heat flow rate entering a surface cell
by conduction is zero, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

11)In steady-state, for interior cells:

(a) temperature in insulative TPS is uniform in thickness direction, (b) specific heat (S) of TPS material can change
from one cell to the other, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

12) In steady-state, for surface cells:

(a) wall temperatures are based on radiation equilibrium with convection, ( b) wall temperature is the same for all
surface cells, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d) None of these

13)In cruise flight:

(a) dynamic pressure based on freestream parameters is fixed, ( b) convective heat transfer coefficient at forward
stagnation point (hstag) is fixed, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

14)For thermally perfect model, reference temperature for forward stagnation point ( Tref,stag) depends on:
(a) specific enthalpy of air obtained based on Tw,stag, (b) specific enthalpy of air obtained based on T0, (c) both (a) &
(b) are correct, (d) None of these

15) For thermally perfect model, Tref,stag:

(a) is always higher than T0, (b) is always lower than Tw,stag, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

16) Eckert’s ref. temperature (Tref,fp) for flat-plate at 0 incidence for, M = 10:
(a) is always lower than, Tw,fp; (b) is always higher than recovery temperature, Tr = f(M); (c) both (a) & (b) are
correct; (d) None of these

17) Temperature at adiabatic surface based on lateral symmetry:

(a) is lower than Tw,stag, (b) is uniform everywhere on the adiabatic surface in cruise flight, (c) both (a) & (b) are
correct, (d) None of these

18) Aero-heating in hypersonic flow:

(a) increases with increasing freestream dynamic pressure; ( b) increases with decreasing H for same freestream
velocity; (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d) None of these

19) In stagnation region:

(a Tw,stag is lower for calorically perfect model than for thermally perfect model, (b) wall heat flux predicted is higher
for calorically perfect model than for thermally perfect model, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

20) Nose cap with combination of ablative & insulative TPS material:
(a) has the potential for weight saving, (b) has the potential for increasing payload capacity, (c) both (a) & (b) are
correct, (d) None of these

21)Peak nose-cap temperatures are (note: kSIRCA < kPICA, SSIRCA < SPICA):
(a) lower for nose-cap with SIRCA only than for with PICA only, (b) lower for the combination ‘PICA & Felt-quartz
(insulative TPS)’ than for with SIRCA only, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

22) For nose-cap:

(a) PICA has superior properties as ablative TPS relative to SIRCA, (b) SIRCA is used as insulative TPS as its k
increases with its temperature, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

AE-726 Heat Transf. Aerospace Appl., End-sem. Aut’2022, Max. time = 3 h. Max. marks = 50 ____

23)Peak nose-cap temperatures are:

(a) higher for the combination ‘PICA & Felt-quartz’ than for ‘SIRCA & Felt-quartz’, (b) higher for the combination
‘PICA & Felt-quartz’ than for nose-cap with PICA only, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

Qs. 24) – 34) are on gaseous medium participating in radiation, e.g. mixture of CO 2 & H2O vap.

24) Total emissivity (g):

(a) depends on the mole fraction of the constituent gases in the mixture, ( b) depends on the ratio of volume to
surface area of the enclosure of the mixture, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

25) :
(a) has SI-units [m1], (b) is a function of , (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

26) :
(a) = , (b) increases with increasing L (path-length), (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

27) Spectral optical depth:

(a) is a dimensionless quantity; (b) is the same as, ; (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d) None of these

28) If spectral scattering coefficient,  = 0, then:

(a)  = exp(L), (b) L = ln(1), (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

29) :
(a) is independent of , (b) is independent of spectral optical depth, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

30)If (Spectral Optical Depth)  , then:

(a)   0, (b)   0, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

31) :
(a) decreases with decreasing optical depth, (b) decreases due to increase in in-scattering, (c) both (a) & (b) are
correct, (d) None of these

32) For  > 0:

(a) ,out = ,in, (b)  is independent of , (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

33) Spectral optical depth:

(a) increases with increasing ,in, (b) is independent of ,out, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

34)In atmosphere:
(a) attenuation coefficient increases with decrease in altitude, (b) spectral optical depth (as measured from sea-level)
is higher in the direction of horizon than in the direction of zenith, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

Qs. 35) – 40) are for steady-state radiative transfer between two opaque grey surfaces, i, j.

35) Fi-j:
(a) depends on geometry of both surfaces, i,j; (b) depends on, i,j; (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

36) Radiation view resistance between i, j:

(a) is between Ji & Jj, (b) is between Gi & Gj, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

37) Radiation surface resistance for i (ebi = T i , Ti is in [K]):
(a) is between, ebi & Gi; (b) is between, Ji & Gi; (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d) None of these

AE-726 Heat Transf. Aerospace Appl., End-sem. Aut’2022, Max. time = 3 h. Max. marks = 50 ____

38)Rate at which, heat is to be supplied to surface i in [W] to maintain steady-state is:

(a) Ai(ebiGi), (b) Ai(JiGi), (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

39) q net , i =
(a) ei  iGi, where, e is emission flux in [W/m2]; (b) Ji  Gi; (c) both (a) & (b) are correct; (d) None of these

40) qnet,i-j in [W] is given as:

(a) AiFi-j (JiJj), (b) Aii(ebiGj)/(1i), (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

Qs. 41) – 43) are on fuel-oil heat exchanger in aero-engine.

41) Heat exchanger is used to:

(a) increase the viscosity () of lubricant oil, (b) cool the fuel, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

42) Heat exchanger is used:

(a) before starting the aero-engine, (b) to heat the lubricant oil, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

43) Heat exchanger:

(a) increases cycle efficiency, (b) is used for regenerative heating, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

44) Diffuse reflection of incident ray from grey surface:

(a) is as per Lambert’s cosine law, (b) strongly depends on the direction of incident ray, ( c) both (a) & (b) are correct,
(d) None of these

45) Radiation shield in aero-engine used in combat aircraft:

(a) is over the jet pipe, (b) reduces the temperature of rear fuselage, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

46)Wien’s Displacement Law is obtained as:

(a) integral of Stephan-Boltzmann Law, (b) derivative of Planck’s Law, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of

47)In Wien’s Displacement Law, b = 2897.6 m-K; then at peak = 1.9 m, corresponding gray surface (g = 1/2)
temperature (Tg) is less than:
(a) Tg < 726C, (b) Tg < 934C, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

48)General differential equation of heat convection:

(a) is obtained using an energy balance from energy conservation principle, (b) is a special case of the general
differential equation of heat conduction, (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

49) Increase in rms (root mean squared) speed of air-molecules at temperature above 550 K:
(a) decreases its Cp, (b) decreases its , (c) both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these

50) In external laminar forced air-flow convective heat transfer, rate of conduction heat transfer in air at the wall:
(a) is reduced by increasing the air-flow speed, (b) is reduced with increasing free-stream density of the air-flow, (c)
both (a) & (b) are correct, (d) None of these


Correctly Answered  1 Incorrectly Answered  1/4 Not Attempted  0 Total
No. of Qs. 50
Marks +  0

AE-726 Heat Transf. Aerospace Appl., End-sem. Aut’2022, Max. time = 3 h. Max. marks = 50 ____

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